Research Article: Evaluation On The Corrosion of The Three Ni-Cr Alloys With Different Composition

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Dentistry

Volume 2011, Article ID 397029, 5 pages

Research Article
Evaluation on the Corrosion of the Three Ni-Cr Alloys with
Different Composition

Srinivasa B. Rao1 and Ramesh Chowdhary2

Department of Prosthodontics, Mamata Dental College and Hospital, Khammam 507002, India
2 Department of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, S. Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Gulbarga 585105, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Ramesh Chowdhary,

Received 15 August 2010; Revised 7 January 2011; Accepted 13 January 2011

Academic Editor: A. D. Loguercio

Copyright © 2011 S. B. Rao and R. Chowdhary. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Dental casting alloys are widely used in contact with oral tissue for many years now. With the development of new dental
alloys over the past 15 years, many questions remain unanswered about their biologic safety. Concepts and current issues
concerning the response to the biologic effects of dental casting alloys are presented. In this paper, samples of three commercially
available nickel-chrome (Ni-cr) casting alloys (Dentaurum, Bego, Sankin) were taken to assess their corrosion behavior, using
potentiodynamic polarization method (electrochemical method) with fusayama artificial saliva as an electrolyte medium to check
for their biocompatibility. The parameters for corrosion rate and corrosion resistance were obtained from computer-controlled
corrosion schematic instrument, namely, potentiostat through corrosion software (power CV). The results obtained were analyzed
by classic Tafel analysis. Statistical analysis was done by Student’s t-test and ANOVA test. It was concluded that Dentarum and
Bego showed satisfactory corrosive behavior, with exception of Sankin which depicted higher corrosion rate and least resistance
to corrosion. Thus, the selection of an alloy should be made on the basis of corrosion resistance and biologic data from dental

1. Introduction properties in relation to porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM)

applications, high strength for crowns and fixed partial
Dental casting alloys are widely used in dentistry, especially denture, better elongation percentage, and high elastic
in contact with oral tissues for many years. It is of paramount modulus for removable partial denture [6]. Electrochemical
importance to understand and get familiar with biocompat- studies have shown that Ni-cr casting alloys do corrode in
ibility of casting alloys for their long-term success in render- physiological solution such as balanced salt, protenacious
ing successful treatment for the patients. One of the most solution, artificial saliva, and human saliva [7]. Contrary to
relevant properties of a casting alloy to its biologic safety is its this, it is also reported that there is good corrosion resistance
corrosion resistance [1]. Research in this area has generated for Ni-cr casting alloys in the oral cavity [8]. It has been
as many questions as it has answered, and much more needs suggested that 16%–27% chromium provides an adequate
to be known about the biocompatibility of these alloys. protective oxide film for these nickel-based alloys. Alloys
In view of the extensive use of base metal alloys as with lower chromium content may not be able to adequately
an alternative to conventional gold-based alloys [2], an develop oxide films for corrosion resistance in the oral milieu
effort should be made to evaluate the corrosion properties. [9].
This ultimately answers the question of performance for To evaluate the corrosion behavior of biomaterials, var-
a longer period of time in oral cavity. Alloys, such as ious in vitro methodologies have been used quantitively to
copper-aluminium [3], copper-silver [4], and copper-Zinc check for their biocompatibility. Electrolytes like fusayama’s
[5], were subsequently rejected because of their higher artificial saliva, 1% Nacl, darvells solution, cell culture
corrosive property. Nickel-chrome (Ni-cr) casting alloys medium, and so forth [10], with methodologies like elec-
were developed as an alternate, because of their superior trochemical techniques and potentiodynamic polarization
2 International Journal of Dentistry

Table 1: Details of the metal alloys used. Table 2: Composition of fusayama artificial saliva solution.

Manufacturing 0.96 grams (gms) Kcl Potassium chloride

Base metal alloy Product name Composition
company 0.674 gms Nacl sodium chloride
Ni-61 wt% 0.0405 gms Mgcl2 ·6H2 O magnesium chloride
Cr-26 wt% 0.117 gms Cacl2 ·2H2 O calcium chloride
Mo-11 wt% 0.091 gms K2 HPO4 potassium di hydrogen phosphate
Nickel Si-1.5 0.11 gms methyl parahydroxybenzoate
Dentaurum Remanium CS
chromium Fe 8.0 gm 70% sorbitol
Co < 1 Fusayama artificial saliva was used as an electrolyte
medium (Table 2). Fusayama artificial saliva solution con-
stituents closely resemble those of natural saliva. During
Cr-22.5 the study, the artificial saliva solution temperature was
Mo-9.5 maintained at room temperature of 25◦ C [16].
Nickel No:1 Five samples, each of 3 different companies’ alloys, were
Bego Wiron 99
chromium Si −1 made (Remanium CS (Dentaurum), Wiron 99 (Bego), and
Fe-0.5 CB Soft (Sankin)) in total 15 in number. All samples were
individually soldered to copper wire to pass an electric cur-
rent with a Tygon tubing which is attached to glass tube. Ni-
cr casting alloy test sample was selected as working electrode,
Ni-72.8 platinum as a standard electrode, and saturated calomel
Nickel Cr-4.9 electrode as reference electrode. These sample electrodes
Dentsply Sankin CB Soft
chromium Cu-12.3 were placed in a cell with a few millimeters (mm) apart in
Other −10% artificial saliva (fusayama) as an electrolyte medium. All the
electrodes: the working electrode—Ni-cr casting alloys, and
reference electrode standard electrode—platinum, saturated
method, are used to evaluate the corrosion rate and corro- calomel electrode of 1 square centimeter (sqcm), were dipped
sion resistance [11]. Surface analysis (X-ray photoelectron in electrolyte medium—artificial saliva.
spectroscopy) [12] and other methods like cytotoxicity and
analysis of elements released into the solution [13], atomic 2.1. Potentiodynamic Scan. Potentiodynamic scan is
absorption spectrophotometry [14], and zonal coulometric designed for electrochemical applications that require
analysis [15] have also been used. relatively large current and high-compliance voltage such as
Potentiodynamic polarization method, chosen for this battery studies, corrosion, electrolysis, and electroplating.
study, is an acceleration test, which helps manufacturers The power range is ±2 A, and the compliance voltage is
screen dental casting alloys more rapidly, and its theory ±25 V. The potential of a corroding metal, often termed
provides new formulations to the clinician, more expediently Ecorr , is probably the single most useful variable measured in
[16]. In this study, it was planned to evaluate the corrosive corrosion studies as well as during the corrosion monitoring
behavior of three different commercially available Ni-cr cast- of complex field situations. It is readily measured by
ing alloys, by using potentiodynamic polarization method. determining the voltage difference between a metal
immersed in a given environment and an appropriate
reference electrode. The scan was performed at the corrosion
2. Materials and Methods potential (Ecorr ). That is, the rate of oxidation exactly
An in vitro study was carried out for the evaluation of equals to the rate of reduction. Scanning is performed at
corrosive behavior, that is, corrosion rate and corrosion rate of 1 mv/second up to +1 volt (anodic polarization),
resistance of different commercial manufacturers of Ni-cr to determine “a” as anodic Tafel slope constant, and up
casting alloys, using potentiodynamic polarization method. to −1 volt (cathodic polarization), to determine “c” as
The Ni-cr alloys selected for this study were from Wiron cathodic Tafel slope constant, and it then reverses back to
99 (Bego, Bremen, Germany), Remanium cs, (Dentaurum, Ecorr corrosion potential. The result of particular experiment
Springen, Germany), and CB Soft (Sankin, Dentsply, York, processed by microcomputer is displayed as polarization
USA) (Table 1). curves. The resultant graphs were analyzed using classic
The samples of commercial Ni-cr alloys of 10.0 × 2.0 “Tafel analysis” which is displayed as log of current on X-axis
× 1.0 mm dimensions in size were polished incrementally and potential on Y -axis.
from 400 grit emery paper to 1000 grit emery paper and then
washed with acetone and distilled water in an ultrasonic 2.2. Classic Tafel Analysis. Classic Tafel analysis helps in the
cleaner. Prior to the experiments, samples were placed in interpretation of polarization curves and is performed by
airtight plastic bottles to prevent contamination. extrapolating the linear portions of a log current versus
International Journal of Dentistry 3

Table 3: Mean values for corrosion rate (MPY). Table 6: Mean values for corrosion resistance (K cm−2 ).

Alloys 10th day 20th day 30th day 10th day 20th day 30th day
Dentaurum Dentaurum Remanium (CS) 20.38 14.34 18.18
17.0130506 47.1277852 16.61719
Remanium (CS) Bego (Wiron 99) 21.98 12.33 16.77
Bego (Wiron 99) 51.726802 44.1613956 82.0454818 Sankin (CB Soft) 15.95 15.95 12.12
Sankin (CB Soft) 26.8303936 61.8402746 293.692578

calculated “ f ” values on the 10th, 20th, and 30th days are

Table 4: Mean values for corrosion potential Ecorr (mV).
2.79, 1.21, and 13.5∗ , respectively (Figure 2).
10th day 20th day 30th day
Dentaurum Remanium (CS) 431.18 441.78 492.58 4. Discussion
Bego (Wiron 99) 470.86 493.28 744.08
Sankin (CB Soft) 567.58 587.32 740.58 Corrosion of dental alloys is a complex process, depending
not only on alloy’s composition and structure, but also on
many other factors such as surface treatment, environmental
Table 5: Mean values of corrosion current density Icorr (A).
conditions around the alloy, and composition of surround-
10th day 20th day 30th day ing electrolyte selected for the study [1, 17–20].
Dentaurum Remanium (CS) 3.51 3.736 3.092 However, for specific environment, corrosion depends
on the structure and composition of the alloy [1, 21]. The
Bego (Wiron 99) 4.95 3.818 4.622
structure of the alloy, whether in single or multiple phases, is
Sankin (CB Soft) 5.998 6.554 3.376
an important factor for its corrosion rate [1]. On the other
hand, some alloying elements are very prone to enhance the
behavior of corrosion, resulting in the release of elements
potential to their intersection at an anodic and cathodic into the electrolytes and thus increasing or decreasing the
current that determines the Icorr corrosion rate [1, 22–24]. Compromising these physical
  properties leads to an increase in biological irritation.
Corrosion rate mpy = 0.13 Icorr (EW) K/d, (1) Remanium CS resulted in lower corrosive rate. This
can be explained by its higher percentage of chromium.
where EW = 22.4 is equivalent weight of corroding specimen, Chromium as chromium oxide (Cr2 O3 ) and molybdenum
d = 8 is density of corroding specimen, Icorr is corrosion as molybdenum oxide (Mo3 ) provide the initial stability to
current density A/cm2 , and K is corrosion constant 1.288 × prevent dissolution of metal ions and thus provide resistance
105 . to corrosion and lesser corrosive rate. Wiron 99 was the
next best among the Ni-cr casting alloys. This can be
3. Results explained by its low percentage of chromium 22.5 wt% and
molybdenum 9.5 wt% compared to Dentaurum’s Remanium
Quantitative values of corrosion rate (mpy) were ranked and CS. Chromium as (Cr2 O3 ) and molybdenum as (MO3 )
compared using Student’s t-test and ANOVA test. The values help in the formation of stable surface oxide film. Sankin’s
for corrosion rate were recorded (Table 3). CB Soft showed the highest corrosion rate amongst all the
According to test sequence, which is obtained from Ecorr samples selected for the study. There is a huge variation in
(corrosion current potential) values (Table 4), Icorr (corro- its chemical composition when compared to the rest of the
sion current density) values (Table 5) were measured, using alloy samples. Less amount of chromium content, that is,
classic Tafel analysis. Even values for corrosion resistance 4.9 wt% and the absence of molybdenum element in CB Soft
(K cm−2 ) were recorded (Table 6). (Sankin) resulted in the absence of surface oxide passive film
Statistical analysis for corrosion rate of different company formation onto the metal surface.
samples, namely Remanium CS (Dentaurum), Wiron 99 Thus, the composition and integrity of the surface oxide
(Bego), and CB Soft (Sankin) were analyzed at various inter- film on Ni-cr casting alloy are critical for their perfor-
vals of time using Student’s t-test (Figure 1). For Remanium mance as dental restoration. The results showed that Ni-cr
CS (Dentaurum), the “t” calculated values between the 10th casting alloys with a higher chromium and molybdenum
and 20th, 20th and 30th, and 10th and 30th days are 0.51, content have much higher passive range and are immune
3.42∗ , and 1.52, respectively. For Wiron 99 (Bego) and the to corrosion. As demonstrated by the results of Al-Hiyasat
“t” calculated values between the 10th and 20th, 20th and et al., Remanium CS had the least cytotoxicity and CB
30th, and 10th and 30th days are 0.59, 3.20∗ , and 1.73, Soft the most [18]. This depends not only on the chemical
respectively. Finally for CB Soft (Sankin), the “t” calculated composition but also on the characterization of passive film
values between the 10th and 20th, 20th and 30th, and 10th on the alloys [14].
and 30th days are 1.98, 2.86∗ , and 2.91, respectively. A study conducted by Leung and Darvell mentioned that
Statistical analysis of Ni-cr casting alloys at various fusayama artificial saliva solution provides only theinorganic
intervals of time is calculated by using ANOVA test and is components, that is, NaCl 15.33, K-5.37, Ca 540, Po4 ,
tabulated. By the assessment of corrosion rate (mpy), the 4.23, Na2 5-15.34, P2 07 0.01, and Cl 23.02 (concentration
4 International Journal of Dentistry

3.5 3.2
2.86 2.91


Corrosion rate 2 1.73



10th and 20th day 20th and 30th day 10th and 30th day
D 0.51 3.42 1.52
B 1 3.2 1.73
S 1.98 2.86 2.91
Interval of time

Figure 1: Comparison of corrosion rate (t-values) of casting alloys at various intervals of time.



Corrosion rate


10th day 20th day 30th day
Corrosion rate 2.79 1.21 13.5


Figure 2: Comparison of corrosion rate of nickel-chrome casting alloys at various intervals of time.

of components are in mmoL/L) and does not permit the resistance to corrosion. Thus, it can be mentioned that
simulation of the effects of organic components, however, corrosion resistance is inversely proportional to corrosion
this electrolyte has a response close to natural saliva [25]. The rate; the more the value of corrosion rate is the least will be
actual conditions connected with the chemical and physical its corrosion resistance [26].
nature of the corrosive milieu are very complex, or even
difficult to simulate the composition environment of oral 5. Conclusion
milieu [14].
A study by Geis-Gerstorfer et al. [16] mentioned that, Within the limitations of this study, in correlation with liter-
Ni-cr casting alloys do corrode and show average substance ature, it can be concluded that Dentaurum’s Remanium CS
loss, varying between 0.540 and 3.26/mg/cm2 after 35 and Bego’s Wiron 99 showed satisfactory corrosion behavior,
days [7]; contrary to it, it is reported that there is good with the exception of CB Soft of Sankin which depicted
corrosion resistance for Ni-cr casting alloys in the oral cavity higher corrosion rate and least resistance to corrosion.
[9], but, in an in vitro study conducted by Chen et al. In the future development of alloys, an effort should
[19], mentioned that the Ni-cr casting alloys presented high be made to gain a better understanding of the interactions
International Journal of Dentistry 5

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