Alcatel-Lucent Hybrid Cloud Communications Hospitality For Mid-Sized and Large Enterprises

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Alcatel-Lucent Hybrid Cloud Communications

Hospitality for Mid-sized and Large Enterprises

Standard Offer

Chapter 10 - Hospitality Communication Services

October 2017 Offer - Ed.1 with October 2017 Golden RFP

Ref.: ENT_MLE_032575EN

ALE International All Rights Reserved © ALE International 2017

Copyright © ALE International 2017. All rights reserved

Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not
permitted without written authorization from ALE International.

The information presented is subject to change without notice. ALE International assumes no
responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © ALE International 2017.

This documentation is provided for reference purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the
completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this documentation, this documentation is
provided “as is” without any warranty whatsoever and to the maximum extent permitted.
In the interest of continued product development, ALE International reserves the right to make
improvements to this documentation and the products it describes at any time without notice or

Who Should Use this Document?

As an introductory offer, this document can be used by ALE International vendors, clients, partners and
associates involved with the implementation of ALE International systems.

This standard offer is the reference document including tags and questions for Golden

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Chapter 10: Hospitality October 2017 Offer
Table of contents

1 Changing the hospitality conversation_______________________________________________4

1.1 Our solutions improve hospitality conversation__________________________________________4
1.2 Introducing the ALE International portfolio______________________________________________4
2 Telephony and hospitality combined solutions________________________________________6
2.1 OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server_____________________________________________7
2.2 Hospitality Software_________________________________________________________________7
2.2.1 Overview of available services___________________________________________________________8
2.2.2 Guest room configuration_______________________________________________________________9
2.2.3 Voice mail for hospitality_______________________________________________________________10
2.2.4 Alcatel-Lucent compatibility with other hospitality software_________________________________12
2.2.5 Hospitality software - guest services____________________________________________________13
2.2.6 Hospitality software - front office services________________________________________________16
2.3 Customer services and front office____________________________________________________22
2.3.1 Attendant____________________________________________________________________________22
2.3.2 Contact Center Solutions_______________________________________________________________25
2.3.3 Visual Automated Attendant____________________________________________________________26
2.3.4 OmniPCX Record Suite________________________________________________________________27
2.4 Telephone sets____________________________________________________________________28
2.4.1 Administrative sets____________________________________________________________________28
2.4.2 Guest sets___________________________________________________________________________29
2.5 Advanced Guest Services____________________________________________________________33
2.5.1 8088 Smart DeskPhone Hospitality package______________________________________________33
2.5.2 8088 Smart DeskPhone Smart Guest applications_________________________________________35
2.5.3 Mobile guest softphone________________________________________________________________36
2.6 Guest security services______________________________________________________________38
2.6.1 Emergency calls (112/911) and emergency notification server______________________________38
2.6.2 OpenTouch Notification Service_________________________________________________________39
2.6.3 Alcatel-Lucent Voice Broadcast System (AVBS)___________________________________________41

ALE International All Rights Reserved © ALE International 2017

1 Changing the hospitality conversation
For Golden RFP; For Solution Handbook; For Customer proposal (OXE, OXE+OTMS)
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Changing the hospitality communication]
What would be the most efficient ways to promote the comfort and services available to our

ALE International Response:

Guest experience economy is catching up and rapidly, overcoming traditional marketing, with billions
of impressions shared daily on travel sites, which are some of the most popular sites on the internet.
Guests are becoming editors in-chief of their own travel blogzines and, incidentally, your marketing
voice. Give them a unique experience, and they will share it with the entire web — if you can provide
them with the necessary bandwidth to speak instantly and support their message with striking (and
heavy) visuals. The digital guest experience is an exponential reflection of their real life: the make-or-
break choice and judgment criterion that is even more important than a comfortable bed and
breakfast. This is where we can help.
[End of response]

1.1 Our solutions improve hospitality conversation

For Golden RFP; For Solution Handbook; For Customer proposal (OXE, OXE+OTMS)
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Improving hospitality communication]
In which ways can your offer benefit our hospitality business?

ALE International Response:

From multimedia to personalized services on the smart deskphone next to a guest’s bed or on the
guest’s own device, ALE International provides a broad spectrum of services that enhance your
guests’ experience while lowering your operating costs. Hotel employees, managers and IT personnel
can also develop and offer new services, generating additional revenue while promoting customer
Differentiation at best cost has made our solutions successful in the hospitality sector for over twenty
years. All our applications and services comply with the latest technology standards, enabling
interconnection with existing networking environments, as well as with popular third-party
applications, such as notification systems, alarm management and hospitality phones. In addition, our
solutions integrate with property management systems (PMS), call accounting and workflows to make
sure your business gets a valuable return for your investment in all your guest services.
[End of response]

1.2 Introducing the ALE International portfolio

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [ALE International portfolio]
Which hospitality market segment do you address with your offer?

ALE International Response:

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
ALE International offers end-to-end solutions covering the entire guest experience:
 From budget hotels with standard hotel services and network integration platform, to high-
end hotels with applications such as the Smart Guest Application or Mobile Guest Softphones
for advanced services and a memorable guest experience.
 This is a unique offer on the market that may be deployed in CPE mode or in the cloud
including our unique occupancy-based model.

[End of response]

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
2 Telephony and hospitality combined solutions
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Telephony and hospitality combined solutions] Can you offer an
all-in-one solution including telephony and hospitality services?

ALE International Response:

The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server offers a standard based open-distributed

communications server for both medium and large enterprises, managing traditional and IP
configurations at the same time. With a capacity of 15,000 to 100,000 users, the OmniPCX Enterprise
Communication Server is one of the most scalable advanced business communication systems.
The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server is designed with IP at the core, allowing fully
distributed IP solutions across data networks. Its unique media gateway architecture also allows
traditional TDM or mixed IP-TDM configurations.
This IP network may include one or more Local Area Networks (LANs) or local networks linked via
public networks to and from Wide Area Networks (WANs).
The OmniPCX Enterprise Solution is a complete offer that includes:
 State of the art telephones services
 Hardware solutions (Media-Gateways) to create or complement a network
 Desk Phones (wired and wireless) and softphones
 Embedded applications to facilitate communications inside and outside businesses
 A standard Contact Center solution
 Value added applications to run specialized services (Hotel, contact-center)
 API interfaces for external applications to use in conjunction with an ALE International or a
non- ALE International solution (API)
The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server integrates a hospitality application
providing a consistent group of features, designed to address the following needs:
 Handling guest arrivals and departures
 Handling group arrivals and departures
 Managing wake-up calls
 Managing guest voice messages
 Configuring dynamic hotel suite configurations (in a guest-based configuration)
 Billing calls (itemized and global) from rooms (two currencies are available)
 Real-time tracking of guest telephone credit (deposit)
 Verifying and tracking of room status
 Managing room service
 Managing waiting messages

The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server is complemented by dedicated hospitality assets,

to enrich guest experience and safety. It provides the following services:
 Smart Guest Application

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
 Mobile Guest Softphone
 OpenTouch Notification Services
 Emergency Notification Server
 Alcatel-Lucent Voice Broadcast server

The OmniPCX Enterprise hospitality software can also work with 3rd party solutions certified by
Alcatel-Lucent Application Partners Program (AAPP) to offer comprehensive hotel solutions that can
better fit specific requirements in this market:
 Property Management Systems
 Call Accounting Systems
 Hospitality dedicated terminals
 External Voice mail and Wake-Up services

[End of response]

2.1 OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server

For more information on the various components of the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server
and all related services, see: Chapter 2 – Offer packages, Chapter 3 – System services and Chapter
14 – Hardware components.

2.2 Hospitality Software

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software]
Can you provide a PBX with special features to cover advanced telephony requirements as
well as the management of our hospitality services?

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
ALE International Response:

The Alcatel-Lucent Telephony Hospitality offer is based on the OmniPCX Enterprise and the
Hospitality Software which is embedded in its software.
This software provides services to two different types of users:
 Administrative staff:
Hotel staff members have access to every feature offered by the OmniPCX Enterprise system.
Many people in the administrative staff may not have an individually assigned fixed telephone
position. They are shift workers who use a telephone set dedicated to a position or function (e.g.
front desk, room service, etc.)
Administrative telephone sets provide the maximum possible amount of information regarding
guests, such as the guest name and room number. Other useful information such as the language
they speak and a possible VIP status can be useful to improve guest service levels.
 Guests
Guests are never trained to use their room telephone and do not have the time nor the will to
process complicated procedures just to place or receive a call. As a result, guests expect
simplicity of access to basic telephony functions, and user-friendly ergonomics.
In the ALE International offer, all the telephones of the current Alcatel-Lucent range, are
compatible with hospitality usage. Particularly in a hotel context, the 8088 Smart DeskPhone is
very much appreciated for its design and its potential of customizing the screen display of
information and features. This display provides an excellent platform for the additional services
that the hotel or hospital can provide.
[End of response]

2.2.1 Overview of available services

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –available services]
If providing a hospitality software, covering advanced telephony requirements, what
hospitality services does it cover?

ALE International Response:

– Room occupancy: occupied or vacant (automatically updated by guest check-in/check-out

and room assignment commands
– Room status: up to 10 possible statuses: to clean, being cleaned, cleaned, ready (or
customizable statuses). Automatic and manual updates are available
– Voice guides in up to four languages
– Wake-up calls: pre-programmed key or prefix or set by attendant, with acknowledgement
provided by a voice guide, snooze feature (four additional wake-up calls)
– Do not Disturb: pre-programmed key or prefix or set by attendant, acknowledgement
provided by a voice guide, incoming calls routed to the attendant (except for wake-up
– Set lock/unlock: protection against misuse, PIN requested to unlock the phone
– Phone booth: monitored by the attendant and transferred to guest's bill
– Privacy: guest names and numbers may be masked when making internal calls

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– Messages indicated by LED, automatic routing to mailbox if desired
– Call forwarding: to mailbox or internal/external number, immediate or delayed
– Greeting customization
– Multi-dispatching room service
[End of response]

2.2.2 Guest room configuration

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –guest room configuration] Can your
hospitality system support multiple phones per room in suite mode?

ALE International Response:

The hospitality software provides different room configurations:

– The Hotel Suite (multiple telephones/multiple lines/multiple rooms) can consist of an
association of up to of five phones (mobile Reflexes, Premium DeskPhones, 8088 Smart
DeskPhone, 8012 DeskPhones and/or analog sets). All the phones share the following
phone characteristics: make calls between room sets, incoming calls make all free sets
ring, do not disturb applies to all suite sets, voice message notification is activated on all
room set and wake-up services ring all the suite sets, but individual wake-up still remains
available. There are two ways to implement multiple line scenarios:
 Using special two-line analog sets
 Installing multiple telephone sets (analog, digital or SIP), using the OmniPCX
Enterprise to provide the multiple extension service
– The Room consists of an association of up to three analog phones using a single line or a
unique digital/IP phone
– The Booth is a telephone positioned in the public areas and is accessible to guests and
staff, provided a code is used

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
[End of response]

2.2.3 Voice mail for hospitality

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –voice mail] Do you offer an integrated
voice mail system, adapted to hospitality needs? If yes, what are its standard features?

ALE International Response:

ALE International voice messaging solutions provide a unique integration with a PMS (Property
Management System), thereby freeing administrative personnel from multiple actions at the check-in
or check-out of a guest. Voice mail services are provided via the A4645 solution.
The A4645 VMS (Voice Messaging System) is a powerful software application designed to be
integrated in the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server for more efficient deployment and
management of messaging and greeting features
Available to all end-users; whether they use fixed or mobile sets, covering all business sectors and
activities, the A4645 VMS provides natural interactive messaging to ensure a high level of company
«welcome» management.

The A4645 VMS is the best suited, cost effective voice mail
solution for systems based on Common Hardware platforms or
Appliance Server or running on a virtual machine.

The A4645 VMS can be embedded in an independent hardware

platform, virtualized, or fully integrated on the same hardware
platform as the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server.

The A4645 VMS is a multi-service voice application. It makes it

possible for callers to leave a message in a user voice mailbox when the user is busy or away, so that

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
messages are never missed. Voice prompt menus help mailbox owners by providing contextual
options to manage the service. End-users can manage their mailbox more quickly and easily. Their
set display offers the relevant contextual options, which can be selected via soft keys.

The A4645 VMS also offers the following services:

– Voice mail messaging features that allow the owner of a mailbox to send messages to
other voice mail users. A large range of options are available to assist the mailbox owner:
o Message forwarding to one or several correspondents
o System distribution list to send messages simultaneously to multiple destinations
o Importance level of the message
o Verification of message distribution (acknowledgement when correspondents have
listened to the voice message)
Each user can program their desired type of acknowledgement (for example notification by
their telephone ringing)
– Automated Attendant features that allow the voice mail system to automatically:
answer incoming calls, transfer them to a requested number or requested mailbox, and
present general company information
– Information messages to present company information (opening times, description of
departments (e.g., marketing, etc.) to be played to callers. This service involves
implementation and configuration of specific automated attendant parameter settings
– Specific services for mobile users, which enable a caller to select various options
(offered by the Ubiquity assistant) when the caller cannot reach the requested user. The
configuration of specific automated attendant parameter settings creates the Ubiquity
In addition to these services, the A4645 VMS can provide the following advanced services:
– A4645 IMAP access, which allows mailbox owners to consult their voice mail from an e-
mail client, via the IP network, thanks to the implementation of an Internet-standard
protocol, IMAP4 (Internet Messaging Access Version 4).
– A4645 Networking service, which enables the A4645 VMS node to be connected to
several other voice mail system nodes (A4645 VMS, OpenTouch voice messaging or a
voice mail from another manufacturer) over the IP network
[End of response]
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –voice mail] Do you offer specific voice
mail features for hotel guests?

ALE International Response:

The A4645 VMS offers dedicated services for hospitality businesses:

– Guest mailbox allocation/deletion at check-in/out
When guests check in, a mailbox is automatically assigned to them, with a password and
their desired language. Guests can record their name on initial connection to their
mailbox. The password allows access to the mailbox from their hotel room. When guests
check out or change rooms, their mailbox is automatically moved to the new room, or

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
deleted. Guest mailboxes can have a longer lifespan than the actual telephone, which
allows the retrieval of messages after the guest has left the room.
– Simplified guest mailboxes
The voice mail service offers guest mailbox services commonly used in hotel
Guest mailboxes have a limited set of services, compared with those offered by a standard
mailbox. Restrictions include:
 Messages in the guest mailbox cannot be archived
 Guests connected to their mailbox cannot send messages to another guest
 Messages cannot be copied for other mailbox owners
 The mailbox owner cannot modify the name and password
– Multiple language
Alcatel-Lucent voice messaging systems provide up to seven simultaneous languages,
including Arabic and Japanese. This represents a key advantage for high-end hotel chains.
– Wake-up
To use this feature, the user dials the wake-up code, which prompts to enter the desired
wake-up time and (optionally) the number of the phone to call. The voice message
confirms wake-up/reminder time. This announcement is repeated three times (if the user
does not hang up).
On wake-up/reminder execution, the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server connects
to the voice mailbox. All wake-up/reminder calls programmed for the same time and in the
same language are transmitted from the same port of the voice mailbox. When the user
picks up the phone to answer the call, the system plays a voice guide explaining that it is
a wake-up/reminder call and giving its programmed time.
 The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server performs all wake-up operations
(program and storage)
 The voice mailbox only plays the wake-up voice guide in the selected language
 A voice guide is available to confirm wake-up time
[End of response]

2.2.4 Alcatel-Lucent compatibility with other hospitality software

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –voice mail] Can your PBX operate with
the third party Property Management System I have (or plan on buying)?

ALE International Response:

The Alcatel-Lucent Hospital Link (AHL) is a computer link used to access the OmniPCX Enterprise, for
hotel/hospital features only, from an external PMS computer.
The AHL link enables the front office computer to incorporate telephone features in hotel/hospital
management. The AHL link works on V.24 or TCP/IP Ethernet, CTI lines.
For each transaction, an acknowledgement is sent back by the other system.

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Messages from the Communication server Messages from the external application

– Call ticket – Check-in/check-out

– Check-in/check-out – Room allocation
– Room allocation – Assignment of voice mail facilities
– Room status modification
– Voice mail and wake-up facilities
– Guest telephone account
The Alcatel-Lucent Applications Partners Program certifies many CMS and PMS publishers. The
complete AHL protocol is only available to developers who have a partnership contract with ALE
[End of response]

2.2.5 Hospitality software - guest services

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –guest services] Can you list and briefly
explain the services your system can offer to our guests?

ALE International Response: Direct outward dialing (DOD)

Direct outward dialing (DOD) provides direct dial access to an external line, eliminating the need to
go through an attendant to make phone calls. Direct inward dialing (DID)

Direct inward dialing (DID) provides direct dial access to the guest room, eliminating the need for an
external caller to go through the attendant to call a guest. Cyclical DID

DID assignment at check-in is a feature of a guest-based configuration. The oldest used DID number
is automatically assigned to the newest guest. This circular assignment of DIDs helps to prevent a
new guest from being disturbed by an external phone call addressed to the previous occupant.
Cycling of DIDs can be managed:
– By a hotel terminal
– Through the AHL by an external application such as CMS or PMS

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer Speed dialing
Room service, front desk, bar, restaurant, or laundry service can be called by dialing one or two digits
or by pressing a pre-programmed key. A time delay is implemented when a digit is also used as first
digit for another number, for example: room "2602" and room service "2". Redial key

All advanced Alcatel-Lucent sets offer a redial key. This can be used to redial the very last number
dialed on the set or access a list of the eight numbers previously dialed. Unanswered calls

Unanswered calls can be stored and viewed on the guest set. When a set is shared between several
guests, the guest secret code is requested to consult these calls. Call forwarding

Calls to a room set can be forwarded by guests and hotel staff. Depending on the user choice, calls
can be forwarded:
– When the set does not answer
– When the set is busy
– In all cases
Calls are forwarded according to the user selection, to:
– The set voice mailbox
– Another set in the system Do not disturb (DND)

When a guest activates the Do not disturb (DND) feature, by using a prefix or a pre-programmed
key, the phone is considered busy for internal and external calls. But this telephone can still be used
to make calls. Hotel staff may also program a Do not disturb on a guest set from the hotel terminal
or from their own set. When picking up the telephone, the guest is played a voice prompt indicating
that the handset is in DND. The set display, if available, also indicates the status of the set (either
with a permanent display on 8012 DeskPhone, IP Touch 4008/4018 and 4019 Digital Phone sets, or
as a pop-up window and the Info page on advanced sets).
Wake-up and message information remain available. For security reasons, attendant calls and fire
alarms may override DND. If there is an attendant call, the attendant console indicates the:
– Call source (calling party)
– Trunk group number
– ISDN calling number, if available
– DND icon
– Number of the handset in DND (called party)
The rooms in DND status may be listed and printed from the hotel terminal. Wake-up or reminder calls

Guests may program a wake-up or reminder call directly from their room handset, by dialing a prefix
or pressing a pre-programmed key. They are guided by voice prompts and the wake-up time is
automatically confirmed. Hotel staff may also program a wake-up for a guest from the room service
handset, the attendant console or the hotel terminal. The maximum number of wake-up calls

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
programmed per room or guest is four. The requested wake-up call can be listed and printed from
the hotel terminal.
Wake-up call can be presented on the room/cabin phones (40x8/40x9/80x8/80x9) with a regular
ringing or with a soft music.
When guests answer the wake-up call, they hear music or a voice prompt presenting the wake-up
time. An information record for the call is simultaneously printed on the wake-up printer. If there is
no answer to the wake-up call, the OmniPCX Enterprise application calls again later. The time before
another attempt is made is two minutes, but the recall timer can be adjusted. If there is no answer
after the second wake-up call, an alarm message is sent to the wake-up printer.
Wake-up/appointment management of room is also possible from 4068/8068 DeskPhone Attendant
sets. Voice mail services

At check-in or checkout, the OmniPCX Enterprise application interprets PMS or CMS commands,
carried over an AHL link, and assigns a mailbox to a guest, if required. The creation of a mailbox
does not require room assignment. In a guest-based configuration, pre-check-in allows entering the
guest into the database without assigning a room, and create their mailbox.
The Alcatel-Lucent integrated voice mail application (A4645VMS) offers advanced hospitality voice
mailbox service. At first off-hook, the guest is directed to the voice mail and invited by the application
to record a name and a greeting message. The user can then take advantage of the following
– Friendly guest user interface:
o Voice guides in the guest native language
o Short, clear, and concise prompts
o Automatic saving of the messages listened to. Messages are saved for a configurable
period of time (time related to message length and message storage time)
o Main voice mail features include:
 Replay a message
 Archive a message
 Erase a message
Room move
In a guest-based configuration, guests may move to another room and automatically retain their
mailbox, with no changes required by the hotel staff or the guest. When a guest changes extension
number, the mailbox number is changed accordingly.
Deferred mailbox deletion
Guests can review their messages after checkout time. This feature is active only when the mailbox
contains new messages at checkout time. The extendable lifetime of a mailbox is a system
parameter. When the next guest checks into the room, previous messages are deleted. Call restriction

The guest room call restriction feature provides the following services:

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– Automatic DID deactivation: It is possible to route external incoming calls to the attendant
during a fixed period of time, when the guest wishes not to be disturbed by direct dial
– Inter-room call restriction: Inter-room calls may be restricted during a daily fixed period of
time. Any inter-room calls may also be rerouted to the attendant console.
– Manual phone lock-unlock: A guest can lock or unlock the room phone by dialing a prefix
(or pressing a programmed key). The user is guided by voice prompts while setting up this
– Automatic room phone locking: After "N" wrong attempts, the room phone can be
automatically locked. Message on free or busy phone

A guest can receive an information message originating from the:
– Message service or attendant console
– External application through AHL
– Front desk terminal
The message lamp, if available, flashes after a message is received, and the message may be
collected automatically. When the device goes off-hook, the guest receives a routing tone and is
connected to the message service or to the message originator (voice mail, etc.) after a programmed
time. Privacy
The privacy feature allows anonymous calls between guests. Caller information is not displayed on
the room phone, but remains available for hotel staff, room service, and the front desk. Dual-line, consultation call, broker call, transfer and conference

The dual line feature allows a guest to receive a second call when on a prior call. The guest can
answer the second call and can go back to the first call. The guest may set up a conference or
transfer the call.
The menu page of advanced sets provides access to all these options. Room move

In a guest-based configuration, a guest can change rooms without checking out, by using the "auto-
assignment feature" which easily changes the room number. All guest characteristics, parameters,
and services are automatically transferred to the new room. Partial check-out

In a guest-based configuration with partial checkout, a guest may check out of a hotel without
canceling phone services. This is convenient for guests who will return and want to keep the same
phone service. Items such as password, DID number, or voice mailbox are available when the guest
returns. These may be temporarily assigned to a second guest until the first guest returns to the
hotel. When the first guest returns, they can retrieve all their messages even if the room they are
checked into is different from the previous one.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer Multiple languages
The OmniPCX Enterprise application is multilingual. Up to eight different languages may be used on
telephone displays and for voice prompts. The language of the guest is recorded at check-in and a
letter indicating this language is displayed on staff sets whenever the set is called or calls reception. House phone

A guest may also call from a house phone. Two options are available:
– Using a personal password: guests enter their room or guest number (in a guest-based
configuration) and the personal password they were assigned at check-in. The room or
guest bill is automatically updated at the end of the call.
– By attendant console: guests indicate to the attendant their room or guest number (in a
guest-based configuration) and the number they want to reach. The room or guest bill is
automatically updated at the end of the call.
[End of response]

2.2.6 Hospitality software - front office services

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Hospitality software –front office services] How can your
system help our employees be more efficient?

ALE International Response: Individual check-in

The following information is required at check-in:
– Room number
– Assignment of the DID number
– Mailbox assignment: Y/N
– In a guest-based configuration, a guest number is required, but may be automatically
assigned by the application at check-in
– Guest name
– Language spoken
– Password (required for the use of house phones)
– Type of occupancy of the room (single or multiple)
– Value of the initial payment (deposit)
– Authorization or restriction of direct access
– Time of wake-up call (if desired)
After check-in, metering counters are reset to zero. The previous activated services, such as DND or
wake-up call and wake-up message are canceled. The room status is updated and the client name is
changed and can be reached by "call-by-name." Group check-in

The arrival of a group of guests requires two types of data:
– Information common to all the stations of the group: number and name of the group,
assignment of the DID number, language code, initial payment, time of wake-up call

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– Information specific to each guest in the group: room number, guest number (in a guest-
based configuration) and type of occupancy
After the entry of data specific to each guest, the room number is automatically written to the guest
follow-up table and the "number of rooms for the group" counter increases with each entry. Client
names are changed in "call-by-name" directory to be the same as for individual check-in.
A group arrival can be simultaneously handled at different front office terminals. Guest directory

Staff can search guests in the dedicated directory managed by the application, by alphabetical order,
by room number or by name. Room service

– Guests can call for room service, by floor or section, by dialing a single phone number.
– When a call is sent to a room service device, the station display indicates the phone
number of the room, the name of the user, the language, and whether it is a VIP call.
– Room service staff can have different telephone numbers to allow room service personnel
to distinguish the requested types of room service. Room management

Staff can manage or select rooms by:
– Room type
– Occupancy status of rooms
Hotel staff can change or modify the status of a room by dialing related codes on the room phone,
with or without employee identification. The change may be the status of the room, which can be
clean, available, or additional work needed.
Changes in room statuses can be automatically printed on the service printer, so that the maid or
maintenance staff can be notified of the status of the room at any time. Metering
The hospitality application provides billing services in two modes:
– Metering (charging) by time
– Metering (charging) by units (pulses)
Charging by time
The call cost calculation is based on table data. The following information is stored in the table:
– Cost per direction, 1,000 available
– Thirty charge scales
– Five tariffs by day according to time slot
– Predefined bank holidays
If a PMS is in operation, the OmniPCX Enterprise application delivers AHL records with:
– Call duration and cost
– The number dialed by the guest
– The trunk group number
This service is not compatible with the deposit feature.
Charging by units (pulses)

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
The call cost calculation is as follows:
– Charges assessed by length of call or by number of units
– Calibration of cost per unit
– Charging unit counters for each room
o Total cost
o Number of calls
o In deposit mode: balance paid and call costs
o Reset at zero on new guest's arrival
– Call records
o Printed progressively or on demand
o Capability of masking from one to four of the final digits
The price is calculated according to the following formula: P = N1P1 + N2P2 + N3P3 where:
– Price P1 of the first N1 charge units
– Price P2 of the following N2 charge units
– Price P3 of the remaining charge units (N3)
– Prices P1, P2, and P3 have three digits and a floating decimal point Prepayment (deposit)

The prepayment, or deposit option allows the guest to place a deposit on an account that may be
applied against the future phone bill. The amount of the deposit can be predefined in the system.
– When the deposit reaches the first threshold, the guest is informed during the call by a
beep tone
– When the deposit amount is reduced to zero
o Direct access is blocked
o The call in progress may be cut off
o Call record prints on printer
o A voice prompt at next off-hook informs the guest of the deposit amount status
o On the next attempt to make an external call, the guest is automatically routed to the
attendant with the following message displayed: “MCDU Dept” Multiple carriers

The OmniPCX Enterprise may be connected to several service providers or carriers with or without
advice of charge. With advice of charge, the OmniPCX Enterprise ARS automatically selects the lowest
cost service provider. The digits sent to the carrier may be different from the digits sent by the guest
to place the call.
– By the user (before ARS conversion), and at checkout, the guest views the calls with the
original dialed number
– On the line, after ARS conversion. The digits that are in the final record are those sent on
the line and not those dialed by the guest
If there is an external hotel application, the OmniPCX Enterprise connects via AHL. Records include
the following information:
– Call duration and cost
– The number dialed by the guest or the number sent on the line

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– The trunk group number Billing
Bills may be issued using two currencies, for example, EURO + local.
Records are stored on disk (by request). When the next guest checks in, the data stored on the
assigned sector is deleted and any additional sectors are returned to the "common pool."
Printing guest records
A guest record can be printed on a printer with an eighty-character line width in real time or as a
scheduled print job. The record may contain the following information:
– Phone number
– Cost center (service)
– Call mode
– Time and date
– Length of time
– Cost calculated from the number of charge units
– Number dialed
Printing staff phone records
By using a system management command, the staff phone records may be printed in the same
format. However, the cost is calculated by multiplying the number of charge units by a "Staff phone
basic charge unit" price.
Dialed number mask
The dialed number mask feature is available for screen displays, printouts or external transmissions,
making it possible to mask the last one to four digits of the number dialed (programmed on
installation). Masked digits are replaced by periods. For numbers with less than five digits, the first
two digits are retained.
Specific online printing
Records may be printed on demand for:
– One or a series of rooms or users
– A specific number dialed or a specific direction
– Cost exceeding a threshold
– Duration exceeding a threshold
– Specific manner of obtaining calls (transfer, etc.)
Transfer of call (outgoing call) to a guest
If a call is made by an attendant console or hotel staff and transferred to a guest, the guest is
charged for the entire call; only one record is issued, according to how the call was established.
Record transfer
From a hotel terminal, it is possible to transfer a record from one extension to another, for instance,
calling a taxi from room service.
Pre-assignment record
From a house phone (booth, bar, lounge, etc.), it is possible to specify the extension to which the
next call made from that house phone must be assigned.
Itemized bills

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
The hotel management can request a guest itemized bill until the check-in of the next guest
occupying the same room. When the bill is printed, there is no reset or cost change. Dynamic suites

In a guest-based configuration, it is possible to dynamically associate various rooms to create suites
with the following calling characteristics.
Making calls
The internal calls between room phones are available. If prepayment is required, only one external
call at a time can be made per suite. If no prepayment is required, guests can call from any phone at
any time.
Receiving calls
An incoming call rings all free phones in the suite. If all suite phones are busy, the incoming call is
parked. Guests are informed by a beep and they may use the dual-line feature.
Do not disturb (DND)
Programming a DND in a suite means that DND applies to all phones in the suite.
Programming a wake-up call in a suite means that the wake-up service will ring all the phones in the
suite, but individual room wake-up or reminder is still available.
Dual-line, transfer and conference
Dual-line presents the same functionality in a suite as in a room. Transfer and conference calls may
be either internal or external:
– Between rooms of the suite
– External room/phone/trunk
Voice mail
The voice mailbox is assigned to one guest; the message notification is activated on all room phones.
Room phones
The following telephones may be associated:
– 8088 Smart DeskPhone
– 8012 Deskphone
– Premium DeskPhones
– Analog phone
– SIP phone
– DECT phones (in association with a fixed phone – twin-set configuration)
– S0 devices
– Fax (analog or S0) Guest departure

Individual checkout
Guest checkout is prohibited if either the room phone or password is in use. If not, the checkout
operations are the following:
– Printing a standard bill
– Cancellation of direct access
– Mailbox deactivation

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– Notification of number of unopened messages
– Cancellation of waiting messages
– Cancellation of do not disturb
– Cancellation of external line access
– Change room status from "occupied" to "to be prepared"
Group checkout
Group departure allows checkout to be performed with a single command, after the required
verifications are made (same as for guest departure). The checkout procedures are:
– Print a standard bill for the group followed by standard bills for each group member
– Cancel the number of the group
– Cancel the waiting messages
– Mailbox deactivation
– Notification of number of unread messages
– Cancel do not disturb
– Cancel external line access
– Change room status from "occupied" to "to be prepared" Night audit

At fixed time periods, or on demand by the night audit manager, the system automatically reports the
daily telephone costs for each room, the administration and the attendants, with or without resetting
the counters to zero. VIP calls

The system can be configured so that calls from VIP guests have a different display and unique
ringing tone on the 4059 Attendant Console. Access to management application

Hotel staff can access the hospitality application through a dumb terminal. In addition, information
such as bills, wake-up, and room status can be sent to a printer. Alcatel-Lucent Hotel Link (AHL)

The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server can be connected to a specialized computer by
means of an asynchronous, two-way V24 connection, with a rate of 300 bps to 19,200 bps, or
through an Ethernet TCP/IP connection.
The ASCII characters may be:
– At seven or eight bits
– Even or odd parity
– One or two stop bit(s)
All sources previously described for guests, front office, and night audit are available through the EDP
terminals. In addition, the mini-bar status may be managed directly by the maid from the room
phone. If there is an EDP crash, the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server can send telephone
records in real time to a predefined printer. A specific command can synchronize the OmniPCX
Enterprise Communication Server guest database and EDP database.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer Networking
Call accounting and the AHL link works in the network configuration allowing:
– Access to multiple carriers
– Attendant centralization
– Real-time deposit management
– Call cost simulation
– Call accounting based on milliseconds in real time
– Centralization of PMS/CMS on TCP/IP AHL
[End of response]

2.3 Customer services and front office

Select the appropriate chapter according to solution design
- Attendant
- Visual Automated Attendant
- Contact Center
o Voice
o Multi-Channel

2.3.1 Attendant
The OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server and OpenTouch offer a wide range of attendant
solutions to welcome customers. In addition to standard attendant features, Attendant also access to
specific hotel features. For more information, see Chapter 7 – Attendant Services. Attendant specific hotel features

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Customer services and front office – Attendant specific
features] What specific features are offered by your attendant telephone sets for hospitality

ALE International Response:

ALE International offers different options for all attendant needs.

Features Entry Level Attendant Multimedia Professional

(8068 / 4068) Attendant
(4059 IP and 4059)
Management of Do Not Disturb features for
Available via DTMF Available
room sets
Management of wake-up calls for room sets Available Available
Management of room status from attendant / Available
Management of call forwarding from
/ Available
Guest personal code management / Available

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
Specific display for rooms (VIP status, multi
/ Available
occupancy and spoken language)
Charged transfer (booth) / Available
Unsuccessful wake-up notification to
/ Available

[End of response] Entry level attendant position

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Customer services and front office – Attendant sets] Which
proprietary telephones would be suitable for attendants for our hotel?

ALE International Response:

The entry level solution consists in:

 An IP Touch 4068/8068 phone Extended Edition set used as an attendant set.

Context-sensitive softkeys provide a user-friendly access to attendant facilities for efficient

management of incoming and outgoing calls.
The attendant service on IP Touch 4068/8068 phone Extended Edition is fully compatible with:
o The Smart Display Module (up to three Smart Display Modules with 14 keys each
can be connected to a set)
o The IP Touch security feature
o Display of long names and names in non-Latin characters (UTF-8 standard) Multimedia professional attendant solution

The multimedia professional attendant solution, allows the attendant to switch between telephony
applications and Windows applications at any time. The full IP solution is provided by one of the
following 4059 offers:

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 An 4059 IP attendant console for the OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server
o An associated 8/9 series set used for voice (IP or TDM)
o The 4059 IP Attendant Application running on a standard PC
o An optional Busy Lamp Field (BLF) application, running on a standard PC
o An ergonomic telephony keyboard with LEDs, shortcut keys, and USB connection
 An 4059 Extended Edition attendant console (4059EE) for the OmniPCX Enterprise
Communication Server and OpenTouch including:
o An associated 8/9 series set used for voice (IP or TDM)
o The 4059 Extended Edition (4059EE) Attendant Application, with an embedded
Busy Lamp Field (BLF), running on a standard PC
o An ergonomic telephony keyboard with LEDs, shortcut keys, and USB connection
or a standard PC keyboard
OmniPCX Enterprise or
OpenTouch Business Edition

UA link

All Alcatel-Lucent 9 All Alcatel-Lucent 8 USB link 4059IP or 4059EE
series series application

or IP Desktop softphone
4059IP/4059EE USB telephonic keyboard
Standard keyboard possible on 4059EE

[End of response]
For more information on the multimedia attendant solution, see Chapter 7 – Attendant Services.

2.3.2 Contact Center Solutions

For Golden RFP; For Solution Handbook
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [ALE International contact center portfolio] What are the
different contact center solutions in your offer?

ALE International Response:

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
The OmniTouch CC suite is a comprehensive offer. It starts with the EasyContact: the Alcatel-
Lucent Greeting Center and can be enhanced with features covering advanced greeting needs,
providing the ability to expand and adapt to large communication flows.
The OmniTouch CC suite consists of the following contact center solutions:
– The EasyContact package solution is designed for greeting centers. All companies want
to improve customer service (internal or external) and optimize call handling, but not all
companies can afford fully dedicated resources or have the time for precise call
supervision and traffic reporting.
The EasyContact pack is a simple, comprehensive, and professional greeting solution,
dedicated for small groups of people. This solution is fully embedded in the OmniPCX
Enterprise. For more information, refer to the corresponding documentation, available
from the Enterprise Business Portal and Technical Knowledge Base.
– The OmniTouch Contact Center - Standard Edition is the ideal solution for needs
related to voice communications. The OmniTouch Contact Center - Standard Edition can
handle 5 to 2000 connected agents in a single OmniPCX Enterprise node and more for
multi OmniPCX Enterprise nodes configuration. Since the contact center router and
database are embedded in the OmniPCX Enterprise, the OmniTouch Contact Center -
Standard Edition supports several important features:
o High availability - with main and back up communication servers
o Branch survivability with passive communication server
o Short deployment and fast reactions to business changes
– The OTCS Plug-in Edition, complementing the OmniTouch Contact Center - Standard
Edition, adds multimedia (SMS, chat, social media, SMS, fax) interactions handling to voice
handling by the OTCC-SE. The OTCS Plug-in Edition provides integration to the Contact
Center eco-system such as Recorders, Workforce management and CRM applications.
The OTCS Plug-In supports
o High availability and survivability—for multimedia interactions
o An OTCS Voice portal for complex IVR strategies, including TTS and ASR technologies
as well as involvement of other departments of the company.
o Native or custom business integration with 3rd party applications such as Workforce
Management or Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
o Native or custom integration with 3rd party recorders, providing quality management,
coaching, as well as mentoring through recording voice/data agent sessions.
o Customizable integration to business applications
[End of response]
For more information on all available Contact center offers, see Chapter 9 – Customer Services

2.3.3 Visual Automated Attendant

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x][Voice mail - OTMC - Automated attendant] Can you provide an
easy to use solution to welcome my guests efficiently when they contact the hotel?

ALE International Response:

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
The OpenTouch™ Voice Messaging welcome service (Automated Attendant) is essential for efficient
call handling. It allows a caller to be transferred to the correct user or department without requiring
the intervention of a human attendant. The automated attendant application provides the following
- Ensures that no call goes unanswered
- Is available 24 hours/365 days a year
- Can handle massive traffic (whether permanent or in peaks)
- Can be used to assist attendants when incoming calls are too numerous
- Provides a consistent and professional welcome across all organizations of a company at all
times, every day
Highly flexible, the OpenTouch™ Automated Attendant allows businesses to define a large array of
entry points and to implement them efficiently.

– Hierarchical tree design support (sub-trees)
– Multi-language support
– Direct dialing
– Routing based on business hours
– Routing based on a specified calendar
– Filtering/routing calls according to caller identity
– Highly customizable menu nodes (timers, repetitions)
– Transfer to fixed number or voice mails
– Transfer to specific user set or voice mail
– Blind and supervised call transfer, manageable per node

– Administration via a web GUI
– Prompts can be imported (wav-files) or recorded from any telephone set
– SSO access from the 8770 management system
– Advanced user profile can be declared to manage voice prompts
– Export/Import prompts and trees
[End of response]
For more information, see Chapter 8 – Messaging Services.

2.3.4 OmniPCX Record Suite

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Call tracking solutions] Do you offer any system to track,
monitor and record incoming and outgoing calls, even for substantial numbers of

ALE International Response:

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
Many companies (whether they use a call center or not) show a growing need to record transactions,
especially in activities requiring the law and regulation compliance. This is particularly relevant for
financial services, utilities, healthcare, education, hospitality and public safety organizations.

The OmniPCX RECORD Suite offers businesses a complete tracking solution for customer interactions
through unique call recordings, screen captures and coaching capabilities. It seamlessly integrates
into OmniPCX Enterprise environments.

Key features
 Modular offer
– RECORD: rich recording facilities of inbound and outbound calls in multiple audio
formats (MP3, GSM6.10, WAV)
– SCREEN CAPTURE: complete user desktop activity capture
– SILENT MONITOR: remote and discrete monitoring
– QUALITY MONITOR: evaluation of recorded employees and instant coaching
– MULTI TENANCY: one OmniPCX-RECORD serves independent companies
 Architecture
– Call recording in SIP (declared as SIP SEPLOS), VoIP, analog, digital and mixed
– Web-enabled architecture that makes it easy to locate and use recordings
– Multiple language web interface
– Centralization of recordings from independent satellite sites to a central server
– Support of multi-node environments
– High availability (Warm standby)
– Open integrations through the Application Programming Interface (API)
 Compliance
– Records encryption
– Login authentication via Radius and Microsoft Active Directory server
– Compliance with Thales encryption
– In line with Payment Cards Industry (PCI) and Markets in Financial Instruments
Directive edition 2 (MiFID II) requirements for call recording systems

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
 Fulfills every need with a modular offer made up of four modules (Record, Capture, Silent
Monitor and Quality Monitor)
 Accelerates resolution of customer issues
 Minimizes risk of disputes through complete tracking of customer interactions
 Boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty
 Enhances staff productivity thanks to monitoring and coaching
 Improves quality assessment based on actual customer-employee interaction recordings
[End of response]
For more information, see Chapter 2 – Offer Packages.

2.4 Telephone sets

2.4.1 Administrative sets
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Administrative sets] Which telephone set(s) would you
recommend for our staff?

ALE International Response:

Administrative sets are used by various kinds of profiles: hotel general manager, housekeepers, room
services, front desk employees, concierges, security officers, etc. With the OmniPCX Enterprise it is
possible to define any model of the Alcatel-Lucent set family (including wireless sets or analog sets)
as administrative sets
For mobile employees, a software client such as the IP Desktop Softphone, available on PC or Mac,
tablet or smartphone may also prove very well adapted to hospitality configurations.
[End of response]
For more information see Chapter 4 – Connection Devices and Clients.

2.4.2 Guest sets Alcatel-Lucent 8088 Smart DeskPhone

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Guest sets] Which telephone set(s) would you recommend for
our high end rooms and suites?

ALE International Response:

The 8088 Smart DeskPhone is a sleek

and intuitive desk phone designed for
professionals. Its 7” vivid touch
screen, Bluetooth® handset and
built-in camera offer a smooth
multimedia user experience with
outstanding wideband audio and HD
video conversations. It provides

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
adapted services both for guests and hotel administration. It is your in-room brand advocate with its
personalized welcome and customizable interface, adapted to the hotel’s visual identity. It offers one-
touch access to hotel spaces and services. Further services, such as room automation, can be added
on top of this standard package with the Smart Guest Applications package, available off-the-shelf.
The LCD screen of the 8088 Smart DeskPhone is a touch
sensitive screen.
At the base of the screen are touch sensitive buttons with LED
symbols for direct access to features.
The LEDS are lit for each active feature displayed, regardless of
the status (idle, busy) of the set.
Touching a LED activates/deactivates the corresponding feature.

To preserve the desire for privacy, often required by customers,

this set is also offered without the integrated webcam.
[End of response] Alcatel-Lucent 8018 DeskPhone

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Guest sets] Can you provide entry-level phones that offer full-
scale services and that our guests would be happy to use?

ALE International Response:

Today’s business leaders need communication technologies that empower employees to deliver an
outstanding service, and can lead to company growth. Industries such as hospitality and healthcare
are looking for cost-effective ways to offer an exceptional in-room communication experience to

Built on the success and practicality of the

Premium DeskPhone line, the new eco-friendly
Alcatel-Lucent 8018 DeskPhone offers feature rich
IP telephony in a highly optimized format. This
entry-level phone offers companies a modern
business-grade design with the advanced user-
friendly telephony features provided by Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise communications servers. Its
three-line screen — combined with application,
programmable, and navigation keys — provides
outstanding user-friendly communications with
fast access to the business’ directory for enhanced
efficiency of employees. The 8018 DeskPhone
complements the Premium DeskPhone product line
targeting the need for essential and enriched 8018
DeskPhone communications.
[End of response]

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer VTech phones for hotel
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Guest sets] Can you offer third-party, tried and tested phone
sets that would seamlessly operate with your hospitality and communication system?

ALE International Response:

ALE International includes in its portfolio a selection of VTech handsets specially developed for
hospitality sector needs. Available in SIP or analog versions, these one-line models have compact
footprints, antibacterial plastic and RoHS compliance, respect green standards and are validated to
operate on the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise. Moreover, they are available as a one-stop-shop
in our catalogs and via our ordering tools.
Regardless of other characteristics, all Vtech sets are made of antibacterial plastic tested to inhibit
99.9% of bacteria growth. They can operate at room temperatures between 25º C ± 10º C and in
humidity levels of 65% ± 20%.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
Vtech SIP phones (all available in matte black and silver & black)
S2210 S2211 S2411 (*) (optional S2312
accessory requires


Cordless  
USB charging port allows guests to charge
   
Wall mountable    
Remote configuration: program speed dial
numbers and other network parameters
   
remotely from the server room to avoid
disturbing guests (**)
Large, bright visual message waiting
    
indicator alerts guests of new messages
Power over Ethernet    
Selectable ringtones    
Multi-step volume control Ringer, Ringer and Ringer, Ringer and Ringer,
handset and handset handset and handset handset and
speakerphone speakerphone speakerpho
Base speakerphone  
Handset speakerphone   
Handset locator  
Low battery indicator 
Fully customizable faceplate for hotel brand
    
and dialing instructions
Speed dial on handset 3 3
Number of customizable speed dials 5 or 10 5 or 10 5 or 10
Dial pad Base Base Base+ Handset Handset
Limited warranty 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years

(*): The Vtech S2411 phone supports up to 3 additional S241SDU handsets

(**): A provisioning tool is available to configure SIP phones

Vtech analog phones (all available in matte black and silver & black)

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
A2210 A2211 A2310 A2411 (*) (optional
Phones accessory
requiring a


Cordless  

USB charging port allowing to charge 

guests’ smartphones
Wall mountable    
Large, bright visual message waiting     
indicator alerts guests of new
Line-powered, requiring no battery to    (**)
Selectable ringtones    
Multistep volume control Ringer, Ringer Ringer and Ringer, Ringer
handset and and handset handset and and
speakerphone handset speakerphone handset
Base speakerphone  
Handset speakerphone  
Handset locator 
Low battery indicator  
Environmentally friendly ROHS program     
reduces the use of hazardous
substances including lead, mercury and
Fully customizable faceplate for hotel    
brand and dialing instructions
Speed dials on handset 3 3
Number of customizable speed dials 5 or 10 5 or 10 5 or 10
Dial pad Base Base Handset Base+ handset Handset
Limited warranty 5 years 5 years 1 year 5 years 5 years

(*): The VTech A2411 phone supports up to 3 additional A241SDU handsets

(**): The VTech A2411 phone requires an external power supply
[End of response]

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
2.5 Advanced Guest Services
2.5.1 8088 Smart DeskPhone Hospitality package
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [8088 Smart DeskPhone Hospitality package] Do you offer a
telephone set that is specifically tailored for hospitality needs?

ALE International Response:

The 8088 Smart DeskPhone opens possibilities for communications in hotel environments. All the
features of the hospitality offer are available and enhanced by the intuitive interface and quality
touch screen incorporated in the 8088 Smart DeskPhone.
The 8088 Smart DeskPhone set is fully compatible with Hotel management applications that can
– Customer checkin/checkout
– Billing and accountancy tasks
– Guest name and directory
– In/out calls management
– Suite management
– Room status
– Wake-up calls, Do not Disturb, call forwarding
– Voice mail management
– Door Cam service
– In addition to the native Hospitality package, ALE International offers a rich set of
hospitality applications called Smart Guest Applications, providing guests with advanced
bedroom control and complete personalized hotel services for a unique experience.
[End of response]
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [8088 Smart DeskPhone Hospitality package] Do you offer a
solution to improve guests’ room experience?

ALE International Response:

8088 Smart DeskPhone sets come with two levels of customization capabilities:
- Hotel brand customization
The 8088 Smart DeskPhone allows customers to customize their devices for their needs, in
particular to reflect their brand image. The hotel’s graphical chart can be applied to any
device to modify color schemes, background images, melody and screensavers. It can be
applied per room or per suite of the hotel.
Smart-Custo is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) application, a very simple
graphical tool available to create packages compatible with 8088 Smart DeskPhone graphics.
The tool is available from business partners.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
- Hotel communication rules: The hotel can modify telephony applications to make them
compliant to their communication rules. This is called behavioral customization. As an
example, it is possible to add shortcuts, load the hotel directory, modify icons or homepage
labels, or configure emergency call buttons.
This capability is available in the settings editor of the Smart-Custo, available from business

The basic client telephone displays icons to access any available services directly. In this way the
client can be guided, which definitely improves guest experience.

Figure 4.3: The basic hotel screen example NEW figure…

The administrative options include a set of embedded skins to instantly change the screen
appearance. This is a useful and simple method to develop an ambience, coordinated with hotel
brand or room colors.
[End of response]
Door cam solution on 8088 Smart DeskPhone
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Door cam on 8088 Smart DeskPhone] Do you offer a service so
that our guests can see who is knocking on their door?

ALE International Response:

When a visitor rings at the door, a one-direction video communication can be established with the
suite. A new button (using DTMF services) appears during the communication so that the room guest
can open the door according to who is on the other side.
Multiple instances can be configured, and are supported by the phone.
[End of response]

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
2.5.2 8088 Smart DeskPhone Smart Guest applications
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [8088 Smart DeskPhone Smart Guest applications] Can our
guest control their room environment from your telephones?

ALE International Response:

Smart Guest applications offer guests a unique experience thanks to

an unmatched set of hotel applications, accessible from a single
device, the 8088 Smart DeskPhone. This telephone set provide guest
access to hotel services and control to their room environment (such
as adjusting the lighting and temperature), or manage their room
status. Hospitality representatives can promote their hotel services,
activities or nearby shops, thanks to a customizable presentation
service. With simple access to the relevant information, guests can
easily call to enjoy hotel amenities.

Key features
– Customizable screensaver: background image and guests services
– Hotel services presentation (restaurants, bars, spa…) with direct call buttons
– Presentation of shops close by with direct call button for booking
– Presentation of hotel leisure or business activities
– Interactive clock screensaver, with direct access to main services
– Room automation controls: lighting, blinds, air conditioning
– Privacy management (Do not Disturb status) IT administration with configuration backup
– Option: weather forecast for the area, hotel favorites or any city chosen by the guest (this
feature requires a customer subscription to the weather forecast provider)
– Icons, skins, background, modules and others can be customized upon request to ALE
International Professional Services

– Convey a state-of-the-art brand image of the hotel
– Provide greater convenience and comfort, with quick access to the relevant services and
– Gain new opportunities for advertising and enhance brand awareness inside the hotel
– Increase staff efficiency and optimize hotel operations
– Create new revenue opportunities with added-value services
– Strengthen guest loyalty by creating a unique and satisfying experience

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
Figure 4.7: Examples of screens for the 8088 Smart DeskPhone Smart Guest applications
[End of response]

2.5.3 Mobile guest softphone

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Mobile guest softphone]
Can you provide an easy to use App for guest mobility inside and outside the hotel, to allow
them to stay in touch with their loved ones and with our employees?

ALE International Response:

Smartphones have become nearly ubiquitous, with people using them at

work, home and on the move, to interact with their environment and stay
connected. These devices give users the freedom to access the information
of their choice, services and applications at any time or from any location.
Hotels can take advantage of these connected devices to offer guests a
better way to interact with their services and facilities inside and outside the
The Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Guest Softphone turns a guest’s own mobile
device into an extension of their in-room phone. The guest downloads the
free application from popular online app stores, and then uses the app to
scan a QR code. This auto-configures the app on the guest device based on
credentials input by the hotel reception desk, via an easy-to-use web
interface. The soft phone requires no specific IT infrastructure (no
configuration or PBX provisioning), and because the wireless LAN is used to
access the service, calls within the hotel network are free of charge, and all
outgoing calls are added to the room bill.

Key Features
– Simple QR code scan for automatic configuration and guest/room association: guest devices
automatically become part of the hotel telephony system (with no provisioning necessary) and
are associated to the respective guest room
– Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) enablement for guests, allowing them free voice
communications via their smartphones while inside the hotel wireless network. Calls to the
outside of the hotel will be charged at the hotel rate and added to the room bill
– Speed dials for the hotel service directory available inside and outside the hotel: embedded
hotel directory for easy contact with the different hotel services via speed dial numbers
– Dial pad and click-to-call from the Mobile Guest Softphone application: a simple dial pad to
enter direct numbers

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– A private directory for hotel guests for their favorite contacts within the hotel
– Centralized management via a web administration interface
– Inbound and outbound communication with identification of the calling or called party
– Multiple mobile devices can be associated to a room
o Dynamic allocation depending on room occupation (one or several guest smart
o Automatic provisioning of the guests devices in the hotel suite configuration in the
OmniPCX Enterprise
– WYSIWYG web administration interface and easy customization to match the hotel identity
chart (colors, background, images,…) and numbering plan (speed dial keys and
corresponding numbers)
– The Mobile Guest Softphone application can be made available under the hotel brand on
AppStore and Google Play platforms by ALE International Professional Services
– Mobile Guest Softphone SDK Toolkit (APIs), for those preferring to integrate inside e-
Concierge Apps:
o SDK toolkit option to enable telephony services for existing eConcierge applications
o The Mobile Guest Softphone framework SDK provides a library of multimedia-over-IP
(MMOIP) services for ALE Partners to enable telephony services inside existing
eConcierge solutions
o The Mobile Guest Softphone framework SDK also provides a REST management API
for Mobile Guest user management and server side integration
o The SDK is available through the Alcatel-Lucent Application Partner Program (AAPP)
- Management of several user profiles: a set of different speed dials can be applied to guests
via user profiles, including additional services for VIP guests
- Service description: a directory of the services is offered by the hotel with for each service, a
speed dial and a description of the service including pictures and text, allowing guests to have
a detailed view and a quick access to the services provided by the hotel
Hotel benefits
– Always available for your guest not only within the hotel but also outside the hotel
– Create up sell opportunities via easy access to hotel services
– Increase revenues and allow guests to control their communications costs:
o Encourage them to use the hotel telephony services on their devices, rather than rely
on more expensive mobile operator roaming services
o Allow them to call hotel services from mobile devices for free inside the hotel
– Reach guests anywhere inside or outside the hotel, with no need of guest private numbers
– Offer enterprise grade VoIP quality, based on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s industry proven
communication platforms
– No extra IT administration for hotel, guest device association to the guest room is automated
and dynamic

Guest benefits
– Enhance guest experience and satisfaction by enabling their own device use
– Guests can reach all hotel services from anywhere in the hotel within the Wi-Fi coverage or
outside the hotel.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
– Guests can easily reach their favorites contacts through the hotel private directory.
– Guest-friendly and easy to use application: hotel directory, private directory
[End of response]

2.6 Guest security services

2.6.1 Emergency calls (112/911) and emergency notification server
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Emergency calls and notification server]
How can your offer help me manage emergency situations?

ALE International Response:

Many hotel facilities have requested the ability to handle calls to emergency numbers in a specific
way, for example to reroute all emergency calls to their security office. Since OmniPCX Enterprise
R11.0, all emergency numbers can be routed to a specific destination even when sets are locked by
guests and/or routing restrictions applied to this guest.

Others common requests are to provide a visual alert to the security officer, whenever an emergency
call has been placed, record this call, and then automatically begin log the call and allow the security
officer to listen to the conversation. This type of requirement is not a standard feature of the
OmniPCX Enterprise.
However, the Emergency Notification Server answers these challenges by providing a set of
features dedicated to address emergency calls:
- Emergency call tracking
- Automatic fixed phone location updates
- Multi vector notification for on-site responder and security office
- Conferencing between on duty security officer and public safety answering point (up to 20
parties in conference)
- Silent listening
- Recording
- Monitoring through a web interface

The ENS complies with the 911 US state legislation and other emergency standards.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
Emergency calls managed by Emergency Notification Server

Hotel benefits
– Enhance reactivity in case of emergency
– Enhances understanding with the capability to replay and analyze past emergency scenarios
– Enhances crisis management efficiency and helps save precious time by supporting a
coordinated response
– Enhances guest and employee safety in the hotel
[End of response]

2.6.2 OpenTouch Notification Service

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Notification] Do you offer any centralized solution for alarms
and notifications?

ALE International Response:

OpenTouch Notification Service is ideal for small and medium-sized enterprises in healthcare,
education, high-risk industries and the hospitality sector. It provides a flexible, easy-to-install alarm
and notification management system with a native and
optimized integration to the OmniPCX Enterprise
Communication Server.
OpenTouch Notification Service collects and aggregates alarms
from different subsystems, such as nurse calls, fire alerts, or
runaway or wander prevention systems. It generates
notifications in real time to the most appropriate persons able
to respond to the situation, towards their wireless handsets (for
instance DECT, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth), smartphones, supervision
consoles with geolocation screen or other systems.
As a software-based solution, OpenTouch Notification Service
offers a complete range of applications and integrates with industry-specific tools and systems of key

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
market players, all intelligently connected via a unique web interface. The various integrations allow
innovative services, such as social media and mobile device notifications.

Key features
• Centralized alarm and notification management
• Full software solution
• Full IP architecture
• High availability option based on failover clustering
• Any-to-any connection: All incoming messages and
alarms can trigger many outgoing notifications
• Server virtualization is possible
• Integration with many alarm notification systems:
- Alcatel-Lucent wired sets
- Alcatel-Lucent wireless sets: DECT, DECT with lone worker protection function, WLAN
- Pager systems
- Fire alert systems
- Runaway/wander prevention systems
- Production alarm systems
- Building management systems
- Email, SMS and social media (Facebook & Twitter): messages sending & reception, and
• Unique set of applications:
- Configuration web interface allowing to easily and visually create the notification script, and the
- Historical reporting web interface for the creation of statistical reports on alarms and equipment
- Real Time Console web interface
- Graphical Floor Plan for alarm geolocation on a site map
- The Web interfaces support HTTP and HTTPS
- SmartApp: Alarm notification application for tablets and smartphones (Android, iOS & Windows
[End of response]
For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [Notification] What are the key benefits of your alarm and
notification application, if any?

ALE International Response:

• Openness and scalability: Solution integration with the key market players to address present and
future specific needs
• Unique integration, optimized with the system infrastructure:
- Native integration of all types of Alcatel-Lucent sets, including DECT handsets with lone worker
protection capability

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
- On the OmniPCX Enterprise, benefit from all the richness of the ABC-IP, which offers unique
features such as rich text messages of 40 characters, loudspeaker announcement, priority call
- No additional hardware required (no TDM T0/T2 bundle)
- Competitive price thanks to licenses use optimization. Licenses are calculated according to the
number of active notification channels at a specific time rather than according to the number of
DECT handsets
• Application rich: Continuous application development (social media, smartphones and tablet
applications, Microsoft Lync integration…)
• Compatibility with industry standards, protocols and interfaces (ESPA/TAP, dry contacts i.e. electric
relays, printer protocol, DTMF…)
• Supervised system: monitoring of links to subsystems
• Simple and quick to install
• Easy to manage via a very intuitive and visual web interface, through simple drag & drop of
building blocks
[End of response]
More details
• Please note that some integrations may require additional hardware equipment:
- WAGO box to interface dry contacts on IP
- WAGO box to interface KNX protocol
- MOXA box to convert ESPA/TAP to IP
Please refer to the Technical Datasheet posted on the Alcatel-Lucent Business Portal for more details
on the application prerequisites, limits and restrictions. Please refer to the Services Applications
Compatibility Matrix available on the Alcatel-Lucent Business Portal for all questions about software

2.6.3 Alcatel-Lucent Voice Broadcast System (AVBS)

For Golden RFP
[SO: OXE 12.2.x – OT 2.3.x] [AVBS] Do you offer an option for me to broadcast messages to
our guests, or to some of our guests?

ALE International Response:

AVBS enables hotels and cruise ships to increase awareness and safety of the people present on their
premises or advertise by simultaneously sending an audio stream, a text message towards IP sets, or
an SMS or e-mail to compatible sets.
By dialing in or using a web page, an administrative user can trigger a broadcast by sending a live,
pseudo-live, pre-recorded or scheduled broadcast to one or more groups.

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer
AVBS architecture within Hotel Installation

[End of response]

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Chapter 10: Hospitality Communication Services October 2017 Offer

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