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Project 1: Protinex

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Branding
The product is representing the sector of health.
The regular protein intake in India is 30% by the adults and to increase it we
should focusing it to sell in the age group of 25-50 year old because it is
mainly the working and health conscious
These days individuals are really motivated towards their health and from the
statistics this product should be a success
As in behavioral section ProtineX is in competition with Complan which is a
product for children so the customer will think this is also a children product,
so for that we have to do so changes in the awareness
Protinex is positioned as the Protein expert to partner daily diet for the entire
family. The Creative agency behind this campaign is Taproot India - one of
India’s most prominent creative agencies in the country.
ProtineX is a product of health and a packed food which are consider by
educated people as the literacy rate in village area is very less they won’t
consider it as a healthy product. So we should aim for area where the literacy
rate is higher and where the people will understand our product like metro
areas and tier-II cities so we consider it as a Differentiated strategy.
Problems faced by the ProtineX
The brand is not premiumize as expected

Sol: we have to change the layout of the product as it should be more attractive
and classic in appearance. We should also give knowledge about the
ingredients which are used in the product so they fell more secure
Consumer is quite aware of the product but lack in category

Sol: As you can se from the perceptual map the cost

and the quality is up to the mark but the category
are less in this product and these days people are
really attracted to apple flavor
In terms of position our product protineX is doing really great in the market
IMPORTANCE - Our company is delivering importance to each and every
individual who is using our product by helping and guiding them how and
when to use the product
DISTINCTIVE- We are making good effort in the product and we are.
COMMUNICABLE- The helpline number is given in every product for further
guidance of the product .
INIMITABLE- The ingredients that we are using are mentioned at the back of the
pack but it is not that much easy to copy because the process is complex to
make .
Product- Over view is in the image the final which is going in the
Price- after discussing with the team we have decided the price
would be 500/- rupee per pack
Place- As it is given before the product must be rolling in
metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai and tier-II cities
Promotion- We have to make good advertising boards for it and
and also good videos for TV.

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