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Q/Why has Framton come to a rural town?

A/To spend some time alone, cure his nervous, feel relaxed and be sociable.

Q/Why his sister advised him to go to this rural town?

A/Because she has been to this town before.

Q/What is meant by '' Romance at short notice?''

A/It means that she is skilled at telling stories, Vera can make up a good story in a
moment's notice, or very quickly. She is spontaneous actress skilled at deceit and has a
practice of keeping secrets and has a self-possessed and ability to trick the adult around

Q/Why his sister gave him a number and letters of introduction ?

A/to make himself known to a number of his sister’s acquaintances in the town .

Q/What makes people especially Framton believes Vera's story?

A/1-her innocent demeanor and she is skillful in deceiving or tricking people.

2-She tells an elaborate story about the window in the room that has been left open. Vera
gives details about the clothes they were wearing, the dog that accompanied them, and
the song that Mrs.Sappleton sang upon their return to make her story more convincing.
She describes the same exact way in which they left

3- Framton is easily persuaded to believe anything and he is gullible.

Q/Did Mrs.Sappleton aware of her niece tendency for storytelling?

A/Thought she appears to be somewhat aware of her niece’s tendency for storytelling, she
nevertheless fails to know the trick or prank Vera has trapped the gullible Framton .

Q/Why Mrs.Sappleton sent Vera to Framton?

A/She sent her to entertain him and because she is not longing, to meet Mr. Framton,
knowing that he is unimportant to her social class or circle .

Q/Why Mrs.Sappleton delays meeting of Framton?

A/Because she believes that he is unimportant to her social class or circle.

Q/Why Vera create this story?

A/Because she always feels bored so she deceived Framton to entertains herself.

Q/what is the meaning of Vera's name?

A/The name VERA comes from the Latin and it is a play on the word “veracity” which
means truth or honesty .

Q/Why Framton does not the hero?

A/Because he is a weak and gullible character and he suffers from nervous condition .

Q/Why the writer use '' story - within- a story''?

A/to communicate its compatibility (harmony) with the comedic tale.

Q/what is the relationship between Vera and Saki?

A/Both Saki and VERA rely on (depend)the short story to fool their audience .

Q/Where we can find the comedy side in this story?

A/at the end when we discover that the story of the hunters is a fantastical and comedic
fantasies of a child’s making.

Q/How did Saki satirize the Edwardian England society?

A/SAKI satirizes the Edwardian society by exposing the absurdity of the house visit during
the conversations between Framton and Mrs.Sappleton. Mrs.Sappleton yawns as
FRAMTON discusses his medical case both find the encounter “purely horrible”, he
satirizes effectively the manners and habits of the upper chasses in the Edwardian
England, behind their formal politeness, there always seems to be something vaguely
sinister going on beneath. All seems respectable and civilized, but in reality, there is
something forbidding intimidating.

Q/how we can prove that Saki share Framton's point of view?

A/the narrator shares Framton’s point of view. He is the one who is nervous, and the one
who sits and listens to Vera’s tall tale, not knowing it is fictional and fabricated, he is the
one who believes Vera’s tall tale.

Q/Why does the author use Vera as a storytelling?

A/ to convey a theme a bout a story telling as art or form.

Q/Why does Vera use the window to escape?

A/Vera lives in Mrs.Sappleton's house and her uncle, Mrs.Sappleton's husband and her
two cousins, Mrs. Sappleton's two brother and Vera has nothing in common with them
because of their age and gender so she uses the window as a means to escape from the
boring adult world and reimagine a more fantastical reality.

Q/What makes Framton escape when he sees the supernatural( the ghosts) ?

A/Because he believes he sees the ghosts of these three men approaching the house. He
couldn’t encounter the supernatural or struggles against it.

Q/Why did Saki write the open window?

A/To satirize the manners and habits of the upper classes in the Edwardian England .

Q/Give an example of verbal irony?

A/Vera's name in a verbal irony, her name comes from the Latin word “veracity” which
means truth Ironically, VERA always tricks people, she is the trickster, liar of the story,
always spinning a new tale to her audience.

Q/Why did Framton first visit the Stapleton's family?

A/Because of the advice of a doctor and his sister.

Q/Why Vera met Framton?

A/Because she was waiting for her aunt to come down.

Q/Why did Vera tell Framton about Sappleton's family?

A/ Because Framton does not know anything about the Sappleton family and this was the
first time he had visited them.

Q/Why there's a contradiction in Vera's story? Or How Vera's story was contradiction or

A/Because Vera told Framton that the hunters died but when Mrs. Sappleton enters, she
tells Framton that she expects her husband and her brothers to return at any moment.

Q/Why Framton believes that Mrs.Sappleton has gone crazy?

A/Because Vera told Framton that the hunters died three years ago but when Mrs.
Sappleton enters, she tells Framton that she expects her husband and her brothers to
return at any moment.

Q/Why was Framton's escape fruitless while Vera's escape was fruitful?

A/Because Vera’s escape proved to be fruitful and entertaining. she entertained herself by
deceiving Framton ,Framton's escape is not so successful. He expected to rest in the city
but the opposite happened to him. His escape provoked move chaos than calm.

Q/Why Does Framton feel lonely in his city?

A/Because of his personality. He is unsociable man and suffers from disorder condition.

Q/Where is the climax in this short story?

A/The climax of this short story is where Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and her two brothers
came back, along with the dog. Vera stares out the open window with “dazed Horror” in
her eyes. Framton then feels a ”shock of nameless fear” and quickly turns in his seat and
peers in the same direction; in the nightfall, he is able to make Out three figures who
approach this window.

Q/When Framton visited the Sappleton's house, why did he find himself socially different
from them?

A/Because when he spoke with the lady, she treated him inappropriately, he differed from
them by class, as they are from the upper class family, so she treated him so. She does not
care about him and does not want to help him.

Q/Who is the third person omniscient narrator’s point of view in this story?


Q/What happened after Framton left Sappleton's house?

A/Mrs. Sappleton doesn’t understand Framton’s behavior, but Vera justifies and replies
that Framton Nuttel is deadly afraid of dogs.

Q/In Saki’s “ the open window “ characters are classified into static and dynamic
A/The static character is Framton, who does not change in any situation during the course
any of the story. and the dynamic character is Vera, who changes in some significant
situations during the Course of the short story.

Q/Examine(or where) the flashback in the open window?

A/there is no flashback; the setting of the story does not change. However, we learn the
antecedent action from Vera as she talks to Mr. Nuttel. According to Vera, Mrs. Sappleton
experienced a terrible tragedy before three years ago when her husband and brothers
went hunting and never returned.

Q/In the “ open window “,setting is treated economically.(Prove this (

A/He only mentioned a few places like the swamp where the hunters drowned and the
living room where the characters met. As for the time, he is mentioned only (one Autumn
evening) the day on which the story occurred.

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