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CLASS: XII SUBJECT: English Literature

FLAMINGO: Lesson 1: The Last Lesson
Question bank 1

I Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:

1. What a thunderclap these words were to me!
Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town-hall!

a) What is referred to as ‘a thunderclap’?

b) Who does ‘the wretches’ refer to?
c) What had the narrator witnessed at the town-hall?

2. And I? I’ve been to blame also. Have I not often sent you to water my flowers instead of
learning your lessons?

a) What is the speaker feeling guilty about?

b) What led the speaker to feel thus?
c) Who else, according to the speaker is to be blamed?

II. Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words:

1. What had the narrator counted on to enter the school unnoticed?
2. How did Franz and the others feel on learning about the ban on teaching French
to the students?
3. What specific trouble does Hamel hint at with Alsace? Mention relevant facts
in support of your answer.
4. In what different ways does M. Hamel put himself as well as the parents of
Franz under accusation?
5. What makes Franz say that M. Hamel taught the grammar lesson extremely
6. Why did M. Hamel ask his students and villagers to guard French among
7. During the writing lesson what did Franz notice about his teacher?
8. What was the parting message of M. Hamel to his students and the village
elders who had gathered in the classroom?

III. Answer the following questions in 125 – 150 words:

1. Justify the title of the story, The Last Lesson.

2. Reflect on the loss of spirit of patriotism amongst the youth in India due to which
there is no respect for one’s countryman and no determination amongst the youth to
lead the country to a better future.
3. Write an article on the need to revive the patriotic spirit amongst the youth of India.

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