Interview Guideline For Teacher

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Interview Guideline for Teacher

Date :

Class/Semester :

No. Theory Question Answer

1. There are three Do the students participate
activity in learning in all the writing narrative
writing through the text activites through
animation movie that animation movie? (Apakah
are pre-viewing, siswa berpartisipasi dalam
viewing, and post- semua kegiatan menulis teks
viewing. (Stoller, naratif melalui film
1988) animasi?)
2. In pre-view activity, Is the application of
brainstorming is brainstorming can develop
applied to develop students’ background
the students’ knowledge about narrative
background text? (Apakah penerapan
knowledge about the brainstorming dapat
narrative text. mengembangkan latar
(Stoller, 1988) belakang siswa tentang teks
3. In pre-viewing Do the students write a good
activity, narrative text based on their
brainstorming is backgroung knowledge?
applied to develop (Apakah siswa menulis teks
the students’ naratif dengan baik
background berdasarkan latar belakang
knowledge about the pengetahuan mereka?)
narrative text which
leads them to
compose a good
narrative text.
(Stoller, 1988)
5. Students will have Are the students interested
the best and most in learning with the
interesting learning animation movie media?
experience if they (Apakah siswa tertarik
are physically and untuk belajar dengan
mentally involved in menggunakan media film
the movie's story. animasi?)
(Brown et al., 1983)
6. In viewing activity, Do the students able to
the teacher helps the focus on the character,
students to focus setting, and plot of the
about the character, story? (Apakah siswa dapat
setting and plot of fokus pada karakter,
the story. (Stoller, keadaan, dan alur dalam
1988) cerita tersebut?)
7. In post-viewing Do the students write
activity, the students narrative text based on the
will write the animation movie? (Apakah
narrative text based siswa menulis teks naratif
the information that berdasarkan film animasi?)
they got when they
watch the animation
movie. (stoller,
8. Writing is the mental Do the students write the
work of inventing narrative text with a clear
ideas, thinking about statements or paragraph?
how to express them (Apakah siswa menulis teks
and organizing them naratif dengan pernyataan
into statements and dan paragraf yang jelas?)
paragraph that will
be clear to a reader.
(Nunan, 2003)
9. Animation movie Is the animation movie
inspire the students gives them various ideas to
as it gives them write narrative text and?
various ideas to (Apakah film animasi
write. (Brown et al., memberi mereka berbagai
1983) ide untuk menulis teks
naratif dan?)
10. Using animation Is the animation movie help
movie as teaching the teacher to teach material
media can help effectively and interest
teacher to teach students’ motivation?
material effectively (Apakah film animasi
and interest student’ membantu guru untuk
motivation. (Heinich mengajarkan materi secara
et al., 1982) efektif dan menarik
motivasi siswa?)

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