Bible Reviewer

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The Power of God

God’s Creative and Re-creative Power

Memory Verse
“In the beginning God created the sky and the earth. The earth was empty and had no form.
Darkness covered the ocean and, and God’s spirit was moving over the water. Gen. 1:1-2

What does it mean that the earth was empty and had no form?
Nothing in it

Who created the earth?


Who was moving over the water?

God’s spirit

What power does God have?

Power to create and re-create
He can make a wicked person good and loving
He can make you loving and good if you ask him too.

All we can do is to:

Love Him
Praise Him
Thank Him
God Makes Light
The First Day of Creation
On what day did God create the light? First day
What did God call the light? Day
What did God call the darkness? night

What would have happened if God had not made the light first?
Plants, animals and even people would die.

How is the Bible like a light? It shows us the way we go.

How is Jesus like a light? He is the light that gives life.

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