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Module 3: Managing Team & Leadership

1. Find out the importance of managing an effective workgroup.

Workgroup effectiveness is the capability (of different groups that exist within an
organisation) of producing a desired result/output. The importance of managing
these effective workgroups are-
1. Increase managerial awareness- Managers can understand dynamics
(such as functions of different individuals, nature) of various groups.
2. Develop group norms- Managers can help in developing norms that are
compatible with organizational objectives.
3. Understanding pressure of conformity- Employees must follow a
procedure and shall enjoy sufficient freedom for innovation.

2. What are the barriers to managing a work team, multicultural team?

The increasing trend of globalisation causes the formation of teams within an

organisation that includes employees from different backgrounds
(communities, states and nations). This cultural difference in a work team can
lead to conflicts. The barriers of managing work team, multicultural team are-
1. Communication- Cultural differences in communication cause conflicts
(direct communication vs indirect communication).
2. Language- Barriers such as accent, fluency, egalitarianism and non-
egalitarianism can lead to conflicts or a feeling of being left out.
3. Cultural differences- Cultural differences in everyday team activities
(interaction, decision-making, communication among team members.
3. Explain the role of leadership needs in the 21st Century.

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group to lead, influence or guide

other individuals or groups of the organisation. Role of leadership needs in 21 st
century are as follows-
1. Establish new paradigms- Crucial changes in the organisation will be
needed to make the transition happen, incremental changes will not
bring evolution.
2. Multicultural expectations and needs- Interpersonally competent,
sensitive, and extremely aware leader who understands the needs of a
diverse workforce.
3. Visionary- A leader must be visionary since business environments are
highly dynamic.
4. Value-based leadership- A common set of values in all employees and
managers will help in improving cohesiveness and willingness to work
towards a common objective.

4. With reference to motivational and leadership theories, what steps could be

taken to build staff confidence?

With respect to motivational and leadership theories, there are certain steps
which could build staff confidence:-
Be realistic about employees’ strengths and weaknesses- By being objective,
you can help them understand in what areas they’re proficient, as well as
which of their skills need improving. With this type of transparent feedback
and support, even the most insecure employees can benefit from your honest
insights and learn to trust in themselves.
Acknowledge improvement- Keep a close eye on your employees’ work so you
can monitor their progression and show them how they’re improving. When
employees realize you acknowledge their positive development, they’re much
more likely to embrace future challenges with a can-do attitude.
Celebrate successes- When employees perform well, celebrate it by thanking
them for their contributions. If appropriate, you can even do this in a team
meeting or email update. The results are a win-win for you and your
Assign stretch assignments- By giving your employees incrementally more
challenging tasks and providing constructive feedback, you can help them
develop their existing skills and learn new ones. Remember: There’s nothing
like a string of accomplishments that are built upon newly acquired skills to
bolster an employee’s confidence.

5. Elaborate the challenges of multicultural team management?

There are many challenges in multicultural team management-

Language Barriers- The words we use and how we speak are tools we use to
express our opinions, hopes, and visions. We are all tied to our language. This is
why visiting a foreign country where the natives speak a different language can
be challenging.
Consider managing a multicultural team in which many members talk a
different language. You must not only ensure that they understand company
procedures and policies. But, you must also ensure that everyone has an
effective way to communicate with one another.
Cultural Differences- Similar to the language barrier, people from Eastern
cultures will have varying cultural norms from those in a Western culture. For
instance, a Western manager may seem too assertive, loud or direct for a team
member from Japan or other Asian countries where requests are made more
politely and indirectly. These cultural barriers can lead to confusion among
team members and, in the worst-case scenario, a lack of cohesion. In another
example, Americans may come across as more informal and casual with the
employee and manager relationship where someone from a place like Japan
would prefer or is used to more formal constructs.
Style of Communication- Cultures have different styles of communication. As
mentioned earlier, American managers tend to be more aggressive and
straightforward than their Easter counterparts. For some team members, this
can come across as too direct. This can also relate to cultural norms of each
member of your multicultural teams.
Challenege of motivating culturally diverse team- The perception of
motivation may vary from one culture to another. What can be motivating for
you may be regarded as de-motivating for people from another culture. Trying
to enforce a universal motivation and reward system based on norms and
culture of your company may actually backfire and you may experience decline
in employee satisfaction and efficiency level. Similarly, some people perform a
lot better when they are left on their own to figure out how to get the job done
while people from other cultures may find themselves groping in the dark
unless the manager defines a clear roadmap for them on how to do their job.

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