5G Network Slicing For Wi-Fi Networks: Matteo Nerini David Palma

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5G Network Slicing for Wi-Fi Networks

Matteo Nerini David Palma

Department of Information Security and Department of Information Security and
Communication Technology Communication Technology
NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, Norway Trondheim, Norway
Email: matteon@stud.ntnu.no Email: david.palma@ntnu.no

tion Union (ITU)-T provides another definition, stressing the

Abstract—Future networks will pave the way for a myriad of importance of separation between slices, and considers them
arXiv:2101.12644v1 [cs.NI] 29 Jan 2021

applications with different requirements and Wi-Fi will play an as logical isolated network partitions composed of multiple
important role in local area networks. This is why network slicing
is proposed by 5G networks, allowing to offer multiple logical virtual resources, isolated and equipped with programmable
networks tailored to the different user requirements, over a control and data plane [6].
common infrastructure. However, this is not supported by current Network slicing enables allocating different types of re-
Wi-Fi networks. In this paper, we propose a standard-compliant sources to serve users according to their needs, simultane-
network slicing approach for the radio access segment of Wi-Fi ously accommodated over a common infrastructure. However,
by defining multiple Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) per Access
Point (AP). We present two algorithms, one that assigns resources implementing network slicing and resource isolation at the
according to the requirements of slices in a static way, and radio access presents several challenges and may depend
another that dynamically configures the slices according to the on the used technology. Using dedicated physical resources
network’s conditions and relevant Key Performance Indicators (e.g. radios and antennas) per service allows to implement
(KPIs). The proposed algorithms were validated through exten- slicing physical isolation, while other finer-grained physical
sive simulations, conducted in the ns-3 network simulator, and
complemented by theoretical assessments. The obtained results splitting (e.g. frequency division) allow a better utilisation
reveal that the two proposed slicing approaches outperform of resources but may introduce additional challenges (e.g.
today’s Wi-Fi access technique, reaching lower error probability overhead or interference).
for bandwidth intensive slices and lower latency for time-critical Despite the vast amount of research on slice management
slices. Simultaneously, the proposed approach is up to 32 times and orchestration, network slicing on the Radio Access Net-
more energy efficient, when considering slices tailored for low-
power and low-bandwidth devices, while increasing the overall work (RAN) is limited [7], focusing mostly on 3GPP’s new
spectrum efficiency. radio, with only a few studies on Wi-Fi slicing. As such,
it remains unclear how different 5G classes of service can
I. I NTRODUCTION be supported when resorting to Wi-Fi coverage. However,
Network slicing is a technique of paramount importance in the support of multiple SSIDs is available in current Wi-
the context of 5G. First introduced in the 5G context by Next Fi networks [8], [7] and can be used for creating virtual
Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) [1], it consists of a networks on a single AP. This allows the implementation
virtual and physical division of network resources with cus- of network slicing for Wi-Fi networks, fully reaching the
tomised functionality. This allows providing logical networks promised potential of 5G networks even in WLAN operational
adjusted to the requirements of different use cases on top of environments
a common network. The aim of this work is to provide a methodology to
Network slicing has been widely studied and multiple con- efficiently create and maintain network slices in Wi-Fi-based
siderations must be taken into account, such as the used radio RANs, that will accompany 5G in the coming years. In this pa-
access technology and demanded isolation level [2]. Multiple per, we propose a slicing approach compatible with the IEEE
radio-access technologies are considered in 5G, including non- 802.11 standard as well as two new algorithms that take into
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) technologies such account 5G QoS Identifiers (5QIs) during slice creation and in
as Wi-Fi, which will play an important role in supporting real-time for resource management. Slices are created based
indoor coverage [3]. In fact, 3GPP considers the interworking on 5G’s three main classes of services — Enhanced Mobile
with Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) an operational Broadband (eMBB), Massive Machine-Type Communications
requirement of the next generation access technologies [4]. (mMTC), and Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications
3GPP defines network slicing as the technology that enables (URLLC) [9] — allocating the necessary resources for each
the operator to create networks, tailored to provide optimal class, according to their requirements (e.g. error probability,
solutions for different market scenarios which demand diverse latency, energy efficiency) and the number of served users.
requirements, e.g. in terms of functionality, security and Qual- Our results show that the proposed approach outperforms
ity of Service (QoS) [5]. The International Telecommunica- the typical WLAN single-channel setup. Grouping wireless

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©2021 IFIP. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of IFIP for your personal use. Not for redistribution.
stations by classes of services, and dynamically allocating URLLC is the class of services requiring ultra-low latency,
radio resources and changing network parameters of their high reliability and availability. 3GPP defines that URLLC
respective slices, traffic performance is improved as well as applications are marked with the highest 5QIs, from 80 to
the overall resource utilisation. 86 [11]. According to 3GPP’s release 15 the required latency
The proposed solution enables network slicing for current for this class of applications is 1 ms and the reliability should
the Wi-Fi radio networks and is extendable to every kind of not be lower than 99.9999%.
Carrier Sensing Multiple Access (CSMA) communications. By To date, few studies have been performed on possible
monitoring important KPIs at run-time, the proposed dynamic network slicing implementations in Wi-Fi contexts. Most of
slicing algorithm is able to save up to 32 times more energy in them are based only on time-scheduled resource allocation,
a realistic mMTC scenario and have on average up to one order which is proved to be inefficient for resource utilisation.
of magnitude fewer errors in an eMBB scenario. Furthermore, Aleixendri et al. present a scheduling algorithm to allo-
latency for URLLC devices is decreased by a factor of 5. cate airtime to different users, depending on their Service
The paper is organised as follows. Section II covers the Level Agreements (SLAs) [7]. In their approach, each AP
background concepts on network slicing applied to the IEEE is equipped with a local scheduler which performs network
802.11 standard. In Section III we describe the Wi-Fi scenario slicing in time domain. A global scheduler is also present to
which we want to study, and our proposed slicing solutions. manage a group of local schedulers and make adjustments in
We assess the performance of our solution in Section IV case some SLA is violated. The global scheduler is needed
followed by concluding remarks in Section V. since it is able to manage interference with a broader view of
the network. This algorithm separates resources in orthogonal
II. R ELATED W ORK pools, dividing them in time. Thus, it is able to ensure a
In today’s Wi-Fi networks all the connected Stations (STAs) good performance isolation between slices assigning them
communicate through only one channel offered by the AP. a minimum of airtime. The main limitation of this work is
The IEEE 802.11e amendment introduces the Enhanced Dis- that resource utilisation will get worse and network slicing is
tributed Channel Access (EDCA) to assign priority levels considered only along the time dimension. In this way, tailored
to different services. This channel access technique defines resources are not assigned to each slice but only a certain
four traffic classes with increasing priority.However, such percentage of airtime is dedicated. Furthermore, the work
classification has limitations since only four traffic classes are is limited only to downlink transmissions. While it will be
available, which do not scale, as identified by Aleixedri et feasible to schedule time resources for downlink connections
al. [7]. Furthermore, all the traffic is served by a single AP, (since the AP has knowledge about the outgoing flows), it will
and there is no guarantee of a certain percentage of airtime for be complex to schedule the uplink traffic in an efficient and
every flow. In presence of the so-called rate anomaly problem, practical way, which is not considered.
a traffic flow with high priority could consume too many Richart et al. [14] present a Wi-Fi slicing solution where the
resources, and optimality could be lost [10]. Thus, a different objective is to allocate the airtime resource to different slices.
methodology is needed to serve prioritised flows. In their approach, when a slice requests a percentage of the
In order to define QoS-based slices, we considered these total airtime to an AP, if enough resources are available, the
standardised classification methodologies and we adapted airtime is allocated to the slice. A similar methodology based
them to a 5G network scenario. The different types of 5G on airtime slicing was studied by Zehl et al. [8]. The presented
services can be grouped in three categories as described next. methodology provides complete traffic separation in downlink
eMBB services require support for high data rates and between the home network and the so-called guest network.
high data traffic volumes. The main issues taken into ac- However, traffic is scheduled only for the downlink and the
count are high user mobility and coverage. eMBB services time division of resources does not provide advantages from
are mapped with 5QI lower than 80 [11]. The standardised the resource utilisation point of view.
required throughput for this class of application is 100 Mbit/s De Bast et al. present a Deep Learning (DL) algorithm to
downlink, and 50 Mbit/s uplink. enable network slicing considering a radio access segment
Aligned with the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT), of an IEEE 802.11ac network and aim at assigning the
mMTC services should support a large number of devices proper resources for each user depending on its required
that transmit low volumes of delay insensitive data and do not throughput [15]. The resources managed by the algorithm are:
involve mobility. 3GPP does not map this class of services the Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index, the Clear
with standardised values of 5QI due to the low QoS needed. Channel Assessment (CCA) threshold, and the transmission
However, given the impact that this type of applications will power. The main limitation of this approach is that all the
have on future networks, we decided to implement it as a STAs are connected to the same channel and will interfere
dedicated slice. The expected density is 1 device/m2 and the with each other. In this way, a good performance isolation
required throughput is below 100 kbit/s [9]. These values are will never be reached. Furthermore, the used DL technique
reflected by the most popular IoT protocols. For example, requires an extensive pre-training and a long time to converge
LoRa features a raw data rate in the range 102 – 104 bit/s [12], on the optimal solution. This is not likely in a realistic scenario
while Narrowband IoT technology offers 102 – 105 bit/s [13]. in which scheduling decisions must happen at run-time.
Makhlouf et al. propose a totally new access scheme to Algorithm 1 Static Algorithm Slice A (eMBB)
realise network slicing [16]. They observe that the main reason Output: chW idthA, chN umberA, giA, mcsA, txP owerA
for the inefficiency of Wi-Fi standards is that the Medium 1: chW idthA = CBwmin (dataRateA, mcsA, giA);
Access Control (MAC) Layer randomly allocates the whole 2: chN umberA = chN umberA(chW idthA);
3: giA = 1600 ns; mcsA = 5; txP owerA = 20 dBm;
channel available to only one user as a single resource. For this
reason they divide the entire channel in different sub-channels,
assigning them to the users according to their requirements and Algorithm 2 Static Algorithm Slice B (mMTC)
conditions. However, this approach is not standard compliant. Output: chW idthB, chN umberB, giB, mcsB, txP owerB
1: chW idthB = 20 MHz; chN umberB = 100;
Finally, Gu et al. propose to realise a multi-tenant architec-
2: giB = 1600 ns; mcsB = 5; txP owerB = 20 dBm;
ture on a single AP by installing different SSIDs on it [17].
The objective is to create coexisting separated networks and
increase the overall network throughput. Network slicing is not Algorithm 3 Static Algorithm Slice C (URLLC)
realised because each tenant is served with an opportunistic Output: chW idthC, chN umberC, giC, mcsC, txP owerC
approach and users are not differentiated by their requirements. 1: chW idthC = CBwmin (dataRateC, mcsC, giC);
2: chN umberC = chN umberC(chW idthC);
However, exploiting multiple SSIDs on a single AP opens up 3: giC = 1600 ns; mcsC = 5; txP owerC = 20 dBm;
for new possibilities. We want to apply this idea to overcome
the above mentioned limitations of previous works.
multiple STAs. A high GI can be used to decrease inter-
III. W I -F I SSID N ETWORK S LICING symbol interference but it increases latency. Another important
In this paper we focus on slicing at the radio access segment consideration is the chosen MCS, which will provide a trade-
of the network and consider a Wi-Fi AP providing different off between coverage and maximum achievable throughput,
services to associated STAs in an indoor environment. We since higher MCSs will not allow distant devices to properly
propose the allocation of different radio channels, with differ- communicate due to an insufficient SNR [20].
ent characteristics (e.g. bandwidth and centre frequency), each A. Static Slicing Algorithm
dedicated to a pre-defined slice. The channels are identified
Our static network slicing algorithm creates three separate
with distinct SSID, and treated as separated networks. Thus,
channels, one for each of the defined slice. These channels
the STAs associated with the AP access the relevant channel
are placed in the 5 GHz region in order to have the maxi-
through a Carrier Sensing Multiple Access with Collision
mum free distance between each other. More precisely, the
Avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme, as in IEEE 802.11.
channel number for Slice A is as low as possible depending
We take into consideration the uplink communication be- on the bandwidth (function chN umberA(chW idthA) in the
tween the STAs and the AP, tackling the difficulties created by algorithms); Slice B is allocated in the centre of the 5 GHz,
distributed resource sharing. This differentiates our work from with channel number 100; and the channel for Slice C has
related studies, which focus only on the downlink scheduling the highest channel number, thus minimising inter-channel
of resources. In a downlink scenario, the AP has full control interference: function chN umberC(chW idthC).
and it can serve multiple users with well known broadcast The channel bandwidth is defined considering the sum of the
techniques (e.g. space-time coding and beamforming if a required throughput in each slice for a given number of STAs.
multi-antenna system is available) [18]. On the other hand, The GIs, the MCS indexes and the transmission powers have
in uplink transmission the inputs are located in independent the same fixed values for all slices (1600 ns, 5 and 20 dBm).
devices which do not have a broad view of the network. These are estimates that intend to cover most cases.
In our approach we propose the definition of three slices, Algorithms 1, 2 and 3 show how resources are allocated.
based on 5G’s three main scenarios: Slice A for eMBB, Slice The variable dataRateX represents the total throughput
B for mMTC and Slice C for URLLC. This is achieved by required in the slice X, where X ∈ {A, B, C}, and the
defining the three channels, identified by their SSIDs, and function CBwmin (dataRateX, M CS, GI) = min{CBw ∈
assigning them a bandwidth, a centre frequency (given by the {20, 40, 80, 160} | dataRate(CBw , M CS, GI) ≥
channel number), and deciding the Guard Interval (GI), the dataRateX} corresponds to the required channel bandwidth.
MCS index and the transmission power PT X . By assigning For example, assuming that an mMTC device in Slice B can
different STAs to different channels an improved control of require at most 50 kbit/s, the bandwidth is fixed to 20 MHz
shared resources is achieved, including in the uplink. (the lowest possible in IEEE 802.11), which can achieve
The traditional access methodology implemented in today’s 58 Mbit/s with M CS = 5 and GI = 1600 ns.
Wi-Fi networks connects all STAs to a single channel. In
an optimistic setting a channel bandwidth of 160 MHz could B. Dynamic Slicing Algorithm
be considered to support the maximum throughput. Similarly, The dynamic slicing algorithm starts by assigning a channel
the highest transmission power allowed in Europe is 20 dBm per slice, which is then continuously monitored and updated
[19]. This allows us to obtain the best Signal-to-Noise Ratio at run-time, at a time interval T . The algorithm exploits the
(SNR) but can create interference problems when considering network conditions and considers the reached performance to
Algorithm 4 Dynamic Algorithm Slice A (eMBB)
Output: chW idthA, chN umberA, giA, mcsA, txP owerA
1: txP owerA = 20 dBm; giA = 800 ns;
2: mcsAmax = M CSmax (rxP owerAmin );
3: chW idthA = CBwmin (dataRateA, mcsAmax , giA);
4: chN umberA = chN umberA(chW idthA);
5: mcsAmin = M CSmin (dataRateA, chW idthA, giA);
6: if mcsAmax > mcsAmin then mcsA = mcsAmin + 1;
7: else mcsA = mcsAmax ;
LOOP Process: Fig. 1: State machine implemented by the dynamic algorithm
8: if SLA KO in last T && Pe in last T > in prev. T then for resource allocation in Slice A (eMBB).
chW idthM ulA = 2;
9: if SLA OK in last T && Pe in last T < in prev. T then
chW idthM ulA = 1;
10: mcsAmax = M CSmax (rxP owerAmin );
whether or not the bandwidth needs to be duplicated. A
11: chW idthA = CBwmin (dataRateA, mcsAmax , giA); transition from state 1 to state 2 occurs if Equation 1 does
12: chW idthA = chW idthA × chW idthM ulA; not hold for at least one STA, and the total error probability
13: chN umberA = chN umberA(chW idthA); in the last T is worse. A transition from state 2 to state 1
14: mcsAmin = M CSmin (dataRateA, chW idthA, giA);
occurs if Equation 1 holds for every STA and the total error
15: if mcsAmax > mcsAmin then mcsA = mcsAmin + 1;
16: else mcsA = mcsAmax ;
probability in the last T is better. Once the bandwidth has
been fixed, the MCS is determined.
2) Dynamic Algorithm for Slice B (mMTC): Slice B is ini-
adapt slices to the network’s needs. Three algorithms have tialised as seen in Algorithm 5. The objective of this algorithm
been created for each slice type because of their distinct needs. is to minimise the transmission power since energy saving is
1) Dynamic Algorithm for Slice A (eMBB): Slice A is crucial in IoT applications and mMTC communications.
initialised according to the first part of Algorithm 4. PT X mMTC has low throughput requirements, thus the channel
is set to 20 dBm in order to use higher MCS indexes and to bandwidth for this slice was fixed to 20 MHz, the smallest
enable higher data rates. For the same reason, the GI is set to possible in IEEE 802.11. The channel number is 100, at the
the standard’s lowest possible value giA = 800 ns. centre of the 5 GHz region far from the other two slices. Also
Before starting, the AP obtains the received power for the GI is fixed and can be relaxed to 1600 ns since there are
every connected device. Thus, it finds the minimum value, no strict requirements on latency. The lowest MCS is selected
rxP owerAmin , corresponding to one of the farthest STAs. according to the function M CSmin (dataRate, CBw , GI),
Then, the maximum achievable MCS, mcsAmax , is com- with an additive margin mcsAddB initialised to 1. Once the
puted with the function M CSmax (PRX ) = max{M SC ∈ MCS is fixed, the minimum received power is found with
{0, . . . , 11} | Pe (M CS, PRX ) < 0.001}. This allows deter- PRXmin (M CS) = min{PRX | Pe (M CS, PRX ) < 0.001},
mining the maximum allowed MCS for a given received power the inverse of M CSmax (PRX ). From this value and the
PRX for a packet error probability (Pe ) lower than 0.001. Now, path losses experienced by the users, the minimum usable
the function CBwmin (dataRateA, mcsAmax , giA) is called transmission power is found1 .
to obtain the minimum viable channel bandwidth, chW idthA. In Algorithm 5, the transmission power is set to accommo-
Finally, having fixed the channel bandwidth, the minimum date the requirements of 90% of the users. We consider that
MCS that still supports the required throughput is determined having re-transmissions for a tenth of the users in this slice is
with the function M CSmin (dataRateA, chW idthA, giA). not an issue. The data volumes are small and with stringent
After the initialisation phase, the slice is updated according latency needs. Therefore, by increasingly sorting the registered
to the network conditions every interval T . The packet error losses (lossB in the algorithm), it is possible to calculate the
probability experienced in each flow during the last interval T required PT X for Slice B. An additive margin txP owerAddB
is calculated and compared with a threshold: (initialised to 3) is added to the minimum power needed. As
txP ackets − rxP ackets ? explained below, this parameter is modified at run-time to
Pe = ≤ 0.02. (1) adjust the transmission power based on the obtained QoS.
txP ackets
The threshold was set to 0.02 after preliminary experiments mMTC slices are updated according to the network condi-
based on a typical single channel approach, which showed tions on a regular interval T , by calling the LOOP Process
that only a tenth of the STAs reached an error probability in Algorithm 5. The error probability is calculated for each
lower than 0.02. We used this value as our SLA and based flow as in Equation 1 and compared with the threshold 0.2.
on Equation 1 the algorithm can make a decision about the If Equation 1 does not hold in at least 90% of the STAs,
required bandwidth for the next interval of time. The defined and the average error probability is getting worse with respect
behaviour is presented by the state machine in Figure 1. 1 Path loss is obtained by the AP by fixing STAs’ signalling messages
Every T , the needed bandwidth is recomputed and mul- transmission power. By measuring the received power, we will have: loss =
tiplied by the value chW idthM ulA which can be 1 or 2 PT X − PRX [dB].
Algorithm 5 Dynamic Algorithm Slice B (mMTC). TABLE I: Parameters setting for all the simulations.
Output: chW idthB, chN umberB, giB, mcsB, txP owerB Parameter Value
1: mcsAddB = 1; txP owerAddB = 3; giB = 1600 ns; Data Rate eMBB ∼ U [80, 100] Mbit/s
2: chW idthB = 20 MHz; chN umberB = 100; Data Rate mMTC ∼ U [30, 50] Kbit/s
Data Rate URLLC ∼ U [20, 40] Mbit/s
3: mcsB = M CSmin (dataRateB, chW idthB, giB);
Data Retransmission none
4: mcsB = mcsB + mcsAddB;
Packet Size 1472 Bytes
5: txP owerB = lossB[9nStaB/10] + PRXmin (mcsB); ns-3 PHY Layer Model SpectrumWifiPhy
6: txP owerB = txP owerB + txP owerAddB; Positions (x, y) X ∼ U [0, 20] m, Y ∼ U [0, 10] m
LOOP Process: Simulation Time 15 s
7: if SLA KO in last T && Pe in last T > in prev. T then Standard – Band 802.11ax – 5 GHz
8: if txP owerAddB < 6 then txP owerAddB + +;
9: else if mcsAddB < 4 then
mcsAddB + +; txP owerAddB = 3; one usable according to the received powers. This difference is
10: end if due to the fact that a higher MCS should decrease latency, an
11: if SLA OK in last T && Pe in last T < in prev. T then important aspect of the URLLC slice. However, this may lead
12: if txP owerAddB > 1 then txP owerAddB − −; to increased error probability, which will have to be carefully
13: else if mcsAddB > 1 then
mcsAddB − −; txP owerAddB = 3;
14: end if At every interval of time T , Algorithm 6 is called to update
15: mcsB = M CSmin (dataRateB, chW idthB, giB); the URLLC slice. The goal is to always recompute the highest
16: mcsB = mcsB + mcsAddB; performing MCS with the maximum possible transmission
17: txP owerB = lossB[9nStaB/10] + PRXmin (mcsB); power. Experimentally, we found that doubling the channel
18: txP owerB = txP owerB + txP owerAddB;
bandwidth at real time, in order to fulfil performance re-
quirements, does not bring any positive effects and worsens
Algorithm 6 Dynamic Algorithm Slice C (URLLC). resource utilisation. As such, adjusting the MCS to the highest
Output: chW idthC, chN umberC, giC, mcsC, txP owerC cardinality should be the focus, allowing for lower latencies.
LOOP Process:
1: txP owerC = 20 dBm; giC = 800 ns; C. ns-3 Simulation Setup and Methodology
2: mcsCmax = M CSmax (rxP owerCmin );
3: chW idthC = CBwmin (dataRateC, mcsCmax , giC);
In this study, we used ns-3 simulator due to its CPU
4: chN umberC = chN umberC(chW idthC); utilisation, memory usage, computational time, and scalability
5: mcsCmin = M CSmin (dataRateC, chW idthC, giC); as a wireless network simulator [21]. We utilised the latest
6: if mcsCmax > mcsCmin then mcsC = mcsCmax ; Wi-Fi version supported by ns-3 (IEEE 802.11ax), which
7: else mcsC = mcsCmin + 1; does not yet support the Orthogonal Frequency Division
8: chN umberC = chN umberC(chW idthC);
Multiple Access (OFDMA) and that could be used to ex-
plore different slicing techniques. Therefore, we focused on
CSMA/CA access. In addition, directional antennas are not yet
to the previous interval T , the algorithm reacts by increasing supported and therefore Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO) and
the margin txP owerAddB. When it reaches its maximum beamforming were not considered. ns-3 has also been used
value, the mcsAddB margin is also increased. In this way, for its capability to simulate frequency dependent effects in
the time on air required for each transmission will decrease a realistic way (e.g. the cross-channel interference). In the
and the number of collisions due to interference will be default physical layer model, YansWifiPhy [22], two Wi-Fi
reduced, requiring however a higher transmission power. When channels interfere with each other only if they have the same
Equation 1 is satisfied in 90% of the STAs, and the overall channel number, and interference from non-Wi-Fi technolo-
error probability is lower than in the previous interval T , gies is not considered. However, to guarantee an accurate
the transmission power can be decreased. In a dual way, assessment we employed the SpectrumWifiPhy model, which
the algorithm acts on the parameters txP owerAddB and provides a realistic representation of radio links.
mcsAddB to relax the assigned resources. We consider an indoor Wi-Fi scenario consisting in multiple
3) Dynamic Algorithm for Slice C (URLLC): Slice C is STAs associated to one AP. All the STA devices are randomly
initialised as reported in the LOOP Process of Algorithm 6. placed in a rectangular room with dimensions 20 × 10 m,
It is similar to the initialisation for Slice A, except for the 1.5 m above the ground. The AP is situated at the centre of
selection of channel numbers and the MCS selection method. the room at the ceiling level, 3 m high.
The channel numbers in Slice C are selected to be the highest Our scenario includes between 2 and 6 eMBB STAs. Mobil-
possible in order to allocate channels as distant as possible ity is taken into account by moving the STAs of this category
from each other. In this way, Slice A and Slice C are situated at a pedestrian speed with variable direction. This represents
at the extremes of the 5 GHz band, and Slice B exactly in a typical mobility pattern of an indoor user connected to Wi-
the middle. Finally, the desired MCS is also obtained in a Fi [3]. For each eMBB device, the required uplink throughput
different way. In Slice A, the minimum MCS able to support is random, uniformly distributed between 80 and 100 Mbit/s.
the required throughput is chosen, here we select the highest We consider 100 mMTC devices, in a fixed randomised
Packet Error Probability Slice A Packet Error Probability Slice B Packet Error Probability Slice C
1.0 0.20 1.0
No mobility No mobility No mobility
Mobility Mobility Mobility
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.00 0.0

Single Static Dynamic Single Static Dynamic Single Static Dynamic
channel slicing slicing channel slicing slicing channel slicing slicing

(a) eMBB (b) mMTC (c) URLLC

Fig. 2: Packet error probability for the three slices A, B and C.

position, connected to the AP to reflect a density of about IV. R ESULTS

1 device/m2 . Each of them transmits data at a random speed In this section, we present the results obtained by simulating
in the range 30–50 kbit/s. Finally, our simulations include 2 the three resource allocation algorithms. The first one, the
to 6 URLLC devices with a random throughput spanning from Single channel approach represents typical Wi-Fi networks
20 to 40 Mbit/s, which also follow an indoor mobility pattern. exploiting a channel width of 160 MHz on channel number
In the ns-3 environment, it is possible to simulate the pres- 50, MCS 5, a GI of 1600 ns and a transmission power of
ence of buildings and rooms with the Buildings Module. Using TX power of 20 dBm. The second, Static network slicing,
this model we created a single room and located devices inside allocates resources at the beginning of the simulation without
it. The HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel has been used any change. The third, Dynamic network slicing, schedules
as propagation loss model and RandomWalk2dMobilityModel resources at every time interval T , to adjust slices based on
was used to add a pedestrian movement to nodes in slices A the achieved performance and the network conditions.
and C. In our simulations, the direction of each mobile device
is uniformly chosen every second within the interval [0,2π] A. Performance Analysis
radians and the speed in the range 2–4 m/s. If they hit one of Following the ns-3 terminology a packet is considered
the boundaries (specified by the 20 × 10 m rectangle), they transmitted when it is generated by the source, i.e. by the
rebound with a reflexive angle and speed. Each simulation client application running on the STA. So, the value txPackets
setting was run 20 times with a different seed. Finally, in for a traffic flow depends solely on the data rate for that flow.
our simulations we set T = 1 s, for invoking the dynamic For each flow, the packet error probability is calculated as:
algorithms. For the sake of reproducibility, Table I summarises txP ackets − rxP ackets
the used parameters for every carried out experiment. Pe = (2)
txP ackets
In order to consider different proportions of users in the
where txPackets and rxPackets are the total number of trans-
defined slices, and to study the robustness of the proposed
mitted and received packets within the flow, respectively.
algorithms, three simulation settings were considered with a
Figure 2a reports the packet error probabilities experienced
different number of STAs per slice:
by eMBB devices (Slice A). The boxplots show the results
• 2-100-6: nStaA = 2, nStaB = 100, nStaC = 6; obtained by merging data from the three introduced settings.
• 4-100-4: nStaA = 4, nStaB = 100, nStaC = 4; When network slicing is not implemented, and only one
• 6-100-2: nStaA = 6, nStaB = 100, nStaC = 2. channel is utilised, the network becomes highly congested.
where nStaA, nStaB and nStaC denote the number of All the devices transmit on the same channel and send their
devices in Slice A (eMBB), B (mMTC) and C (URLLC). Request to Send (RTS) messages to the AP. The AP can only
The required throughput and the initial position of each serve one user at a time, and it will not reply with a Clear
user was randomised at every run and the simulation duration to Send (CTS) signal if it is busy. The presence of many
was 15 s, since a higher simulation time did not influence the RTS messages creates interference which increases the error
performance of the 108 concurrent data flows. Furthermore, probability, that can be as high as 100%.
even at the lowest speed setting (2 m/s), nodes could move Considering the results for Slice B (i.e. mMTC devices),
across the entire room in 15 s, which should be representative plotted in Figure 2b, we see a significant improvement in the
of different radio conditions.2 packet error probability. With the single channel approach, the
error probability is almost always lower than 0.2, even though
2 All of the source code, including the ns-3 scripts involved, is available at long whiskers are present between the upper quartile and the
https://github.com/matteonerini/5g-network-slicing-for-wifi-networks. max value. The packet error probability in Slice B is always
Latency Slice A [ms] Latency Slice B [ms] Latency Slice C [ms]
2000 250 120
No mobility No mobility No mobility
Mobility Mobility Mobility
1000 60

0 0 0
Single Static Dynamic Single Static Dynamic Single Static Dynamic
channel slicing slicing channel slicing slicing channel slicing slicing

(a) eMBB (b) mMTC (c) URLLC

Fig. 3: Latency for the three slices A, B and C.

zero when the static network slicing algorithm is considered. lower, shorter queues are created and latency in this slice never
On the other hand, considering the dynamic network slicing reaches 250 ms. Again, slicing techniques clearly outperform
approach, we can see that the packet delivery performance is the single channel method. We notice that latency results
slightly worse than the single channel approach. This is due to for mMTC users using the dynamic algorithm are slightly
the adaptive transmission power scheme, which aims to save worse with respect to the ones obtained with static slicing.
energy. A lower transmission power results in a greater SNR, Conversely, the objective of the dynamic algorithm for mMTC
which worsens the error rate but allows for energy savings and is to use the lowest possible MCS and consequently decrease
that justifies the resulting performance deterioration. the required transmission power. In practice, in the performed
Packet error probability experienced by URLLC devices simulations the dynamic slicing approach always used an MCS
is reported in Figure 2c. When all the devices communicate strictly lower than 5. The drawback of this is the increased
through only one channel, we get the worst error probability, latency, which for mMTC devices is not crucial.
which reaches 100%. Conversely, network slicing techniques Finally, the last slice, characterised by URLLC services,
outperform by far the single channel approach. The dynamic is analysed in Figure 3c. Overall, having a single channel
slicing algorithm achieves a slightly worse traffic delivery which serves all the connected STAs is the worst choice. The
performance. However, this algorithm employs a higher MCS dynamic algorithm clearly outperforms the other two thanks
index to decrease the latency in the URLLC slice. to the higher MCS index used, without significantly compro-
Let us now analyse the performance of the algorithms mising packet delivery performance. In fact, it is designed to
considering the End-to-End (E2E) latency experienced by the select the highest possible MCS according to the bandwidth
received packets in each slice. This value is obtained from the and the received powers. This allows the transmition of more
delaySum value (i.e. the sum of all E2E delays), for all the information in a shorter time.
received packets of a flow, retrieved in ns-3 using the flow- In conclusion, the dynamic network slicing algorithm guar-
Monitor module. The average latency L experienced by each antees the lowest latency to eMBB and URLLC devices, while
packet in a flow is defined as: L = delaySum/rxP ackets. maintaining a low packet error probability. In addition, the
Figure 3a shows the latency for eMBB devices. When all the dynamic slicing approach is also the preferred approach for
devices communicate over the same channel, the experienced mMTC services since it is able to better manage latency and
latency is poor. It is difficult for the channel to accommodate packet delivery in order to provide improved energy savings.
the required total throughput and packets need to be queued.In
fact, they are sent only upon reception of the CTS signal from B. Resource Utilisation Analysis
the AP. As a consequence, the average latency is raised up to The performance, both in terms of error probability and
almost 2 s in some flows. A deeper analysis of the results latency is greatly enhanced when slicing techniques are ap-
for static network slicing reveals that latency significantly plied. However, we want to investigate if this improvement is
decreases when the number of eMBB devices is 2 and, and only possible because more resources are allocated, or if better
only slightly increases when there are 6 STAs in this slice. 6 efficiency can be achieved. Thus, it is important to study the
devices are likely to saturate the channel, leading to queued energy and bandwidth efficiency of our algorithms.
packets. However, this problem is completely solved by the For Slice B, which includes mMTC devices, energy saving
dynamic approach, which offers a flexible bandwidth schedul- is the main concern. For this reason, the dynamic network
ing. By doubling the bandwidth, the channel capacity increases slicing algorithm aims at decreasing the required transmission
allowing a higher flow of packets with good performance. power for these devices. As shown in Figure 4, the transmis-
The latency experienced in Slice B (i.e. by the mMTC sion power is lowered on average from 20 dBm to 5 dBm by
devices) is reported in Figure 3b. Since the data volumes are using this algorithm. In particular, considering the conversion
20 2.6
No mobility

10 2.0

No mobility
0 1.4
Single Static Dynamic Single Static Dynamic
channel slicing slicing channel slicing slicing

Fig. 4: Transmission power in Slice B (mMTC) [dBm]. Fig. 5: Spectrum efficiency [bit/s/Hz].

from dB to linear units, a difference of 15 dB means that the probability and the latency. Instead, we consider the data “per
transmission power is decreased by 1015/10 ≈ 32 times in run”, since the spectrum efficiency is calculated for each run.
linear units.Considering battery powered IoT devices served Thus, the cardinality of the plotted datasets is lowered to 60
by the mMTC slice, the dynamic network slicing approach (i.e. three settings run with 20 seeds each), which results in
could extend the battery life by up to 32 times. longer whiskers in the box plots.
Channel bandwidth is also a scarce resource that needs to be The two slicing approaches provide the highest spectrum
allocated by the algorithms, therefore we introduce the notion efficiency. Interestingly, even though the dynamic algorithm
of spectrum efficiency. This metric refers to the data rate that may periodically double the amount of used bandwidth, it has
can be transmitted over a limited spectrum region. First of the best spectrum efficiency over the two other approaches,
all, we consider the total throughput achieved in each run, reaching up to 2.6 bit/s/Hz. Thus, we can state that allocating
defined as the sum of the throughput of all the STAs. From more bandwidth is not necessarily a waste of resources if
the number of received packets on the i-th link, rxP acketsi , carefully done. Moreover, this confirms that resources can be
the total throughput can be obtained as: adequately managed for different slices, taking into account
nSta nSta not only their distinct requirements but also the overall per-
X X rxP acketsi × pktSize × 8
T hsum = T hi = (3) formance of the system.
i=1 i=1
simT ime
where the parameters pktSize and simT ime are given in
Table I. nSta = nStaA + nStaB + nStaC is the number V. C ONCLUSION
of devices connected to the AP, and T hi is the throughput of
the i-th device. After having defined the achieved throughput, In this paper we show how network slicing can be imple-
we introduce the used bandwidth Bw in each run. This mented in Wi-Fi networks using different SSIDs. We explore
metric needs to be determined with three different expressions a slice setup based on the three main scenarios defined by
depending on which allocation algorithm is employed: 5G: eMBB, mMTC and URLLC. We present two slicing
 algorithms where a network slice is allocated for each scenario,
 if single channel; supporting multiple stations based on the expected perfor-
Bw = BwA + BwB + BwC , if static slicing; mance regarding throughput, latency and energy efficiency.
 1 PN

One of the proposed slicing algorithms statically allocates
N i=1 BwAi + BwBi + BwCi , if dynamic slicing.
(4) three channels according to the expected throughput require-
In Equation 4, three cases are considered. One when a single ments, considering the theoretically necessary channel band-
channel is allocated with fixed bandwidth. Another when the width. The other, dynamically adapts the allocated channel
static network slicing algorithm is used, with three channel resources at run-time, according to the network needs.
bandwidths defined at the beginning of the run BwA , BwB and We validate the proposed approach and algorithms with
BwC . And finally, dynamic network slicing where in every extensive simulations using the ns-3 network simulator. The
interval T new bandwidths are allocated. Thus for each i- obtained results reveal that our slicing approach outperforms
th interval with i ∈ {1, . . . , N } , where N = simT ime/T , today’s access scheme in which an AP serves all the connected
we average the assigned bandwidths BwAi , BwBi and BwCi . users with a single wireless channel. We achieve lower packet
Finally, the spectrum efficiency in each run is the ratio µ = error probabilities and lower latencies. Furthermore, slicing is
T hsum /Bw : able to reduce the energy needed by low-power devices and
In Figure 5, the spectrum efficiency of the network is increase the spectrum efficiency. Thanks to these promising re-
reported for each tested approach. The data considered are sults, this study may pave the way for a future implementation
no longer “per flow” as it was the case for the packet error of network slicing in Wi-Fi networks.
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