Balanced Equations and Associated Calcs

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A – Level
Balanced Equations and Associated Calculations

December 2021 Time allowed: 50 minutes

For this paper you must have:
 the Periodic Table/Data Booklet, provided as an insert (enclosed)
 a scientific calculator, which you are expected to use where appropriate.

 Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Tota 34
 Fill in the boxes at the top of this page.
 Answer all questions. l
 You must answer the questions in the spaces provided.
 All working must be shown.
 Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked.

 The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
 The maximum mark for this paper is 34

Page 1 of 11
Zinc is similar to Group 2 metals and forms compounds containing Zn2+ ions.

Write an equation for the thermal decomposition of zinc carbonate to zinc oxide.

Calculate the percentage atom economy for the formation of zinc oxide from zinc
carbonate in this reaction.

Equation _______________________________________________________________


Percentage atom economy _________________________________________________



[3 marks]

Aspirin can be made by reacting salicylic acid with ethanoic anhydride as outlined below.

(a) In an experiment, after purification by recrystallisation, 1.76 g of aspirin

(Mr = 180.0) were produced from 2.00 g of salicylic acid.

Calculate the percentage yield for this experiment.




[2 marks]

(b)     Suggest one practical reason why the yield of purified aspirin is less than 100%.


[1 mark]

Page 2 of 11
A student does an investigation to determine the relative formula mass, Mr, of a solid
unknown diprotic acid, H2A

H2A + 2 NaOH → Na2A + 2 H2O

•   250 cm3 of aqueous solution are prepared using 1300 mg of H2A

•   A pipette is used to add 25.0 cm3 of 0.112 mol dm–3 aqueous sodium hydroxide to a
conical flask.
•   This aqueous sodium hydroxide is titrated with the acid solution.

The titration results are shown in the table.

  Rough 1 2 3

Final volume / cm3 27.35 26.75 38.90 35.70

Initial volume / cm3 0.00 0.35 12.15 9.20

Titre / cm3 27.35 26.40 26.75 26.50

(a)  Use the results to calculate the Mr of H2A

Mr of H2A _______________________
[5 marks]

(b)  The uncertainty in using the pipette in this experiment is ±0.06 cm3

Calculate the percentage uncertainty in using the pipette.

% uncertainty _________________________
[1 mark]

Page 3 of 11
(c)  Before adding the solution from the burette in the rough titration, there was an air
bubble below the tap.
At the end of this titration the air bubble was not there.

Explain why this air bubble increases the final burette reading of the rough titration.



[1 mark]

(d)  During the titration the student washed the inside of the conical flask with some
distilled water.

Suggest why this washing does not give an incorrect result.


[1 mark]

A sample of hydrated nickel sulfate (NiSO4.xH2O) with a mass of 2.287 g was heated to
remove all water of crystallisation. The solid remaining had a mass of 1.344 g.

(a)     Calculate the value of the integer x.

Show your working.










[4 marks]

Page 4 of 11
(b)     Suggest how a student doing this experiment could check that all the water had
been removed.




[2 marks]

A different kind of kiln is used to manufacture Portland cement. The main active minerals
in Portland cement are called alite and belite.

(a)     The table shows the composition of a compound found in alite that contains only the
elements calcium, silicon and oxygen. Use these percentage by mass data to
determine the empirical formula of this compound.
  Ca Si O

To be
% by mass 52.67 12.30





[3 marks]

(b)     A compound (Ca2SiO4) in belite reacts with water to produce Ca3Si2O4(OH)6 and

Write an equation for this reaction.

[1 mark]

(c)     Bags of Portland cement are labelled with hazard warnings.

Suggest an item of personal safety equipment, other than eye protection, that the
warning label recommends.
Give a reason why this safety equipment is recommended.

Safety equipment __________________________________________________

Reason __________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

Page 5 of 11

Page 6 of 11
A solution of volume 500 cm3 contains 150 g of ammonia.

What is the concentration, in mol dm–3, of ammonia in this solution?

A 0.51

B 8.82

C 16.7

D 17.6

[1 mark]

Which sample of liquid has the greatest volume?
A 500 mg of pentane (density = 0.63 g cm–3)

B 650 mg of propan-1-ol (density = 0.80 g cm–3)

C 1.20 g of dichloromethane (density = 1.33 g cm–3)

D 1.30 g of trichloromethane (density = 1.48 g cm–3)

[1 mark]

Lead(II) nitrate and potassium iodide react according to the equation

Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2 KI(aq) → PbI2(s) + 2 KNO3(aq)

In an experiment, 25.0 cm3 of a 0.100 mol dm–3 solution of each compound are mixed

Which amount, in mol, of lead(II) iodide is formed?

A 1.25 × 10–3

B 2.50 × 10–3

C 1.25 × 10–2

D 2.50 × 10–2

[1 mark]


Page 7 of 11
Mark schemes

ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2
Ignore state symbols.
If equation incorrect, allow one mark only for correct atom
economy method.

Percentage atom economy =

Mark consequentially for incorrect formula mass(es)

× 100 = 64.9
Accept answer to at least 2 significant figures

(a)     Theoretical mass produced = 180 × 2 / 138 = 2.61 g
Using 1.76 × 100 / 2 is a chemical error (CE), scores 0 / 2

Percentage yield = 1.76 × 100 / 2.61 = 67.5%

Correct answer scores M1 and M2.
Accept 67.4%
Do not penalise precision but answers must be to at least
two significant figures.

(b)     Crystals lost when filtering or washing / some aspirin stays in solution / other
reactions occurring
Ignore references to impurities.

(a)  Average titre = 26.45 cm3
M1 = average of concordant titres

n(NaOH) = (25 × 0.112 / 1000) = 2.80 × 10–3 mol

M2 – this value only

n(acid in titre) = 2.80 × 10–3 / 2 = 1.40 × 10–3 mol

M3 = M2/2

n(acid in 250 cm3) = 1.40 × 10–3 × 250/26.45 = 0.0132 mol

M4 = M3 × 250/M1

Mr = mass / moles = 1.300/0.0132 = 98.2-98.5

M5 = (1.300/M4) = answer
Mr must be given to at least 1dp
98.6 – scores 4
92.9 – scores 4
87.8 – scores 3
49.3 – scores 3
49.1 – scores 4

(b)  % uncertainty = 0.06/25.0 × 100 = 0.24 %


(c)  Some solution/acid replaces air bubble /

Solution/acid fills below the tap /
Air bubble takes up volume that would be filled by solution/acid
Score for the idea that:
Acid/solution replaces air/bubble/fills jet space
Allow acid/solution fills the bubble/gap
‘The final reading is higher than the volume added’ is not enough.

(d)  Does not react (with the alkali) / does not change the number of moles (of
Allow water is a product / water is not a reagent

(a)     0.943 g water (M1)
If Mr of NiSO4 wrong, can allow M1 and M3 from
method 1 i.e. max 2

NiSO4                       H2O

  (M2)             (M3)

(8.68 × 10−3            0.052)

1                               6           or x = 6   (M4)

Allow Mr = 155

Allow other methods e.g.

Mr (NiSO4) = 58.7 + 32.1 + 64.0 = 154.8

n(NiSO4) = = 0.008682 mol   (M1)

Mr (NiSO4.xH2O) = = (263.4) (M2)

so 18x = 263.4 − 154.8 = (108.6)   (M3)

so x = = 6   (M4)
If using alternative method and Mr of NiSO4 wrong, allow ecf
to score M2 and M3 only i.e. max 2

(b)     re-heat
Heat to constant mass = 2 marks

check that mass is unchanged

M2 dependent on M1
Allow as alternative:
M1: record an IR spectrum
M2: peak between 3230 and 3550 (cm−1)

(a)     Percentage of oxygen 35.03     M1
Values used throughout must be to a minimum of 2 s.f.

52.67 / 40.1     12.3 / 28.1     35.03 / 16     M2

1.313     0.438     2.189
If ratios are inverted lose M2 and M3

Ca3SiO5     M3
If correct formula only is given allow M3 only.

(b)     2 Ca2SiO4 + 4 H2O → Ca3Si2O4(OH)6 + Ca(OH)2

Accept multiples and fractions. Ignore state symbols.

(c)     Gloves / Dust or face-mask

Ignore references to use of fume cupboard.

Cement is alkaline / caustic / corrosive / irritant

Accept ‘Ca(OH)2 formed is alkaline / caustic / corrosive /

2.50 / 72.2 = 0.0346 mol (1)
9.85 / 136.2 = 0.0723 mol (1)
0.0346 : 0.0723
1 : 2 so CaSO4 is LR (1)

0.0723 / 3 and x 2 = 0.0964 mol (1)

0.0964 x 64.1 = 6.18g (1)




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