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Exam iners’ Report /

Principal Exam iner Feedback

Sum m er 2012

ELC French ( 8924)

Paper 01
Ede x ce l a n d BTEC Qu a lifica t ion s

Edexcel and BTEC qualificat ions com e from Pearson, t he world’s leading
learning com pany. We provide a wide range of qualificat ions including
academ ic, vocat ional, occupat ional and specific program m es for em ployers.
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Sum m er 2012
All t he m at erial in t his publicat ion is copyright
© Pearson Educat ion Lt d 2012
En t r y Le ve l Ce r t ifica t e in Fr e n ch ( 8 9 2 4 )

The m aj orit y of cent res were able t o subm it t heir sam ples by t he due
dat e which great ly facilit at ed t he m oderat ion process. There were
m inor inst ances of adm inist rat ive errors, but where m at erials were
m issing cent res were quick t o respond and t o send t he it em s
request ed.

I t was not ed t hat a m inorit y of cent res are st ill using t he older
version of t he coursework record sheet . The updat ed version has t he
facilit y for bot h t he t eacher and t he candidat e t o sign in order t o
aut hent icat e t he work. I t is a requirem ent , as for all coursework, for
bot h t he t eacher and t he candidat e t o sign t his sheet in order t o
aut hent icat e t he work.

The key t o t he Ent ry Level Cert ificat e qualificat ion is t o keep accurat e
records t hroughout t he course of t he t asks t he st udent s have
successfully com plet ed and t o m ake sure t hat t he st udent s’
assessm ent s and paperwork are fully com plet ed according t o t he
inst ruct ions.

The m ost current version of ELC docum ent at ion can be downloaded
from t he Edexcel w ebsit e from t he “ I nst ruct ion t o Cent res” booklet .
ht t p: / / / quals/ elc/ 8924/ Pages/ default .aspx

Cent res had com plet ed t he correct num ber of t asks for t he level
claim ed.

Cent res m ay wish t o not e t hat if a candidat e com plet es a t ask but is
unsuccessful, it is st ill wit hin t he spirit of t his specificat ion for t he t ask
t o be re- visit ed.

St udent s should com plet e a m inim um of seven t asks for each

language skill and across t he areas of experience. There are
specified levels for each t ask.

They are no definit e rules as t o when any part icular t asks should be
com plet ed.

I t is for t he cent res t o choose when t o do t hem t o fit in wit h t heir own
schem e of work.

LEVEL 1: 40 assessm ent t asks, plus one piece of coursework

LEVEL 2: 50 assessm ent t asks of which 20 m ust be at level 2 or
above, plus 2 pieces of coursework
LEVEL 3: 50 assessm ent t asks of which 20 m ust be at level 3, plus 3
pieces of coursework.
The t eacher’s not es provide t he m ark schem e.

Coursework m ust be t aken from t he areas of experience and should

consist of at least 30 words in t he t arget language. Full sent ences
need not be used but in t he spirit of t he specificat ion undue repet it ion
should be avoided, for exam ple phrases such as: il y a, j ’aim e, c’est .

I t m ay be a single piece or a collect ion of short er pieces.

Candidat es are afforded t he opport unit y t o be creat ive and t o m ake
use of ot her skills such as I T or Art .

The st andard of present at ion varied great ly t his year. Som e cent res
went t o a great deal of t rouble t o encourage t heir candidat es t o
produce neat and colourful work.

The ext ent t o which cent res can explore a coursework t opic in a
cross- curricular way will depend on t he level of support wit hin a
cent re.

Coursework t it les t his year followed sim ilar t hem es as in past years.
There were no exam ples t his year of speaking coursework.
The following t it les below are suggest ions only for coursework t it les:

• Draw your school t im et able and say which subj ect like and why
• A fam ily t ree
• The m odern world- gadget s in t he hom e, m obile phones,
com put ers et c
• The environm ent - ways in which it is endangered or what t he
candidat e and t heir fam ily/ school can do t o prot ect t he
environm ent . ( This t opic is suit able for a post er) .
• The candidat e’s CV - This could be recorded as a short
int erview and subm it t ed as speaking coursework.
• Design a m enu in French - Ordering a sim ple m eal could be
subm it t ed for speaking coursework.
• Healt hy living - What one should and should not do rem ain
healt hy.

The coursework could consist of a post er.I n one inst ance t his year it
was necessary t o reduce t he level claim ed by t he cent re as t he
coursework did not m eet t he requirem ent of 30 words in French.

Moderat ors do not underest im at e t he am ount t im e and effort t hat can

go int o t he product ion of t hese pieces of work. Som e candidat es
obviously enj oy t he great er freedom t hat t he coursework affords
t hem .
I t hoped t hat t he com m ent s above are helpful t o cent res in
adm inist ering t his specificat ion in t he fut ure.
Furt her copies of t his publicat ion are available from
Edexcel Publicat ions, Adam sway, Mansfield, Not t s, NG18 4FN

Telephone 01623 467467

Fax 01623 450481
Em ail publicat
Sum m er 2012

For m ore infor m at ion on Edexcel qualificat ions, please v isit / quals

Pearson Educat ion Lim it ed. Regist ered com pany num ber 872828
wit h it s regist ered office at Edinburgh Gat e, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE

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