Influence of AR and Social Media Advertising On Marketing - DHANASHREE - Q

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Effect of Augmented reality on marketing

Augmented reality (AR) as a new tool in the era of digital marketing and advertising field.
The main focus of the paper is to mention advantages and benefits of AR in marketing and
advertising. It is a unique way to present information/idea in the real world. It uses
combination of virtual objects and real world, giving user an interactive experience before
buying commodity. AR uses device sensory to locate and place the object in reality through
virtual window which can be your any device. Especially smart phones which are quite
popular and are available worldwide. With rapid growth of smartphones AR has come up
with mobile augmented reality which uses your devices sensors like GPS ,Camera, touch
screen to impose virtual object in the environment needed, giving user a sub immersive
feeling. AR is boon to marketing as it helps to attract customers, build brand loyalty, create
and extend business opportunities . It is fun to use technology which helps in placing
complex and expensive product in the hands of customer at cost effective way. In
advertisement field which is constantly changing, AR will prove to be evolutionary change by
changing the traditional ways of advertising, creating many challenges as well as
opportunities. To conclude this technology will help in creating good brand image of the
company with maximum customer satisfaction, strategic advancement and growth.

The Influence Of Social Media Advertising, E-Marketing And Product

Quality On The Process of Purchasing Nature Cosmetics
“Marketing through conventional channel is four times more expensive than marketing
through internet”(Kotler et al., 2009). With the change of era buying habits of Indonesians
are also changing. They prefer more of online shopping than traditional way. This has cut
out the role of intermediaries to the large extent. This has also led to the change in way of
promoting and advertising the product. As the stores are online so should be the marketing.
More emphasis is given to social media marketing as this has become integral part of people
lives. It has becomes easy to target audience through social media, track their buying
behaviour, recognizing change in their taste and preferences etc. Advertisement on this
website is like hitting bulls eye which not only helps in reducing advertisement cost but also
helps in keeping pace with consumers’ demand and to reach larger audience within shorter
time span. Also regular feedback has helped in making decision about quality change
quantity change etc. Introducing or promoting product is advertising and social networking
sites(SNS) has helped organizations effectively to engage customer and target them
specifically. the paper shows how the consumers decision to buy beauty product is largely
influenced by social media marketing, e marketing and product quality. Through conducted
research it was clear that buying behaviour of Indonesia region is largely influenced by
product quality rather than the way of advertising or promoting it. So the company should
create quality product in addition to adoption of new ways of promoting them.
-Dhanashree kumeriya-Q


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