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People have been arguing about whether or not the governmental bodies should suggest the

residents should take their responsibility for their own habitats. While there are perhaps some strong

opinions against this movement, I still believe that the inhabitants should have obligations of

protection for where they live. 

Initially, human-beings are one of the core catalysts leading to some devastating effects on the

environment. The way we live has several impacts on the surroundings such as littering

unintentionally or inappropriately classifying household wastes. That is why the residents themselves

should categorize the waste into organic and inorganic garbage or recyclable and non-recyclable

ones. Otherwise, there are numerous methods people may put into practice to deteriorate the

contamination of the environment such as restricting travelling by private vehicles by commuting in

short journeys by taking public transportation, walking and recycling. Although these pragmatic

approaches commonly are disregarded by Critics, benefits for the environment they engender are

also significant and contributory factors to address some major environmental issues. 

However, the encouragement of the government should prompt contributions of dwellers to prevent

damages to their own habitat not by dictatorial command or forces. Authorities have to raise an

awareness of preserving the environment by displaying videos or advertisements on media

platforms about existing serious problems. Also, thanks to the healthy environment, they will obtain a

superior place for working and studying, and an uncontaminated atmosphere to maintain and

improve physical and mental health.

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