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These days, there have so many jobs that have a big potential and become more and more
popular such as: interpreter, flight attendant, chef, streamer…. But for me, flight
attendant is one of the best job I ever want to do. Flight attendant is the wonderful career
that enables people to travel round-the-world in a month without spending money.
However, the path to becoming a flight attendant is another way different.
Fundamentally, their duties and responsibilities include:
Provide information, guidance, and assistance for safety and comfort to passengers on
board aircraft
Attend the “brief” and act on it
Conduct safety check before flight
Greet customers, check their tickets and accompany them to their seats
Prepare and serve drinks and food to passengers
Present emergency equipment and give instructions… and there are more and more
other things. These duties is required a high qualification when you apply for this job. As
a flight attendant, they work nights, weekends, and holidays. But since most attendants
are union members, they usually work set hours. Most attendants are usually limited to
working 12 hours shifts but some are allowed to work 14 hour shifts. Those working on
international flights are usually permitted to work longer shifts. Moreover, they will be
paid a good salary. But, the salary is not the same, based on each country's different this
career salary will be different. Though, the pay of flight attendant in VN in general from
18tr to 25tr VND. There are so many things to talk about this futuristic career.
Overall, if I get a chance I will do this kind of job. Because I want to go around the world
and there are so many benefit when I become a flight attendant. Ever since I was a child.
I dreamt of interacting with people and traveling to places. I feel the job will help me
realize my dream.

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