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Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering

Part : 2
Well Logging

Petroleum Engineer
Abbas Radhi Abbas
Iraq / Missan / 2020

Part-1 open hole logging
1.Introduction to Conventional Open Hole Logging

2.Type of Conventional Open Hole Logging

3.Log interpretation for Conventional Open Hole Logging

4. Logging procedure in well site

5. High technology log

Contents 6. Well logging in horizontal wells

Well logging
Part-2 Cased hole logging

1.Introduction to cased hole logging

2.Cement Logs ( CBL , SBT ,URS ,RIB , RBT,CAST , USI , SCMT)

3.Casing inspection log ( MIT , MFC)

4.Spectral Noise Tool ( SNL) & production logging tools (PLT)

5.Saturation Log
Part 1
Open Hole logging

Contents of open hole logging

1. Introduction to conventional open hole logging

2. Type of Conventional Open Hole Logging
 Lithology log ( SP , GR )
 Porosity Log ( sonic , density , neutron )
 Resistivity log ( MSFL , DLL , Induction )
 Caliper log
3. Log interpretation
4.Logging procedure in well site
5. High technology log
6. Well logging in horizontal wells

(1) Introduction to conventional
open hole logging

Define of well logging

A wireline log is the product of a

survey operation, also called a
survey, consisting of one or more
curves. which provides a permanent
record of one or more physical
measurements as a function of
depth in a well bore. Well logs are
used to identify and correlate
underground rocks, and to
determine the mineralogy and
physical properties of potential
reservoir rocks and the nature of
the fluids they contain. In general a
log is the physical paper recording
the information, however it has
come to also mean digital curves.
Open hole and cased hole meaning

casing Hole

cased hole open hole

logging tools logging tools


cased Hole Logging. Open Hole Logging.

Well logging

Open Hole logging Cased Hole logging

Conventional log High tech log Cased Hole logging

1. Lithology logs 1.Cement evaluation log :
 SP 1. Nuclear magnetic
resonance log  normal CBL , VDL , GR ,
 GR
2. Porosity logs :  Image cement evaluation
 Density 2. Modular dynamic SBT
 Neutron URS
formation tester
 Sonic RIB
3. Resistivity logs : 3. Full bore USI
 in Water base Formation Micro USIT
mud ( MSFL & Imager(FMI) SCMT
 In oil base mud 2. production logging tools
use induction ( 4.Sidewall core (SWC)
( PLT)
5. Vertical seismic 3. saturation log ( RST ( sigma ,
4. Caliper log profile (VSP) C/O ) , PNN , TDT)
. 4. Casing inspection log
( MFC , MIT )
5. SNL (SPECTRAL noise log ) 8
SP : spontaneous potential log
GR : Gamma Ray
CAL : Caliper Log
DT : Digital sonic
XDT : Cross Dipole Sonic
DEN : Density Log
CNC : Compensated Neutron log
DLL : Dual Laterolog Resistivity
MSFL : Micro Spherical Focused Laterolog
DIL : Dual induction
AIT : Array induction
MDT : Modular dynamic formation tester
SWC: Sidewall core
NMR: Nuclear magnetic resonance
FMI : Full bore Formation Micro-Imager
VSP: Vertical seismic profile
Uses of well logging in petroleum engineering

1. Rock typing
2. Identification of geological environment
3. Reservoir fluid contact location
4. Fracture detection
5. Estimate of hydrocarbon in place
6. Estimate of recoverable hydrocarbon
7. Determination of water salinity
8. Reservoir pressure determination
9. Porosity/pore size distribution determination

Who use logs?

Many person use logging depend his requirements :

1. Geologist
2. Geophysics
3. Petrophysics Engineer
4. Reservoir Engineer
5. Drilling Engineer
6. Workover Engineer
7. Completion Engineer

Logging design related to well classification


Drilling Purpose Well trajectory

1. Exploration well 1. Vertical well
2. Appraisal well 2. Directional well ( many type)
3. Development well
• Producer
• Injector
• Water source

Logging procedure in vertical wells

Open Hole Logging Cased Hole Logging

SP , GR , Caliper , sonic Cement bond log ( CBL)

SP , GR , Caliper , sonic Cement bond Image log

SP , GR , Caliper , sonic , density Cement bond Image log

, neutron , DLL , MSFL
Logging procedure in Horizontal wells

45 degree

8.25 “ open Hole logging



Depth of investigation of logging tools

Common logs and what they measure

Logging tool depth of investigation and vertical resolution

Standard wireline logs scales, units and ranges.

Logging tool applications and limitations

(2) Type of Conventional
Open Hole Logging

Type of Conventional Open Hole logging

1. Lithology logs :
 SP
 GR

2. Porosity logs :
 Density
 Neutron
 Sonic

3. Resistivity logs :
 Resistivity
 Induction

Lithology log ( SP , GR )

Lithology meaning

Lithology logs :1.Spontaneous potential (SP –Log)

Lithology logs :1.Spontaneous potential (SP –Log)

Behavior of SP- Log in front of

Shale and standalone ,
generally :

• High SP shale
• Low SP sandstone

Shale volume calculation from SP

Lithology logs : 2.Gamma ray (GR)

Operation principle :
Measure the natural radioactive of
formation .

Applications :

A- cased hole Application : including

depth control in all operation during well
completion and workover

B- Open hole Application :

• Correlation
• Lithology identification ( sand and
shale count )
• Depth control

Gamma ray and Spectral Gamma Ray

Gamma ray Spectral Gamma ray

Uses GR in cased hole

GR & CCL using with all cased hole logging for depth control ( depth
correction ) , below example for depth correction before perforation
operation :

Uses GR in Open hole

1- well correlations

Uses GR in Open hole

2-Shale volume calculation from GR

SP , GR , CAL -Log

Case 1: GR , SP in ( Limestone and low shale) formation


Low GR ( Low shale )

limestone formation

SP shale

Case 2: GR , SP ( sand and shale ) formation

Low GR ( sand )

High GR ( shale ) shale

Summary of lithology log

Porosity log ( Sonic ,
density , neutron)

Porosity Log

Porosity log : 1.(Sonic Log)

Principle :
The acoustic/sonic log is a porosity
log that measures the interval transit
time of a compressional wave
traveling through one foot of
formation. The logging sonde consists
of one or more transmitters, and two
or more receivers. Modern
acoustic/sonic logs are borehole
compensated devices.

Porosity log: 1.(Sonic Log )

Types of sonic log :

1. (BHC) (borehole compensated sonic log )

2. (LSS) (long spaced sonic log )
3. (AST) (Array sonic tool)
4. (DSI) (Dipole shear sonic imager)
5. (CSI) (Combinable seismic imager)
6. (ASI) (Array seismic imager)
7. (USI) (Ultrasonic imager)

Porosity log: 1.(Sonic Log )

Uses of Acoustic Log Data (Sonic)

Conventional Sonic log data are useful in a number of

interpretations :
1. Determine the primary porosity of reservoir rock
2. Improve correlation and interpretation of seismic records
3. Identify zones with abnormally high pressures
4. Resolve difficult correlation problems
5. Assist in identifying lithology
6. Estimate secondary pore space

Advanced Sonic
7. Delineate regional tectonics from acoustic profiles
8. Indicate mechanical integrity of reservoir rocks and formations
that surround them
(in conjunction with density data)
9. Estimate rock permeability
Porosity log : 1.(Sonic Log)

Porosity from sonic log For clean correction
formation to shale
Wyllie Time-Average Equation:

Porosity log : 1.(Sonic Log)

Sonic velocities and interval transit times for different matrix types

Case 1: sonic log in ( Anhydrite and dolomite ) formation

Low sonic because

tight and low porosity


Case 2: sonic log in ( shale and sand) formation

Low sonic because

high sonic because
tight and low porosity
good porosity ( sand
formation ( dolomite )
and shale ) formation


Case 3: sonic log in ( pay zone limestone) formation

Normal sonic because

good porosity ( limestone
and pay zone )

Porosity log : 2.(Density Log)

Density logs are primarily used as porosity logs. Other uses include :

1. identification of minerals in evaporate deposits

2. detection of gas, determination of hydrocarbon density
3. evaluation of shally sands and complex lithology
4. calculation of overburden pressure and rock mechanical properties.

‫)‪Porosity log : 2.(Density Log‬‬

‫‪Principle :‬‬
‫‪A radioactive source, applied to the‬‬
‫‪borehole wall in a shielded sidewall‬‬
‫‪skid, emits medium-energy gamma‬‬
‫‪rays into the formations. These‬‬
‫‪gamma rays collide with the‬‬
‫‪electrons in the formation. At each‬‬
‫‪collision a gamma ray loses some of‬‬
‫‪its energy to the electrons and‬‬
‫‪continuous diminished energy. This‬‬
‫‪type of interaction is known as‬‬
‫‪Compton scattering‬‬ ‫‪. The scattered‬‬
‫يتألف جهاز قياس الكثافة الكلية من مصدر مشع الشعة كاما (‪ )gamma‬الذي يتكون من عنصر الكوبلت (‪ )Co60‬المشع ‪ ,‬وكاشف‬
‫‪)scattered rays‬‬
‫‪gamma‬‬ ‫‪reaching‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬
‫المبعثرة (‪rays‬‬ ‫‪detector,‬كاما‬
‫(‪ )Detector‬قريب من المصدر وآخر بعيد من المصدر ‪ .‬يقوم كل كاشف بالتقاط اشعة‬
‫‪)bulk distance‬‬
‫‪density –Pbfrom‬‬ ‫‪the‬للتكوين (‬
‫‪ ,‬الكاشفان مثبتان على مسند (‪ )pad‬يلتسق بجدار البئر ‪ ,‬يقيس الكاشف البعيد الكثافة‬
‫‪are counted as an indication of‬‬ ‫الكاشف القريب كثافة التكوين في المنطقة المكتسحة القريبة من جدار البئر ‪.‬‬
‫ان اشعة كاما المنطلقة من المصدر تصطدم مع الكترونات المادة او التكوين ‪ ,‬تفقد اشعة كاما جزء من طاقتها مع كل تصادم وتنتقل الى‬
‫‪formation‬‬ ‫‪density.‬‬
‫االلكترونات االخرى ‪ ,‬هذا النوع من التفاعل يطلق عليه اسم (‪ . )Compton scattering‬ان مقدار اشعة كاما المبعثرة دليل على كثافة‬
‫المادة او كثافة االلكترونات اي االشعة الملتقطة بواسطة الكاشف بمعنى اذا كانت المادة ذات كثافة عالية فأن معظم اشعة كاما تمتص من‬
‫قبل المادة ونسبة قليلة من اشعة كاما تصل جهاز الكاشف وتسجل ‪ .‬في الشكل ادناه مخطط لجهاز قياس الكثافة ‪.‬‬

Porosity log : 2.(Density Log)

Photoelectric Absorption (Pe)

The Litho-Density is an improved and expanded version of the FDC

log. In addition to the bulk density measurement, the tool also
measures the photoelectric absorption index of the formation, Pe.
Photoelectric absorption can be related to lithology. It is a very
lithology-sensitive parameter, and it can be used to establish whether
a formation is sand, limestone, dolomite, or a mixture.

Porosity log : 2.(Density Log)

Porosity from density log

From log

From table

Porosity log : 2.(Density Log)

Common values
of matrix density
and photoelectric
in rocks

Common values of
matrix density for

Porosity log : 3.(Neutron Log)

Application for Neutron log :

• Porosity analysis - by measuring the hydrogen index (HI) of the
formation fluids.
• Gas detection - A noticeable drop in the neutron porosity output can
be seen due to gas has a smaller HI than oil or water
• Lithology identification and clay / shale analysis - They are not a
stand-alone lithology identifier or clay / shale types, but Neutron
porosity tools provide additional input for these analyses.

‫)‪Porosity log : 3.(Neutron Log‬‬

‫‪Principle :‬‬
‫‪Neutron logs are porosity logs that‬‬
‫‪essentially measures the hydrogen‬‬
‫‪concentration in a formation. In‬‬
‫‪“clean” formations, where the pore‬‬
‫‪spaces are filled with water or oil, the‬‬
‫‪neutron log measures liquid-filled‬‬

‫وهذا المجس يقيس المسامية ايضا ولكن بصورة غير مباشرة اذا انه يقيس عدد ذرات الهيدروجين في الصخرة والتي لها عالقة‬
‫او االمريكيرم والبرليوم (‪Am-‬‬ ‫بالمسامية عن طريق مصدر سيل من النيوترونات (البلوتونيوم والبرليوم ()‪ )Pu-Be‬و‬
‫) التي تصطدم بالهيروجين الموجود في الصخرة وكل ذرة هيدروجين موجودة في الصخرة تؤدي الى اصطياد نيوترون يصطدم بها‬
‫وهكذا من معرفة عــدد النيوترونات التي اصطيدت نستطيع تقديــر عدد ذرات الهيدروجين في الصخرة وبالتالي المسامية لتلك الصخرة‬
‫‪53‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬
Porosity log : 3.(Neutron Log)

Three types of neutron logging instrumentation are

used in the wireline industry:

1. Neutron-Gamma (GNT - no longer in use)

2. Sidewall Neutron Porosity tool (SNP - in limited use- runs in open
hole only)
3. Compensated Neutron Tools: -Thermal neutron ( CNL ) -Thermal -
Epithermal neutron (DNL)

Porosity log : 3.(Neutron Log)

Porosity From Neutron Log

The neutron porosity is calculated directly from the log response, as
the tool is measuring liquid‐filled porosity; it is usually calibrated in
limestone porosity units and must therefore be corrected for the
actual lithology. The relationship between the neutron count rate and
porosity can be expressed mathematically as

Where :
a and B are constants, N is the count rate and ϕ is the true porosity.
The constants a and B vary depending on the nature of the formation and require
calibration; a limestone and a sandstone will have different log responses even if the
porosity is the same. It is essential to know whether the tool has been calibrated for a
limestone or sandstone matrix before applying any evaluation technique.

Density , Neutron , sonic Log

Density and neutron behavior

In formation Fluids and hydrocarbon

Case 1: Density – Neutron ( shale and sand) formation

Cross between
density and
neutron in sand

Big separate
between density
and neutron in

Case 2: Density – Neutron ( limestone and dolomite) formation


normal separate
between density
and neutron in oil oil
zone ( Lim & Dol )


Summary of porosity log

Resistivity log

Resistivity Log

Resistivity Applications
 Determine whether hydrocarbons are present.
 Identify at what depths hydrocarbons are present.
 Determine the quantity of hydrocarbon material that exists (if
porosity is known) through Archie's equation.
 Determine mud resistivity to help define the invasion profile.

Resistivity conductive in salt water and oil

• Resistivity of the salt water is  Resistivity of the Oil is high

low ( highly conductive )  ( Poor conductor )

Resistivity conductive in dry zone

• Dry, nonmetallic minerals (rock matrix) have a very high resistivity

• Low conductivity
Resistivity Log

Resistivity Log ( MSFL & DLL)

 Use to measure the resistivity of the formation, and

thus the possibility of hydrocarbon shows.

 Many types of resistivity log use , but the famuse are (


DLL : Dual Laterolog Resistivity) long “ RD” , short “ RS” (

MSFL : Micro Spherical Focused Laterolog

Resistivity Log ( MSFL & DLL)

1. High resistivity mean: SFL

• Hydrocarbon
• Tight zone ( low porosity )

2. Low resistivity mean:

• Shale
• Water Formation Fluid
different from
• Wash out Drilling Fluid
• losses

3. Separation between resistivites mean

• Formation fluid is different from
drilling fluid . Formation Fluid
similar to
Drilling Fluid

Resistivity Log (MSFL &DLL)

Induction Log

Induction logs are used in wells that do not use water or

mud, but oil-based drilling fluids or air. They are non-
conductive and therefore cannot use electric logs
instead they use magnetism and electricity to measure

Rm – resistivity of the drilling mud
Rmc – resistivity of the mud cake
Rmf – resistivity of mud filtrate
Rs – resistivity of shale
Rt – resistivity of uninvited zone(true resistivity)
Rw – resistivity of formation water
Rxo – resistivity of flushed zone

water saturation calculation

Archie Equation to calculate SW :

Water saturation (Sw) of a reservoir's uninvaded zone is calculated by the
Archie (1942) formula
m 1. Core analysis ( cut off value )
2. Pickett plot ( relation between resistivity and porosity )
n 3. Rw also can estimate from SP , or water lab test

water saturation calculation

Calculated formation's flushed zone (Sxo)

Log header

Case 1 : Low resistivity because shale

High GR shale
Low resistivity

Case 2 : Low resistivity because water zone


Low GR

Low resistivity

Case 3 : high resistivity because oil zone

good resistivity

Low GR


Case 4 : So high resistivity because tight zone

Low resistivity
So high resistivity

High GR


Low GR

Summary of Resistivity log

Caliper log

Caliper Log

1-A caliper log is a well logging tool that
provides a continuous measurement of
the size and shape of a borehole along
its depth The measurements that are
recorded can be an important indicator of

2- this log use by cementing engineer to

calculate the volume of cement .

Types of Caliper Tools

Caliper Log- interpretation

Case 1 : Caliper Log-in vertical wells ( four cases )

Bit size = caliper




1.Normal case 2.caving

Case 1 : Caliper Log-in vertical wells ( four cases )



3.Wash out 4.Tight spot

Caliper Log-in Horizontal wells

A caliper log in horizontal well

can not get it by wire line
because wireline can cover to
about 60 degree , after 60
degree can use another tools by
LWD called ultra sonic caliper ,
this tools can give caliper log 2D
and 3D

Case 2 : Caliper Log-in Horizontal wells

ultra sonic caliper , Example : this tools can give caliper log 2D
and 3 D and 3D
caving Bit size 8.25”


Tight spot


(3) Log interpretation

3.Log interpretation for

Conventional Open Hole

(3) Log interpretation

Assessment of
properties, fluid
type form log
pattern . mean
check the oil ,
water and gas
zone in general

(3) Log interpretation

estimation of
properties (
Volume of shale ,
porosity ,
permeability ,
water saturation
and lithology

(3) Log interpretation (Quantitative analytical techniques )

Quantitative analytical techniques

Quantitative analytical techniques
This diagram shows the output
quantities targeted in the analytical
techniques, and the data sources and
parameters needed to derive those

Log interpretation

Log interpretation

Using software Hand calculation

Log interpretation using software

If use the software for log interpretation should have below

data :

1. Open hole data (LAS File or any extension suitable with

software ).
2. Stander cut off (porosity ,permeability , Sw & shale Vol.)
3. Electrical parameters (a , m ,n ) using in Archie Equation.
4. Geology data (Gas table as CSV File )
5. Well tops.

Log interpretation using software

the software for log interpretation can help you to calculate the
petrohysics properties as show below : ( Tech-log software ) as

Log interpretation using software

Ten steps can do when use software for log interpretation to

calculate the petrohysics properties as show below : ( Tech-log
software ) as example :

Step 1 : Import file

Step 2 : import gas table as (CSV)
Step 3 : Log view
step 4 : TVD refrance
step 5 : V-shale
step 6 : porosity
step 7 : permeability
step 8 : water saturation
step 9 : summaries
step 10 : lithology

Log interpretation using hand calculation

permeability Shale

porosity lithology

Log interpretation using hand calculation

1- porosity calculation

1. Porosity (φ) .

is defined as the ratio of pore volume to total rock volume:

Where :
Vp = pore space volume
Vb = bulk volume

Porosity Measurements :Porosity is measured in two ways :

1. from wire line logs

2. Laboratory measurement on core

1-Porosity from wire line logging :

Porosity can be estimated from interpretation of wire line logs, in particular
Acoustic ( sonic) , neutron, Density & NMR logs.

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
1. Porosity (φ) .
2-Porosity Laboratory measurement on core:
Porosity is calculated using the following equation:

Where :
Vp : pore space volume
Vm : matrix (solid rock) volume
Vb : bulk volume (Vp + Vm)

Bulk volume (Vb) can be determined directly from core dimensions

if we have a fluid-saturated regularly shaped core (normally cylindrical),
or by fluid displacement methods by weight where the density of the
solid matrix and the displacing fluid is known, or directly by volume
Matrix volume (Vm) can be calculated from the mass of a dry sample
divided by the matrix density. It is also possible to crush the dry solid and
measure its volume by displacement, but this will give total porosity rather
than effective (interconnected) porosity.
1. Porosity (φ) .

Boyle’s law : used to calculate the

matrix volume present in the
cell using Boyle’s law .This method
can be very accurate, especially
for low-porosity rock.
Boyle’s law: P1V1 = P2V2
(assuming gas deviation factor Z
can be
ignored at relatively low pressures)
can now be used.

Pore space volume (Vp) can also

be determined using gas

Type of Porosity (φ) .

1.Primary porosity
The main or original porosity system in a rock or unconfined alluvial

2.Secondary porosity
A subsequent or separate porosity system in a rock, often enhancing
overall porosity of a rock. This can be a result of chemical leaching of
minerals or the generation of a fracture system. This can replace the
primary porosity or coexist with it (see dual porosity below).

3.Fracture porosity
This is porosity associated with a fracture system or faulting. This can
create secondary porosity in rocks that otherwise would not be
reservoirs for hydrocarbons due to their primary porosity being
destroyed (for example due to depth of burial) or of a rock type not
normally considered a reservoir (for example igneous intrusions or
Type of Porosity (φ) .

4.Vuggy porosity
This is secondary porosity generated by dissolution of large features
(such as macrofossils) in carbonate rocks leaving large holes, vugs, or
even caves.

5.Effective porosity (also called open porosity)

Refers to the fraction of the total volume in which fluid flow is
effectively taking place and includes catenary and dead-end (as these
pores cannot be flushed, but they can cause fluid movement by
release of pressure like gas expansion[3]) pores and excludes closed
pores (or non-connected cavities). This is very important for
groundwater and petroleum flow, as well as for solute transport.

Type of Porosity (φ) .

6.Ineffective porosity (also called closed porosity)

Refers to the fraction of the total volume in which fluids or gases are
present but in which fluid flow can not effectively take place and
includes the closed pores. Understanding the morphology of the
porosity is thus very important for groundwater and petroleum flow.

7.Dual porosity
Refers to the conceptual idea that there are two overlapping reservoirs
which interact. In fractured rock aquifers, the rock mass and fractures
are often simulated as being two overlapping but distinct bodies.
Delayed yield, and leaky aquifer flow solutions are both
mathematically similar solutions to that obtained for dual porosity; in all
three cases water comes from two mathematically different reservoirs
(whether or not they are physically different)..

porosity calculation

Porosity from density log

porosity calculation

Porosity from sonic log

1-Wyllie Time-Average Equation:

porosity calculation

Porosity from sonic log

2-Gardner-Hunt-Raymer Equation (Schlumberger Empirical Relation):

porosity calculation

Porosity from Neutron log

Except for the obsolete "Gamma Ray Neutron" tools, Neutron porosity
is calculated by the acquisition software and is displayed directly on the
log. This porosity is referenced to a specific lithology, usually limestone.
Corrections to the porosity to account for the lithology actually present
can be done through charts or appropriate algorithms.

NOTE: It is important to use the chart or algorithm for the correct

Neutron tool and acquisition company. Each tool has a unique lithologic
response, and use of the wrong algorithm will result
in erroneous porosity estimation.

porosity calculation


The general form of the equation to convert from total porosity to

effective porosity is:

porosity calculation
Effective Porosity :-
The second step of shaly sand analysis is to determine the effective
porosity of the formation i.e. determining porosity of the formation if it
did not contain clay minerals.
Effective Porosity from Neutron-Density Combinations:

These values of neutron and density porosity corrected for the presence
of clays are then used in the equations below to determine the effective
porosity (-effective) of the formation of interest

Log interpretation using hand calculation

2- permeability calculation

2. Permeability (K)

Permeability: Is the property a rock has to transmit fluids. It is related to

porosity but is not always dependent upon it. Permeability is controlled
by the size of the connecting passages (pore throats or capillaries)
between pores. It is measured in darcies or millidarcies

absolute permeability : the ability of a rock to transmit a single fluid

when it is 100% saturated with that fluid

Effective permeability : refers to the presence of two fluids in a rock,

and is the ability of the rock to transmit a fluid in the presence of another
fluid when the two fluids are immiscible

Relative permeability : is the ratio between effective permeability of

fluid at partial saturation, and the permeability at 100% saturation
(absolute permeability).

permeability calculation

Many methods to estimate the permeability but the best one form
core and well test as well as NMR log ,
Note :From log the permeability not accurate

methods to estimate the permeability

1. Core analysis
2. From log
3. Well test analysis ( Build up test )
4. DST , MDT , RFT
5. NMR

1-Permeability From Core

1. From Core (Laboratory Determination of Permeability)

Laboratory Determination of Permeability Single-phase absolute permeability is
measured on core in a steel cylinder where pressures P1 and P2 are measured
for a given gas flow rate Q.

For a gas: from Darcy’s law for

horizontal flow,

For an incompressible liquid: for

horizontal flow

Where : Q : volumetric flow rate (cm3/s); A : area (cm2); m : viscosity of

the gas or liquid; P : pressure (atmospheres); x : length of core (cm). This
gives the value for permeability k in Darcy’s equation.
2- permeability from log ( from porosity)

In many cases, there may exist relationships between the porosity and
permeability, but such correlations usually are empirically derived for a
given formation in a given area. They do not exhibit general application
or validity. A more general empirical relationship, proposed by Wyllie and
Rose, incorporates irreducible water saturation and has the form :

The basis of the relationship between permeability and irreducible water

saturation is usually this type. The dependency of permeability on porosity is not
evident from this data, however. Based on the general expression of Wyllie and
Rose, several investigators have proposed various empirical relationships with
which permeability can be estimated from porosity and irreducible water
saturation. Known as Timur formula, derived from well logs:

Effective porosity
irreducible water saturation ( 15 -25%)
3-Permeability From Well-Test Analysis

Measurement of Permeability :
2-Permeability From Well-Test

For a constant production flow rate Q,

permeability can be estimated from
average formation thickness h, fluid
viscosity m, bottom hole pressure Pw,
initial reservoir pressure Pe at an
assumed undisturbed (still at initial
conditions) distance re from the well
and wellbore radius rw using the
4-Permeability From RFT

The pressure profiles recorded using the Repeat Formation Tester

(RFT*) With this technique, permeability can be estimated from the
pressure drawdown data during fluid flow and from the pressure
buildup data following the flow test. Assuming a spherical flow from the
formation towards the packer and the sampling probe, implying a small
volume of formation, equilibrium conditions are usually reached very
early in the drawdown period, thus the fall in pressure may be
expressed by the equation:

ΔPss: pressure drop in psi during drawdown

C : factor depends on the type of flow
q : flow volume in cm3,
µ: : the fluid viscosity in centipoises
rp : the probe radius in cm
re : the external radius of the pressure perturbation.

4-Permeability From RFT

The measurement of permeability carried out by this method has two limitations: At
very high permeability the pressure drawdown is too small to be accurately measured
by the strain gauge manometer whose resolution is 1 psi (0.1 psi with the

RFT-B tool). This resolution may, to an extent, be improved using a quartz

manometer such as the Hewlett-Packard gauge whose resolution is 0.01 psi (0.002 psi for
the RFT-B). At very low permeability, the pressure may fall below the bubble point. When
this happens the gas (or the vapor) comes out of solution and the quantity of liquid coming
from the formation is less than volumetric displacement of the pretest pistons. There are
several factors which must be taken into account.
5-Permeability From NMR

Several decades of methods using the nuclear magnetic logging data for
permeability are given by the works of many petrophysicists, the famous ones
are from Schlumberger and Coates. All of the methods are concluded into two

(1) K from /NMR and distribution of T2 (2) K from /NMR; /FFI; /BVI

For sand b1 = 4 b2 = 2 lightly affected by hydrocarbonate. Cks and Ckc in

Eqs. (10.14) and (10.15) are affected by the surface relaxation ability of rock,
and so, for same region, different zone, these coefficient are different, and
determined by core analysis experiments.
Log interpretation using hand calculation

3- water saturation calculation

3. Water Saturation ( SW)

Fluid saturation is defined as the fraction of pore volume

occupied by a given fluid

4. water saturation calculation

Archie Equation to calculate SW :

Water saturation (Sw) of a reservoir's uninvaded zone is calculated by the
Archie (1942) formula

4. water saturation calculation

Calculated formation's flushed zone (Sxo)

Log interpretation using hand calculation

4- Shale volume calculation

Shale volume calculation from GR

Vsh from GR

Shale volume calculation from SP

Vsh from SP

Log interpretation using hand calculation

5- Lithology calculation

5. Lithology Calculation

Lithology Using Porosity Log Combinations

5. Lithology Calculation

Lithology Using Neutron-density cross plot

crossplot of Neutron-Density - cross plot of Neutron-Density

Sandstone) Limestone)

Example for log interpretation

Well logging data Result after interpretation

by software

Table result for log interpretation

Interval Thickness GR RT DT Neutron Density Por Perm Sw Vsh

Formation No. Result
m m API Ω.m us/ft % g/cc % mD % %
MA 31 3735.4 3736.6 1.2 22.2 10.8 62.2 10.9 2.52 9.8 6.5 45.6 5.8 Oil
32 3744.5 3751.7 7.2 24.1 17.1 70.0 16.7 2.4 15.2 52.4 27.1 6.9 Oil
33 3771.9 3774.3 2.4 26.5 9.1 66.4 15.7 2.5 13.4 28.8 41.4 8.7 Oil
34 3809.2 3811.3 2.1 15.7 17.1 61.6 10.8 2.6 9.6 5.7 39.8 2.3 Oil
MB21 35 3811.3 3825.7 14.4 11.3 102.2 73.8 18.0 2.4 18.6 99.4 7.6 1.0 Oil
36 3825.7 3903.9 78.2 27.5 7.6 70.8 17.5 2.4 15.4 43.9 31.2 9.3 Oil
37 3930.6 3939.2 8.6 14.6 3.2 68.8 18.0 2.4 17.8 82.6 40.8 1.7 Oil

MC1 38 3939.2 3940.8 1.6 19.9 1.1 67.1 17.2 2.4 15.3 42.8 78.6 4.4 Oil & Water

39 3942.3 3946.5 4.2 18.1 1.6 64.7 16.3 2.5 13.7 27.7 75.2 3.5 Oil & Water
40 3978.7 3982.1 3.4 20.8 3.2 64.5 13.5 2.5 11.6 12.6 66.7 4.9 Oil & Water
MC2 41 3983.4 4014.5 31.1 23.2 1.7 68.4 15.7 2.4 14.4 33.1 65.8 6.3 Oil & Water
42 4022.4 4030.5 8.1 21.5 2.0 61.2 12.6 2.6 9.6 5.5 86.5 5.3 Oil-bearing water

(4) Logging procedure in well site

Logging procedure in well site

Any logging supervisor in well site should be considered four steps :

1- Preparation for the logging

2- Pre logging
3- While Logging
4- Post Logging

Logging procedure in well site

1- Preparation for the logging

First of all, the witness should be fully aware of the logging program and all required data.
The witness should do the following:

1. Call the wireline contractor early enough to allow time to travel to the rig site
and time to check the operation of logging equipment once on location.

2. A copy from the lithlog and mudlog should be ready to be used as a guide during the
logging operation.

3. A special care should be done for taking a representative mud sample, which
recommended to be taken from the flow line 15 minutes before the end of last circulation.
Make sure that the logging engineer receiving the mud sample, mud filtrate and mud cake
in a fresh condition for accurate resetivity measurements.

4. Discuss the hole condition with the drilling supervisor covering points such as tight
spots, dog-legs, lost circulation material, and stuck pipe lubrication. Keep a record of such
problems and give this information to the logging engineer.

Logging procedure in well site

2- Pre logging
1.Give the logging engineer the well information (as per the wireline contractor well data

2. Discuss the logging program, log presentation, scales, digital data format requirements,
etc., with the logging engineer using the litholog and mudlog

3. Verify that both primary and backup tools are checked prior to the start of the logging job.

4. Check that the master calibrations match the tool numbers and are current (generally
less than 1 month old).

5. Check with the logging engineer on tolerance limits of calibrations and tool surface
checks, especially the new generation tools.

6. Check on the tool combinations before run in hole, total length, number of standoff and
centralizers (if any) and their positions.

7. Check on a minimum of two thermometers on every trip in the hole and ensure that the
logging crew checks them.
Logging procedure in well site

3- While Logging
1.Check with the logging engineer the before survey calibration which must be within

2.Check the calculation of the cable stretch for accurate depth measurements. Also the
determination of the cable strength rating and weak point rating and record them.

4.Check the acoustic and caliber readings inside the casing (DT STEEL = 57 usec in free
pipe, caliber = casing ID).

4.In case of bad hole condition ask the logging engineer to log while run in hole (of course
without opened calipers) and start the main log directly after reaching TD then make the
repeat section through any good hole section.

5.Logging speed should be adjusted to the “slowest” device in the tool combination. Thin-
bed analysis may require slower logging speeds for better statistical response with
nuclear tools.

Logging procedure in well site

3- While Logging …..

6. Run a minimum of 200 feet of repeat log covering zones of interest and zones that
exhibit an abnormal log response..

7. Check the repeatability. Factors that contribute to poor repeats include washed-out
holes,variable tool centering (especially in large holes with conductive muds), pad devices
following different borehole paths, statistical variations in radioactive chemical source
emissions, and tool malfunction.

8. Check against offset logs for similar log responses in similar lithologies.

9. Check that all curves recorded on the same trip in the hole are on depth with each other.
10. Make sure that there is a minimum of 100 feet of gamma ray overlap with previous run
11. Be alert for indications of deteriorating hole conditions (e.g. increasing cable tension
and caliper activity). If necessary, pull out of the hole (after discussions with supervisors)
and make a condition trip.

Logging procedure in well site

3- While Logging……
12.In case of running super combination tools, if any of the tools failed on bottom
(except resistivity), keep logging the rest of tools then go back and log the failed
13.Centralized acoustic, resistivity, and dielectric tools should repeat exactly.

14. In case of resistivity failure on bottom do not log any and pull out of hole to
check or to change the tool.

15.Check that the in times print out log is correct and ready for faxing at any time
to main office.

16. Always remember to fill in the time break down sheet for every tool run in the

Logging procedure in well site

4- Post Logging
1.Fill in a section on the log quality control and performance sheet after every tool
run in the hole.
2.Ensure that successive logging runs are on depth with each other.
3.Check that all items on the log header are accurately filled out, especially
Remarks on any log anomalies.
4.Check the calibration tails (before, after, and shop), and ensure that they are
attached to the log films and the calibration numbers are within tolerance.
5.Check that the digit tape labels are completely and correctly filled out.
6.Discuss the logs thoroughly with the wireline engineer and ask for an
explanation of any abnormal curve responses, equipment failures, or hole
7.Make sure that any of these comments have been entered under Remarks on
the log header and on the log quality control sheet.
8.Make sure to complete both the time break down and quality control and
performance sheets.

Logging Header

Glossary relation with well logging operation

NO Term Definition
The compass direction of a directional survey or of the wellbore
as planned or measured by a directional survey. The azimuth
is usually specified in degrees with respect to the geographic
Azimuth (AZ), or magnetic north pole. In well logging: pertaining to being
1 azimuthal focused in one direction. An azimuthal or azimuthally
focused, measurement has one or more directions
perpendicular to the surface of a logging tool from which it
receives most of its signal

The wellbore itself, including the open‐hole or uncased portion

Borehole of the well. Borehole may refer to the inside diameter of the
2 wellbore wall, the rock face that bounds the drilled hole

Depth reference, The point in a well from which depth is measured. It is typically
the top of the kelly bushing or the level of the rig floor on the
3 datum rig used to drill the well. The depth measured from that point
is the measured depth (MD) for the well
A wellbore that is not vertical. The term usually indicates a
wellbore intentionally drilled away from vertical at a geological
4 Deviated well target

Glossary relation with well logging operation

NO Term Definition
Driller’s depth is the first depth measurement of a wellbore and is
5 Driller’s depth taken from the rotary table level on the rig floor. It is
calculated by adding the length of the BHA plus the drill‐pipe
The residue deposited on a permeable interval when drilling fluid
is forced against the borehole wall under a pressure. Filtrate is
6 Filter cake, mudcake the liquid that passes through the formation, leaving the cake
on the wall
The volume close to the borehole wall in which all of the
moveable fluids have been displaced by mud filtrate. The
7 Flushed zone flushed zone contains filtrate and the remaining hydrocarbons,
the percentage of the former being the flushed zone saturation, Sxo.
Also known as the invaded zone
The deviation from vertical, irrespective of compass direction,
expressed in degrees. Inclination is measured initially with a
8 Inclination pendulum mechanism and confirmed with MWD accelerometers
or gyroscopes
The uncased portion of a well. All wells, at least when first
drilled, have open‐hole sections, prior to running casing. The
9 Open hole well planner must consider how the drilled rock will react to
drilling fluids, pressures and mechanical operations over time

Glossary relation with well logging operation

NO Term Definition
A secondary wellbore drilled away from the original hole. It is
10 Side track possible to have multiple side tracks, each of which might be
drilled for a different reason
A washout in an open‐hole section is larger than the original hole
size or size of the drill bit. Generally, washouts become more
11 Washout severe with time. Appropriate mud types, mud additives and
increased mud density can minimize washouts
A trip made to clean the open-hole, often made before logging or
12 Wiper trip between logging runs if the hole becomes unstable or “sticky”

Logging Truck

Prepare the logging tools and job

Prepare the logging tools and job

1 2

4 3
Logging tools

Logging tools

Logging tools

5. High technology log

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
High Tech Log

NMR 1. Nuclear magnetic resonance log

MDT 2. Modular formation dynamic tester

FMI 3. Micro resistivity Imaging

SWC 4.Sidewall core

VSP 5. Vertical seismic profile


Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
NMR – Log

NMR Application

1. Presence and quantities of different fluids (water, oil, and gas).

2. Porosity and pore size distributions.
3. Bound and free water saturations.
4. Effective porosity and permeability.
5. Flushed zone saturation, Sxo, for wells drilled with OBM.

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
NMR – Log

Open hole log NMR log

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Micro Resistivity imaging log (FMI)

 Fracture identification and characterization
 Thin-bed analysis
 Characterization of sedimentary bodies
 Structural analysis
 Secondary porosity evaluation

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Example :Micro Resistivity imaging log

In this interval XRMI

fractures are fitted with
coring fractures
Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
MDT ( Modular formation dynamic tester)

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020

• MDT:-
Modular Dynamic Formation Tester is the tool through
which we can test the formation and measure the
formation pressure, temperature and get the pure
reservoir fluid and water samples.

Many name of this tools depend of


Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
MDT Application

1. Identify the pressure test

2. Identify the permeability
3. Identify the fluid contact (OWC)
4. Identify fluid type (Oil or Water)

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
MDT System

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
MDT Tool

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
MDT Job Planning

MDT job is designed after evaluating the open hole logs.

There are few main points which should be keep in
mind before planning the job.

1- Select the depth points for formation pressure.

2- Select at least three (3) pressure points in one bed.
3-Pressure points should fall in oil/gas zones and water bearing zone.
4- Select the oil/gas sample point, which should be clean and try to get it
from top of the reservoir.
5-Also select a point for water sample in water bearing zone.
6- MDT oil/gas sample is very suitable for PVT analysis.

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
MDT Interpretation

Interpretation of MDT data is very interesting. For

interpretation you have to make a graph between the
formation pressure and depth. When you plot the formation
pressure against the depth you will get the density gradient,
values of which are given as under:
Oil, Gas and Water has different gradients.

1-Gas = 0.55 g/cc

2-Oil = 0.88 g/cc
3-Water = 1.0 g/cc

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Density calculation from MDT

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Identify OWC



Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Identify Fluid Type

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Sidewall core (SWC)

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
(SWC): Operation process

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Rotary Sidewall Coring system

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Confirm the lithology

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Confirm the fracture

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Core Analysis

Core analysis can be divided into two types:

1. Conventional core analysis .
2. Special core analysis .

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Core Analysis

Routine Core Analysis

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Core Analysis

Special Core Analysis

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Sidewall core (SWC)& drilling core

Drilling coring SWC

Advantage: Advantage:
the core is regular, cylindrical and little Easy, fast ,Low cost.
formation pollution.
The core can be used for many different
In the most case the core is
High cost irregularly ,small and destroyed.
Complex  The explosive device must be used in
SWC operation, which is dangerous.
Affecting drilling speed
Low recovery rate, Especially in hard
formation. 172
Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
VSP – Log

VSP : Vertical seismic profiles, as the name

suggests, are run vertically in a wellbore to obtain
detailed seismic response near the wellbore. After
correcting for the very different geometry of such a
survey, the results are presented in seismic section
format. They can be correlated with conventional
seismic data and with synthetic seismograms made
from the sonic and density logs in the same

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Type of VSP – Log

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
6.Well logging in scimanyD gnillirD
smetsyS diulF gnillirD
,gnireenignE gnillirD
,gniggolduM ataD
noisivrepuS etiS-giR

horizontal wells
DWM noitaulavE

stiB ecnamrofreP

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Logging design and procedure

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Logging design and procedure

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Logging While Drilling (LWD)

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Logging While Drilling (LWD)

Some available measurement in LWD noitamrofnI


technology scimanyDgnillirD


1. Gamma Ray
2. Resistivity

3. One porosity log (Density & neutron & sonic)


4. Borehole caliper (Ultra sonic azimuthal caliper) stiBecnamrofreP


Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
The following is a list of available measurement in LWD:

1-Natural gamma ray 12-Resistivity at the drill bit

2-Spectral gamma ray 13-Deep directional
3-Azimuthal gamma ray resistivities
4-Gamma ray close to drill bit. 14-Compressional slowness
5-Density and photoelectric 15-Shear slowness
index 16-Density borehole images
6-Neutron porosity 17-Resistivity borehole
7-Borehole caliper images
8-Ultra sonic azimuthal caliper 18-Formation tester and
9-Density caliper sampler
10-Attenuation and phase shift 19-Formation pressure
resistivities at different 20-Nuclear magnetic
transmitter resonance
11-spacings and frequencies 21-Seismic while drilling
22-Vertical seismic profile

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
LWD-Down hole system



Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Logging While Drilling (LWD)

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
GR & Resistivity distance from bit

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Example : LWD for SLB

LWD procedure :
1. Real time ( GR , Resistivity )
2. Porosity trip log (one porosity
log )/ GR, sonic or neutron)

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
LWD & Geosteering

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020

Landing point

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
Horizontal section

Fundamentals of petroleum Engineering Part 2 : Well Logging By: Abbas Radhi Abbas 2020
End Part 1

Part 2
Cased Hole logging

Contents of Cased hole logging

1. Introduction to cased hole logging

2. Cement Logs ( CBL , SBT ,URS ,RIB , RBT , USI , SCMT)
3. Casing inspection log ( MIT , MFC)
4. Spectral Noise Tool ( SNL)
5. Production logging tool ( PLT)
6. Reservoir saturation tool

(1)Introduction to Cased
hole logging

Introduction to cased hole logging

1-Application of cased hole logging

 Primary cement evaluation

 Monitoring and evaluation of the remaining oil saturation
 Production profile logging interpretation of single-phase & multi-phase
 Injection profile logging interpretation
 Casing inspection
 Diagnostic well problem ( packer leak , cross flow , channeling , water
problem … etc )

When do cased hole logging ?

We can do the cased hole logging in all stages of well life , but almost
using it during the production to diagnostic some problems


When do cased hole logging ?

• GR , CCL ,
• Cement log
• Casing inspection log

Exploration well

• GR , CCL ,
• CEMENT LOG Drilling completion GR , CCL
• Casing inspection log
• GR , CCL ,
• GR , CCL ,
• PLT production workover • RST
• Casing inspection log
• SNL • Cement log

Choosing cased hole logging

Choosing the cased hole logging depend on Reservoir Surveillance

plan or to diagnostic well problem , depend on well status

Well status

Flowing wells Shut-in wells


1. Production rate 1. Channel behind casing Check Check
2. Injection rate 2. fracture casing cement
3. Fluid type 3. Packer leak
damage behind
4. Cross flow 4. Casing leak
5. Casing leak

Formation evaluating
behind casing 196
GR , CCL for depth Control

Note : GR & CCL using with all cased hole logging for depth control (
depth correction ) , below example for depth correction before
perforation operation :

(2)Cement Logs

Type of cement log

Many types for cement log see bellow table

No Log Full name Company

1 CBL Cement Bond Log Many companies

2 SBT Segmented Bond Tool Backer Hughes

3 URS Ultra sonic redial scanner Weatherford

4 RIB Radius Incremented Bond AWALCO

5 RBT Radial Bond Too Halliburton
6 CAST Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool Halliburton
7 USI Ultrasonic Image Schlumberger
8 SCMT Slim Cement Mapping Tool

Logging Operation

Logging operation

Pre- logging operation After logging Operation

1. Selected type of cement log 1. Cement evaluation
2. Operation type depend on well 2. Remedial plan ( if need )
type ( vertical , horizontal ,
sidetrack .. Etc

Before Logging Operation

Logging operation in vertical

Can run the logging tools to TD
smoothly with any problem

Logging operation in vertical

• Logging tools in horizontal
wells can reach 45-55 degree
• The final inclination for
horizontal section ( 89 – 90 )
• To cover last section ( 55 – 90
) degree should use another
methods such as ( tractor ,

Before Logging Operation

Before do cement log should flow this

steps :

1. Wait for cement not less than 24 hours

2. Drill cement Dawn hole cement

equipment (Float collar , Float shoe ,
DV , top plug , bottom plug )

3. Do casing scrapper ( Optional )

4. Avoid FIT ( formation integrity test )

before logging operation , this test do
after logging operation to avoid destroy
the cement behind casing .

After Logging Operation

After received the cement logging results should do cement evaluation

report according to standard

Poor ( Bad ) : STOP ( cant Pass )

Medium to Good cement with good isolation

in pay zone : can pass

Good cement : can pass

Example for three case cement CBL ( poor – medium – good)

0 to 100



Poor cement Medium to good cement Good cement

Example for three case cement SBT ( poor – medium – good)

Poor cement Medium to good cement Good cement

Example ( before and after squeeze cement )

Before Squeeze cement After Squeeze cement

13-3/8” CBL , VDL , GR , CCL

Evaluation Criterion:
• V.Good Cement CBL≤5%
• Good Cement 5%< CBL≤15%;
• Medium Cement 15%< CBL≤25%
• Poor Cement CBL>25%.

(CBL) Cases

SBT : Segmented Bond Tool

Attenuation Array

Attenuation Variable
Map Density Log Casing wave

Bad cement

Medium cement

Bad cement

Medium cement
Bad cement

Very Good cement

Formation wave

Ultra sonic redial scanner(URS)

Evaluation Criteria: depend on IMPD

• ( IMPd<=0.38,"gas“
• ( IMPd>0.38, IMPd<=2.3),"liquid gas-Fresh
• ( IMPd>2.3, IMPd<=2.7),"Heavy drill fluid",
• ( IMPd>2.7, IMPd<=3.85),"low IMPd",
• ( IMPd>3.8, IMPd<=5),"medium IMPd",
• ( IMPd>5),"good IMPd")

Radius Incremented Bond


RBT (Radial Bond Tool)

For Halliburton

SCMT (Slim Cement Mapping Tool)

SCMT Applications

„1-Cement evaluation in small


„2-Cement bond log and cement

map below tubing completions

„3-Locate depths of “stuck

pipe”or “stuck casing”

(USI) Ultrasonic Image

• Determination of casing condition
• Evaluation of cement bond to casing
• Identification of channeling
(USI) Ultrasonic Image

Theory of Measurement (1)

• The measured amplitude is a function of the acoustic impedance in
the three media (mud, steel and outside medium). In the case of
free pipe, the amplitude decay is slow. With cement behind the
casing, the amplitude decay is fast because of the improved
acoustic coupling between the steel and the outside medium.
(USI) Ultrasonic Image

Theory of Measurement (2)

• Radius and thickness measurements are derived from transit time
and fluid properties, the tool incorporates a second transducer used
to measure acoustic fluid properties. The first arrival will give the
information for radius while the second arrival will help to calculate
(USI) Ultrasonic Image
(3)MIT ( MFC)
MIT : Multi – Finger Imaging tool
MFC : Multi – Finger Caliper

MIT= multi – Finger imaging tool

MIT= multi – Finger imaging tool

(24 , 40 ,60 ) finger

• Monitoring internal casing corrosion
• Identification of deformation casing
MIT= multi – Finger imaging tool

Red Color is Casing damage

Casing damage

MIT section profile MIT 3D-view

Example 1 : MIT

Number Of MIT Fingers MIT 3D View



Example 2: MIT ( 40F) ( casing deformation )
9 5/8” casing

Casing deformation
Spectral Noise Tool

SNL Application & Limitation

Application for SNL

1. Channel behind casing
2. fracture
3. Packer leak
4. Casing leak

Limitation :
1. Run just in flowing wells
2. Should the cement bong behind casing is good

Spectral Noise application

Spectral Noise Physics
TBG, Channels Large Tight
Valves Perforation Fractures
CSG Faults Pores Formations

1 3 10 20 30

CASE#1: Fracture and Matrix Flow in a Injector

97 %
97 %

3% 3%

CASE#2: Fracture and Matrix Flow in a producer


Case#3: Behind Casing Communication in a Producer

100% 74%


Case#4: Behind Casing Communication in a injector





80% 25%

Production logging tools


1. Introduction to PLT
2. PLT Applications
3. PLT operation
4. PLT Tools
5. data requirements for interpretation PLT

1.Introduction to PLT

PLT one type of cased hole run during the Production life for the well ,

2.PLT Application

 Calculate water, oil and gas rate of each pay

 Judge whether the sliding sleeve shuts or producing
not and estimate which zone is primary
water production layer.
Three-phase flow
 Determine gas production zone.
 Make sure the fluid level and production
pressure by measuring whole interval.
 Make sure whether there is crossflow in the Shut-in
shut-in state.

2.PLT Application

Production profile logging :Obtain the

variation of the flow rate in each
perforation, water production intervals and
gas inlets etc, thus providing basis for
taking stimulation treatments.

Injection profile logging :Obtain the

movement of the inject fluid or gas, the
absorption quantity in each perforation and
analysis of injection-production relation.

3.PLT- operation methods

1-PLT operations – Electric-Line 2-PLT operations - Memory

3.PLT- operation methods

3-Tractor and Coiled Tubing method

Pre-PLT- operation

1. Select the well

• This well produce natural flow or Artificial lift ?
• If this well produce ( ESP ) , have Y- tools or not ?
• Well situation ( sand , asphalt ) ?

2.In well site before run PLT :

• Take fluid sample from well head and send to lab to check the
water )
• Put the well to test separator to check the production at the same
day will run PLT
• Keep the well head pressure and chock size constant before and
after PLT operation , to compare the results .

4.PLT- Tools

1. GR
2. CCL
3. Caliper
4. Centralizers
5. Flow-meter
6. Temperature
7. Pressure
8. Density
9. Capacitance

4.PLT- Tools

Injection Well

GR、CCL、Cable Speed(LSPD) 、Spinner


Production Well
GR、CCL、Cable Speed(LSPD) 、Spinner


4.PLT- Tools

 Flowmeter
 Continuous spinner flowmeter
 Fullbore spinner flowmeter
 Basket spinner flowmeter
 Radioactivity fluid density
 Water hold-up
 Temperature and Pressure
 Gamma ray and Cased Collar Located
 Caliper, Centralizer

4.PLT- Tools

• Gamma- Ray
– Usually, the depth matching is done thanks to the GR log
• Needs to load the open hole GR
– Could give good indications of water source if scales are radioactives
– With gravel pack, Frac-Pack, the natural radioactivity is not more visible.
– CCL could help in depth matching if particular completion elements can be identified
– Perforations may sometimes
• Caliper
– Caliper diameter is measured thanks to 2 perpendicular arms
– Diameter is mandatory to compute flow rate
– Even with an accurate completion sketch, caliper data has to be examined
• Scales could be observed thanks to the caliper
• Centralizers
– To keep the tool in the middle of the wellbore is important to get a representative data (downhole

PLT Tools – Flow-meter

 In line Flowmeters
 small spinner
 good for high flowrates
 Mainly used as backup spinner

 Full bore Flowmeters

 maximum spinner blade size
 best for wide range of flowrates
 For injection wells could be
replaced by turbine

 Petal Basket
 stationary measurement
 good for low flowrates
 May affect flow regime

PLT Tools – Flow-meter type


Fullbore Spinner Fullbore Spinner Continuous In-line Spinner Diverter

3-arm 6-arm Spinner Flowmeter
Flow-meter behavior during production and injection

PLT Tools – Temperature tools

 Temperature is one of the most useful “auxiliary” measurements made in

production logging.

 Temperature is very important as it is a good liquid indicator in gas wells

 The temperature can be more sensitive to small flows than the flowmeters

 Combined with pressure it helps compute the PVT parameters.

 The response time is very important more than the resolution itself (especially for
quantitative temperature analysis)

 In addition, it will detect very small fluid entries:

 The derivative of temperature wrt depth (dT/dZ) can be used to clarify
fluid entries in complex environments.
 Gas entries, for example, are characterized by a sharp reduction in

 It is the only tool in the string that “sees” behind casing, hence it can be used to
detect channeling.

PLT Tools - Density

Density is used to determine liquid source entry

Nuclear fluid density tool
Tool measure the difference in Gamma ray absorption
pressure between two points
PLT Tools – Fluid Hold up tools

• The purpose of this tool is to determine the mixture hold up and

determine the relative proportions of the phases present
• Two main way to measure it
– Single sensor in the “middle” of the wellbore
• Capacitance/Impedance tools
– Imaging tools that allow you to have a complete view of the
borehole with several probes : Multi array tool
• Two main manufacturers are
– Sondex :
» Multi Capacitance (CAT)
» Multi Resistivity (RAT)
– Schlumberger : 4 probes
» Multi Resistivity (flowview)
» Optical probes (GHOST)
PLT Tools - Capacitance

• This tool use the difference

between the dielectric constant
of water and that of oil or gas
• A simple way to find the dielectric
constant of a fluid is to use the fluid
as the dielectric between the plates
of a capacitor
• Hence the tool measures
frequency… counts /sec

Density & Capacitance behavior


Oil & Gas: Capacitance

Density decrease and capacitance

Density increase and capacitance

PLT-Quality control

GR: Repeat measurements curves have similar shape, and the curves are
consistent with the original gamma curves.
CCL: Curves change significantly, downhole tools such as sleeves and packers
have obvious characteristics.
Spinner: Good correlation, stability logging speed and no cross and abnormal.
Density: Good repeatability, curves change significantly around the interface of
oil and water, gas and water, oil and gas and the gas outlet orifice.
Capacitance: Curves change stable in the zero-flow interval, in the oil-water
interface, gas-water interface have significant changes.
Pressure: Good repeatability, no significant abnormality.
Temperature: Have significantly change in the liquid outlet orifice, shut-in curves
have the same trend with the temperature curves when the well is produce.
Example for PLT

Perforation interval Interpretation interval Water Oil

Zone Contributions by phase
Top m Bottom m Top m Bottom m B/D B/D
0.0 2000.0 4000.0
2972.0 2984.0
A 2993.0 2996.0 SSD 5.8 409.2 415.0B/D
3016.0 3019.0 Water
3045.0 3055.0 3045.0 3055.0 462.0 322.5 784.5B/D OIL

B 3066.0 3069.9 3.0 89.1 92.1B/D

3065.0 3083.0 3072.4 3077.0 43.1 197.9 241.0B/D
3079.9 3083.0 495.3 1697.6 2192.9B/D

5.PLT interpretation data requirements

Emeraude software use for Production

Logging interpretation from KAPPA company.

PLT interpretation data requirements

Emeraude workflow

PLT interpretation data requirements

(1) Logging data :

Open hole logs and deviation surveys are loaded. This
data is used to depth match the PLT data

:(2) Completion details

The internal diameter, depth of the perforations and reservoir
zones, markers, pipe roughness and deviation are loaded in
the completion details.

:(3) Well Sketch

It is possible to create a completion diagram of the well,
by selecting completion items (casing, tubing, cement,

PLT interpretation data requirements

(1)Load PL data
Passes and stationary data are loaded from LIS, LAS and ASCII
(2)Editing data
The raw PL data normally requires editing before an interpretation can be performed.
Emeraude contains a broad range of editing options: lateral average, depth stretch, shift,
delete data and fill, hide data, merging, splicing, derivative, sampling, user formula
module, etc…

(3)PL tool configuration

In Emeraude, the user must specify the type of density tool that is used, so the proper
corrections are applied in the calculation scheme. The spinner blade diameter must be
entered to compute the velocity profile correction factor. A built-in list of capacitance tools
is included for the different vendors, with their respective calibration charts.
PLT interpretation data requirements

(6)RST pro
Reservoir Saturation Tool

RST Outline

 Introduction
 Basic Theory
 Sigma / TDT
 IC mode (Inelastic/Capture)
 WFL Mode (Water Flow Log)
 PVL mode (Phase Velocity Log)
TPHL mode (Three Phase Holdup Log )

RST Introduction

• RST is a nuclear tool with different logging modes

• Essentially it can provide three types of measurements:
– Reservoir saturation
• from Inelastic Capture (C/O) or Sigma measurements.
– Lithology and elemental yields
• from analysis of inelastic capture gamma ray spectra.
– Borehole fluid dynamics from :
• WFL (Water Flow Log)
• PVL (Phase Velocity Log)
• TPHL(Three Phase Holdup Log)

RST Applications

1. Formation evaluation behind casing

2. Sigma, porosity, and C/O measurement in one trip in the wellbore
3. Water saturation evaluation in old wells where modern open hole
logs have not been run
4. Measurement of water velocity inside casing, irrespective of
wellbore angle (production logging)
5. Measurement of near-wellbore water velocity outside the casing
(remedial applications)
6. Formation oil volume from C/O ratio, independent of formation water
7. Capture yields (H, Cl, Ca, Si, Fe, S, Gd, and Mg)
8. Inelastic yields (C, O, Si, Ca, and Fe)
9. Borehole salinity

Tool Modes and Measurements

Basic Theory

• Tool generates neutrons

• Neutrons interact with:
– tool,
– borehole fluids,
– formation
• We measure GRs

We want to know Sw !

Sigma principle

Sigma Acquisition

Short Burst
Long Burst
Minitron Burst

GR counts

1 cycle (1580.8 usec)

128 dual burst cycles Background

18 ms

Total (220.34 msec)

A: Early Capture
(borehole related)
Detection Windows
A B A C B: Late Capture
(decay time)
C: Burst-off background

• GR counts detected from capture of thermal neutrons

• From exponential thermal neutron decay rate  Sigma

Why do we measuring Sigma

• Elements have a Capture Cross section property: Sigma : 

Gas 0 - 12
Oil 18 - 20
Water 22 (fresh) - 130 (saline)
Shale 35 - 55
Matrix 8 - 12

• What do we log?

log = (water * fSw) Water

+ (oil * f(1-Sw)) Oil
+ (matrix * (1-f-Vshale)) Matrix
+ (shale * Vshale) Shale

Sw calculations

• Stand Alone
– If other data is known

( LOG- ma )- f ( h - ma )-Vsh ( sh - ma )

Sw= f ( w - h )
……Eq 1

• Time Lapse Technique

– If another  log exits……

RST apparent quantities

Sigma Mode Applications

• Stand-alone Sw when formation water is saline

– More ~ 35,000 ppm (NaCl equivalent) required
– Estimate today Sw using time lapse technique

• Monitoring Porosity through casing

– TPHI is the best characterized slim-hole neutron porosity
• Production logging applications
– Gas-Oil & Water-Oil contacts (GOC & WOC)
– Gas well monitoring
– Borehole salinity monitoring (BSAL)
• Helps on C/O interpretation
– eg. Input of Porosity is required

Sigma Log Example

Monitoring Contacts

• Three logs were run over

several years.
• They show the rise in Water /
Oil contact (WOC).

Time lapse technique

• Multiple logging runs over

X-year time
• If w, h and f are known,
change in Sw can be
Time lapse
Sw = 
f (w-h)

RST over TDT-P

• No water salinity limitations

– RST can be run also in IC mode (not only Sigma)
=> Injection fluids, unknown salinities ,etc
• Improved Sigma readings
– due to bigger database characterization (4000 points)
• Faster Sigma logging
• Faster WFL stations
• Improved minitron efficiency & reliability
• CPLT & PSP combinable ===> New applications !

IC mode applications

• Sw can be determined from Sigma readings, UNLESS:

F Formation water salinity is less than 35,000 ppm
– not enough contrast between Oil & Water sigma
F Variable or unknown formation water salinity

F Water injection fields

– Although WSAL may be high, the result mixture is
unknown or not the same from base log  Time lapse
technique can NOT be used

• Water-Oil contact (WOC) when low salinity

– In Low porosity reservoirs, required speed for a
quantitative IC results is not practical, but still the
contact can be determined from C/O ratios
IC mode applications

IC mode for determined lithology & saturation

IC mode for determined lithology IC mode for determined saturation

Near & Far C/O ratios

Tool Response Plot (2-1/2” tool(


Far Carbon/Oxygen Ratio

0.8 o-o
 This point is the tool
0.6 response when:
 Oil in the borehole
0.4 o-w  Water in the formation


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Near Ca rbon/O xygen Ratio

w-w: water in borehole water in formation

o-w: oil in borehole water in formation
o-o: oil in borehole oil in formation
w-o: water in borehole oil in formation

WFL mode

Water Flow Logging time

• Water flow inside / behind the casing
• Water speed detection (ie.horizontal wells)
• Up & Down flow detection
• Qualitative Flow contributions of zones

Water Flow Logging - method

Water Flow Logging -Station report

• Text file is recorded with “plot”

picture of ALL detectors
• PDS Station report is generated for
the detector selected in WFL

• Net GR counts =
Measured – Background
• Velocity Marker
– Computed peak after decay correction

• Flow index
– is not corrected for pipe size so it is relative
and will change with pipe diameter

• More information
– Tool orientation
– Cycle timing & # cycles acquired
– Slug quality

Phase Velocity Logging
• Phase speed on horizontal wells
• Part of flagship provides full interpretation

PVL : Phase Velocity Logging Method

Marker fluid
• High neutron absortion
• Non-radioactive, non-toxic
Water : Gadolinium chloride
• Oil: New organo-metallic

Processing chain
• Compute apparent borehole
sigma every 0.2 sec
• Find signal peak & edge
• Compute velocity
• Compare measured &
predicted peak width

RST Pro with Flagship service

RST -TPHL mode (Three Phase Holdup Log )-in PLT

Example-RST -TPHL mode (Three Phase Holdup Log )-in PLT
RST summary

• RST applications
– Sigma mode
• Sw when formation water is Saline
• Porosity through tubing/casing
• Reservoir monitoring
• Gas detection
– (IC) Inelastic capture mode
– WFL (Water Flow Log)
– PVL (Phase Velocity Log)
– TPHL(Three Phase Holdup Log)

1. Open-hole Wireline Logging and Interpretations - Course Notes

2. Well logging course –Schlumberger company
3. Open hole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation-Society of Petroleum
Engineers (2012)
4. Heriot-Watt University(Formation Evaluation)
5. Petrophysics : A Practical Guide (Steve Cannon)
6. petrophysics book- Glover PP Book Compiled Version
7. Petrophysics Theory and Practice of Measuring Reservoir Rock and Fluid
Transport Properties 4 edition
8. Fundamentals of Petrophysics-Shenglai Yang
9. Guide To Petrophysical Interpretation [Daniel A. Krygowski]
10. Hongqi Liu Principles and Applications of Well Logging
11. Reservoir Saturation Tool (Pitinun Matitanaviroon ) –Schlumberger company
12. Cased hole logging – Schlumberger company
13. Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring (2nd ed.) [R.M.
Bateman, 2015]
14. Cement Evaluation- Schlumberger company
15. Well integrity technology ( oilserv-company )
About Authorized

Name: Abbas Radhi Abbas

Position: Chief Engineer / petroleum Engineer

Nationality: Iraq- Missan

Date of Birth: 1978

Gender: Male

Education Background:

Period Education description

1996-2001 University of Bagdad – college of Engineering – petroleum engineering department- (BSc)

Certificates of Appreciation

15 Certificates of Appreciation from difrent international companies such as (Schlumberger- waetherford , CNOOC , COSL ,

Work Experience : in Missan Oil Company ( MOC)

Period Work description

(2004-2006) reservoir engineer

(2006-2010 ) water injection engineer

during (2011) drilling and workover engineer

(2011 to 2020 ) petrophysics manager in Reservoir department

Mother language:
language/level: English/Fluent oral and written in English.



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