A Study of Arm Anthropometric Profile in Indian Inter University Basketball Players

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Koley et al.

: Arm anthropometric profile in Indian university basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 5(1): 35-40

Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences ISSN 1820-6301 Original article

2011, 5(1): 35-40 Received: 27 Aug 2010
UDC 796.323.2(540):572.087 Accepted: 29 Nov 2010


Shyamal Koley, Jarnail Singh & Satinder Kaur
Department of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, INDIA.

Abstract The purpose of this study was threefold: firstly, to evaluate the arm anthropometric profile of Indian
inter-university basketball players; secondly, to search for the correlations among these arm anthropometric
characteristics; and thirdly, to search for the association of handgrip with arm anthropometric characteristics in
Indian inter-university basketball players. Three anthropometric characteristics, nine arm anthropometric
characteristics, and grip strength of both right and left hand were measured on randomly selected 60 Indian
inter-university basketball players (35 males and 25 females, aged 18–25 years) of six universities, who
participated in the Inter-university Championship organized at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab,
India. An adequate number of control subjects were also taken from the same place for comparisons. The
results indicated statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05 - 0.01) differences between the male basketball players and
the controls in height, right handgrip strength, upper arm, forearm and total arm length, whereas no significant
differences were found between the female basketball players and the controls. Highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) sex
differences were found in the basketball players in almost all the variables studied (except BMI and arm fat
area). Significant positive correlations were noted among the arm anthropometric characteristics studied (except
arm fat area and arm fat index), and with right and left handgrip strength.

Key words: Arm anthropometric characteristics, handgrip strength, Indian inter-university basketball players

Basketball has gained tremendous popularity worldwide because of its dynamic characteristics as a team sport [19].
In this ball game, players generally are to cover about 4500-5000m during the 40-min game which requires a variety
of multidirectional movements, e.g. running, dribbling, shuffling of positions and jumping [13]. It has been well
established that specific physical characteristics or an anthropometric profile indicate whether a player would be
suitable for the competition at the highest level in a specific sport [2, 10, 12, 17, 31, 33, 34]. In fact, the information
regarding the anthropometric status of an athlete is essential for two main reasons, firstly, to design an effective
training program, and, secondly to select the event-specific talents in the athletes. Some anthropometric
characteristics, e.g. length and breadth measurements, are genetically determined and can hardly be changed with the
effects of a training program. Various anthropometric characteristics were found to be closely associated with excellent
performances [28]. In endurance games like basketball, a number of anthropometric variables have been reported to
have an effect on endurance performance: body weight [6, 32], BMI [18], body fat [18], length of the upper leg [36],
length of limbs [21], height [6, 26], thigh girth [36], total skinfolds [6] and skinfold thickness of the lower limbs [4, 25].
Although the game of basketball was invented and developed in North America, it has become one
of the most popular sports around the globe [42]. During competitions and practice sessions, players are to
involve in heavy schedules, which requires careful short- and long-term planning of their training programs
[42]. Several studies have examined the relationships between the anthropometric characteristics of
basketball players [1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 22, 24, 29, 30, 40]. It was reported that top teams’ players were taller and
had a longer arm span compared with bottom teams’ players who took part in 1994 Women’s World
Basketball Championship [42]. Greek elite female players were also taller and leaner than their handball
counterparts [9]. In male players too, moderate skilled level players weighed less and were shorter in
stature than top level players [40]. It was also reported that elite female basketball guards had greater
mesomorphy than centers and less ectomorphy than forwards or centers [11]. However, the arm
anthropometric study of the basketball players remains largely unreported.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the arm anthropometric characteristics in Indian inter-university
basketball players and the correlations among the characteristics studied. In order to evaluate the physical

Koley et al.: Arm anthropometric profile in Indian university basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 5(1): 35-40

characteristics of the hand, the grip strength was chosen as one of the indicators of hand functions. In fact,
in case of any overhead game, extensor as well as flexor muscles of the arm and the hand have
considerable influence on the success. Another objective of the study was to search the correlation of
handgrip strength with the arm anthropometric characteristics studied.


The present cross-sectional study was based on randomly selected 60 Indian inter-university basketball
players (35 males and 25 females) aged 18–25 years (mean age 17.69 years, ± 1.56) of six Indian
universities, namely Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjabi University, Patiala, Guru Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar, Delhi University, Delhi, Kurukshretra University, Kurukshreta and Himachal Pradesh University,
Shimla, who participated in the Inter-university Championship organized in Guru Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar, Punjab, India. An adequate number of controls (n = 102, 52 males and 50 females, mean age
17.76 ± 2.11 years) with no particular athletic background were also collected from the same place for
comparisons. The age of the subjects was recorded from the date of birth registered in their respective
institutes. A written consent was obtained from the participants to participate in this study, which conformed
to the Declaration of Helsinki. The data were collected under natural environmental conditions in the
morning (between 8 am to 12 noon). The study was approved by the local ethical committee.

Three anthropometric characteristics, viz. height, weight and BMI, nine arm anthropometric characteristics,
viz. upper arm length, forearm length, total arm length, upper arm circumference, arm muscle area, upper
arm area, upper arm bone-free muscle mass, arm fat area and arm fat index, and grip strength of both right
and left hands were measured on each subject using standard techniques [23] by the same investigators
and were measured in triplicate with the median value used as the criterion.
The height was recorded during inspiration using a stadiometer (Holtain Ltd., Crymych, Dyfed, UK) to
the nearest 0.1 cm. The subject was asked to stand erect on the stadiometer barefoot. The horizontal bar of
the stadiometer was placed on the subject’s vertex and the readings were recorded. The weight was
measured by digital standing scales (Model DS-410, Seiko, Tokyo, Japan) to the nearest 0.1 kg. The
subject was asked to stand erect on the digital weighing machine barefoot and with minimum clothes on.
The readings were recorded from the scales of the digital weighing machine. The BMI was then calculated
using the formula weight (kg) / height2 (m).
The triceps skinfold was measured on the back of the upper arm over the triceps muscle using
Harpenden skinfold caliper (Holtain Ltd, Crosswell, Crymych, UK) to the nearest 0.2 mm. The arm girth was
measured from the mid of the upper arm by a flexible metallic tape (Holtain Ltd) from the right side of the
subject. The arm muscle girth, the arm-muscle area, the arm area, the arm fat area and the arm fat index
were then calculated using standard methodologies [27] as:
Arm muscle girth (cm) = G arm – (Π Skin fold triceps); Arm muscle area, cm2 = [G arm - (Π Skin fold triceps)]
/ 4 Π; Arm area (A), cm2 = (G arm) 2 / 4 Π; Arm fat area, cm2 = arm area – arm muscle area; Arm fat index, % fat
area = (arm fat area / arm area), where G arm = Arm girth.


The grip strength of both right and left hands was measured using a standard adjustable digital handgrip
dynamometer (Takei Scientific Instruments Co., LTD, Japan) at standing position with the shoulder adducted and
neutrally rotated and the elbow in full extension. The dynamometer was held freely without support, not touching
the subject’s trunk. The position of the hand remained constant without the downward direction. The subjects
were asked to put maximum force on the dynamometer thrice from both sides of the hands. The maximum value
was recorded in kilograms. All subjects were tested after 3 minutes of independent warm-up. Thirty seconds’ time
interval was maintained between each handgrip strength testing [8]. The instruments were calibrated prior to use
and all measurements were taken on the subject’s right side.

Standard descriptive statistics (Mean ± Standard Deviation) were determined for directly measured and
derived variables. One way analysis of variance was tested for the comparisons of data among the Indian
inter-university basketball players and the controls (both males and females), followed by post hoc
Bonferroni test. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were applied to establish the relationships among the
variables measured. The data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version
17.0. A 5% level of probability was used to indicate statistical significance.

Koley et al.: Arm anthropometric profile in Indian university basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 5(1): 35-40

Descriptive statistics of various anthropometric and arm anthropometric characteristics in the Indian inter-
university basketball players and the controls are given in Table 1. Statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05 - 0.01)
differences were noted between the male basketball players and their control counterparts (not shown in
the table) in height (t=2.12), right handgrip strength (t=2.25), upper arm, forearm and total arm length
(t=3.54, 2.77 and 4.17 respectively), whereas no significant differences were found between the female
basketball players and the controls. Highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) sex differences were found in the
basketball players in almost all the variables studied (except BMI and arm fat area). One way ANOVA
showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.01 - 0.000) in all the characteristics studied (except BMI and arm fat
area) among these four sets of data.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of various anthropometric and arm anthropometric variables among Indian inter-
university basketball players

Basketball Basketball Control males Control

males (n=35) females (n=25) (n=52) females (n=50)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Height (cm)** 174.03 9.16 160.32 7.41 170.62 5.88 159.17 6.05
Weight (kg)** 66.11 12.3 53.88 7.56 64.38 11.03 51.83 8.97
BMI (kg/m )
21.70 9
2.82 20.92 2.46 22.15 3.56 20.46 3.80
Upper arm length (cm) * 30.89 2.45 27.72 2.57 28.77 2.91 28.19 2.49
Forearm length (cm)* 29.51 2.02 25.64 2.18 27.71 3.47 26.04 1.88
Total arm length (cm)* 79.16 5.39 71.48 5.33 75.04 3.82 70.82 3.76
Arm circumference (cm)* 27.14 2.97 24.76 1.58 26.97 2.91 24.52 2.99
Upper arm muscle area cm )* 40.61 9.92 28.07 3.93 39.86 10.32 29.39 8.39
Total upper arm area (cm )* 59.29 12.93 48.96 6.21 58.54 12.77 48.56 11.96
Upper arm bone free muscle area (cm )* 30.61 9.92 21.57 3.93 29.86 10.32 22.89 8.39
Arm fat area (cm ) 18.69 7.45 20.89 4.77 18.68 6.86 19.17 8.20
Arm fat index* 31.19 9.15 42.43 6.50 32.00 9.25 38.95 11.47
Right handgrip strength (kg)** 37.49 8.41 24.78 4.85 41.11 6.57 24.25 4.24
Left hand grip strength(kg)** 36.99 8.27 24.20 3.51 38.62 6.40 22.45 4.18
* significant at 0.01 - .02 level, ** significant at .001 - .000 level

Table 2. Inter-correlation matrix of selected anthropometric and arm anthropometric variables among Indian inter-
university basketball players

HT .785** .207 .741** .767** .909** .564** .651** .569** .601** .018 -.381** .759** .709**
WT .763** .552** .669** .675** .858** .756** .862** .742** .386** -.151 .743** .676**
BMI .102 .267* .128 .762** .495** .758** .520** .602** .170 .371** .315**
UAL .583** .804** .461** .577** .474** .536** -.037 -.391** .552** .583**
FAL .754** .537** .561** .549** .491** .123 -.279* .647** .633**
TAL .486** .590** .495** .541** -.020 -.379** .677** .634**
UAC .825** .998** .830** .524** -.098 .662** .620**
AMA .833** .989** -.045 -.626** .855** .796**
UAA .838** .515** -.105 .668** .629**
UABFMA -.017 -.584** .819** .749**
AFA .779** -.117 -.097
AFI -.612** -.577**
RHGS .937**
* Significant at 0.05 level; ** Significant at .01 level; HT= Height, WT = Weight, UAL = Upper arm length, FAL = Forearm length, TAL =
Total arm length, UAC = Upper arm circumference, AMA = Arm muscle area, UAA = Upper arm area, UABFMA = Upper arm bone-free
muscle area, AFA = Arm fat area, AFI = Arm fat index, RHGS = Right handgrip strength, LHGS = Left handgrip strength.

Koley et al.: Arm anthropometric profile in Indian university basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 5(1): 35-40

Bivariate correlations of the arm-anthropometric characteristics were examined in the Indian inter-university
basketball players and shown in Table 2. Height has significantly positive correlations (p ≤ 0.01) with all the
variables studied (except BMI and arm fat area, and is negatively correlated with arm fat index), weight with
all the variables (except arm fat index), BMI with all the variables (except upper arm and total arm length,
and arm fat index), upper arm, forearm and total arm length with all the variables (except arm fat area and
negative correlations with arm fat index). Arm muscle area has significantly positive correlations (p ≤ 0.01)
with all the variables (except arm fat area and negative correlation with arm fat index), arm area with all the
variables (except arm fat index), upper arm bone-free muscle area with grip strength of both the hands and
negative correlations with arm fat index. Arm fat area and arm fat index have significantly negative
correlations (p ≤ 0.01) with grip strength of both the hands and positive correlations with arm fat index. In a
nutshell, hand grip strength was positively correlated with all the arm-anthropometric variables while arm fat
area and arm fat index were negatively correlated with almost all the variables studied.


Ball games require comprehensive abilities including physical, technical, mental and tactical ones [8].
Among these, physical abilities exert marked effects on the skills of the players themselves and the tactics of the
team [8]. In the basketball game, the upper arm and the forearm generate adequate force with the contraction of
the shoulder and arm muscles [7]. Arms act like a leverage and the integrity of the shoulder and elbow
complexes completes the desired task [7]. There is more movement possible at the shoulder joint than at any
other joint in the body. Over 1600 positions in three dimensional space can be assumed by the shoulder [7]. The
price to be paid for such an extreme range of movement is an inherent lack of stability. To achieve peak
performance during overhead activity, there must be optimal balance between mobility and stability [7].
Though findings were reported regarding the anthropometric characteristics of basketball players [1, 3, 5,
8, 9, 22, 24, 29, 30, 40], the arm anthropometric study of the basketball players remained less researched.

In basketball, where teams compete by handling the ball above the head, height is considered to be the
most important physical attribute [39, 11]. In the present study, the mean height and weight in the male
basketball players (174.00 ± 9.16 cm and 66.11 ± 12.39 kg respectively) were lesser than in the male
basketball players of the Indian national team (185.6 ± 13.1 cm) [35], players of Greece (199.50 ± 6.2 cm
and 95.5 ± 8.8 kg, respectively) [3], USA (192.40 ± 11.7 cm, 91.9 ± 17.5 kg, respectively) [29], Italy (194.2 ±
6.5 cm, and 94.7 ± 8.7 kg, respectively) [40] and Australia (188.8 ± 7.2 cm and 82.7 ± 7.3 kg, respectively)
[41], while in female players, the mean height and weight (160.30 ± 7.41 cm and 53.88 ± 7.56 kg,
respectively) were lesser than in the Greek (174.70 ± 7.8 cm and 71.50 ± 10.1 kg, respectively) [9] and
American players (174.20 ± 9.00 cm and 66.90 ± 5.8 kg, respectively) [29]. In the study, significantly lesser
height among the Indian inter-university basketball players might be disadvantageous for them in attaining a
good jumping height as their center of gravity would be comparatively lower. In tall players, proportionally
longer extremities are beneficial to reach the basket. Some authors opined the height as an important
condition of sports talents in such events that require it [38], and the presence of tall players was an
indispensable element in success as a team [39]. Significantly positive correlations with height and all linear
measurements of the arm showed proportionality in the basketball players.

Though male basketball players have greater mean values for all the variables than their control counterparts,
female players had no significant differences than their control counterparts. These differences in male basketball
players might be due to a more intensive training program. Highly significant sex differences found in basketball
players in almost all the variables might be due to physical and physiological differences between the two sexes.
Due to lack of adequate literature, the present data were not compared. All the arm anthropometric
characteristics had significantly positive correlations among themselves, except arm fat area and arm fat index,
highlighting structural and functional homogeneity among the arm anthropometric characteristics. Arm fat area
and arm fat index were inversely correlated with the other variables, following the equations that greater the
muscle mass, the lesser the fat mass would be. So, it may be concluded that arm anthropometric information
would have immense academic value in the identification of sport talents in overhead games such as basketball.

In basketball players of both sexes, hand grip strength (right dominant) was reported to be higher than in
controls, showing biomechanical advantages in the game. Regarding the hand grip strength of the players
of other sports events, it was reported that the hand grip strength values of Indian inter-university male
Kabaddi (an ancient Indian rural game) players were higher in comparison to those of Indian footballers and
hockey players of the same sex [14]. In cricket, male players had the higher mean value for this trait (35.86

Koley et al.: Arm anthropometric profile in Indian university basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 5(1): 35-40

± 7.07 kg) as compared to controls (32.39 ± 7.91 kg) [20]. In basketball, all the extensor and flexor muscles
are responsible for the overhead activities. Passing, dribbling and shooting are the fundamentals of
basketball, which requires adequate strength of the entire upper extremity [16, 37]. In fact, hand grip
strength reflects overall physical strength of an athlete [15]. Hand grip strength was reported to have strong
positive correlations with all the arm anthropometric characteristics (except arm fat area), showing
functional efficacy of arm length, arm area, and arm muscle area to generate adequate strength.

The data presented in the present study carry immense practical applicability and should be useful in future
investigation on player selection, talent identification in basketball and training program development.

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Address for correspondence:

Corresponding author:
Dr. Shyamal Koley, Associate Professor,
Department of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy,
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar – 143005,
Punjab, INDIA.
Phone: +91 0183 2258802-09, Ext. 3338 (Work); +91 0183-2451024 (Home).
Fax: +91 0183-2258820.
E-ma il: drkoley@yahoo.co.uk; drskoley@gmail.com


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