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Jerome De Vera


1. In your own words, how will radio survive in the mere future?

From today, even from the past centuries radio plays big role in the society and media in
broadcasting and communication in the various issues and phenomena. A device that produced by radio
waves to transmit message from single broadcasting to multiple listeners. The first practical wireless
radio communication was developed in Italy by Guglielmo Marconi. Marconi build on the mathematics
of physicist James Clerk Maxwell and the experiments of both Oliver Lodge and Heinrich Hertz to
transmit experimental broadcast from the lab he built in 1984 at his family s country villa. He developed
his practical wireless communication system in 1895, and he filled a patent for it in England in 1896.
Radio has two kinds of modulation , FM (Frequency Modulation) and AM (Amplitude Modulation) fm
signals has better signals than am that producing static where turning on.

During years to past, radio strikes its importance to us in different ways, such as broadcasting news,
advisories and Advertising and also gives job opportunity to the people. This leads to many various
broadcasting around the world even the nowadays that technology innovated is rising still Radio uses as
one of the top mass communication media. Radio will probably survive in the mere future by reaching
large amount of audience in the different part of the world. Compared to the television that use visuals,
radio which only using sound communication focuses on the most important information that needs to
be hear. In radio news are always highlighted and about issues needs to be resolve or crisis. Companies
are also using radio to advertise their product and services to reach more potential costumers,
investorns and inquiries. They tend to advertise to radio because not all the people are using televisions
at home. In provinces, people are often using radio for updates specially senior citizens who prefer more
to use radio, in sari sari stores, in farmland, and also in the public places compared to the city areas that
technologically innovated using screens and billboard. But in the mere future, techonology become
more advance that one of the reasons why radio are questioning for its survival. But to think of it, radio
are now existed, and it is hard for the world to turn down on it with its wide range capabilities of
broadcasting and experience using it that becomes part of part of our lives and in history.

Using radio broadcasting communication, many people can reach the information provided on it even
in provincials and places with poor signals than other communication devices didnt survive but radio
does. The clash of technology advances may somewhat affected of its survival in media in the nest years
will come but its availability and capabilities makes it stronger. So that, we can conclude that radio can
will in the mere future and in times of more advanced technologies.

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