Michael Psellos, Peri Ton Pente Fhonon (GR)

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EXCERPTA EX ARISTOTELIS ORGANO; DE SIMPLICIBUS TERMINIS, DE PROPOSITIONE, ET ' DE SYLLOGISMO. QUIBUS ACCEDUNT PSELLI DE QUINQUE VOCIBUS LIBER, ar SIMPLICII IN ARISTOTELIS CATEGORIAS PROLEGOMENA. ss IN USUM JUVENTUTIS ACADEMICE. ———S OXONII: EB TYPOGRAPHEO CLARENDONIANO. 1802,. Lear. Pues 33. a,S, WERAAOY TIEPI TQN HENTE SQNQN.- NMIEPI TON KATHTOPHMATON. I. To xarmyopixdy®, wore ply AapCdvercy xupicas’, xg} ore pebyoy xarnyopiniy Aédyeray, 3 eri wWAetivean Aéyerey” wore dF AapCdviley xowas, ng} dra Acyeray rarmyopixdy, boreg a xad’ vos pve, } nave wrnivew xarnyopéirey. “OSer rd xupios AapCovduevey xarmye- gixdy meuriv tgs rH nadirw MoPige 4} autd suas 7H 7) pey xermyopixdy opieSray 7H Atyecdey, To de xading 1G tivay. “Ess db th xeornyopinay, 7o weDuxis wrctiver xarmyopticray, xatiax de, 1 wedunis év mrcorw eve. To d0 xedlnyopixty eirey ra Saw’ dia peirey “yin,” des, diatpogd, idig, xg} cupSeCnxén. "OSev wept rérev tre dd Seaphrwper. * Vide Sanderfoni Artis Logic Compendium, lib. i, c. a. Parag. 2; 3. 7 20° ¥EAAOT TIEPI NEPI TOY TENOYS. it. To TENOX> reraws Ayeray. Aéyeray oS 4 oay Tova capourss fyivrey Tie apis ansags, % wets play epypty, dev ¥ aSpecis F ix tH auras ovy- yerdas trav, did 7 & vis nalbvay agoywe. “Exe At yeray vives, ig) 4 txdse S yericens apy, olov 6 wa~ Ties A 4 wargis. "Ers Aéyeras yéves, @ vmoréranrty 1 idee. Kara téror thy tearoy Teemov Afysray evra Sa td yévos, 6% éuQopedea tras. Vives igi ro nail mActiveay xgy diclpegivren + cides; ev ra rh guy xaory~ yeedpeevor" Gioy 7 Gow xarmyopéiray nate 8 aS parr, 78 earres, hg} 78 Hrs, & diaigeos vii cider. Tigig d¢ 1 eidkvay ri Rovasray 73 diaPigercay to i= dis, bei yurdarnsty rs roravraggas Abysrey TO draPiger, “ draypis Aéyeras To rauten. ‘Tawriv dé ts Abyeras 7gs~ Nas, tautex vives, taut sides, rayriv dplug. Tau’ 7 yives Atyorrey, Te Uwd To atd yéves evra, diov 6 SS pores xg} 6 bres bars 78 Gow. Tawra dt ra cds, Ta Uwe Te aurd sides, clov 6 Xwxpdrys xg) 6 TAaray tre voy dvSeur, TS Brg dpS pes rautoe Akyeray Temdais' se poy rede rauty vipa, % sperma Srsgey JE tgemov taurdy Ta, ilar reirev dB rederes reury cupronnirs. Taura, ra tvoears Atyorlay, av 1d cpl YKed tg by, ta Oe évipatle, wAsio, chev Mdexos TS2ds05" » Vide Sanderfon, lib. i. c. 3. Parag. 1, 3, 3. TON TIENTS #QNQN. 3 al Snopes tawta, dv to & ea cgouds Daripy, oi cop 73 oor ey Suatiy, noe 6 SDgurres. Tavra ro idica Aeyes’), & av re & assy idrow +e érégev, oioy é iyBee- es, By To yerarinty, Taunt 7G cobeCqnén sioiy, diy vo iy cupCeenxe 7h erepeo doy 6 Sexpeons, ga & auras Aeuxers. ‘Opitas atyday dain To vive | diakpipor cides, dgD ug. Asa@époven +i yéver ticl, ra omd didopa Yor, dav & dvSeerxes twd 1 Coov, ney 7 divdgoy tnd To Quriv. AraQigora ria cides Adyorrey, re td dia~ Qoga adr epseropeevee, otoy 6 Saxpdirys xop BadNias* Rungdrs pig sides 6 dvSgumes, twos 3) Bardiv. AiaQipoila ra dpdps dow, & wotos DaPopav agid— pv, cor Siuxgdrys, FlAdrey. KarmyoptiS-ay 3 Aéyeray ey 16 ri és, Garep cixsios doradidiley eapos tiv dice TH Ti cyivopeimyy émeornow. ‘Os Caeey Ase, thigw aS games, oles Gorangwnipsda, or Gur, 5 di, rBr0 9 Cow ae 0 weirs y r6 thisw. » Ongueda ay % re yes aus, rais. Teves esi, torqrarleray 1b adds... TO TENOES diasgtrrey i yer posed, yines tmddrydor, Tenixcrarey vyéves isi, wip 3 8x dew Go travabeCyxis vives’ 5 sras, yives yorixcoreroy agur, § yévos av, & Divevraes ivay sidos* oy Stceaptrres cis dina, cere eles nevre, OYEIA, TOZOTHE, NOIOTHS, © Vide Sanderfon. lib. i. c. 3. Parag. 4. a ‘ ' WEAAOT MEPL. HIPOE TI, MOIEIN, IAEXEIN, .KEIZ@AI; MOTE, N0Y,: EXEIN: xg} reedzee vib dina Atryormes yevindrmeme syérn, ice T3 pendiv ives. eeceev torep auvme. Ei yep xgy.70 ov nami trav vhv dina dyer, spmpos pérrs x9} moRaxws, ob cwwMpos Atyélay xa! autév, xg) dice taro bx tet vives. Thepi rérav do rev dine viv sdev Paper, aan’ by mdis xailmyopicus’ DiogiseeSco megi re- tev. Tévos d8 taarnréy éswv, 3 yivos ov, Soveerey:elvoy cides" obov 73 Gedy és syéves 7B nD gtrrov, ng} tides 7% turpings oapecaros. ‘ MYEPI TOY EIAOTS.. mm. Exo: bs, 10 nara wAcdvav % diaPecivray 18 apna by th rh bcs xarnyopspevv. "Ev tere ro * dpioecs riro 1d fiqpece To xebrmyopeinees, Atyencs dyapet, % ex Svegyea. Oior dros 6 pos 6 dvS peomes xarnye= girs Sexpdrus 2 Wrdrovos, 3 F daw peegindy cv Spamay, oi daPiguor agitps. Ka} xarmyoptines xeil’ aiurésy iy 63 th bus dada Spooreipevis tus, Th tw 6 Xen xedrns, cixeias ay cmoxgivatle,. om avSpamos, % dia ritro 6 dyDpemog xaurmyoptine iv 7G ti bet, “OpiCerus 38 xoy darwe 7 elec, Sras. Eldis ew, & narmyogétres 79 ins év ro vi ew. AIAIPEITAI> 4 1b eidoe x cburd cis cides cidinacratler, ° © Vid. Sanderfon. lib. i. c. 3. Parag. 2, 3. » Jbid. lib, i. c. 3. Parag. 4, 6.- TON HENTE SQNON. 5 3 tie Eidos vnrdaannen. Eidos eidixsiraléy ésiv, 3 sides oy, & rary evey yévos* ciov drSpeumos, ‘ames, xg} ma Bua 9 ddes adindlariy tsw, Of % tx tow ado UmobeCynrs eidog. Eidos 3} baradanav éswv, © cides ov, Diva?) eivay yéves* ciev m6 wee TH yersxemnere yives, 1 78 sidixancroy sides, Gdvavloy ae gums yin x eidy slvay, weds dIdo pérros xg} do AapCavipava’ cia yin piv F daonares, dy) F tmepave’ 3 Ihrov ev TH Dloupioe parov ri xAipans rt ToePugiov. ‘Os av 3 pedrsses To rosie cabis tin, apgdiiyjea. xéiray i txaens xalnyopicav® choy Borie és aearoy vines, tm Gurlw isi ope, are Te cape To Zulu papa, OP 3 ro Gov, iad dé ro Gov 7b Aoysxty Goer, OD 3 6 drDeesmres, ims db civOecamov ro aropeiy ésw, onep ss prev: xallmyopiiray, cioy Zaxgdrns, Taro, TIEPI THY AIAROPAS. VW. v. Aussoras asye) seni" owes, xgp idias, 2 5 idiateneG.. Kowy AlePooa é guy, i dervoyer & eregoy fré- eeu, fauré, xwpisG oupCeCnxirs, cio 6 Sangdrns xadjpevos Ale Piges 7H Menge isepive, 4 aur’, “Idi Dooeed ssw, H diermvercey Erepoy erégeu axmeisw cup— EeEnnéas, cov 6 oipds Meine ro ypuré dxyipisor P oypCeCnxis 4 orperys xg} 9 yourerns. "Thorney DjoPoge exw, t dienivercer erepev srége eidorosa Dé- ©” 4 Wid, Sanderfon, lbs i & 4 Paragy t.. 3 6: SEAAOY MEPI Dog Bowep 6 avSpumes MNqPice 1H torm'y rh Aye xg % xamd ritoy t isalev retmey. AapCave) teva 1 Meera. ‘Opirpis de auras Eros. Araipagd? tox Td kam wAsovey x DAePecdvlaw 77] eid, ev 7 omdiy th Sst xatlnyopspevey’ civ ro Avyixty. xellnyoptives Tov aS gerrov, xgy F adrav F cider Moepivlav. “Eopéy Aoyieci ney Hpesis nop of See, as 6 Tog Piptos Bovaélay, enw ro Symrty sugese Sey 9 nas éxsiveo rela. Exe a x!) ndlryogtio ey i 8) re éardion vi esi, Owreg ol elas amongubjerdd, wieis + Mo re wéibv rh 54 yev0~ piy egarrngiv. "Eguraivlos yee Tivos borciey Th giv é aoSgemres, cites derongnipada, ors Aoyiniv’ % De TEr0-To Aoyicoy vellnyogiray + dw Sodas, ey 1 tmétty wh ésw. ‘Opkea) 3B BtePopav xg Gor. Aiaipd tow, F mepocee TO Eidos TH syéves, ovoy 6 cis geemes 18 Gow - Tails To Aoyind xgy Syme AlaPepaic. ‘ISTEONG B, & ors 4 DreatPopee # " aur eg % ovralixn, % rcupthsxd, aoe, siatpigus. Muscling dercvon vz ef » Vid. Sanderfon. lib. i. ¢. 4. Parag. 2. © Ita preclare Pindarus: By ardpir, ty Oui vires? ie Dimas, 5 pbyar voor, Ho Mag ft erloper res Giow "AQaréveis? Mates duplry, Kai aig ifayiar - Aulgyes Si ercioe nexpypten Ode Hid¥res, ob8) preg brass, dg 73 ply b2er Nixras, Zaps worpes dr “ON xeirnscg ctepaaris aisd Tog ru typends Nasbercl eS ucs, Mioes Spaaris. "ADAA To goo Pigoper Nem, VI. 4 Vid. Sanderfon. lik i. c. 4. Parag. 3. TON NIENTE #ONQN. a oes, x9} dasgenny 78 vives: ciev Td Aoyixdy Jteuspii 73 Gior, pam S crnxeseims maory AePopas. Afyoer PF Gav rd per Aoysney, 7 de dArcyor, Adres af Daogay cunsars md ind ro Gov Malhoge eidy. Na oe D Aedees, xamiva ix 8 yives, cunsd vo eidost XG} Ng tito ousemny siruv edoroios aéye}, oowse Po) Soller cai yiver wpessDty ra Gi cunessralle cides, F eS pomor, “Ista db 6, 0 grew 6 Boynues, peor 70 te Bes igigee a. ‘Opi Ps gee, ix irae xg} cura maw tira opera De Pogiay, pare de * didos tages wives xg Ahaipopds. EPI TOT IAIOr. v. To az 110s Terganyns Mouspéeray, ¥ renga yios Aeyéley. Asyélay pv 9S idsoy nad eve, rgemov, Garep tees sides vi, xg} & was: sev To yeoptreny th vatj Hi hengty puis Ta ar ecbore, xg) & warlt,.“Addor OF agimon réys!), meg tess ears, xg} ot pore" lev TO sivey cisrwy cppoces wayri dvSpcbarw, xg} ov proves. Toi rev a veézroy, omreg dregs wavel, xo} pore, ARO wns Gio To waAssDey evest to aSpome, § pire, % wari, aN’ &x det, by dE pone oo) vipa. Téseegloy et 7e0- wor Abyed), & Rot idles nartines idvor, bres. pives, cate, Gj trawli. Our 9S Atrys’) 6 cvG pees yerusie ts, oot trepysian yead, GIN’ ori emilydutrnme ign Cue : * Vid. Sandecfon. Kb. i, ¢..5.. Parag. 1. : 4 8 PEAAOY - ITEP! ounny Te yoru. Kaj xand rérov + rim aebmey ae yiley 7 9 iiov tv F weve almyepeni, ie onoyedite') ras. “Idiev ésw, 3 pirw bess, +) nalryoptims a avn spius xan Te mpaypolos, xo} & ompcciver To Th Hy eivey e tedrypeilos* cov 7 yeAasinny ze aS pews. TS ae onpelves To ot Hy elvey, wpbones’) ev m% twreyeahi F idle, eis MePrga F igions. 'O 9 igcpis xeslrye- fray arms gies name medrrualos, % onpectives TO 7% v ray e wed ptloc” diy, 70 boie tenes aicdy- Ky dora gies pe z oe, rei y anna a 70 elvey aur don was Opirpes tgs Adyos, 6 To Ti ay eivay onpccevear, To iDbov JE & onpeccever To Th ay sivey. TIEPI TOY SYMBEBHKOTOS. Vi. SBeBHKox* teu, § apdoess % dese ar ; pe BE trroxepive Papas: chev 7 Deu, To meray, To naSgSy. Tail od duvarty "i ‘wgoetives ra atm rata: 3 drxtivey air, xuapis 4% BS vrronepive Oe pig. - ‘Oxia a ind x rus. EuebeCyxds ecw, 3 sre vines, Bre sides, ere Aleut, bre idsov, ivess Hb 7a mpdypan. Ka) abdis sos: pad fro, 3 Co re sind x ‘tagorttvay, % wn ‘Weortivey, civ To Asuna», noy Fo nalndey 1 awgcimy. Térov 08 F dbo teAsvlaion A:Vjd. Sanderfon, ib. i. ¢- §. Parag. 3: ‘ TQN MENTE ¢QNOQN. 3 moyeaQiay, ‘Bedrtion és 4 deulépas ime ees rot. weeorgy yosiy; avaryxy Tuy xara tapoerdérer, wu yins, tt sides, xy me Aovra’ 4 de deuripa cpusay xa airhd, wpos Ts yumrxay Td Asyspever xa aure. TON cupeCnxérav, To per est maesey, Gioy 73 xadiodey tv ri av Sgcemes' vb J azyipisov, diev 70 poe Day by TH nigans x9) 76 Aidioms, xg} 7 Asuxty iy rH sive. Ei db xg} 7 Asuxty dxmpicws oveCéCnns 7a xbnvea, xg} 7 piray 7a AiSions xg} TH xégans, Suoe 3x évaslion rere ee co) egies ze ouplsCnxéros to re yores, 3 divalay capocsivay xg} dmtivay yeupis 8 F twe- neyeive DS eas’ dio, dis 6 TogPugis Beas’), duetlay 6 xdgak vatioSay reunis, x 6 Aidinp, dvev 8 F tron netpeive DI opas. “En F oupbeCnxtros vO pe KObVON Giov To Aguxey, xgy TO pera 70 d8 idsov, ciov 9 Aguxérys © Xaxpares, xg" oiperns 1% [lAdrores. AIAGOPA TON KATHTOPHMATON. Vil. Kornon kgs vole wivre Kedluyopixsic, To TAE~ fray xdlnyoptiaSay" DMePiguor J réirds. TOTENOE AlgMipe F dav 7G nant wretiver xe~ sy ogdia Soy we aaa. AIABOPA Dlghiper F yérus, 1H 7b dy nalnyogiices, iy 1G sation, 1b de av 3 ri. “Em 9 Aaopa, draPiges z iis ng} F aides, 1G TF Boop xarmyoctic Say wAsy~ » Vid, Sanderfon. lib. i. c. 5. Parag, 4. ~” . YEAAOYT TIEPI 7 * buecv Melpepivreer rei sides, To db aides xgj To iden obs AiaQiga db xg} F cupleCnxcros, 7 m ouplsCnxtne par. exidingo Say exter xg} duc, + dt AgPogay wn emidexsr Soy 70 paPov 194 To HHov. AIASEPEL 7 sides Z yivxs, ro v0 vives ote Beer dxgeer cate, tidy, 72 dE cides pay wepseeey ans. To dos diaPiper $ Draopas,, ris ex wAreriro pty draPogerr SrarSey vine Say é, ciov éx TH Doyixd xg 8 Syl ¥ aS peomor” 10 dB cidos pH cove ler Sey tides apes vyt- very didev tides. Ei gS naj os pepnos irmos mi eeinc bry ourdalerey eis + mpudve verso, BIN’ bx 8 larares, 3 6 twos tv 7G nomi. AralPiger JF idta 88 cidog, ons 73 cider 7H Quces és) sheoreg © idis, . 08 idsey isegors “En, ay’ ob got AePopar, °C] eum diem PeewG.: GON ob. rérev Opes DjguPapes. AraQieges or cupGeCnxdras ro sides, Gx +o. per cides xetlmyopeiroy ep oe th, 73 db oupbeCnxds ty T@ omreior, 7 woos exo égi> gy ont 7) edes saporegiv ite oupbeCnxdros* arr vag oupbebnnrs dion isepoy tet ro idieu omexeweve. . TO AE AION drauiger z oupbsyxéros, on ro pe . Tdioy eves eds pve xalryogirray, ro de oop bebynds erecinar, To 2 cupebeCynds mgarin ecw é reis are pris, xgy Usepov ev rois syevers Hoy eideot’ toy WS 6 am Soares xgh ro Grey & retyst, ek py Dg: Tot Laxgarn oy Tictresves retzyew" ro idtev od csparroy goo yRes Tes aideors, xo} peer vee eidh vis aropeaig. : ETI TO TENOX, 4 JiePopa, 0 ides, yr iDioy éxrions TON IIENTE ¢QNOQN. Ww pertxeiley txs warrav, iD av xallmyopiy’)’ 19 dE cup CeCyxis éimow % anes dence), Xt pa rov % Hier, “Ens, 70 ykves, 9 dtaopar, Ta tides, X 7b idev cuvenipeas xarnyopivray to dt cupGeCyncs & cwariuas, dra waganipas. Td dé xarnyopticday cuvaniwes, isi 7 xatlnyopcicday xa by tropa % Deyo" cov 6 cS eames xa To ier tropa, ailmyoptivey Saxpdres xg} TAd~ Teaver, Saxgdras esi dvSpamos* xailmyoger.) Je 8 nam ¥ tare Aéyov" civ, Swxgerns gt Gov Aoyixay Syflor pciws dF 8 emi F aw. Kaj die rire & donee!) ob by yivos iveys dion ei % xa ty trope xailnyopérray was tar T drondra aisé, & pérras % xed’ sa Ayer. “O Pp Ayes F tree, nado nelly ogeiray xare $ arias, 65% 7 ad casle Gv naSo Je nalwyopérray F aan, esi vd iy hey to: % ira neilnyogirray nelle duaPipys Ayes, % dia, rire & Aéys?) cwawbpas, BIE paPov dpecarim pos, i woRaxgas. ‘Oparinws dE xalnyogtioSey, ést 73 xeilnyoptioScs ‘én ovipam, xa iaPipas Abyus, nami Ts ard bya sidnppévas” dior, 6 xday evi bro pram: xdlnyopsiray 78 trannnd, F Saratie, % © ga vist Adyos OF warrav 3% gw 6 autos xan TO auTd Sropeee, GIN aos Hoy Eos. Tlaparipus dt xalnye- peicS-ey Adyor"), ra dard mos ply S cldoews wh dia Dope name ro aiurd dvopsee incor, T wpoonyopiar’ cio, dri $ yeappanxis 6 ypaypannis, % dard § dvdpias é avdesios, xgy are S Aeuxarrlos 6 Acuxes, % me Opore, & wapavipos xellmyopivmes xg} Q}g. toro, To cups Crxds waganipas tye?) xalnyogtiol a. Simplicius Cilix, Damafcii Syri et Ammonii Hermez F, ifcipulus, Athenas circiter A.C. 550 commigravit, Peripate- ticorum fui feculi facile princeps. Extant etiamnum Com- mentarii ejus, In libros ep) pvc. cixp. fol. Venet. 1526. In Ca tegar. fol. Venet. $499; et fol. Bafil. 1551. In librasde Calo fol. Venet. 1526. In libros de Anima fol. Venet. 1527. In Epiteti Enchiridion 4to. Venet. 1528, et poftea multoties ty- pis vulgati. Interciderunt Comment. in Ariftot. Metaphyf. Ia Jamblichum de Philofoph. Pythag. De Syllogifmis. Epitome Phyficorum Theophrafti.

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