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I. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
II. Market Place .............................................................................................................. 5
1. Fire Forces .................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Competitive pressure of suppliers ......................................................................... 5
1.2. Pressure from customers ........................................................................................ 5
1.3. Competition from potential competitors ................................................................ 6
1.4. Competitive pressure from substitute products ..................................................... 6
1.5. Pressure to compete within the industry ................................................................ 7
2. SWOT........................................................................................................................... 7
3. PESTEL........................................................................................................................ 8
III. Mission Statement ........................................................................................................ 9
IV. Segmentation ................................................................................................................. 9
1. Target market theory: ................................................................................................ 9
1.1 What is a target market: .......................................................................................... 9
1.2 Target market characteristics: ................................................................................. 9
2. Mask market characteristics ....................................................................................... 10
2.1. World mask market characteristics ...................................................................... 10
2.2. Characteristics of the Vietnamese mask market .................................................. 10
2.3. The characteristics of the Duy Ngoc mask market .............................................. 10
3. Duy Ngoc's target market analysis: ............................................................................ 11
3.1 Target customer: ................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Market segmentation............................................................................................. 11
3.3 Describe the market segments .............................................................................. 12
V. Positioning .................................................................................................................... 12
1. What makes a good value proposition?................................................................... 13
2. “Boosters” for value proposition ............................................................................. 13
VI. Marketing Objectives: ................................................................................................. 13
VII. Marketing Program - Mix .......................................................................................... 14

VIII. How could the company compete? And what are competitive advantages? ........... 17
1. Competing through innovation. ............................................................................... 17
2. Competing through superior service and customer service. ................................... 18
3. New Marketing Mix ................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Price consideration ............................................................................................... 19
3.2 Communication strategies .................................................................................... 20
3.3 Distribution strategies ........................................................................................... 20
4. Distribution and Supply chain? ............................................................................... 21
4.1 Supply chain ......................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Distribution ........................................................................................................... 22
5. Competing through Alliance and Network? ............................................................ 22
5.1 Alliance ................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Network ................................................................................................................ 22
6. Social responsibility is important? .......................................................................... 23
7. What kind of social strategy are? ............................................................................ 23
8. What are social strategies at the company? ............................................................. 23
8.1 Media sharing networks ........................................................................................ 23
8.2 Social shopping network ....................................................................................... 24
9. How to implement the CSR strategy? ..................................................................... 25
9.1 Examine and understand ....................................................................................... 25
9.2 Keep it holistic ...................................................................................................... 25
9.3. Embed, embed, embed ......................................................................................... 26
9.4.Motivate and engage ............................................................................................. 26
9.5. Prepare to adapt ................................................................................................... 26
IX. Implementing............................................................................................................... 27
1. Marketing programs: ............................................................................................... 27
1.1 Objective: .......................................................................................................... 27
1.2 Target: ................................................................................................................... 27
2. Data driven marketing ............................................................................................. 28

2.1 Data-driven marketing is the approach of optimising brand communications
based on customer information. Data-driven marketers use customer data to predict
their needs, desires and future behaviours. ................................................................. 28
2.2 THE BENEFITS OF USING BIG DATA IN MARKETING ......................... 28

Group 1
Name and ID:
1. Nguyễn Thùy Linh – 17071108
2. Trần Thị Hiền – 16071038
3. Nguyễn Thị Hải Yến – 16071138
4. Nguyễn Bình Dương –
5. Triệu Bảo Sơn – 17071156

I. Introduction
Formerly a small hat shop in 2003, Duy Ngoc Fashion Co., Ltd. has gone through a long
and challenging journey to assert itself in the field of consumer apparel with its products.
features specializing in sun protection fashion such as masks, hats, sun jackets.
Vision: To become the leading and most reliable fashion brand in Vietnam.
Mission: Duy Ngoc commits itself to providing the fullest quality products to protect
customers' health and safety on the basis of always considering customers as the focus.
Core value: customer focus, dedicated, progressive and learning, creative and flexible,
listen and cooperate, towards common results.
Slogan: Quality goes with style.
Duy Ngoc's products: Face masks, children's hats, adult hats, sun protection jackets.

II. Market Place

1. Fire Forces
1.1. Competitive pressure of suppliers
Regarding concentration of providers: According to the Ministry of Health, there are 38
enterprises that manufacture medical masks. Under the pressure of increasing demand for
masks as at present, many companies from not producing masks now have also switched
to producing this item.
The importance of quantity of products to suppliers: The current demand in the whole
country with 3 layers of masks for residential communities is about 150 million pieces /
month. 11 large-scale production units with production capacity of 1,245 million pieces /
day. Requires businesses to produce as many masks as possible.
The impact of input factors: Concerns about the supply of raw materials will become
more difficult and more expensive. Such as: non-woven fabric, the transfer wire makes
medical mask elastic.
Conversion costs of businesses in the industry: Participating in the export of pages does
not require much change. Medical machinery and equipment are mainly imported from
China. When there is no translation, to import the equipment, it must be booked about 6
months in advance to be available. Under current conditions, China prohibits the export
of machinery and the time to order is up to 6 months, enterprises cannot expand
1.2. Pressure from customers
Consumers increase buying, leading to inadequate supply of consumers. The mass
increase in prices led to an increase in customer choice for other products. Consumers

often like to buy cheap, so manufacturers replace the microfiltration membrane with
paper film. Taking advantage of high demand, many places illegally import, fake
production places to lower prices.
In the domestic market: Corona epidemic appears to increase the demand for masks,
creating opportunities for many businesses to make profits. The quantity of supply is
small but as the demand is used more and more, that it has to compete in line to buy at
heavenly prices. Market demand has increased sharply, businesses can hardly meet. The
production of medical masks also has difficulty in raw materials. The search for raw
materials to import is also very difficult, not to mention very high raw material prices.
Many pharmacies in the hapulico drug market display "no masks", "do not sell dry hand
sanitizer", making many customers angry. Enterprises that export large quantities of
fabric masks to the market that are not suitable or do not guarantee disease prevention
will not be sold, causing great waste and affecting the environment. The competent force
also checked, detected and handled many pharmacies and medical mask trading
companies that had no invoices, documents, unknown origin, and counterfeit production
and packaging places.
Overseas markets: Beijing limits the number of masks sold to people, increasing imports,
boosting the export of domestic masks. China supplies 50% of the global supply of
masks, but now is not enough for domestic demand. Global market where all masks are
1.3. Competition from potential competitors
Vietnam market: Air Quality E-Commerce, Textile Enterprise, Virus Corona, etc ..
The World Mask Market: The major markets export masks to the maximum to serve their
own needs instead of competing with each other. Any major mask supplier in the world
that is ahead in terms of supply and export can also become a potential competitor in the
world market.
1.4. Competitive pressure from substitute products
Hats, hats with goggles to protect health, air spray, etc.
Threat analysis of alternative products: First, they are often expensive, so users tend to
reuse them, which increases the risk of infection with dirt, viruses that are present on the
outside. chance of infection in the mouth and nose of consumers. Second, if they are
cheap, the ability to prevent dirt and viruses from entering the mouth of the user is poor.
Therefore the threat of alternative products to the masks can be considered not to be of
great significance.

1.5. Pressure to compete within the industry
At the present time, the raw material source is the biggest strength for the exporting
enterprises to compete with each other. With medical masks and non-woven fabrics, they
can be produced domestically. With antibacterial fabric, activated carbon, still have to
import China. While China is banning exports, other supplies are scarce, transactional
and price difficult.

Strengths: Reasonable price for consumers. Duy Ngoc is a domestic manufacturer,
knowledgeable in consumer psychology, so he has diversified and attractive designs.
Besides penetration, the school is familiar, does not cost much shipping and marketing
plans are simpler than foreign masks. Duy Ngoc has launched a very new product to the
market as "activated carbon mask" or mask NeoMask VC65TQG. These are the types of
masks that were advertised with special effects, and were launched on the right occasion
of many diseases in Vietnam, so they initially built up consumer confidence.
Weaknesses: Duy Ngoc has been more interested in designing a fashion mask, but the
appearance of the masks is still a huge problem. Most of the masks these days still have
simple colors and old designs. Although it has been established for a long time, it is still
relatively difficult for people to access activated carbon masks or NeoMask VC65TQG,
selling online is simple and less effective. The activated carbon masks or NeoMask
VC65TQG have a unique structure, capable of preventing dust better than other masks on
the market today. However, the quality of these masks is still very problematic. Dr. Dang
Quoc Nam, deputy director of the center of occupational safety, Labor protection affirms
“This mask does not meet the requirements of dust filter, toxic gas when used can be
harmful because the filter can only be used. bonded mainly by primitive glue. Glue,
activated carbon and auxiliary materials will fall out and bounce back through the breath,
into the nose, mouth, lungs and cause pneumonia. ” Moreover, the cost of activated
carbon mask and NeoMask VC65TQG is quite high, from 25,000 VND and above.
Opportunities: People's lives are now much better than before, everyone has enough to
eat, now starts to pay more attention to their health. Speaking of health, they always
compare with "gold", they will not regret the money to obtain and protect it. Therefore,
they would be willing to accept any price to buy a product that could protect their health
from today's pollution, as long as the quality is really good, for the money. they leave. In
particular, the epidemic situation is becoming more and more complex today. Masks are
always a hot item, receiving top consumers' attention. Opportunities for the masking
industry in general and Duy Ngoc in particular, if you know how to grasp them, are
extremely fertile. Recently, with the issuance of Resolution 60 / NQ-CP by the
Government on April 29, 2020, masks of all kinds, including cloth masks and medical

masks, have been freely exported. This is an opportunity for businesses in general and
Duy Ngoc in particular to promote export of this item.
Threats: However, masks, as well as other personal protective equipment (PPE), are
items related to the health and safety of users. Therefore, importing countries often have
quality standards for these goods. In particular, for markets like the EU and the US, these
standards are mandatory. Without the right certificates, goods can be difficult to import
or even return. Recently, many businesses have been confused when they want to apply
for CE and FDA certificates which are popular standards in the EU and the US. At the
seminar, industry experts introduced basic concepts, information about the process and
steps to be taken, about the conformity assessment body with authority in CE and FDA
certification. According to experts, FDA standards are the strict and strict regulations of
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA standards are the conclusions that
make, monitor the safety of products on their regulated list and circulate in the US
market. The FDA also oversees the safety of all products from manufacturers wishing to
put products on the US market. Without the FDA certificate and complying with the FDA
regulations, the product will not be marketed in the United States.

Political: Vietnamese society is in a period of political stability and development. The
State always has timely policies to support enterprises, especially in the current difficult
economic situation. The policies on free export of masks were introduced, the policies on
protecting enterprises and supporting loans were quickly implemented.

Economic: The country is on the way of development, with an enhanced life, with high
price sentiment, the products are of good quality, from the perspective of improving
profits. The textile and garment industry develops, the labor force is abundant, the labor
cost is cheap, so the cost is low. However, the gap between the rich and the poor is quite
different, and the low-income people often care about the price, so price competition
becomes fierce.
Socialculture: Not to mention Western countries, in Vietnamese culture, wearing a mask
is no longer a strange thing. Even before the epidemic happened, most Vietnamese on the
streets had the habit of wearing masks. And now, when the epidemic is complicated, with
the State always encouraging people to wear masks, people always obey and voluntarily
wear masks to protect their health in particular. and for the general public.

Technology: Scientific and technical progress has produced many advanced machines,
saving labor, wasted time, increasing labor productivity. However, the first time it takes a
quite large amount of capital to invest in technology.

Environmental: Opportunity: Located in a tropical monsoon area, long hot season.

Women's psychology: fear of the sun affecting their skin. Most use of motorbikes leads to
environmental pollution, so using a mask to protect health is indispensable. Challenge:
Hot and humid climate, masks when used are easy to mold, accumulating many kinds of
dust, gases, and toxic substances. When the rainy season comes, and the air is cleaner,
consumption will be reduced during this time

Legal: Convenient, decided to require people to wear masks when going to crowded
places. Regulations of law, production must ensure environmental hygiene, safety and
protection for consumers, ensure health, leading to increased production costs affecting
product costs.

III. Mission Statement

Duy Ngoc Fashion Company Limited with the development of more than 15 years has
been and is on the way of bringing indispensable values to protecting the health of the

IV. Segmentation
1. Target market theory:
1.1 What is a target market:
- Target market is a market consisting of customers with the same needs or desires that
the company is capable of meeting. With this in mind, a company can gain dominance
over its competitors, while at the same time achieving the goals that the marketing
strategy affirms.
1.2 Target market characteristics:
The selection of target market segments should take into account the following factors:
- The financial capacity of the business: if financial capacity is limited, it is most
reasonable to focus on a certain market segment (focused marketing strategy).
- Product characteristics: Enterprises can dominate all segments of the market (marketing
strategy without distinction) with monotonous products such as grapefruit or steel. For
items that may differ in structure such as cameras, cars, motorbikes, etc., a marketing
strategy or a differentiated marketing strategy is more appropriate.

- How to define the target market:
To define the target market for our business plan, we need to conduct research on
potential customers according to our initial subjective outlook. Potential customers are
those who in the future will care about and buy our products, or use our services. The
number of potential customers can range from a few hundred people (if we open a retail
store in town) to millions (if we start a business.
2. Mask market characteristics
2.1. World mask market characteristics
The demand for masks around the world has been on an increasing trend in recent years
as pollution from the environment has caused the deterioration of air quality. But the rate
of use of masks, especially in Western countries, will only become common in 2020
when the 19 Covid epidemic appears.
2.2. Characteristics of the Vietnamese mask market
Unlike Western countries, the demand for masks in Vietnam has increased significantly
over the years. According to Statistics, the demand for masks increases by about 61%,
from 50 million (2010) to 120 million (2020). Experts assess that the development
potential of the mask market in Vietnam is extremely large.
As a populous country with a high population growth rate of 1.2% / year, the masking
market in Vietnam has great potential. GDP growth rate is 6-8% / year, per capita income
14.2% / year, combined with the trend of improving the health of Vietnamese people, the
demand for mask products always keeps high growth.
2.3. The characteristics of the Duy Ngoc mask market
In Vietnam, Duy Ngoc is known as a leading exporter of makeup. The company currently
holds the majority of market share in businesses such as masks, sun jackets, children's
hats, and adult hats. According to the latest published data of Nielsen Market Research
Company, Duy Ngoc masks are No. 1 in terms of both sales volume and sales volume in
the segment of Vietnamese mask brands.
- Holding nearly 50% market share of domestic masks, the revenue growth rate is 31%.
Vinamilk's 2014 revenue is nearly 5,000 billion dong, up by nearly 14% compared to
2013. Duy Ngoc branded mask products not only cover the domestic market, but are also
export oriented. Especially exploding in 2020, Duy Ngoc has gradually exported a mask
item to the international market.

Although Duy Ngoc's leading position in the domestic mask market is still affirmed, but
before the strong rise of a series of competitors, it is becoming a threat of market share to
Duy Ngoc. According to FPTS's opinion, the competitive level of the masking market
will increase dramatically and fiercely in the near future, and Duy Ngoc's market share
will be difficult to expand further.
3. Duy Ngoc's target market analysis:
3.1 Target customer:
- Duy Ngoc always brings you quality products that are safe for your health. You will not
have to worry when using Duy Ngoc's products. All ages, subjects are suitable for Duy
Ngoc masks.
- Duy Ngoc's product lines are developed across all ages and genders.
Duy Ngoc divides target customers into two groups:
+) Group of individual customers: are consumers who need to buy and are willing to pay
to buy health masks. This group of customers has a relatively diverse product demand
(good product quality, nutritional value of the product, reasonable price, packaging
design ... ...) and accounts for a relatively high proportion. .
+) Group of institutional customers: are distributors, wholesalers, retailers, shops,
supermarkets ... who want and are willing to distribute the company's mask products.
This is the group with requirements for discounts, sales bonus, on-schedule orders ...
related to product distribution.
- In addition to the two main target groups, Duy Ngoc's other product lines are also
suitable for all ages: sun jackets, children's hats, adult hats.

3.2 Market segmentation

With a variety of items, Duy Ngoc masks are segmented according to the division
method with selected criteria as:
- Geographical criteria: Based on population density and product consumption, divided
into two market segments, domestic and foreign.
- Demographic criteria: Based on age to divide into different market segments, children,
adults and the elderly.
- Criteria of buying behavior of customers: Based on health status and heart benefits,
segment into normal people, people with respiratory diseases.

3.3 Describe the market segments
- For the adult market segment (15- 59 years old) accounts for 66% of the total
population of Vietnam in general and the world in particular, and is the main customer
using the mask, so this is the object of need. towards the most. This is a relatively labor
income and holding spending should be the object to decide to buy often interested in
quality and brand of products.
- Children account for 25%, are potential customers, when parents are increasingly
interested in and use masks. Children are usually active and love to dance and the colors
are as colorful as possible.
- Elderly people: only 9% of the population, a relatively small proportion but is a segment
especially in high demand in the masking industry. They often encounter respiratory
diseases, so thin and light masks, good anti-dust, easy to breathe are always the top
- Urban population accounts for 29.6% of the country's population and tends to increase.
The density of people in urban areas is high, so it is easy to distribute products, the
income of urban residents is higher, so they care more about their health and tend to use
milk for the whole family. They are often loyal to the chosen mask products, especially
for Duy Ngoc's dust-proof mask, 80% of the milk is consumed in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City.
- Rural people account for a high proportion of 70.4% of the country's population, but the
living standard of people is very low. The population distribution density here compared
to urban is low
- Ordinary people make up a large proportion and their needs are very rich in masks.
They care from the shape, size, quality to the color of the mask.
- People with respiratory diseases are increasing day by day. This segment pays special
attention to product quality, just to meet their health needs, they become loyal customers.

V. Positioning
A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. In a nutshell, a value
proposition is a clear statement that offers three things:

1. Relevancy. Explain how your product solves customers’ problems or improves

their situation.
2. Quantified value. Deliver specific benefits.
3. Differentiation. Tell the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not
from the competition.

Your value proposition has to be the first thing visitors see on your homepage, but it
should also be visible at all major entry points to the site.
Your value proposition needs to be in the language of the customer. It should join the
conversation that’s already going on in the customer’s mind. To do that, you need to
know the language your customers use to describe your offering and how they benefit
from it.
The value proposition is usually a block of text (a headline, sub-headline, and one
paragraph of text) with a visual (photo, hero image, graphics).

1. What makes a good value proposition?

• Clarity! It’s easy to understand.

• It communicates the concrete results a customer will get from purchasing and
using your products and/or services.
• It says how it’s different or better than the competitor’s offer.
• It avoids hype (like “Never seen before!” or “Amazing miracle product!”),
superlatives (“best”) and business jargon (“value-added interactions”).
• It can be read and understood in about 5 seconds.

A key role for the value proposition is to set you apart from the competition. Most people
check out 4–5 different options/service providers before they decide. It’s hard to spot
anything unique about your offering. It requires deep self-reflection and discussion.

2. “Boosters” for value proposition

Boosters can be things like:

• Free shipping;
• Fast shipping/Next-day shipping;
• Free bonus with a purchase;
• Free setup/installation;
• No setup fee;
• No long-term contract, cancel any time;
• License for multiple computers (vs. 1);
• (Better than) money-back guarantee;
• A discounted price (for a product);
• Customizable.

Make sure the booster is visible with the rest of the value proposition.

VI. Marketing Objectives:

- For big hospitals: increase market share from 10-15% in 2020-2021.

- For small hospitals, medical centers, clinics: Increase market share to 20% in
- For projects and organizations in the world: Increase market share to 15% in 2020-

VII. Marketing Program - Mix

To implement Marketing Mix policies well, first of all, Duy Ngoc should establish a
separate Marketing and Recruitment Department, but staff are experienced and
knowledgeable in the business field to be able to give the right direction and Marketing
strategy of the company and its goals and missions in the Industry
Product policy: For medical mask products, compared with Duy Ngoc's industry,
products have the advantage of variety, with more than 500 items and are manufactured
under the quality management system ISO 9001: 2000. Therefore, the company's
products meet the needs of domestic customers and have been exported to a number of
markets in Asia. With satisfactory products of
customers, so the company's position is increasingly enhanced and always a leader in the
field of masks. Currently, according to the latest data, the company's market share has
accounted for nearly 40%. In the leading position in the industry plus the above statement
is that the company should implement a market penetration strategy, therefore, with a real
Products, the company should focus on two points:
- Maintain an abundance of products. However, with the current 500 items, the
company needs to closely check the turnover of each item, the company's control and the
level of suitability with resources. Some products that are ineffective, or underutilized,
may be cut down on some
Invest in improving production lines, increasing production, improving designs,
packaging ... for products with higher profitability. Compared with the main competitor,
Meriday Bach Tuyet Cotton Medical Mask, the company has a much better advantage in
the product category. Bach Tuyet Cotton also offers 3-layer, 4-layer mask products with
anti-dust and virus prevention. In addition to the head office of Bach Tuyet Cotton in the
South, the market in the Central-Central Highlands and the North will be an opportunity
for Duy Ngoc to use its advantage to penetrate and capture the market, especially when
Bach Tuyet Cotton is going through difficult times.
- Because of the market segment, the company aims to have high demands on
product quality. Therefore, the company has to invest in modern equipment on the one

hand to produce high quality products, but at the same time pay attention to packaging
that is convenient, hygienic and well-preserved. Products. On the other hand, strategy
Market penetration means creating new uses of products to attract competitors' customers
and also old customers of the business. Therefore, taking advantage of its young,
enthusiastic and creative human resources, the company should encourage and support
employees to improve their products.
Is the combination of utility into a single product or increase convenience for the product
to introduce customers, increase sales.
With the presence of foreign companies participating in the Industry, as analyzed in the
general company strategy, Duy Ngoc also needs to strengthen its competitive position
through product policies. and increase production capacity to make products familiar to
domestic customers and build trust in customers.
Set up distribution channels: Separate the distribution channel, due to specificity own
products, plus customers are mainly hospitals, organizations, medical stations. The
customers buying the company's products must be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, so
the revenue from selling through the resellers is quite small. Therefore, the company
should not pay too much attention to setting up extensive distribution channels, instead,
the company should recruit and have remuneration policies for the sales force in direct
contact with the main customers. . That is the best way to reach and persuade customers.
(This will be mentioned in the policy media-advocacy)
Price policy setting: Price is the main factor in Marketing-Mix that generates income for
the company, it can be flexibly modified to adapt to the changing environment of
competition as well as each customer. row. Customers care about prices and competitors
also follow the pricing policies that the company offers. Therefore, with this factor, Duy
Ngoc should have a policy the right price.
Customers in the segment that the company targets have the characteristics of buying in
large quantities, annual contracts, depending on the budget poured down plus the needs
of that year. Therefore, the company only has to transact with customers once a year,
which will greatly reduce transaction and travel costs. If there is a level Reasonable
prices in addition to good product quality will keep customers coming back for future
purchases. Because of many types of items, so for each different product, the company
should offer different prices to match. Discounts should not be made, but instead, it is
possible to offer bulk discounts, regular customers often pay in advance ... Simply,
because this is a product related to people's health, diligent care and discount will create a
negative image of product quality.

In addition, nowadays, with the investment in factory facilities to improve production
capacity, the number of products sold by the company has been continuously improving.
Therefore, production costs per product will be reduced, compensating for the discount
policy for the customer. Take advantage of the types of accommodation goods Above, for
products where Bong Bach Tuyet has more advantages, the company can offer a lower
price, but with Duy Ngoc's own products, the company should set a higher price for
profit. profit but still attracts many customers including competitors, especially from
Bong Bach Tuyet
Promotion strategy.
- The goals of communication programs that Duy Ngoc should aim for are:
Help customers know about the company's products
+ communicates product characteristics
+ create a good impression on customers' mind about the reputation as well as company
- Advertising: The company should focus on advertising in only two main means.
Firstly, advertising in the journals and specialized newspapers of the Ministry of Health
such as: Practical Medicine, Health and Life Magazine, Directory of Vietnamese
Enterprises, Vietnam Economic Times. The content in these pages may be the
introduction of new products, new uses, and outstanding new features.
Second, electronic advertising, especially on the website of the company, because this is
the main means for customers to learn about the product, so regularly update new images
of products and designs to easy to grasp customers. Currently, the Web site The
company's not rich in articles, it is not news, so it has not attracted the audience. Next
time, the company should pay attention to bringing articles about medical achievements,
health care, medical stories, and guide consumers. In addition, the company can refer to
placing logos, banners in websites .Other reputable sites such as, jute are the websites
with huge traffic, thereby creating links to the company's website.
- Direct sales:
Trading in the medical equipment industry requires high expertise. Customers are big
organizations and hospitals. Therefore, direct sales force is considered the key to any
company's success. It is the bridge between the company and customers, is the best
consultant, guide and persuader. Currently, this force of the company is quite good,
especially in the North and the South, therefore, it is impossible to cover the whole
market and at the same time it cannot satisfy customers' needs. Understanding that
importance, Duy Ngoc company in the near future needs to: provide strict business staff

selection criteria such as: qualifications: from college to university. Learning, being able
to communicate, persuading, flexible in handling situations, understanding medical
products, and having experience in sales in relevant fields is a priority. In addition, Duy
Ngoc company also needs to have policies to motivate employees, specifically:
organizing professional courses expertise, communication skills, persuasion, tools and
means of transport such as telephone bills, car fuel, etc., in addition to salary, study
organization and testing of professional qualifications and sales skills 6 once a month,
and especially relate salary policy and bonuses such as commissions on sales achieved
and orders from hospitals, finding new customers ...
- Community relations:
The company's target customer is the team customer sponsorship should play an
important role to strengthen relationships with customers. Currently, Duy Ngoc's
sponsorship is mainly sponsoring hospital seminars and charity activities. These activities
should be maintained and promoted by the Duy Ngoc company. Besides, the company
should also participate to introduce its products through exhibitions and fairs such as:
The annual Vietnam International Exhibition of Medical Technology and Medical and
Medical Equipment MED-Pharm Expo, the Da Nang International Industry and Trade
Fair, and the specialized medical fairs of Medicine and Pharmacy are regularly held at
The last month of the year ... Through these activities, on the one hand introducing
products, promoting the company's image, in addition is also a way to build the company
in accordance with the philosophy: "Sustainable development, join hands for strength
healthy community "

VIII. How could the company compete? And what are competitive
1. Competing through innovation.
We come to the key issues in innovation strategy. Firstly, innovation predicting industry
change. The company not only has to upgrade each product and service to be better, but
also must respond to and capture the change of the medical mask industry. For example,
covid translation is still developing complicatedly, the demand for consumers in
countries, especially foreigners is huge. Productivity requirements to create products
must also respond quickly and promptly to consumers. So what the company needs to do
is to have a production system using modern technology in terms of speed and efficiency
while generating productivity to launch products faster than competitors, while ensuring
quality and safety. Secondly, developing new business models. Companies need to
establish new business models by providing better value to customers. For example, the
mask logo design attached to the symbol of that country, demonstrating patriotic
solidarity, friendliness, and easier access to consumers in that country. Since it was

during Covid 19, the company should design different sizes suitable for age. If
competitors have specialized in providing products for adults, Duy Ngoc will focus on
innovating products for children, such as comfortable fabrics that are more suitable for
children's facial skin so as not to be irritated. application. Bringing products into the retail
sector throughout the stores to make consumers aware of the product more. The company
must apply the retail market on the internet, e-commerce sites because it is the current
consumer shopping trend. Ensuring the cost of the supplies is at the lowest level. Thirdly,
the innovation company. It is crucial for a company to build creativity with innovation.
For example, a 4-layer mask is not a new product, but it can be successful by adding
other features such as water resistance, air purification, and 5 times reuse. From there, it
makes differentiating products easier. Fourthly, radical innovation. What a company
needs is to change the fundamental values it offers to the market to highlight the
breakthrough innovation that is also to change the way the industry works. The company
combines an open business model with foreign border partners in the period of
integration to adapt to global innovations. Fifthly, big idea. Innovation requires big ideas
to be successful. To be successful a company requires an innovative strategy. For
example, the company has had the success of the widely used 4-layer product, the
company can produce masks with more advanced materials such as waterproof, to satisfy
people's needs. Consumers want it when it rains. It will be a product that competes with
other conventional mask products. Sixthly, globalization and innovation. Companies need
to market not only in one country but also innovate in marketing and appear in
demanding European markets such as Hylap, Spain, Ireland, or in Africa, India. The
company is an emerging market, the phase of supplying multinational citizens is faster
and with growth prospects. The company has changed to upgrade domestic products and
then developed more to suit the difficult markets, so the company aims to expand to
distribute widely globally. The company incense to innovate and develop products.

2. Competing through superior service and customer service.

Regarding to providing superior service. Customers always expect a lot from the
experience of being served from the product. The company must define or anticipate
customer expectations in advance. For example, the product is a mask that is not only
dust-proof, but also waterproof. The expectation of customers is that the product has
more outstanding features such as the product can be folded into a small box for
convenience for those who forget to bring it in their possession in a hurry. or the product
has a variety of scents for users to choose from. To make products more satisfied by
customers, communicate with customers are very essential and important. Because the
company wants to have more upgraded products, the company needs to listen to
feedbacks from old and familiar customers, and the company should keep in touch with
old customers to improve service. products that satisfy customers' expectations.

When the customer experiences the service provided, the customer will evaluate the
service quality of the product as: firstly, the company performing the service is reliable.
The company's mask products are breathable fabric, anti-mold, skin irritation, or
waterproof. The customer is determining whether there are features that the company
offers to its customers. When customers see that to be true, they are satisfied with
customer satisfaction. Secondly, thanks to the staff's high level of expertise from
professional knowledge, functional understanding, product origin is transmitted to the
customer base that customers want to use the product. The third factor requiring fast and
timely speed is the response of the organization, the company to the customer. The
company set up a team of dedicated online customer care, responding to customers'
questions thoroughly quickly and accurately. This contributes to outperforming the
competition because the company is present on time while the customer is expecting a
response and is not waiting for a response, helping the customer with satisfaction without
wasting time. To wait for the company's response, it will not be long before any questions
are answered.
When it comes to customer service. Companies need to implement the following three
important factors to provide the best service. The first is strategy in service. The company
clearly defines the message conveying to customers that when wearing the mask, it is
helping customers to stay away from germs, the safest and most effective way to prevent
spread during the covid period . Not only wear to fight infectious diseases, but also have
their own national identity style in particular and individuals in particular. The second
factor contributing to the success of the company is the employee. It must be said that the
staff's profession is very important, but the attitude of the staff welcoming the guests so
that the customer has a satisfied buying experience in both service style and product
quality. Employees need to have a welcoming, welcoming attitude to customers, and
answer questions from customers when they are interested in the company's products.
Employees are the bridge that builds long-term relationships between customers and the
company. Equally important is the third factor that is clearly established in the company
system, such as giving employees a certain level of authority in providing services to
customers. This helps customers experience service at higher levels of satisfaction.

3. New Marketing Mix

3.1 Price consideration
There are several factors that need to be determined in setting prices. The first is
production costs: for the part of the cost it needs to add the fixed costs to be spent with
the percentage cost going up, the company calculates a few additional costs that will
arise, the costs already is predicted not to lose money when selling products at a lower
cost than the cost, which helps the company to gain a certain profit.

Secondly, Economic value to the customer (EVC). The company must always ensure that
the value to the customer is higher than the price they spend. This attracts customers and
makes them feel more profitable compared to the amount they pay.
Thirdly, Competitor price levels. The company considers the prices of competitors to
offer a suitable price, for example, the company will offer a higher price than the
competitor to confirm that the quality of the product is better and better. on the
psychology of consumers who want to use high quality products.
Fourthly, Desired competitive positioning. Price is one of the factors that will affect the
buying behavior of consumers. So when looking at the price if the price is high, it is a
sign of the outstanding quality of the product. The company will review and research the
competitor to set the price to match the quality of production, the affordability of
consumers, to offer a competitive price to beat the competition.
3.2 Communication strategies
The company need the use of the Internet for marketing communications. Because
companies need to know how to transfer power to retailers, because they are a source of
connection to customers, because customers will be the source to find information,
retailers know what customers need and want. through transactions. Here are some
strategies for internet advertising: The company uses viral marketing as viral marketing,
for example, instead of letting people mistake it for spam emails, the company sends an
email with content. The prize winner, a prize-winning game that aims to bring curiosity
and stimulation for users to participate on the web, the winning player will recommend to
their friends by forwarding that email. Showing a level of credibility and credibility is
much more than just sending it to everyone wasting time and money. Secondly, It is pre-
launch promotion. This is a way to attract visitors to view, create excitement for users,
they will be more interested in the product because although they have not yet intended to
buy the product, they are given something free before buying. is what makes customers
happy and feels like they are much more profitable.
The company uses banner advertising and pay per-click. This is a tool that makes it
convenient for users to search for a product on google, because in the search pages there
are links with the goods suppliers. When the customer searches and clicks on, has shown
customer screening in which leads have the purpose and the need to search to buy the
3.3 Distribution strategies
To distribute the company needs channels such as product distribution in the retail
channels of supermarkets, in the grocery stores, which is a way for loyal customers to
always find the product they want anywhere.

About People: all those recruited to become members of the company, the organization
always plays an important role because the service that employees bring to customers is
the image of the company conveying to customers. Skilled and qualified employees are
essential for establishing a good relationship with customers. As employees of the
company need to understand the characteristics of the job that is Job design and
description. Thereby also determining the level of staff competency that helps create
customer satisfaction. The second about people is the choice and selection of employees
with flexibility in each field of work. The third factor is employee training, skills training,
and skill retention in any setting. The fourth factor contributing to employee motivation
to create quality products is their performance, effective working performance.
Next is the process: what customers expect most is when they receive products and
services. Therefore, during the implementation at any stage is also a premise for
customers to assess the level of the company's service attitude. From the time of
introducing products to customers, the attitude of the staff is always the most concerned
by the customer, to the packaging of the goods to the customers. Customers always make
silent judgments about employees' attitudes as the bottleneck of whether they continue to
buy products or not. Regarding to physical evidence: is the factor that creates attractive
points for customers about the product packaging, the packaging design outside the
container. It will be the point to make a difference to make customers remember. The
color of the product also affects the psychology and mood of the buyer. It is a sign for the
customer looking for a quality product or not.

4. Distribution and Supply chain?

4.1 Supply chain
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, by the end of March 2020, the number
of antibacterial masks supplied from domestic sources reached about 57 million units, of
which the largest supply was from Vinatex (19 million units), followed by Duy Ngoc (8
million units) and Tong Cong Ty May 28 about 7 million units.
Along with that, the fabric source for the production of antibacterial masks is also
prepared by businesses to meet a large number of serving the domestic market, even for
More information, Mr. Cao Huu Hieu, Deputy General Director of Vietnam National
Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), said that the ability to supply fabrics in the system
can completely meet the requirements with the capacity to export.
Accordingly, with knitted fabric, Duy Ngoc and its member units have supplied mask
sewing and sold to the market nearly 600 tons, in case there is an order, the enterprise can
completely increase the amount of fabric to 30 tons / day. , equivalent to about 40 million
masks / month.

In addition, with woven fabric with water resistant treatment and nano silver treatment,
the current fabric production capacity is 500,000 m / month, equivalent to 15 million
masks and can be completely raised from 1.2- 1.3 million m / month, equivalent to 40
million masks.
As the first page-exporting enterprise of the country, Mr. Tran Viet, General Director of
Dong Xuan Knitting Company, said that in order to serve the prevention of COVID-19
epidemic, the enterprise has changed a part of the chain. to export the page.
In particular, the nano silver antibacterial agent signed by Duy Ngoc with a Japanese
partner was transported by plane to Vietnam for production.
"The company's products are distributed in 3 main channels, including: Showroom of
Duy Ngoc and Vinatex stores; Direct sale to organizations and major customers to the
company to receive goods and the third channel. is to sell through a number of domestic
supermarket chains, "said Mr. Viet.
According to Mr. Chu Van De, Deputy General Director of X20 Joint Stock Company
(General Department of Logistics, Ministry of Defense), in recent years, the company has
produced and hardened more than 1 million masks to the market. bacteria.
Currently, X20 can produce both antibacterial and water-resistant woven and knitted
fabrics, and businesses are also connecting with distributors to bring products directly to
With the current capacity, the manufacturing enterprises affirmed that they can supply
enough for the domestic market's export demand for disease prevention
4.2 Distribution
Duy Ngoc decided to distribute their product in 2 platforms including online and offline.
They sell their products in Lazada, Shopee, Tiki and their own website : duyngoc.com.vn.
Moreover, they also have their own store in 138 Tan Son Nhi, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan
Phu District, HCMC.

5. Competing through Alliance and Network?

5.1 Alliance
Because of the covid 19, Vienames government make effort to promote the productivity
of producing face mask. Therefore, they offered lots of policies that can encourage Duy
Ngoc company to increase their sale and productivity such as reducing tax, lenting with
low interest, ect…
5.2 Network
According to what Duy Ngoc company had done and built, they could be capable of
creating their own ecosystem including online and offline sale. They have back up from

government, facilities, human resources, etc ... anything that could help them to expand
the company’s growth.

6. Social responsibility is important?

In opinion, social responsibility is extremely essential for every aspect of our life. This is
due to the fact that whenever some enterprises want to do their business, the first and the
most vital thing is that they need to answer the question “what can we do for our life and
our society?”. And if they can answer that question, their business may take off really
soon. No sooner had they answered the question did they realize that they could be able
to increase the sale significantly. They had to come up with a long – tearm plans and each
plan has its own benefit for society. That is why they can make a fortune from that.

7. What kind of social strategy are?

8. What are social strategies at the company?
Duy Ngoc company completely chosen 2 types of social media including media sharing
networks, and social shopping networks.
8.1 Media sharing networks
They have a page called “Khẩu trang Duy Ngọc bán buôn” which has more than 1000
people following this page. This page aims at selling products and getting reviews and
feedback from customers. Moreover, if they have some new and unique products,
they would tend to post lots of their pictures which customers could watch and
consider really carefully before make a good decision about whether they should buy
Duy Ngoc’products or not. Sometimes, they have a tendency of posting a video about
their product with the purpose of making customers have a clearer and more practical
view from the products.

8.2 Social shopping network
As I mentioned above, Duy Ngoc company has a lot of local stores in Ho Chi Minh City
and Ha Noi. However, they also have a page to push their sale as well. According to the

financial statement, it reported that Duy Ngoc company received thoudsands of orders
from customers on Facebook and Instagram, which is a huge sale for them.

9. How to implement the CSR strategy?

In order to implement the CSR strategy, we totally need 5 steps.
9.1 Examine and understand
Truly understand the company’s business and corporate strategy, then seek to
understand values and corporate culture. The importance of this first step cannot be
overstated. There are good reasons why any company today operates the way it does. At
the core of a company’s actions – and reputation – are its values and culture, and its
effect on employees. After all, it is employees that develop new products, employees that
provide customer service and employees that tell the outside world about the company’s
level of quality.
In order to implement any change successfully within an organisation – in this case a
meaningful sustainability agenda – it is crucial to understand the driving factors. Without
the endorsement and dedication from the people inside the organisation, leading effective
change will be practically impossible, or in the case of sustainability, condemned to a
future of lip service and green washing. When your values and culture are properly
understood, further steps of modification and development can then be initiated.
9.2 Keep it holistic
Link the past with the future, and make it count. To make business sense of sustainability,
it first has to make sense for the business and be related to the business. Sustainability
leaders develop a strategy that works for the business and its stakeholders, building on
established strengths and USPs.
An important way of doing this is by linking relevant experiences from the past to the
business’ current situation. This serves as a transitional bridge, so employees can relate to
how the company has successfully implemented change previously. Companies that excel
the strongest in sustainability have a CEO who is genuinely inspired by the benefits of
sustainability and drives the new agenda with a sense of urgency.
At the same time, it is vital that sustainability targets are properly embedded into the
organization, reinforced through standards such as key performance indicators. Make
them count! This way everyone within the company is not only enabled, but also
accountable for being part of the company’s new targets. Before you know it, what gets
measured will get managed.

9.3. Embed, embed, embed
Create a driving coalition. For a company’s sustainability ambitions to reach their full
potential, it is vital that they truly become part of the company’s DNA. Establishing a
task force for implementing sustainability principles is usually necessary, but it is crucial
that such a group consists of dedicated employees with equal rights and responsibilities,
and is without hierarchy.
This group of people will hold the critical role of being a connecting party between the
board and the employees, and therefore must have the trust and respect from both parties
in order to influence them. Good candidates for such a group would be employees who
not only have energy and personal commitment to sustainability principles, but also have
been recognized for successful engagement activities in the past.

9.4.Motivate and engage

Keep employees up-to-date, motivated and engaged. Once staff are excited about the
company’s new mission and understand how they can contribute, it is important to
maintain momentum. Engagement is key. Employees will be far more willing to
participate in the new agenda when they feel they are a part of it, which in turn results in
much faster uptake of the initiative.
Communicating to staff about milestones achieved – even modest ones at first – will keep
people motivated by making genuine progress visible as the benefits of the transition are
highlighted. By creating a corporate map or progress timeline, employees can see for
themselves the journey the company makes and the targets that lie ahead, and will be
more likely to take ownership of it.
There will inevitably be times when targets are harder to hit than anticipated; however,
these too should be addressed with transparency, emphasisng that the company is still
moving in the right direction.
9.5. Prepare to adapt
Stay flexible and adaptable. There’s no doubt that meaningful change takes time, and the
journey of sustainability is an ongoing process. Along the way, there will always be
unforeseen challenges and mistakes that need to be corrected. Again, the solution lies in
company culture.
When the corporate culture is healthy, challenges will be addressed with flexibility and
creativity, while transparency will create understanding. It’s a well-worn expression, but
it’s especially true when it comes to sustainability: where there is a will, there is a way.
And while the way might be long, the journey is worth the effort.

IX. Implementing
1. Marketing programs:
1.1 Objective:
• Increase consumption: Encouraging consumers to use more products means
consumption increases. There are two main ways to increase consumption
including increasing consumption per serving and increasing frequency of use
• Increasing market penetration: this is a strategy to attract new consumers to the
product, usually done through programs such as trade marketing: trial gifts, deep
• Increase use value: Increasing usage is encouraging consumers to pay higher
prices for products that add new functionality or positioned in a higher position.
• Increase loyalty: Increase consumer loyalty to the brand by convincing them of the
irreplaceable strengths of the product and programs and offers exclusively for
loyal customers.
1.2 Target:
Become the most popular sunny fashion brand.
When it comes to selling different types of face masks, there is indeed a wide range of
available customers. In essence, our target market can’t be restricted to just the health
care industry, but all those who reside in our target market locations. We are in business
to retail our face masks to the following groups of people;

• Pharmacies and Supermarkets

• Hotels
• Hospitals and Medical Facilities
• Laboratories
• Corporate Organizations
• Government Offices
• Business Premises
• Laundries and Laundromats
• Schools
• Public Facility Operators
• Everybody in our target market location

2. Data driven marketing
2.1 Data-driven marketing is the approach of optimising brand
communications based on customer information. Data-driven
marketers use customer data to predict their needs, desires and future
The benefits of using the data go beyond just improving communications. Modern
marketing teams use customer insights to:

• Personalise the customer experience,

• Target well-defined marketing segments, and

• Get new customers.

• With the data, brands can also measure and improve their strategies in real time.
• Data helps to gain better clarity about the target audience.
• Any information about customers allows marketers to gain a laser-sharp
understanding of their target audience. Insights from the CRM, for example, can
increase a marketer’s ability to predict customer behaviour further.
• Data offers the ability to build stronger connections with potential customers
• With data, marketers can build much better connections with their audience.
What’s more, they can do so at a scale too.
• Uncover the best channels for promotion
• Data could reveal not only a target audience’s preferences. It could also suggest
what channels a brand should use to engage their audience now and in the future.
• Such insight, in turn, could help them position the message where its target
audience is or is going to be soon.
• Personalisation
• Today’s customers are sceptical about generic marketing messages they receive.
And so, to engage customers, marketers must focus on personalising their
• Step 1. Setting up objectives for the data. Before rushing to collect the data, you
must decide what you want it to help you achieve.
• Step 2. Gathering the data. With the goals laid out, you need to identify which
information to collect. Look at your objectives and consider, what information
would help inform your strategy. Then, discover where you could access the data.

• Step 3. Collecting and organising the data. This step involves two actions. First
one, deciding on a data platform to organize the data. The other, using it to collect
your data sources.
• Step 4. Building the team or in-house/external capabilities. Depending on your
goals, you might need to build a team to help analyse and act on the data.
• Step 5. Getting organisational buy-in. Incorporating the data-driven approach,
particularly if it’s the first such campaign, might require getting permissions from
various stakeholders.
• Step 6. Measuring and tracking progress. Finally, you must devise a process to
monitor how your campaign performs. This will help you better analyse your
actions but also, report on the progress to other stakeholders.


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