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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Bayambang, Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Name: Princess Katrina E. Enaje

Year&Section: BEED-EGE III-1


Multigrade teaching is a situation in which one teacher has to teach many

grades, all at the same time. It happens in all schools where there are more grades
than teachers. multigrade teaching refers to the teaching of students of different ages,
grades and abilities in the same group. The multigrade class structure is known by
various names in different countries; these include "composite" or "combination"
classes, "double" classes, "split" classes, "mixed-age" classes, "vertically grouped"
classes, "multiple classes", "family classes" or "multilevel classes". In multigrade
schools a relatively small number of teachers try to be effective in their educational work
while dealing simultaneously with a number of pupils of different ages, educational
levels and needs. It follows that for children to learn effectively in multigrade
environments; teachers need to be well trained, well resourced, and able to meet highly
demanding teaching tasks and to hold positive attitudes to multigrade teaching.
The Department of Education (DepEd) continues to hold multigrade classes in
an effort to ensure that Filipino students in remote areas complete their
basic education. A multigrade class consists of two or more different grade levels in a
single grade classroom manned by one teacher for an entire school year. The main
function of the multigrade teacher is to teach students by imparting knowledge not just
follow a curriculum. Teacher must be able to develop skills and inculcate desirable
values and attitudes among pupils.

In multigrade teaching, the teacher can follow different approaches like direct
observation, guidance of peer group students, lesson oriented teaching, group learning
and supervision method. According to Collingwood's book, Multiclass Teaching in
Primary Schools, a handbook that was published in 1991 by the UNESCO Office for the
Pacific States, there are three main methods to use for teaching in multigrade
classrooms, namely:  Whole Class Teaching,  Group Teaching ,Self directed
learning .These three basic teaching strategies are indicative as well as characteristic
for the multigrade setting and can be used in combination among them or separately
depending on the situation. Thus, it is equally important for the teacher not only to
comprehend and know how to implement a strategy but also to know when to use these
teaching methods or what strategy combination to choose
Module 3
What I’ve learned in this module are the 3 Philippine Laws in Establishing Multi-
Grade Classes such as: Strengthening the Implementation of Multi-grade Program in
Philippine, Enhancing DepEd Order #81, S. 2009 “Strengthening the Implementation of
the Multi-grade Education Program in Philippine Education” (May 17, 2010 DO 63, S.
2010) and Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2018 Financial Support for Multi-grade
This is very important in teaching multi-grade class. Because it provides how
teacher manage the school and how students will execute their performance in one
classroom together with other students or grade level. A systematic, well-organized, and
planned educational delivery and grouping are essential components of good multi-
grade teaching because it engage students in one classroom. It also involves a well-
managed classroom that is conducive to learning since the essential materials are
present and the students have learned the necessary discipline so that they can
concentrate on learning. The multi-grade department's approach for guaranteeing that
all school-aged children in remote regions have access to a high-quality education is
multi-grade education. In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd)
continues to operate multi-grade classes to ensure that Filipino students in rural areas
receive a basic education. Bills and legislation like this make us aware of what is most
important or must be addressed. It also emphasizes in this module the basic principles
in teaching multi-grade which is very necessary because children has differences,
interest and needs. Despite the limitations and difficulties that the instructors and
students in this multi-grade school experienced, they worked hard and gave it their all in
order to be useful and productive. These multi-grade teachers used a variety of effective
strategies to help their students enhance their abilities and skills, allowing them to
compete in huge schools.
Module 4
Managing a multi-grade classroom is very necessary in teaching and learning
multi-grade class. It is important that the classroom area is clean and in organize in
multi-grade class because this is place wherein the teachers and students will input
their work and activities. Good classroom management is necessary for both teachers
and students by laying out specific and appropriate procedures that helps students
know what to do thus allowing teachers to focus on working with students. Multi-grade
teacher can help themselves and students to know their responsibility especially inside
the classroom. It also discuss in this module the understanding of the current context
and creating a future vision, as a teacher in multi-grade class, make an assessment of
yourself on how would you like to create vision of your classroom in order to set what
would you like and what are procedure you need to consider to attain your desire. You
can ask yourself on how will you handle and monitor students then next step is take
time to create a vision in your mind about what you want your multi grade classroom to
look like. 
Once you are done creating your vison, the next you do as a teacher in multi-
grade is the preparing for the classroom that means you will going to practice what
vision you created together with your students. Make sure that the classroom is a free
movement where in the students can do activities even it individual or group activity
they move well and perform better. Next is the organizing groups and activities, this is
very important in part of multi-grade classroom because appropriate planning,
organizing group and activities  by the teacher will result in classes which are more
productive for the learners and easier for them to follow. Then the teacher should be
efficient and flexible in the use of time. It is important to make the best use of time
available when involving students in different activities. The choice and organization of
activities are essential conditions for good multi-grade classroom management then set
your goals and prioritize what are things should be done. Then use positive discipline as
well as demonstrating sensitivity to each student’s uniqueness. Positive discipline helps
children understand that their choices, actions and behaviors all have consequences
and that it is the choices the child makes that determines the consequences thereby
letting them realize that they have more control of their lives and you need to take note
that all learners has differences and uniqueness in their own. As a teacher, you are the
one who has a big role in development of the learners, you must encourage them,
supporting and make them feel that you their second parents in the school and also you
must need to check their background of their parents and condition in their lives
because it may impact the performance and academic learning of the student.
Module 5
In multi-grade class, there are a lot of challenges and advantage that the teachers
and students will experience and same also in the community and school system. Some
of the advantage in multi-grade, it brings and create students and teachers together
while preparing them for higher levels of development in the classroom, students can
develop healthier social relationships, positive attitudes and enhance leadership,
organizational, listening, sharing, and many other important skills, they will also learn to
be self-sufficient and resourceful in real life. A multi-grade class combines children of all
ages and developmental stages together in a learning environment that prepares them
for real-life circumstances. Aside from the advantages, there are certain disadvantages
they may face, such as the need for more discipline, concentration, and attention due to
the numerous distractions that may occur.
The community and school system requires an investment in preparation in multi-
grade task. It’s not easy to manage and organize things in multi-grade but if the teacher,
students, community and school will collaborate with other, then it may not be
impossible to achieve successful in the education. Multi-grade education often takes
place in remote schools in difficult to reach areas. Teachers not only face the difficulties
of dealing with a multi-grade organized class, but also other constraint such as lack of
resources, infrequent supervision, and poor living conditions and teachers also
experience the difficulties of inadequate facilities and other comforts usually
experienced in regular schools.
Module 6
This module discuss about how teacher in multi grade class can prepare
strategies and how to handle multiple activities in one group or class. As we always
though that multi grade classroom is completely different, it makes different because the
teacher will teach two to three grade levels. A teacher should create a lot of strategies
and methods they know in order to accommodate the needs of the students. In order to
do this you need to consider there are some part that you need to give consider
including the group strategically, prepare flexible and appropriate materials, promote
self-paced learning and give extra attention to children with special needs or in needs.
There are also some types of curriculum that could be use in implementing the learning
of the students and guidelines in creating lesson plan in multi grade classroom. By
using this, it helps the teacher to distinguish the proper way in handling a multi grade
classroom because good lesson plan has something to in the process of teaching and
The development of teaching-learning materials is regarded as one of the major
aspects that would promote student learning and help in the achievement of academic
goals and objectives. The educators need to focus upon bringing about developments in
the teaching-learning materials. The learning materials that the teacher can provide in
his or her learning will be useful in increasing support to the learnings of the students
and promote engagement. It also mentioned the 6 strategies and these are the teach all
the groups, teach one grade while others work independently, teach one subject to all
grades and at varying levels of difficulty, develop activities for non-taught groups,
develop peer, cross-age and cross-grade teaching strategies, and relate learning with
daily experiences. As a teacher, you can used this strategies depending on how would
you like to engage your students. It can be regrouping or individual so they could work
independently, this is also to promote different kinds of difficulties in their experience
that they could make or adapt in learning a specific lesson that the teacher want them to
Module 7
On this module, I have learned the techniques, methods and skills in teaching the
student's mother tongue in despite of two sections in multi-grade class. We all know that
teaching through the use of mother tongue is not an easy task. We must a deeper
understanding on that dialect before we delivered it to our students. Therefore, as a
future educator. I have seen the importance of mother tongue in teaching, especially in
teaching multigrade. The importance of mother tongue is studied because when
children develop their mother tongue, they are simultaneously fostering a whole host of
other essential skills, such as critical thinking and literacy skills. It is these skills that
they take with them into formal education, and research tells us that any skills and
concepts gained in the learner’s home language don’t have to be re-taught when they
transfer to a second language. Further, the role of mother tongue in child development
is it consider that when it comes to skills of a children, strong mother tongue foundation
is the main key. . The intuitive understanding of grammar that develops when children
learn their first language can easily be passed on to other languages.

Language and mother tongue also play a huge role in the development of
personal, social and cultural identity. Children with a strong foundation in their first
language often display a deeper understanding of themselves and their place within
society, along with an increased sense of wellbeing and confidence. Naturally, this flows
down into every aspect of their lives, including their academic achievement.
Module 8
On this module, I appreciated the purpose of assessment and the ways of
teaching of a teacher in Multigrade classes. As we all know, the evaluation of the
learning outcomes of the diverse students found in your multigrade classroom is not
always easy. However, assessment is necessary to determine how well your pupils are
performing and whether your instruction is on track. In the part of focusing more on
learner assessment than on evaluation, as a future teacher. i have ready myself to
analyze carefully on what information to collect on each learner’s progress and how to
collect it. Individual learner assessment is just as important as comparative evaluation
across students. I have learned also on this module the 6 steps of Cyclic Process of
Assessment The assessment of students may be done daily or on a periodic basis
depending on the size of the class and your capacity as a teacher to work with each
student in the classroom individually. What is important is that assessment is not a one-
time event but is cyclic and continuous. It must also be adapted to the type of activity on
which your students are being assessed group or paired work, individual work, etc. i
have learned also the different method of assessment such as individual assessment,
group assessment, self-assessment, and peer assessment.

Moreover, Practicing Self-Reflection on Your Teaching and Your Students’

Learning, A teacher must know the importance of the assessment. It is not only for
improving the learnings of their students but instead for their own teaching styles and to
develop new and better practices is your continuous and routine reflection on your own
teaching skills, strategies, and methods and on any other school responsibilities you
may have. Best way to do this is to Keep track of your teaching actions, such as how
you prepare lessons, manage the classroom, schedule subjects, generate instructional
resources, assign suitable tasks to students, guide and counsel students with specific
learning issues, and aid parents in monitoring their children's progress have learned
also the importance of the feedback of your co teachers and colleagues.
Module 9
On this module, we tackled the different programmes and practices of a
multigrade class. There is a lot of this are available around the world. So it means that
there is a lot of Good multigrade programmed and practices which influence in teaching
and learning multigrade class to promote and develop a good environment and
methods. At first, there is escuela nueva, I can say that escuela nueva is very important
practices of Colombia. It has essential features that good for me to possess in teaching
and learning in multigrade like Teaching strategies encourage active, creative, and
participatory learning, Teachers are facilitators to guide and orient learning, Students
learn at their own pace using self-instructional materials.

On the other hand, Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE) The

program supports the DECS mandate to improve access to and quality elementary
education through the opening of complete multigrade classes and completion of
incomplete schools in far-flung barangays. Throughout the programme teachers build
elements of the local area into the instructional materials used. The emphasis on local
experience is continued by encouraging each student to report on individual and group
investigations and by exhibiting examples of students’ work throughout the school year.

For me, the most important practices that the teacher possess is be flexible .It is
the most important classroom strategies in multigrade teaching because the teacher
prepares flexible and appropriate materials. These include teacher-guided activity
sheets, group learning worksheets, and individual practice worksheets.

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