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Prepared: Beryl P. Abucejo • Use appropriate conclusion

 Three Step Conclusion
What is Focus Group? 1. Summarize with confirmation,
• A focus group is a small, but demographically diverse 2. Review purpose and ask if anything has been missed,
group of people whose reactions are studied especially in 3. Thanks and dismissal
market research or political analysis in guided or open
discussions about a new product or something else to First Steps With Focus Group Studies
determine the reactions that can be expected from a 1. Decide whether focus groups are appropriate
larger population. 2. Decide who to involve
• It is a form of qualitative research consisting of interviews 3. Listen to your target audience
in which a group of people are asked about their 4. Put your thoughts in writing
perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a Bulleted Outline
product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or • Welcome
packaging.  Introduce moderator and assistant
• Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where • Our topic is ...
participants are free to talk with other group members.  The results will be used for ...
• During this process, the researcher either takes notes or  Your were selected because ...
records the vital points he or she is getting from the group. • Guidelines
Researchers should select members of the focus group  No right or wrong answers, only differing points of view
carefully for effective and authoritative responses.  We're tape recording, one person speaking at a time
 We're on a first name basis
Characteristics of Focus Group Interviews  You don't need to agree with others, but you must listen
• Environment respectfully as others share their views
 Comfortable  Rules for cellular phones and pagers if applicable. For
 Circle seating example: We ask that your turn off your phones or pagers.
 Tape recorded If you cannot and if you must respond to a call, please do
• Participants so as quietly as possible and rejoin us as quickly as you
 Carefully recruited can.
 5 to 10 people per group, 6-8 preferred  My role as moderator will be to guide the discussion
 Similar types of people  Talk to each other
 Repeated groups • Opening question
• Moderator
 Skillful in group discussions Beginning the Focus Group Discussion
 Uses pre-determined questions • The recommended pattern for introducing the group
 Establishes permissive environment discussion includes:
• Analysis and Reporting  (1) Welcome,
 Systematic analysis  (2) Overview of the topic
 Verifiable procedures  (3) Ground rules and
 Appropriate reporting  (4) First question

Moderator Skills Recorder (Assistant Moderator) Skills

• Select the right moderator • Help with equipment & refreshments
 Exercise mild unobtrusive control • Arrange the room
 Adequate knowledge of topic • Welcome participants as they arrive
 Appears like the participants • Sit in designated location
• Use an assistant moderator • Take notes throughout the discussion
 Handles logistics • Operate recording equipment
 Takes careful notes • Do not participate in the discussion
 Monitors recording equipment • Ask questions when invited
• Be mentally prepared • Give an oral summary
 Alert and free from distractions • Debrief with moderator
 Has the discipline of listening • Give feedback on analysis and reports
 Familiar with questioning route
• Use purposeful small talk Asking Questions that Yield Powerful Information
 Create warm and friendly environment • Use open-ended questions
 Observe the participants for seating arrangements • Avoid dichotomous questions
• Make a smooth & snappy introduction • Why? is rarely asked
 Standard introduction • Use "think back" questions
1. Welcome • Use different types of questions
2. Overview of topic • Use questions that get participants involved
3. Ground rules • Focus the questions
4. First question • Be cautious of serendipitous questions
• Use pauses and probes 5 second pause Probes:
 "Would you explain further?" Ending Questions
 "Would you give an example?" • All things considered question
 "I don't understand." • Summary question
• Record the discussion • Final question
 Tape recorders
 Written notes Strategies for Focus Group Questions
• Control reactions to participants • Choose among alternatives
 Verbal and nonverbal • Make a list
 Head nodding • Fill in the blank
 Short verbal responses (avoid "that's good", "excellent") • Rate with blank card
• Use subtle group control • Semantic differential
 Experts • Projection, fantasy and daydreams
 Dominant talkers • Draw a picture
 Shy participants • Develop a campaign
• Role playing Incentives for Participation
• Questions that foster ownership (What can you do...? ) • Money
• Food
Note Taking • Gifts Positive, upbeat invitation
• Note taking is a primary responsibility of the assistant • Opportunity to share opinions
moderator • Enjoyable, convenient and easy to find meeting location
• Clarity and consistency of note taking • Involvement in an important research project
• Field notes contain different types of information • Build on existing community, social or personal relations
• Consider using a standardized recording form
• Quotes Transcribing Focus Group Interviews
• Key points and themes for each question • Use quality play-back equipment
• Follow-up questions that could be asked • Minimize distractions
• Big ideas, hunches, or thoughts of the recorder • Identify moderator statements
• Other factors • Type comments word for word
• Note special or unusual sounds that could help analysis
Systematic Analysis Process • Allow sufficient time
1. Start while still in the group
• Listen for inconsistent comments and probe for Reporting Focus Group Results
understanding • Use a communications strategy
• Listen for vague or cryptic comments and probe for • Use an appropriate reporting style that the client finds
understanding helpful and meets expectations
• Consider asking each participant a final preference • Strive for enlightenment
question • Make points memorable
• Offer a summary of key questions and seek confirmation • Use narrative or bulleted format
2. Immediately after the focus group … • Give thought to the oral report
• Draw a diagram of seating arrangement
• Spot check tape recording to ensure proper operation
• Conduct moderator and assistant moderator debriefing
• Note themes, hunches, interpretations, and ideas
• Compare and contrast this focus group to other groups
• Label and file field notes, tapes and other materials
3. Soon after the focus group--within hours analyze individual
focus group…
• Make back-up copy of tapes and send tape to
transcriptionist for computer entry if transcript is wanted
• Analyst listens to tape, reviews field notes and reads
transcript if available
• Prepare report of the individual focus group in a question-
by-question format with amplifying quotes
• Share report for verification with other researchers who
were present at the focus group
4. Later--within days analyze the series of focus groups …
• Compare and contrast results by categories of individual
focus groups
• Look for emerging themes by question and then overall
• Construct typologies or diagram the analysis
• Describe findings and use quotes to illustrate
5. Finally, prepare the report
• Consider narrative style versus bulleted style
• Use a few quotes to illustrate
• Sequence could be question by question or by theme
• Share report for verification with other researchers
• Revise and finalize report

Focus Group Analysis Tips

When analyzing focus group data consider . . .

Systematic Notification Procedure

 Set meeting times for group interviews
 Contact potential participants by phone or in person
 Send a written personalized invitation
 Phone (or contact) each person the day before the focus

Selection Strategies
• List
• Piggyback
• On location
• Nominations
• Snowball samples
• Random telephone screening
• Screening and selection services
• Ads in newspapers and bulletin boards

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