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Digital Marketing

Influence consideration
When you want to engage with users that are actively researching products or services,
we recommend selecting influence consideration as your Display campaign marketing

Influence consideration: Hiroko's story

Hiroko has sufficiently made users aware of her new bicycle line. She now wants to
engage with users that have the intention of purchasing bicycles and are actively

In-Market audiences
Reach potential customers while they're actively browsing, researching, or comparing
the types of products you sell and are close to a conversion. Connect with those most
interested in what you have to offer, using precise segments that classify users based
on their demonstrated in-market behavior and purchase intent.

In-Market Audiences are a powerful way to drive consideration among people who are
actively researching and intending to buy new products or services. 

Hiroko will use the In-Market audience segment for outdoor recreational equipment.

Custom Intent audiences

If you want to create a tailored audience that isn't covered in one of our In-Market
audience segments, Custom Intent is for you! Define and reach people that have the
intent to purchase, updated in real-time. Simply enter keywords or URLs that best
represent your audience or choose from one of our auto-created audiences.

Hiroko wants to find a specific niche set of customers interested in purchasing

children's bicycles. She can do this by creating custom audience segments using
keywords, URLs, and apps as inputs.

Similar Audiences
Similar Audiences finds users that are similar to an original remarketing list or other
uploaded compatible list. It finds users that are similar in profile based on their recent
browsing and interests around different topics.

Hiroko will use a “Similar to Cart Abandoners” remarketing list that's automatically
created from her “Cart Abandoners” remarketing list.

Drive action
When you want to re-engage with users that have already shown interest in your brand,
we recommend selecting drive action as your Display campaign marketing objective.

Drive action: Hiroko's story

Hiroko has seen her website traffic significantly increase since launching her Display
campaign. Unfortunately, not all of those users have made a purchase yet. She now
wants to re-engage with those users so they make a purchase.

Remarketing lets you show ads to the people who demonstrated their interest in what
you offer with their visit to your website or app. It’s how you reconnect with great
prospects as they browse the millions of websites and apps available on the network.

Hiroko creates a remarketing list of “Cart Abandoners” on her website

Standard remarketing
Show ads to your past visitors as they browse network websites and use network apps.
Communicate with people who've previously visited key pages on your website across
screens, giving you a powerful new way to match the right user with the right message. 

Hiroko wants to reach users that have visited her website but not purchased and show
them an ad with a promotional discount code.

Dynamic remarketing
Work to boost your results with dynamic remarketing, which takes remarketing to the
next level with ads that include products or services that people viewed on your website.
Create dynamically generated display ads with product data pulled from a pre-uploaded

feed. You can achieve great performance showing to users products they have seen on
your website, with low effort in campaign, ads, and remarketing lists creation.

Hiroko wants to reach users that have viewed one of her bicycles but didn't purchase
and show them an ad with that exact bicycle

What's automated bidding?

Bidding is a key success factor for online marketing, and the bid strategy you choose
directly influences how your campaigns perform and how visible your ads are in the
unique moments that are important to your business. Google Ads offers several bid
strategies that are tailored to your marketing goals and different types of campaigns.
Depending on your focus, you can determine which strategy is best for you.

Bids influence how visible your ads are and the amount of interaction you get in each
unique moment. If you don't bid efficiently, you could miss valuable conversions. 

Given the dynamic nature of our auctions, the appropriate bid can often be a moving
target that's challenging to reach at scale when using manual bidding.

User journey complexities

Many signals influence user behaviour. Their intent and likelihood to complete valuable
actions for your business vary based on location, time, device, and so on. Taking all
these signals into account for every auction and bidding can be done through

Choose the right bidding strategy
It’s important to choose a bidding strategy that reflects your marketing goals. Google
Ads offers several bid strategies to choose from. Which strategy you choose depends
on which networks your campaign is targeting and whether you want to focus on
improving clicks, visibility, conversion, and so on.

Meet Hiroko
Hiroko is the digital marketing manager at Your Adventure, which sells bicycles and
cycling gear both online and in brick-and-mortar locations around the world. She's
focused on increasing the number of bicycles that her company sells online, so tracking
conversions is very important to her.

But, there are so many bidding strategies to choose from. Let’s dive into the different
automated bidding strategies available to help Hiroko choose the right one. 

Awareness-based bidding strategies

You should choose this bid strategy if you want to make sure that your ad is visible for
certain queries and even at certain locations on the page.

Consideration-focused bidding strategies

You should choose this bid strategy if you want to drive as many clicks as possible
within a set level of spend.

Conversion-focused bidding strategies
Choose one of these bid strategies if you're tracking actions post-click, valuing
conversions equally, and looking to maximize the number of conversions. 

Revenue-focused bidding strategies

Choose this bid strategy if you’re tracking the revenue or value associated with your
conversions and want to maximize it at a specific return on ad spend target. 

They’re a good fit if you’re tracking conversion value and have campaigns that have at
least 50 conversions in the past 30 days for Search and at least 15 conversions in the
past 30 days for Display.

Why Display ad formats?

Display ads can help you promote your business when people are browsing online,
watching YouTube videos, checking Gmail, or using mobile devices and apps.

With Google Display ads, you can take an approach that enables greater efficiency or
greater creative control. 

Meet Hiroko
Hiroko is the digital marketing manager at Your Adventure, which sells bicycles and
cycling gear both online and in brick-and-mortar locations around the world. She's new
to the display advertising space and wants to learn more about her ad format options. 

Bucketed into two options, they're efficiency and control.


Hiroko values performance over everything else. To best achieve that goal, she should
take advantage of Responsive Display Ads, which automatically adjust to the available
ad space. They can run in native and non-native inventory.


Hiroko takes her branding very seriously. Because she has exact requirements for how
and where her ads will show, it may be best to create and upload her own ads. This
option will likely limit her reach, as uploaded ads don't have access to the same
inventory as Responsive Display Ads.

Responsive Display Ads

Responsive Display Ads are Google’s marquee Display ad format and are the default ad
type when creating a Display campaign. They represent the future of asset-based digital

What are Responsive Display Ads?

Responsive Display Ads give you the ability to upload your own assets and create ads
that serve in all ad slot sizes, into both native and non-native inventory. Simply upload
your assets (images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions), and Google will
automatically create ads. They're built for performance, reach, and scale.

Key benefits


When you create a Responsive Display Ad by uploading different assets into Google
Ads, Google uses a machine learning model to determine the optimal combination of
assets for each ad slot based on predictions built from your performance history.


Multiple assets can be uploaded per asset type, such as headlines, logos, images, and
videos. The ads that Google assembles automatically adjust their size, appearance, and
format to fit just about any native or non-native ad slot. 


By using Responsive Display Ads, you can reduce your overhead for managing ad
portfolios within ad groups and campaigns and dedicate more time to performance

Creative testing
Google does billions of creative A/B tests for your business. Google also leverages
multiple machine learning modules (asset selection, color extraction, auto-fitting, and
more) to create the right message to the right user across desktop, mobile, and apps.

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