P.E. Activity - April 19-23

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Exercise Record

1. Exercise at least three times each week. (You can do up to five.) Record your exercise each
time. Use the four tables below. Write the day, what you did, and the number of minutes you
spent on doing the exercises. Record your level of exertion by putting a checkmark in one of the
three boxes. Here’s what they mean:
 Low exertion: You begin to notice your breathing, but talking is fairly easy.
 Medium exertion: You can hear yourself breathe, but can still talk.
 High exertion: You are breathing heavily. It is difficult to talk.

2. At the end of each week, ask your either of your parents to verify your record by signing it.
Turn it in through Moodle.
3. You are supposed to do 4 days of exercises (minimum of 10 minutes per set) . Please write the
Physical activity that you did, the day it was done, the length of time spent on it, counts and
repetition. You can choose from the exercises links provided in the Moodle.
4. Make sure to check the site as new links will be uploaded every week.

Date: April 19-23, 2021

Day Minutes Physical Activity Counts/Repetition Low Mediu High
1.Wednesday 8 Jumping Jacks, Burpees,
Lunges, High Knees, Planks,
Squats, Mountain
Climbers, and Quick Feet
2.Thursday 10 Jogging

3.Friday 20 Basketball

Total Time 38
Parent Signature:

Student Signature: ________________________________________    Date: April 25, 2021

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