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Part 1

Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Law ‫ قانون‬Walk around ‫يتجول فى‬ One day ‫ذات يوم‬
Lawyer ‫ محامى‬Just once ‫مرة واحدة فقط‬ Garden ‫حديقة‬
Slave ‫عبد‬ As he was called ‫كما كان يسمى‬ Special ‫خاص‬
Blind ‫اعمى‬ Take part in ‫يشارك فى‬ Abilities ‫قدرات‬
Mute )‫ابكم ( اخرس‬ Public ‫عام‬ Hire ‫يستاجر‬
autistic ‫ يميل‬-‫منطوى‬ Perform ‫ يؤدى‬Band ‫فرقه موسيقية‬
‫للوحده والتامل‬
autism ‫ االنطواء‬-‫االنعزال‬ performance ‫ عرض‬- ‫ اداء‬Produce ‫ينتج‬
investigate ‫يتحرى االمر‬ A review ‫ نقد – مقال نقدى‬Reproduce ‫يعيد انتاج او عمل‬

play ‫ يعزف‬- ‫يلعب‬ Took him on a ‫ ياخذه فى جولة‬Perfect ‫ مثالى‬- ‫كامل‬

Piano ‫ البيانو‬Three years ‫ سنوات‬3 ‫ وبعد‬Perfectly ‫يشكل مثالى‬
flute ‫الفلوت‬ the White ‫ البيت األبيض‬Canada ‫كندا‬
Only ‫فقط‬ The president ‫ رئيس الجمهورية‬a mixture of ‫خليط من‬
In front of ‫امام‬ show ‫ عرض فنى‬Classical ‫كالسيكى‬-‫تقليدى‬

Musician ‫عازف‬-‫موسيقار‬ all over the US ‫فى كل انحاء‬ compositio ‫مؤلفات‬

‫امريكا‬ ‫موسيقية‬
confirm ‫ يثبت‬- ‫يؤكد‬ all over the world p‫فى كل انحاء العالم‬ compose ‫يؤلف‬
Suspicion ‫شك‬ king ‫ملك‬ feature ‫ يظهر‬-‫يبرز‬
Memory ‫ذكرى – ذاكرة‬ kingdom ‫مملكة‬ section ‫ جزء‬- ‫قسم‬
memorize ‫يتذكر‬ united ‫متحد‬ challenge ‫تحدى‬
repeat ‫يكرر‬ The united ‫المملكة المتحدة‬ members ‫اعضاء‬
A piece of ‫قطعه من‬ kingdom ( the U.K.) audience ‫جمهور‬
Realize that ‫ يدرك ان‬several ‫ العديد من‬viewers ‫مشاهدين‬
Was born ‫ ولد‬concert ‫ حفلة موسيقية‬fail ‫يفشل‬
diagnose ‫ يشخص حاله او اداء‬development ‫ تنمية‬difficult ‫صعب‬ 1 01116540925
cause ‫يسبب‬ disorder ‫ خلل‬- ‫اضطراب‬ difficulty ‫صعوبه‬
social ‫اجتماعى‬ Was invited to ‫تمت دعوته الى‬ learning ‫التعليم‬
however ‫ومع ذلك‬ relationship ‫عالقة‬ talent ‫موهبة‬
create ‫ يبدع‬-‫يخلق‬ remarkable ‫ مميز‬-‫ملحوظ‬ talented ‫موهوب‬
The most ‫االكثر‬ amazing ‫مذهل‬ area ‫منطقه‬
drawings )‫رسومات(بالقلم‬ extraordinary ‫رائع‬-‫فوق العادى‬ discuss ‫يناقش‬
paintings ‫رسومات(بااللوان‬ name ‫اسم – يسمى‬ Good at ‫جيد فى‬
certain – ‫معين‬ Well known ‫ معروف جيدا‬sport ‫رياضة‬
person ‫شخص‬ mathematics ‫الرياضيات‬ dance ‫يرقص‬-‫الرقص‬
floating ‫طافى‬- ‫عائم‬ movement ‫حركة‬ form ‫ يتشكل‬-‫شكل‬
dream ‫حلم‬ In brackets ‫ما بين القوسين‬ include ‫يشمل‬
probably ‫ربما‬ develop ‫ يتطور‬-‫يطور‬ circle ‫دائرة‬
Die / died ‫يموت – مات‬ Musical skills ‫مهارات موسيقية‬ option ‫اختيار‬
death ‫موت‬ French horn ‫آلة نفخ موسيقية‬ Run onto ‫يقتحم‬
Dead (adj) ‫ميت‬ communicating ‫متواصل مع‬ through ‫خالل‬
stage ‫خشبة المسرح‬ architecture ‫ مبانى‬- ‫عمارة‬ develop ‫ يتطور‬-‫يطور‬
A series of ‫سلسلة من‬ Each ‫كل‬ alphabet ‫حروف الهجاء‬
programme ‫برنامج‬ landmarks ‫معالم بارزة‬ subject ‫موضوع‬
foolish ‫احمق‬ popular ‫ شائع‬-‫مشهور‬ phone ‫يتصل بـ‬
wise ‫حكيم‬ Is fascinated by ‫مبهور بـ‬ building ‫مبنى‬
once ‫ ذات‬- ‫مرة واحدة‬ incredible ‫مذهل‬ artist ‫فنان‬
‫ بمجرد ان‬- ‫مرة‬
as a result ‫وكنتيجة لذلك‬ In detail ‫بالتفصيل‬ A number of ‫عدد من‬
published ‫نشر‬ In incredible detail ‫بالتفصيل الدقيق‬quite ‫الى حد ما‬
Since then ‫ومنذ ذلك الوقت‬ detailed ‫تفصيلى‬ others ‫اخرون‬
More seriously ‫بجد اكثر‬ extremely ‫للغاية‬
success ‫نجاح‬
Care for ‫يهتم بـ‬ A little bit ‫قليال‬
partner ‫ زميل‬- ‫شريك‬
still ‫ال زال‬ relax ‫ يستريح‬- ‫ يسترخى‬situation ‫موقف‬
tonight ‫الليلة‬ Rock climbing ‫ تسلق الصخور‬promise ‫يوعد‬
Infinitive Translation Past Past participle
Become ‫يصبح‬ became Become
Hear ‫يسمع‬ heard heard
forget ‫ينسى‬ forgot Forgotten
Know ‫يعرف‬ knew Known
Come ‫ياتى‬ came come
Begin ‫يبدا‬ began Begun

2- Expressions with mind

1- Change your mind ‫يغير رايه‬ :
( make a new and different decision)
2- make up your mind ‫ يصمم ان – يقرر ان‬:
(to decide / to reach a decision)
3- in two minds ‫ غير قادر على اتخاذ قرار‬-‫ فى حيرة بين امرين‬:
(find it difficult or hard to decide)
He suggested visiting the zoo but I'm still in two minds
4- is out of his mind ‫ فقد عقله – جن‬:
(be crazy)
5- take your mind off + ‫يساعده على اال يفكرفى متاعبه او مشكالته‬ ‫ شىء‬:
( help you not to think about a problem.)
Working hard is the best way to take my mind off my troubles
6- Read your mind ‫ اقرا افكارك‬:
(know what you are thinking)
7- keep ‫ شىء‬in mind ‫ يضع شىء فى اعتباره‬:
(try not to forget about it )
8- have got something on your mind ‫ قلق – هناك ما يشغل باله‬:
(be worried)
9- slip my mind ‫ – ينسى‬:
( to forget )
I'm sorry , I forgot the appointment , it slipped my mind
3- Additional expressions
To my mind = in my opinion ‫فى رايى‬
Keep your mind on ‫ركز انتباهك او اهتمامك على‬
Mind your own business ‫ التتدخل فيما ال يعنيك‬/ ‫خليك فى حالك‬
We are of the same mind ‫لنا نفس الراى او التفكير‬
I don't mind ‫كالهما عندى سواء‬
Nany : Would you like tea or coffe ? 3 01116540925
Doha : I don't mind ( ‫) اى حاجه‬
4- language notes
Start to + ‫ = مصدر‬start + ving
He started to watch TV
= He started watching TV
at the age of ‫فى عمر كذا‬
in the age of ‫ عصر كذا‬/ ‫فى عهد‬
Rewrite :
He went to school at the age of 6 ( when )
By the age of ‫وعند سن كذا‬
Since the age of ‫منذ عمر كذا‬

Quiet ‫هادى – ساكن‬

Quite ‫الى حد ما‬
Quit ‫يخرج – يترك‬
Would you most like to ‫هل تود بشكل كبير ان‬
Over the next forty years ‫خالل االربعون سنه التالية‬
Had to ‫اضطر ان‬
: listen – play ‫ مع االفعال‬p‫ مع االالت الموسيقية‬the ‫تسخدم‬
The lute – the piano – the violin – the guitar
He plays the flute very well
5- Grammar
As well as + Ving / ‫باالضافة الى‬ ‫ = اسم‬in addition to
Rewrite :
he watched TV and did his homework (As well as ) ( as well )
As well as watching TV , he did his homework
he watched TV and did his homework as well
‫ بمعنى يملك او لديه‬own ‫تاتى‬
We own a large house
‫ بين ضمير الملكية والشىء الممتلك للتاكيد‬own ‫تاتى‬
This is my own car
Of my own age ‫فى نفس عمرى‬
On my own = by myself = alone ‫بمفردى‬
He did his homework by himself ( own )
In spite of = despite ‫بالرغم من‬
Although he got up early , he missed the bus ( in spite of )
In spite of the hot weather , we went out ( although )
Choose : After ………………….TV, he went to bed
a) watched b) was watching c) watching d) had watched
Can + ‫ = مصدر‬is able to + ‫ = مصدر‬is capable of + Ving = has the ability to + ‫مصدر‬

He can swim fast

He is able to swim fast
He is capable of swimming fast
He has the ability to swim fast

Rewrite :
Can you open the door ? ( able )
2- he could walk alone ( capable of )
3- he could answer uestion ( ability )
……………………………………… …………………………………………………
Present simple
Present cont.
Present perfect
Present perfect con 5 01116540925
Part 2
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Interview ‫مقابلة شخصية‬ Day- dream ‫يحلم أحالم يقظة‬ tights ‫رداء‬
Psychologist ‫اخصائى نفسى‬ Autistic- savant ‫متوحد‬ scratch ‫خدش‬
Be stuck ‫فى مازق‬ detective ‫بوليس سرى‬ hole ‫ ثقب‬-‫فتحه‬
Stuck to ‫ملتصق بـ‬ Like no other ‫ليس له مثيل‬ leaf ‫ورقه شجر‬
Murder ‫جريمة قتل‬ A great deal ‫قدر كبير‬ loaves ‫ارغفه خبز‬
Mystery ‫سر غامض‬ Human beings ‫البشر‬ Poking ‫ تظهر‬- ‫تبرز‬
narrator ‫راوى القصة‬ lists ‫قوائم‬ toward ‫باتجاه‬
pattern ‫نموذج – عينه‬ On his own ‫بمفرده‬ lift ‫يرفع‬

The truth ‫الحقيقة‬ neighbour ‫جار‬ grass ‫حشائش‬

hate ‫يكره‬ Set out ‫ينطلق‬ precisely ‫بدقه‬
Being touched ‫يتم لمسه‬ terrifying ‫مخيف‬ hold ‫يمسك‬
Further than ‫ابعد من‬ Upside down ‫ راسا على عقب‬properly ‫بشكل دقيق‬
uniform ‫زى رسمى‬ In the middle of ‫ فى وسط‬Work out ‫ يفهم‬- ‫يحسب‬

bottom ‫قاع‬ Took hold of ‫امسك بـ‬ fork ‫شوكه‬

operate ‫ يشغل‬squatted ‫ جلس قرفصاء‬seem ‫يبدو‬

slicing ‫ تقطيع الى شرائح‬What’s going ‫ ماذا يجرى‬upset ‫منزعج‬
enough ‫بشكل كافى‬ I’d got that far ‫علمت منذ زمن‬ stacking ‫متكدس‬
blockage ‫انسداد‬ explain ‫يشرح‬ bakery ‫مخبز‬
roll ‫يتدحرج‬ press ‫يضغط‬ forehead ‫ جبهة‬- ‫جبين‬
‫يضبط النغمة او المحطة‬
volume ‫الصوت‬ noise ‫ضوضاء‬ tune
immediately ‫على الفور‬ groaning ‫انين‬ halfway ‫فى الوسط‬
envelope ‫مظروف‬ dash ‫اندفع نحو‬ station ‫محطة‬
tightly ‫ باحكام‬Was gone ‫ضاعت‬- ‫فقدت‬ shock ‫صدمة‬
direction ‫ اتجاه‬Get off ‫ينزل من‬ Bumped into ‫خبط فى‬
Get out of ‫تخرجه من تفكيرها‬ There was no ‫اختفى ( فص‬ At the back ‫يشغل تفكيره‬
her mind sign of him )‫ملح وداب‬ of her mind
reflection ‫صورة بالمراه‬-‫ انعكاس‬Neither of them ‫ وال واحد منهم‬yell ‫يصرخ‬
platform ‫ الرصيف‬thought ‫ تفكير‬nor ‫وال‬
grab ‫ ينتزع‬-‫ يخطف‬wrestling ‫ يتصارعون‬Let go ‫يفرط‬-‫يترك‬
speechless ‫ اخرس‬perception ‫ ادراك‬-‫مالحظه‬ embarrassin ‫محير‬
Focus on ‫ يركز على‬partake ‫ يشارك فى‬uneven ‫غير منتظم‬
perform ‫ يؤدى‬curled ‫ مجعد‬redemption

2- Expressions with brain

1- pick (somebody’s) brain ‫ ياخذ فكرة او طريقة من‬:
( get ideas from someone)
2- have/has got ‫ شىء‬/ ‫ موضوع‬on the brain ‫يفكر فيه دائما وباستمرار‬
(think about something continually )
3- brain storm ) ‫عصف ذهنى ( تدور براسه العديد من االفكار‬
(think of as many ideas as you can )
4- is out of his mind ‫ فقد عقله – جن‬:
(be crazy)
5- ( he is ) the brain ‫االكثر ذكاء او تفوقا‬
(the cleversest / the most intelligent )
6- brain wave ‫ عبقرية‬/ ‫فكرة جهنمية‬
( brilliant idea )
7- brain child ‫من بنات افكاره‬
( original idea)
3- pressions with brain
1. Music ! that is all you ever think about . you have ……… music …….
2. if you don’t know the answer ,don’t ask my father! .Ask my mother . She is
…………in the family.
3. I’ve just had a ……………and I think I’ve got the answer to my problem
4. I built the machine but it was Steve who had the idea and designed it . So it is
5. Joe – I need help with this . can I ………………..your for a moment ? 7 01116540925
6. we really need to get some new ideas . lets all sit down and ………….for a while

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