7th Note

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7th Meeting Rules for Finding Derivatives (EMIEEEABW constant Function Rule If f(x) = k, where k isa constant, then for any x, f"(x) = 0: that is, Dik) = 0 [EMMA taentity Function Rule IC f(x) = x, then f"(x) = Is thatis, Dix) =1 [ENIEIETE rower Rule If f(x) = x", where nis a positive integer, then f(x) = nx"™'s that is, D(x") flx)= x8 fe ot Constant Multiple Rule If k is a constant and fis a differentiable function, then (kf)"(x) = K+ f"(x): thatis, D[k-f(x)] =k DF) In words. a constant multiplier k can be passed across the operator Dy. we a + PG) eax ¥0)= WR) = 7° ali= Fear = Ax [ENESMIEN sum rute If fand g are differentiable functions, then (f + g)'(x) = #"(x) + g(x): that DA p(x) + a(x)] = D.f(a) + Dys(x) In words, the derivative ofa sum is the sum of the derivatives. [EMME Ditrerence Rute Iffand g are differentiable functions, then (f — g)'(x) = f"(x) ~ g'(x)s that DAs) ~ a(x)] = Def(x) ~ Dass) The proof of Theorem Fis left as an exercise (Problem 54). [EMINEM Product Rute Iffand g are differentiable functions, then (F-a)'(x) = Fa)e'(2) + af (2) ‘That is, DU s(a)s(x)] = (2)Dag(x) + 8S) F< ft ls oe -£8% (e536) = rs eee Kak 4 ay see) - Fay) bso £ peas) FA) OA a be i Fenlo)- By) nomen Gakar * ~ org, BD) fe, eel u w a" ” AD AB S@Qr PO a®) 8 £G) = (x48) A 4x-9) File 2 \ Quotient Rule Let fandg be diferentabe functions with g(x) # 0.Then LY og) — SOFC) = F'(8) (Jo ) Thats, g(2)Df(x) = f)D.8() #3) Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions ‘The functions f(x) = sin x and g(x) = cos x are both differentiable and, D,(sin x) = 60s x Alom)= rs, sn oh) = =San = bs watch i wrx shen COX: ho = %n¥-6 cee | = cox = coe cok K = ene cse X= Gn)" x oan Tey be ve qohen we a ‘ey W-- ye. cre of Hee, Aeon The Chain Rule Let y = f(u) and u = g(x). Ig is differentiable at x and fis differentiable at u=g(x), then the composite function f » g, defined by (f © g)(x) = flg(x)).is differentiable at x and (F = 8x) = F(e(O)s"() Thats, DAF) = H(a(O)8"2) dy _ dy du phy am — pe = ax Ba = 3x4 —p o (23 £ ae ( 3) (® aon Gs yu ert , ° fess ola) = a(gxsi)-4 = 6 Gm) Fl)- «@n (se 1) f(a)= ¥n fs cos 4 at). oath S(Xje 3 (Fuj@ = Fee ule) = COS (gxn\)- “4 Tos (ari) a eye 2 (x tex)? a+ ) aot wo °3 (A= Oe at)” Higher-Order Derivatives f y D Leiaiz poy Noiation __Noiatin Notation __ Notation 5 ‘ a mem BO a Second re) ” by a 910 A . . ; * xt ‘Taira i) iy Dy ae 43-10 a mt tty ly , va 1a) yo Dy a Implicit Differentiation Find dy/ds it Ax’y ~ 3y = 0 ~ SOLUTION “Method 1 We can solve the piven equation explicitly for yas follows: War =3) 28-1 eri Thus, dy _ (4x? = 3)2*) = (28 = (88) _ 4x4 — 98? + Bx ax Gr = 3) Ge -3F Method 2 Implicit Differentiation We equate the derivatives of the two sides wy a =4ip- aa ay) = Ee - 1) We obtain, after using the Progluct Ryle on the first term, dy a welt wy ot y. al APB yee 3 9¥ 42 — 3) 32 - Bae = 3) = 3x - sry dy 3x ~8xy ax 43 9. Vixy +2ymyitay 1 xVyF 1 may tl AL xy + sin(xy) 12. cos(xy") ¥ (lose RAR IST) = = (599) sy 45° yok (srs 4 (9) Ex yn ay 3S" o Let rbe any nonzero rational number. Then, for x > 0, Daa) = rx" yn_be written in lowest terms as r= p/q, where q is odd, then Dax’) = rx" forall x Related Rates A Systematic Procedure Examples | and 2 suggest the following method for solving a related rates problem. Step I: Let t denote the elapsed time. Draw a diagram that is valid for all ¢ > 0. Label those quantities whose values do not change as ¢ increases with their given constant values, Assign letters to the quantities that vary with ¢, and label the ap- propriate parts of the figure with these variables. Step 2: State what is given about the variables and what information is wanted about them. This information will be in the form of derivatives with respect to ¢. Step 3: Relate the variables by writing an equation that is valid at all times r > 0, not just at some particular instant. Step 4: Differentiate the equation found in Step 3 implicitly with respect to t. The resulting equation, containing derivatives with respect to 1, is true for all ¢ > 0. Step 5: Atthis point, and not earlier, substitute in the equation found in Step 4 all data that are valid at the particular instant for which the answer to the problem is required. Solve for the desired derivative. EXAMPLE 1) A small balloon is released at a point 150 feet away from an ‘observer, who is on level ground. If the balloon goes straight up at a rate of 8 feet per second, how fast ince from the observer to the balloon increasing when the balloon iGo ect high) yz 50 aN . 3 Ee ee, (EEXAMPLE 2] Water is pouring into a conical tank at the rate of 8 cubic feet per minute. If the height of the tank is 12 feet and the radius of its circular opening is 6 feet, how fast is the water level rising when the water is 4 feet deep?

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