Multiple Choice 1 (10. 2020) : C. I Don't Quite Agree

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1.The problem was solved clearly, ________?

A. didn’t it B. does it C. wasn’t it D. is it
2. Did you see the film on ________ television or at the cinema?
A. a B. an C. the D. x (no article)
3. This robber admitted ________ the red mobile phone last week.
A. stole B. stealing C. to steal D. steal
4. If my mobile phone hadn’t ___________ I would have known where my friends were.
A. didn’t break down B. hadn’t been broken down C. hadn’t broken D. hadn’t broken down
5. Was Neil Armstrong the first person ________ foot on the Moon?
A. set B. setting C. to set D. who setting
6. I think you shouldn’t shout at him ________ public like that.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
7. ___________young, he has been to many countries in the world.
A. Despite B. Although C. Though he was D. Notwithstanding
8. She had explained everything clearly ________.
A. while we would start out work B. by the time we started our work
C. after we had started our work D. when we are starting our work
9. The villagers are furious about the ________ to close the railway station.
A. decisively B. decide C. decision D. decisive
10. My favorite household chore in the family is to ________ the garbage because it doesn’t cost much time.
A. give up B. give out C. take up D. take out
11. By cutting down trees, we ________ harm to the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. keep B. make C. do D. cut
12. Since the family law was implemented, ________ violence has been a rare occurrence in this area.
A. domestic B. household C. internal D. family
13. Forest dwellers had always hunted the local ________ but their needs had been small.
A. wildlife B. commerce C. reserve D. generation
14.Mary is talking to Daisy about her trip to Hawaii.
- Mary: “Hey, Daisy. I’m going to have a trip to Hawaii this weekend.”
- Daisy: “Oh! ____________”
A. I like it. B. Have a good time. C. Not too bad. D. I’m well, thanks.
15. Peter and Mary are talking about social networks.
- Peter: “Using social networks may have negative effects on students.”
- Mary: “_________. It distracts them from their studies.”
A. You’re wrong. B. That’s quite true. C. I don’t quite agree D. I’m not sure about that.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
16. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
A. powerful B. disastrous C. significant D. detectable
17. A school year in Vietnam, which if divided into two terms, usually lasts from August to May.
A. seasons B. steps C. timetables D. semesters
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
18. Using their high-tech facilities, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized.
A. advanced B. technical C. mechanical D. simple
19.Though I persuaded my boss to solve a very serious problem in the new management system, he just made light of it.
A. treated it as important B. disagreed with it C. discovered it by chance D. completely ignored it
20. I live in a/an _________with my parents and my elder sister in the Coastal area.
A. Extended family              B. nuclear family C. Extended house              D. nuclear house
21. One advantage of living in a/an __________ is to strengthen relationship between young children and adults.
A. Nuclear family                    B. nuclear house C. Extended family                D. extended house
22. In my opinion, family members are responsible for _________ .
A. The housework                 B. the chores C. homework                           D. A and B
23. My grandpa is the most conservative person in my family. He never ______about way of life.
A. Gives his opinion              B. changes his mind C. Gives his view                     D. keeps in mind
24. After graduating from university, I want to __________ my father’s footsteps.
A. Follow in                B. succeed in                C. go after                D.keep up
25. In a nuclear family, both mother and father have responsibility for housekeeping and _________ .
A. Child care              B. homework                  C. childcare              D. generation gap
26. Four generations living in the same roof will have different ___________ of lifestyle.
A. Gaps                      B. rules                      C. manners                      D. viewpoints
27. Luckily, my parents are alwavs willing to listen to my new ideas. They’re very_____
A. Narrow-minded              B. open-minded C. Elegant                                D. careful
28. My mother _________ me from going home after 10 p.m. every day.
A. forbid                B. allows                C. lets              D. All are correct
29. Anna often dresses _________ when going to the parties in order to attract her friends’ attention.
A. Plainly                B. properly                C. flashily                  D. soberly
30. We’re surprised by Joe’s __________ every Monday. He changes it’at least 4 times a month.
A. Hairstyle                B. lifestyle                C. viewpoint                  D. manner
31. I rarely eat ______ and drink _________because they’re not food for health.
A. Snack/energy drink        B. fast food/juice C. Fruit/alcoholic drink       D. junk food/soft drink
32. Generation ____________ is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints amongst generations living together,
A. Distance                B. Gap                C. space                D. All are correct
33. I was tired and couldn’t________ on doing my research project properly.
A. Concentrate                       B. look C. Pay attention                       D. Both A and c
34. My parents don’t let me get married until I graduate from university and they
never __________ their mind about that.
A. Keep              B. impose                  C. focus                    D. change
35. The __________arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of university.
A. Discrimination                   B. conflict C. Agreement                           D. gap
36. I do morning exercise and play volleyball reguỉarly so as to keep ________and be healthier.
A. Fit                  B. good shape                C. healthy                    D. strong
37. Since the family law was implemented, domestic violence has been a rare _______ in this area.
A. Happen                B. taking place                C. occurrence                D. happenstance
38. My farther used to _________ a lot of challenges before establishing his 0wn insurance company.
A. Provide                  B. enjoy                C. give                          D. face
39. I wish I could do something to reduce financial ________ on my parents.
A. Capital                  B. burden              C. limit                          D. gap
40. Despite being a kid, Tuan always helps his mother do the chores every day.
A. Homework              B. works                  C. housework                D. house duties
41. When I was a child, my mother used to teach me table manners.
A. Etiquette                    B. rule                    C. problem                    D. norm
42. Many parents find it hard to understand íheir children when they are teenagers.
A. Adults                      B. elders                  C. adolescents                D. kids
43. There’re many probleins which are unavoidable when living in an extended farmily.
A. Profits                      B. issues                  C. views                          D. merits
44. Mary has a strong đesire to make independent decisions.
A. Dependent                B. self-confident              C. self-confessed            D. self-determining
45. My mother mistakenly believes that my fashion style breaks the norm of society.
A. Routine                    B. barrier                        C. rule                D. conflict
46. I always ỉook at this matter from a different viewpoint.
A. Point of view          B. view from point C. Idea                    D. opinion
47. We find it unattractive when dress flashily.
A. Luxuriantly              B. ostentatiously            C. cheaply          D. fashionably
48. Consuming too much junk food increases the risk of obesity.
A. Decrease                B. reduce                      C. rise                    D. raise
49. I feel extremely depressed as conflict occurs frequently amongst generations in my family.
A. Comes on                B. comes up                C. comes in                 D. comes into
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
50. If you live in an extcnded family. you’ll have great joy and get support of other members.
A. Close family                      B. traditional family C. Nuclear family                 D. large family
51. Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences.
A. Optimistic            B. elegant            C. close-knit              D. narrow-minded
52. Domestic violence is strictly forbidden all over the world.
A. Permitted              B. limited              C. restricted                D. prohibited
53. Jane found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.
A. Disagreement             B. harmony            C. controversy            D. fighting
54. I can’t concentrate on my work because of the noise caused by my children.
A. Focus                    B. abandon              C. neglect                D. allow
55. My grandpa’s point of view about marriage remains conservative.
A. Progressive            B. traditional            C. retrogressive                D. conventional
47. Finally, I decide to follow in my father’s footsteps to work in state-owned enterprise.
A. Private-owned                  B. public limited C. Privately-owned              D. government-owned
48. My grandma usually takes care of us when my parents are away on business.
A. Follows              B. abandons                C. concems              D. bothers
49. We greatly respect my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us.
A. Look up to            B. look forwards                C. look for            D. look down on
50. I regretted not to buy those trendy shoes through lack of money.
A. Shortage                B. abundance                  C. scarcity              D. deficiency
51. I'm sorry I forgot to call you back – I'm completely _______ today
A. out of it B. out of place C. Out of sight D. out of order
52. He quickly learned the _________ of the job.
A. by and large B. fair and square C. ins and outs D. odds and ends
53. The picking of the fruit, _________, takes about a week.
A. whose work they receive no money B. for which work they receive no money
C. they receive no money for it D. as they receive no money for that work
54. For the first few months the babies looked so alike I couldn’t tell _________.
A. who is whom B. which is which C. which from which D. whom with whom
55. _________ invisible to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although is B. Despite C. Even though it D. Although
56. If I were you, I would regard their offer with considerable _________ because it seems too good to be true.
A. suspicion B. doubt C. reservation D. disbelief
57. I love to do things for children because I get a _________ out of it.
A. pass B. shoot C. kick D. move
58. It’s necessary to listen to opinions that are ______ from ours.
A. difference B. differently C. differ D. different
59. Those boys were excited about the new game in the beginning, but now they have ____ it.
A. looked after B. gone off C. filled in D. got on
60. You often walk to school, ______ ?
A. won’t you B. didn’t you C. haven’t you D. don’t you
61. A fashionista herself, Helena is ______ about her clothes, especially when making her appearance in public.
A. receptive B. creditable C. particular D. feasible
62. Polar bears are in danger of going extinct ______ climate change.
A. because of B. although C. because D. despite
63. The city has changed a lot since I last ______ it.
A. visited B. would visit C. will visit D. visit
64. I can't give chapter and ______ but to the best of my knowledge, it’s a line from “Romeo and Juliet”.
A. rhyme B. scene C. verse D. note
65. Fathers can ______ a good example to their children by helping with the household chores.
A. set B. hold C. raise D. follow
66. The football team has waited ______ the championship for 30 years.
A. about В. up C. for D. to
67. If I ______ you, I wouldn't go out in this weather.
A. am B. had been C. were D. will be
68. My mother is often ______ first person to get up in the family.
A. a B. the C. no article D. an
69. The local shop deals in many kinds of hair products ______ from reasonably priced shampoos to rather expensive dyes.
A. ranging B. are ranged C. range D. are ranging
70. My daughter sometimes practises ______ English with her friends after school.
A. to speaking B. to speak C. speak D. speaking
71. You may not see how important your family is ______ .
A. after you had lived far from home B. when you were living far from home
C. until you live far from home D. as soon as you lived far from home
72. Applications for admission to this university are not processed without a high school ______ .
A. diploma B. paper C. licence D. résumé
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
73. Gini and Adrian are talking about a book they have read lately.
- Gini: “That wasn’t an interesting book.”
- Adrian: “ ______ . I couldn’t go further than chapter 2.”
A. I think it will get better and better B. Yes, it gave me much information
C. You can say that again D. No, it was fascinating
74. Dave is talking to Hannah after their school’s English speaking contest.
- Dave: “Congratulations! You've given a great performance.”
- Hannah: “ ______ ”
A. It's nice of you to say so. B. Me neither.
C. I'm sorry to hear that. D. No, don't worry.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
75. Everyone was secretly rehearsing a surprise performance for Alex's proposal, but annoyingly Jim let the cat out of the
bag at the last minute.
A. abandoned the plan B. concealed the plan
C. revised the plan D. disclosed the plan
76. The internal structure of the ancient palace is complicated like that of a maze.
A. simple B. complex C. attractive D. narrow
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
77. The beautiful sandy beach with a lot of sunshine and good foods made his holiday complete.
A. terrible B. normal C. serious D. perfect
78. The candidate was rejected as he could not meet all the requirements for this position.
A. arrange B. satisfy C. establish D. produce
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following
79. David and Tim are talking about films.
- David: “In my opinion, action films are really exciting.”
- Tim: “ ____________They always give me thrills.”
A. You shouldn’t say that. B. That’s wrong. C. What nonsense! D. I couldn’t agree more.
80. Joe and Linda are planning a night out.
- Joe: “Let’s go out for dinner tonight.”
- Linda: “ ___________ ”
A. Good luck! B. That’s a good idea. C. Don’t worry. D. You’re welcome.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
81. Mrs Carter feels happy _______ her daughter has made good progress in her studies recently.
A. because of B. although C. because D. despite
82. The air quality in this area has improved a lot since that factory _______ .
A. would close B. closed C. will close D. was closing
83. You often play sports, _______ ?
A. won’t you B. don’t you C. didn’t you D. haven’t you
84. An accomplished chef himself, Ronald is _______ about his use of ingredients and spices, especially when preparing feasts.
A. particular B. creditable C. feasible D. receptive
85. I'm planning _______ my children to the new amusement park this weekend.
A. taking B. to taking C. to take D. take
86. You will not know who your true friend is _______ .
A. as soon as you had trouble and needed help B. until you have trouble and need help
C. when you were having trouble and needing help D. after you had had trouble and needed help
87. My aunt excitedly _______ a compliment on the scarf I knitted for her as a birthday present.
A. paid B. passed C. caught D. took
88. The data _______ from the survey allowed the researchers to gain insights into young people’s attitudes to marriage.
A. is obtained B. obtains C. obtained D. obtaining
89. The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us to respect doctors and nurses, who _______ others in our society.
A. go on B. pick up C. care for D. call back
90. Hoi An is famous _______ its ancient architecture.
A. with B. to C. up D. for
91. I can't give chapter and _______ , but to the best of my knowledge, it’s a line from a sonnet by William Shakespeare.
A. scene B. verse C. note D. rhyme
92. The jobs give you lots of chances to travel abroad; it’s certainly a very _______ offer.
A. attractive B. attract C. attractively D. attraction
93. The striker had already celebrated the goal, but the _______ decided that he had been offside.
A. referee B. examiner C. judge D. inspector
94. My mother is often _______ last person to go to the bed in my family.
A. the B. Ø (no article) C. an D. a
95. If I _______ you, I wouldn't stay up this late.
A. am B. were C. will be D. would be
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
96. Everyone was secretly rehearsing a surprise performance for Peter’s proposal, but annoying James let the cat out of the bag at the
last minute.
A. revised the plan B. concealed the plan
C. disclosed the plan D. abandoned the plan
97. Having to work to a deadline can be a stressful experience for students.
A. painful B. relaxing C. tense D. practical
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
98. I invited John to my wedding but he declined, saying that he would be busy.
A. criticized B. refused C. confirmed D. accepted
99. The author mostly writes novels, and he has also published some books of poetry.
A. partly B. only C. rarely D. mainly
100. At the moment the ruling party is on the _______ of a dilemma.
A. hooves B. points C. top D. horns

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