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Observation Checklist

Class/Semester :

No Theory Teacher Activity Yes No Description

1. Teaching is The teacher guides,
guiding, facilitate, learn, enable
facilitating, learners to learn, and
learning, set the conditions for
enabling the learning. (Guru
learner to learn, membimbing,
set the conditions memfasilitasi, belajar,
for learning. memungkinkan
(Brown, 2000) pelajar untuk belajar,
dan mengatur kondisi
untuk belajar.)
2. There are three The teacher used pre-
activity in viewing, viewing, and
learning writing post-viewing activity
through the in learning writing
animation movie process through
that are pre- animation movie.
viewing, viewing, (Guru menggunakan
and post-viewing. aktifitas pre-viewing,
(Stoller, 1988) viewing, dan post-
viewing dalam proses
pembelajaran menulis
melalui film animasi.)
3. In pre-view The teacher gives the
activity, brainstorming to
brainstorming is develop the students’
applied to background
develop the knowledge about
students’ narrative text. (Guru
background memberikan
knowledge about brainstorming untuk
the narrative text. mengembangkan latar
(Stoller, 1988) belakang pengetahuan
siswa tentang teks
4. In pre-viewing The students are asked
activity, to write narrative text
brainstorming is based on their
applied to background
develop the knowledge. (Siswa
students’ diminta untuk menulis
background teks naratif
knowledge about berdasarkan latar
the narrative text belakang pengetahuan
which leads them mereka.)
to compose a
good narrative
text. (Stoller,
5. Viewing activity The teacher facilitates
is to facilitate the the students to write a
actual of a movie. narrative text by
(Stoller, 1988) showing animation
movie. (guru
memfasilitasi siswa
untuk menulis teks
naratif dengan
memutar film
6. By using The teacher gives
animation movie, enjoyable situation in
teacher can give the process of learning
enjoyable writing narrative text
situation in the through animation
classroom so that movie, so that
students have a students have a big
big entusiasm in enthusiasm.
teaching learning
(Asnawir, 2002)
7. In viewing While the students
activity, the watched the animation
teacher helps the movie, the teacher
students to focus helps them to focus
about the about the character,
character, setting setting and plot of the
and plot of the story. (Pada saat siswa
story. (Stoller, menonton film
1988) animasi, guru
membantu siswa
untuk fokus pada
karakter, keadaan, dan
alur dalam cerita
8. In post-viewing After the students
activity, the watched the animation
students will movie, the students
write the are asked to write
narrative text narrative text based on
based the the animation movie.
information that (Setelah siswa
they got when menonton film
they watch the animasi, siswa diminta
animation movie. untuk menulis naratif
(stoller, 1988) teks berdasarkan film
animasi tersebut.)

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