Academic Report On Janata Bank LTD

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Report on Janata Bank Ltd.

BUS251: Business Communication

Section: 05
Fall 2021

Submitted to:
Ms. Rumana Huq Luva
Lecturer, Department of Management,
School of Business and Economics,
North South University

Submitted by:
Iftekhar Ahmed 1912408030
On behalf of the group, Team Pentagon

Group Members ID
Fazle Abrar Hasan 1911214630
Md. Mahamudul Hasan Rifat 1911315630
Iftekhar Ahmed 1912408030
Radebe Morshed 1931704020
Tanvir Islam 2014054630

Date of Submission: 02 January, 2022

Word Count: 2,620 words
Letter of Approval

December 2nd, 2022

Rumana Huq Luva

Department of Management
North South University
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Subject: Request for Approval for our analysis on “Janata Bank Limited”

Dear Ma’am,

This letter is written to ask for consent to a group project completed with Janata Bank. The
team has spent a lot of time exploring different approaches to this project and finding the best
answers, so we would appreciate it if you could look into this and see the entire project. Here
are some aspects of our most exciting research projects. We hope that these highlights
accurately represent the goals and vision of our project.

1. An online interview with MD. Mosfiqur Rahman, AGM of Janata Bank, helped us
investigate the company and do an analysis.
2. The bank's services, strengths and weaknesses, engagements, and existing social media
branding strategies, connections, and unique campaigns were all evaluated by the group
members. Before developing a new strategy for the organization, we carefully
considered all previous strategies.

Please let us know if you need more information about our project. We look forward to your
approval for the project. We would also appreciate it if you could share your enthusiasm to
continue to innovate.

Team Pentagon
BUS251, Section 5

Letter of Transmittal

December 2nd, 2022

Rumana Huq Luva

Department of Management
North South University
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of group project on the “Janata Bank Limited”

Dear Ma’am,

With due respect and humble submission, we want to let you know that, it is a great pleasure
to assemble all our united teamwork to finally submit you our analysis of Janata Bank from a
Business Communication perspective.

The following report submitted to you is the reflection of all the things we learned in our classes
and course materials. It is an analytical output of our systematic research and findings on Janata
Bank. Although, the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown has limited some of our options for
research, still we persisted and managed to collect both primary and secondary data from
websites, their social media pages and an online interview with the AGM of Janata Bank, MD.
Mosfiqur Rahman.

We, sincerely pray and hope that your expectations will be met thoroughly after you evaluate
us report as we made sure all your guidelines were followed respectively from our end. Please
feel free for any query or clarification that you would like us to explain. Hope you will
appreciate us collective efforts and excuse the minor errors. Thanking you for your utmost care
and support throughout the semester.

Team Pentagon
BUS251, Section 5

Executive Summary

Banks are important to the economy as they serve people who want to save money. Banks also
play an important role in providing capital to developing companies’ investment. These
corporate loans and investments are essential for economic growth. Janata Bank Limited was
founded as the first public sector bank to be wholly owned by Bangladesh. It was solid and has
grown into the largest public sector bank over time. Multiple challenges. The purpose of this
bank is to provide and patronize our customers with the best possible service. Sponsor and
promote sports, entertainment and other socio-economic activities with this. The report became
Janata Bank Limited's marketing plan and social media branding strategy handle. In addition,
with their online presence general digital branding.

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 1
Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Company Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of the project ....................................................................................................................... 3
Company’s Existing Social Media Branding/Marketing Plan .......................................................... 4
Number of social platform reach ..................................................................................................... 4
Engagement and unique campaigns ................................................................................................ 5
Strengths and Weaknesses ............................................................................................................... 6
Recommendation................................................................................................................................... 7
Number of social platform reach ..................................................................................................... 7
Engagement and unique campaigns ................................................................................................ 8
Strengths and Weaknesses ............................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 10
References ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Appendix A: Questionnaire............................................................................................................ 12
Appendix B: Interview Transcript ................................................................................................ 13
Appendix C: Distribution of Works .............................................................................................. 14

Banks are significant in the economy because they provide a service for those who want to save
money. Banks also play a vital role in providing capital to businesses looking to develop and
invest. These loans and investments in businesses are critical for economic growth. Janata Bank
Limited was founded as the first public sector bank completely owned by Bangladeshi
businesses, and it has grown to become the largest public sector bank over time, despite several
challenges. The goal of this bank is to offer the greatest services to the client, patronize,
sponsor, and encourage sports, entertainment, and other socio-economic activities. In this
report, the marketing plan and social media branding strategy of Janata Bank Limited has been
addressed. Moreover, few recommendations have been made on their online presence and
overall digital branding.


To create this report, we gathered all of the data from both primary and secondary sources.

Primary Source: We organized an interview session with Md. Mosfiqur Rahman, Assistant
General Manager (AGM) of Janata Bank Limited. We conducted the interview for around 25
minutes and asked the interviewee according to the questionnaire we made. Whatever
information we found and collected, has been used to generate this report.

Secondary Source: We relied on online sources and the bank's website for further information
about Janata Bank Limited. We also used reading materials from our BUS251 courses to aid
us in arranging the report content. For the recommendation section, we read a variety of
publications about social media marketing and branding. This information can be found in the

Company Overview

Formation: Janata Bank Limited, Bangladesh's second-largest state-owned commercial bank

(SCB), is a key player in the country's overall financial activity. The bank was reformed as a
limited company in November 2007 after uniting the old United Bank Limited and Union Bank
Limited under the Banks Nationalization Order of 1972. Since its founding in 1972, the Bank
has made significant contributions to Bangladesh's socioeconomic growth as well as the
country's financial infrastructure. Janata Bank has 912 branches across India, including four
international offices in the United Arab Emirates.

Mission: Janata Bank Limited will be an effective commercial bank by maintaining a stable
growth strategy, delivering high-quality financial products, providing excellent customer
service through an experienced management team and ensuring good corporate governance in
every step of the banking network.

Vision: To become the effective largest commercial bank in Bangladesh to support the socio-
economic development of the country and to be a leading bank in South Asia.


• Along with upgrading and diversifying banking services to deliver maximum

pleasure to valued clients, encouraging people to save by giving them appealing
savings-oriented products, therefore aiding economic development.
• By providing quick and enhanced services to clients, we hope to establish deep and
amicable banker-customer connections.
• Make use of their valuable stockholders' hard-earned money. Simultaneously,
contribute to the development of a lively capital market by guaranteeing the Bank's
more effective involvement in the stock market.
• To make the most of the latest technology in order to give clients a taste of
contemporary banking and urge them to continue banking with JBL.
• Respond to current needs by participating in syndicated big loan financing,
therefore diversifying the Bank's investment portfolio.
• To win the trust of all stakeholders in the country's economic growth by adhering
to a policy of constant adjustment and synchronization of the Bank's external trade
programs with the dynamism inherent in the international trade and payment

Products & Services: Any company's most valuable assets are its products and services. Janata
Bank Ltd offers the following products and services:

• Consumer credit Scheme

• Special Deposit Scheme
• Monthly Saving Scheme
• Saving Insurance Scheme
• Credit Card
• Western Union Money Transfer
• JBL ATM Service
• JBL Power Card

Purpose of the project

The goal of this group report was to have a thorough grasp of the following topics:

1. The company's marketing activities

2. How internal and external corporate communication works
3. Policies and regulations JBL follow to run their marketing campaigns on digital
4. Effectiveness of business communication in helping a firm achieve its objectives and
become more aligned with its fundamental values

Company’s Existing Social Media Branding/Marketing Plan

Number of social platform reach

When we asked MD. Mosfiqur Rahman, AGM officer of Janata bank about the company
existing social media branding or marketing plan. He said because this is a banking
organization, they do not have any social media marketing plan. They only have a Facebook
page as shown below. Mainly they work with investors and the government. For this reason,
they mainly focus on their website more than the social media page. He also said investors are
not interested in social media presence because all of the investors already know Janata bank
as a reliable brand. But recently, they are offering information about their new products and
branding in the social media platforms.

In December 12 they posted about a 3-15 years deposit skim banking services in the bank
official Facebook page.

They are also offering their best deals in the social media. Recently they are doing campaigning
for the remittance workers.

Slowly but surely, they are moving forward for the social media marketing. They believe
reaching individual customers should be the part of their business in this modern age.

Engagement and unique campaigns

As Janata bank is the second largest bank in bank with 917 branches, Janata Bank has
developed their banking system throughout the whole Bangladesh. People from young to old
age come to Janata bank to get loan, deposit their money etc. As a result, their reputation is still
ongoing to the whole types of people. Moreover, there was no need for Janata Bank make any
offer to the people to attract them.

Covid-19 situation was very harsh in our society which originated from November 2019 in
China and got detected in Bangladesh in Year 2020. Due to that many people died and the
government issued a lockdown in the whole country. Thus, many factories, business got
temporarily closed due to pandemic situation. As a result, many people got financial problem
and becomes poor. But Janata Bank didn’t get closed in this pandemic situation. Rather they

opened for those people who have got problem financially and socially. They gave loan and
interest just as usual.

Even though Janata Bank didn’t run any kinds of campaign in this pandemic situation, we have
from found out from the interview of the Janata Bank’s Assistant General Manager that they
have worked with other organizations like Bangladeshi Bank and Ministry of finance who have
collaborated with BRAC organization by giving cash support, provided mask, health care
services etc.

Janata Bank also didn’t run any campaign for the University and college students from our
primary sources. But as we have heard from the interview from The Janata Bank’s Assistant
General Manager, Md. Mosfiqur Rahman that they are planning some offer for the students of
college and university in the near future.

Strengths and Weaknesses


According to our interviewee Md. Mosfiqur Rahman, Assistant General Manager (AGM) of
Janata Bank Limited of Sylhet corporate branch, the main strengths of their organization is that
they are the second largest banking organization in Bangladesh with 917 branched spreading
in towns, villages, and almost everywhere the country. And to run the work of these branches
smoothly they have more than two thousand experienced employees. This vast number of
branches and man force is the organizational strengths of Janata Bank Ltd. Also, Janata Bank
is in the good sight of the government as it has done many projects during the COVID-19
situation along with the Bangladesh Bank and the Ministry of Finance. Janata Bank has internet
and mobile banking facilities by which customers can have modern day services using their
electronic medias. ATM service of Janata Bank is a key attraction as the bank covers many
areas with 917 branches.


The main weakness of Janata bank according to our interviewee Md. Mosfiqur Rahman is that
for being a state-owned bank many of the decision are politically influenced. Other than that,
this bank does not appear in social media very well. In this era, social media and internet is can
be a great tool to reach every possible customer.


Number of social platform reach

After an interview with the Assistant General Manager (AGM) Officer of Janata Bank, MD.
Mosfiqur Rahman, we found out that they are not focusing on their social media marketing. As
the company is a banking business their main focus is the investors, the company believes the
investors won't come from social media marketing as it is a platform for B2C marketing.
Although as a bank they are one kind of B2C but their main target is the investors. But recently
they are offering a little more social media presence then before.

We would recommend that Janata Bank should have a high social media presence. It will

help the company to increase its brand awareness. There is a 4.33 billion presence in social
media (Data Reportal, 2021) every new people they attract means a new customer for them.
More customers mean more profit for their investors. So, it is a platform where Janata Bank
can reach a lot of people. More exposure to B2C can bring more B2B clients because business
executives are also active in social media (Gruere, 2018). Even B2C content will generate
positive word of mouth that will help to increase the brand value of Janata Bank. This increase
brand value will increase the competitive advantage for Janata Bank over its competitors as the
clients will choose. It will also increase the brand share market because they have more
exposure. As social media presence increases the brand value, it will also be easy for Janata
Bank to introduce new services because the brand value will leverage the new services such as
mobile banking with their app.

Fill the word Fill the word Fill the word Fill the word Fill the word Fill the word Fill the word

This social media presence will increase credibility for Janata Bank. Now people check social
media to find if the company is credible or not. If the company has less exposure to social
media, then it is not considered to be credible. Not just that, a weak social media presence will
make Janata Bank lose potential clients. We know that they prefer mostly their website but
now a days in Bangladesh people first search something in Facebook then go to Google. So, it
will boost the presence of Janata Bank as a brand not only for the investors but also for the
customers. In the Facebook page they can include their website link it will boost their visitors
to the website.

Also, we would recommend that Janata Bank can bring clients by using social media and
campaigns. There are lots of businesses that use social media to operate their business. After
the pandemic, there is a rise for companies to be present in social media. So social media has
become one of the critical factors for companies' operation.

Engagement and unique campaigns

Even though the Janata Bank has not run any campaign recently or in the past as there was no
need to do that. I still believe they should hold some campaign for the people who are still not
credit or banking system of their organization. Many people are still afraid of losing their
money by putting their deposit in the bank. Some even don’t try to go to the bank as they think
there is no need to deposit in the bank. For that they need to attract people to motivate them to
deposit as they can earn from the bank’s interest by depositing their money. As Janata Bank is
a government owned bank doesn’t mean that the bank can’t offer any campaign for the people
as its is their benefits and betterment.

As Covid-19 pandemic situation is rising rapidly in the current situation the government is
unable to provide healthcare services to those people due to lack of manpower. So, I think the
Janata Bank should provide those people the necessity items to live in this dangerous pandemic
situation along with the government. As we found from a secondary source that 9 banks have
collaborated with BRAC organization to give the people to feel awareness and provide the
healthcare personnel proper items to not get infected. With that they will advertise themselves
in the public and make them organization known to the people.

Today’s generation are all of young people and their creativity and they are the future of our
country. So, they should also use banking system as the middle age and old people used. As
we have found out recently maximum people who use banking system and online banking
system are people of old age and middle age people. The amount of young age (university or
college student) people going to the bank are very few. So, I believe Janata Bank should give
an offer to those college and university students like providing extra interest for depositing in
the bank or they can take less interest than normal interest by taking the loan. With that the
students will get intrigued the Bank (The Janata Bank).

Strengths and Weaknesses

As Janata Bank has 917 branches all over the country mentioned by our interviewee, Janata
Bank can reach through their services to their clients and customers by these branches. Janata
Bank also can establish Automated Teller Machine (ATM) nearby all their branches so the
customers can deposit, withdraw and get other possible baking facilities 24/7 from ATM booths
outside of 10 am - 4 pm office hours. Also, it will play a vital role in the emerging e-banking
sector of our country. Janata Bank mainly maintains two types of clients as depositors and loan
borrowers. Apart from them, Janata Bank can give more focus on Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME) banking and Shariah Banking so that they can fetch and cover more
customers from the market. Besides, they may do some social works (such as giving relief
goods, distribution of foods to the poor, giving winter clothes to the poor) to meet the social
responsibilities of an organization which also may create a positive image in the banking sector.

The main problem according to Md. Mosfiqur Rahman is that many decisions are politically
influenced. As a state-owned bank, it may happen which is not good for critical decision
making and the organization as well. To set this sector free from political issues is a great deal.
Strict rules and strong authority are required to solve this type of issue. Apart from this case,
Janata Bank does not appear that much on social media platforms. Not every social media is
important but the presence in Facebook and Google ads can play a great role for any
organization in Bangladesh. As local people are using Facebook and Google products more, it
becomes easier to reach people through these media. Advertising the banking products and
services on Facebook pages, ads and Google ads can be much beneficial for the organization
because it occurs much less cost than advertising in television commercial advertisements or
being on billboards.


From its inception, Janata Bank Limited has created a reliable banking foundation as a financial
institute. JBL, as a public bank of Bangladesh, is determined to mobilize economic growth and
impact human capital. The bank has a structured organogram and business plan to sustain its
baking service for the long term. The bank has a strong brand image in the financial sector and
is mainly focused on traditional marketing, unlike other established banks. For digital presence
and outreach activities, the bank has optimum channels to reach the beneficiaries and other

Facebook. (n.d.).

Facebook. (n.d.).

Janata Bank Limited. (2021, June 18). Banglapedia. Retrieved January 2, 2022, from

Nine Bank Collaborated with BRAC in Covid Awareness and Support. (2021, August 4). The
Financial Express. Retrieved January 2,2021, from

Overview and Banking Services of Janata Bank. (n.d.). Assignment Point. Retrieved January
2, 2022, from


Appendix A: Questionnaire
1. Please introduce yourself with your name and designation in your organization?
2. Please give us a brief overview of your organization?
3. Apart from banking do you offer any other services?
4. Can you please talk about your targeted customers?
5. What steps are you following to understand the market and your customer better?
6. Marketing plan:
a. What was your organization's plan during COVID-19 pandemic and post
pandemic situation for market growth?
b. What are the *competitive advantage of your organization?
7. Number of social platform reach:
a. Is your organization active in social media platforms?
Optional question (i) If yes, how many social platforms does your organization
cover? What are they?
Optional question (ii) How do you engage with your audience on social
8. Engagement and unique campaigns:
a. Did your organization run any campaign(s) during the COVID-19 epidemic?
b. Does your organization run any campaigns for college / university students?
9. Strengths and weaknesses:
a. What are the strengths of your organization?
b. What are the weaknesses of your organization?

Appendix B: Interview Transcript

Interview (Google Drive link):


Visiting card of the interviewee:

Appendix C: Distribution of Works

Name ID Contribution
Fazle Abrar Hasan 1911214630 Title Page
Title of project
Course + Section
Group members name and ID
Letter of Approval
Letter of Transmittal
Abstract/Executive Summary
Md. Mahamudul Hasan 1911315630 Company’s Existing Social Media
Rifat Branding/Marketing Plan on Number of
social platform reach
Recommendation on Number of social
platform reach
Iftekhar Ahmed 1912408030 Table of Contents
Company’s Existing Social Media
Branding/Marketing Plan on Strength and
Recommendation on Strength and
File creation and submission
Radebe Morshed 1931704020 Introduction (Brief statement on project
and research methodology);
Company Overview and
Purpose of the project
Tanvir Islam 2014054630 Company’s Existing Social Media
Branding/Marketing Plan on Engagement
and unique campaigns
Recommendation on Engagement and
unique campaigns


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