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Definition: Accession is the right of Accession(industrial may take (1) in usufruct, the usufructuary

the owner the form of building, planting or shall

of a thing to become the owner of sowing, while accession natura, be entitled to all the natural,
everything that is produced may either be alluvion, avulsion, industrial, and civil fruits of the
Thereby or Which may be change of course of river, or property in usufruct;
inseparably attached or /formation of islands.
incorporated (2) in lease of rural land, the lessee
merero, either naturally or Accession continua with respect to 15
artificially. » (b) Kinds of accession: movable entitled to the natural and industrial
property may either be adjunction or fruits of the thing leased
(I) accession discreta conjunction, commixtion while the lessor is entitled to civil
or confusion, and specification. fruits in the form of the rent
is the right of the owner of a Adjunction or conjunction may paid by the lessee;
property furthermore take place by inclusion
to whatever is produced thereby or or engraftment, soldadura or antichresis, the creditor
to the fruits of the same:i» attachment, tejido or weaving, acquires the
and pintura or painting, or escritura or right to receive the fruits of an
writing. immovable of his debtor, with the
(2) accession continua obligation to apply them to the
Accession Discreta: (a) Basic rule: payment of the interest,
is the right to acquire whatever is Accession is the right of
attached or incorporated naturally the owner of a thing to become the (4) a possessor
or artificially to our things, owner of everything that in good faith is entitled to the fruits
is produced thereby or which may received by him before his
be inseparably attached or possession is legally interrupted;
(c) Forms of accession continua: incorporated thereto, either and
Accession continua may refer naturally or artificially.' To the
to immovable property or movable owner belongs the natural fruits, (5) fruits naturally falling
property. Accession continua industrial fruits, and civil upon adjacent land belong to the
with regard to immovable property fruits. owner of the said land and not
may either be accession to the owner of the tree.'
industrial or accession-natural. Exceptions:
c) Three kinds of fruits: (1) Natural
fruits: the spontaneous. products of right of accession, (LO) builds, plants, or sows on his
the soil, or those that appear land with materials belonging
without the intervention of human Bank interests, to Owner of Materials (OM). Three
labor, such as the wild fruits also partake of the nature of civil situations: (1) when both
in the forest, herbs, and common fruits under Article 442 of the acted in good faith or in bad faith
grass, and the young and other Civil Code. Since these are LO'must appropriate materials
products of animals, such as milk, considered fruits, ownership thereof but must pay fer its value;
hair, wool, horn, hide, eggs, I- Na should be due to the owner of the
and animals dung or manure. principal. 2) when LO acted in good faith and
OM acted in bad faith, the latter, will
If the young or offspring is a (lose his materials without
product of animals belonging to (d) Expenses in the right to be indemnified, and he
different owners, production, gathering, and will be liable to pay damages;
"the young 2 , C preservation: Where the recipient of
belongs to the owner of the female the fruits was not the same person
parent, who incurred the expenses
" in the absence of, in connestion with its production, (3) when LO acted in bad faith and
agreement to the contrary, based gathering, and preservation, OMacted in good faith. the
on the maxim partus sequitur the former has the obligation to pay latter has the option of demanding
ventrem the expenses made by the the value of his materials plus
Latter in the production, gathering damages, or demanding the return
Industrial fruits: Those produced by and preservation of the fruits. of his accessory thing in any
lands of any kind through whether the latter acted in good event,
cultivation or labor 750 (3) Civil faith or in bad faith.
fruits: The rents of buildings, the
price of leases of lands and other But this rule applies only when the Article 448: Applies when
property and the amount of fruits are already harvested and Builder, Planter, or Sower (BPS)
perpetual or life annuity or other gathered since Article 443 refers to builds, plants, or sows on the
similar income the person who receives fruits. land of another (LO) with his own
materials and both acted in
Rent is a civil Industrial Accession: (A) Article (good faith)
fruit that belongs to the owner of the 447: Applies when Landowner
property producing it by
Concept of BPS in good faith: (I) overlapped with the land of
Limited When the Lessee another.'
dehnition. The builder believes that introduced an improvement on the
he is the owner of the land or leased promises, the applicable
that by some title he has the right to law is Article 1678 and not Article Article 448 can be invoked by the
build thereon, or that, at 448, successor-in-interest of the
least, he has a claim of title thereto; builder in good faith. 1 (b) Two
such as when the builders Involving usufruct: When a options of landowner: (1) to
constructed their house on the usufructuary introduced useful appropriate as his own the works,
adjacent lot because the geodetic improvements or ornaments on the sowing, or planting after
engineer erroneously pointed to property subject matter of the payment to the builder, planter, or
said lot as the one purchased by usufruct, the applicable laws are sower the necessary and useful
the builders. Articles 579 and 580, not Article expenses, and in proper cases,
448. expenses for pure luxury or mere
Expanded definition; Where the pleasure, incurred by the latter; or
builders knew When ownership of land is
that they were not the owners of the lost: Article 448 is applicable (2) to oblige the one who built
land but they constructed when the landowner loses or planted to pay the price of the
improvements on the land of ownership of his land because of land, if the value of the land is
another with the consent of the non- not considerably more than that of
owner, payment of real estate taxes to the building or trees, and the
settle the controversy with respect one who sowed, the proper rent.
Involving right of repurchase: Article to the improvement on the land.'*
448 is inapplicable in cases
involving contracts of sale with right '7 (c) Option
of repurchase. When the vendee a When builder is co-owner; of appropriation: Landowner must
retro introduced improvements on Ordinarily, Article 448 does not pay the necessary and useful
the subject property apply because he is a builder- expenses, and in the proper case,
prior to repurchase, Articles 1606 owner. By way of exception, the expenses for pure luxury or
and 1616 require the vendor a provision applies to one whose mere pleasure.'" The basis of
retro to also pay the necessary and house, despite having been built at indemnity is the current market
useful expenses made on the the time he was still co-owner, value of the improvements at the
thing sold, time of the election of the
option. '7 Pending payment of the paying any indemnity. had no knowledge of what he did at
indemnity, the builder is that time, such as when the
entitled to a right of retention of the The options available to him are the buyers of a parcel of land
property. following: (i) to choose option of constructed a house thereon even if
appropriation; (ii) to enter into they were not innocent purchasers
a voluntary lease contract with for value, or the builder's
Accordingly, the builder or planter; '" (iii) the occupation of the subject property
builder cannot be compelled to pay landowner may demand for the was by mere tolerance. sI (b)
rentals during the period of demolition of what has been built Three options oflandowner: (1) The
retention nor be disturbed in his or planted;'or (iv) to apply for an right to appropriate whatever
possession by ordering him to order from the court for the . has been built, planted, or sown in
vacate sale of the land and improvement in bad faith without need of
a public auction applying the paying indemnity, plus
Option of selling land: Can only be proceeds thereof first to the damages,'and that the builder in
exercised payment of the value of the land bad faith has no right to a refund of
against the builder or planter and and any improvement built therein,
only when the value of the land the excess, if any, to be delivered to If there are pending fruits, the
is not considerably more than that the owner of the house in landowner will likewise be entitled
the building or planting; payment thereof to appropriate them without need of
otherwise, the builder or planter can paying any indemnity,
only be compelled to pay
proper rent. In determining the price Articles 449-452: Applies when the
of the land, the price must Builder, Planter, or Sower (BPS) 1. The right to demand the
be fixed at the "prevailing market builds, plants, or sows on the demolition of whatever has
value" at the time of the land of another (LO) with his own been built,
election of the option. materials and he acted in bad
faith while the LO acted in good planted, or sown in bad faith in any
In the event the builder or the faith. (a) Concept of builder in event even if damages
planter bad faith: If BPS knew that he was will be caused by the separation-
refuses to pay the price of the land, not the owner of the land at plus damages
the landowner does not the time of the building, planting,
automatically become the owner of and sowing and the landowner 3) The right
the improvements without
to compel the builder or planter in faith while the LO acted in bad faith.
bad faith to pay the price of the The provisions of Article
land, '' even if the price of the land 447 of the NCC shall apply.'3 As a 2) If OM acted in good
is considerably more than the consequence, BPS has two faith, he must be paid the value of
building or trees, plus damages options: (1) to demand the value of his materials. ' BPS is
his materials and reasonable primarily liable to make such
Only right of BPS in bad compensation for his labor, plus payment, while LO is subsidiarily
faith: Reimbursement of necessary damages; or (2) to demand the liable. This subsidiary liability of LO
expenses of preservation of return of his materials in any event, will attach only if the
the land.' However, being a builder plus damages. Bad faith may following conditions are met:
in bad faith, he does not only be attributed to a landowner
have the right of retention over the when the act of building,
premises. planting, or sowing was done with (i) BPS is insolvent; and
his knowledge and without
Article 453: opposition on his part. (ii) LO chooses to appropriate the
Applies when Builder, Planter, or building, planting, or sowing. If BPS
Sower (BPS) builds, plants, or Article 455: Applies when Builder, pays the materials, the rights and
sows on the land of another (LO) Planter, or Sower (BPS) builds, obligations of BPS and LO to
with his own materials and both plants, or sows on the land of each other shall be determined by
acted in bad faith. The bad faith of another (L) using materials applying Articles 448-454.
each other is cancelled out. belonging to another person (OM).
Hence, the rights of one and the Natural Accession:
other shall be the same as though There are two scenarios: (1) If OM
both had acted in good faith.'2As a acted in bad faith, he loses his Alluvium:
consequence, the rules in materials in favor of LO without any (a) Distinguished from
Article 448 will be applicable. right whatsoever and he is accretion: Alluvium is the soil
liable for damages. '» If BPS acted deposited on the estate fronting
Article 454: Applies when in good faith, he may claim the river bank; while accretion is the
Builder, Planter, or Sower (BPS) from LO a reasonable process whereby the soil
builds, plants, or sows on the compensation for his labor; is deposited along the banks of
land of another (LO) with his own otherwise, he rivers.
materials and he acted in good is not entitled to such
If the process is gradual the river banks. Water level did not The owner of the land from where
and imperceptible, it is alluvium; recede and was more or less the portion is detached retains
when the process is sudden maintained. the ownership thereof but he is
and abrupt, it is a case of avulsion. required to physically remove the
Alluvion must be the exclusive same within two years.
Rule on alluvium: The Work of nature, Where there land
additional soil deposit becomes was formed with the help of uprooted trees, a mere claim
private property and shall belong human. intervention, it becomes by the owner within six months is
to the owner of the land contiguous part of the public domain, sufficient to retain ownership
to the river, creek, stream, of the tree.
or lake. Ownership is acquired ipso jure:
The right of the owners of the
Requisites: For the foregoing rule to land adjacent to rivers, creeks, Requisites: (i) it takes place only
apply, the streams, or lakes to the accretion along the banks of rivers, creeks,
following requisites must be which they receive by virtue of the streams, and lakes;
present: (1) that the accumulation action of the waters of the (ii) it is caused only by the force of
of soil or sediment be gradual and river is ipso jure. the current of the water
imperceptible; independently of the act of man;
(2) that it be the exclusive result of However, the accretion to (iii) the deposit of soil is sudden and
the action of the waters; and registered land does not preclude abrupt; and
(3) that the land where the accretion acquisition of the additional area by (iv) the detached portion can be
takes place is adjacent to the bank another identified.
of person through prescription.
the river, creek, stream, or lake C) Change of Course of Rivers:
shore. Avulsion: (a) Definition: It is (a) Rule: Rivers and their natural
the accretion which takes place beds are
The drying up of the river is not when the current of a river, creek, property of public dominion of the
accretion, The process of drying up or torrent segregates a known State. b) Exception; River
of a river to form dry land involved portion of land from an estate on beds which are abandoned through
the recession of the water level its banks and transfers it to another the natural change in the
from estate, course of the waters ipso facto
belong to the owners whose lands
Rule on avulsion:
are occupied by the new course in the river simply dries up and did not i) the island so formed belongs to
proportion to the area lost. change its course or without the owners of the margins or banks
opening a new bed, Article 461 will nearest to the island;
However, the owners of the lands not apply, Instead, the dried-up river
adjoining the old bed shall bed continues to belong to the ii) if the island is in the middle of the
have the right to acquire the same State,'whether the river, it shall belong to the owners of
by paying the value thereof, which drying up of a river is by reason of both margins, in which case it shall
value shall not exceed the value of nature or a result of the active be
the area occupied by the new bed. intervention of man. divided longitudinally" in halves;

Requisites: The claimant must Formation of Islands; (a) Article (iii) if, however, a single island thus
prove three key 463: formed be more distant from one
elements by clear and convincing When the current of a river divides margin than from the other,
evidence: itself into branches, leaving a piece the owner of the nearer margin shall
of land or part thereof isolated, thus be the sole owner
forming an island, the owner of the
(1) the old course of the river or land retains his ownership over the Accession Continua with
creek, island. Respect to Movables:
(2) the new course of the river or
creek, and Article 464: Islands formed on the Adjunction:
(3)the change of course of the river seas within the jurisdiction
or creek from the old location of the Philippines, on lakes and on a) Concept: It takes place when two
to the new location by natural navigable or floatable rivers, movables belonging to
occurrence, shall belong to the State, as different owners are so inseparable
patrimonial property, that their separation would impair
Article 461, will still apply even if the their nature, making up thereafter a
change in the course of the river Article 465: An island formed single object,but each preserving its
was the result of a deliberate act on through in non-navigable or non- own nature.
the part of the government floatable
rivers shall become private If effected in good faith
property, as follows:
When river simply dries up: If The owner of the principal thing
acquires the accessory , by
indemnifying the former of the value only to the first option of demanding
of the accessory, payment for the value of Easement
the accessory.
However, if the accessory is much Easement is a real right on
more precious than the principal, its Commixtion or confusion: (a) another's
owner may demand its (separation» Concept: property, corporeal and immovable,
even though the thing to which it Commixtion or confusion is the whereby the owner of the
has been incorporated may suffer mixture of things solid or liquid latter must refrain from doing or
some injury. pertaining to different owners. If the allowing somebody else to do
things mixed are solid, it is or something to be done on his
If efected in bad faith: (1) by the called commixtion; if the things are property, for the benefit of another
owner of the accessory, he liquid, it is called confusion. person or tenement, in Servitude,
shall lose his thing and he shall be on the other hand, is defined as
liable for damages;25 or (2) b) When co-ownership arises: if the an encumbrance imposed upon an
by the owner of the principal, the mixture was caused by: (1) immovable for the benefit of
owner of the accessory has the chance or fortuitous event;28 (2) by another immovable belonging to a
option of: the will of both owners;29 different owner's or for the
(i) demanding payment for the value and (3) by the will of only one owner benefit of a community, or of one or
of the accessory,plus damages; acting in good faith,30 more persons to whom the
In all these cases, each owner shall encumbered estate does not
ii) demanding separation, even if acquire a right proportional belong.
the same will result in injury to the to the part belonging to him, bearing
principal thing, plus damages, in mind the value of the Characteristics:
things mixed or confused (1) It is a real right that falls upon
The second the property itself and inseparable
option, however, does not apply if from
the same is not practicable the estate to which it actively or
as in the case of paintings (which passively belongs;so therefore,
cannot be separated from 11:55
April Aniel <> it cannot be alienated or mortgaged
the canvass) or writings (which AM (0 separately from the estate
cannot be separated from the minute to which it forms part;
paper). In such a situation, the s ago)
owner of the accessory is limited to me
2) the right consists of a limited use which would be lawful without the more portions being owned by a
and enjoyment of the thing without easement. singular owner,
possession and gives rise to
an action in rem in favor of the At that time,
owner of the tenement of the or prior to the division of ownership,
easement and against any easement of light and view is made there exists between the
possessor of the servient estate; upon one's own wall, the two estates an apparent sign of
casement, being a negative one, is easement. Originally, therefore,
(3) the acquired by prescription there is no true easement that
right is always enjoyed over an only after the lapse of 10 years exists as there is only one owner.
immovable property- the term counted from the day on which
"immovable the owner of the dominant estate When easement exists; According
" in Article 613 of the NCC should forbade, by an instrument to Article 624, there arises a
be understood in its ordinary or acknowledged before a notary title to an easement of light and
vulgar connotation, i.e., referring to public, the owner of the servient view, even in the absence of
those which are, by their nature, estate, from executing an act which any formal act undertaken by the
cannot be moved from one place to would be lawful without the owner of the dominant estate,
another easement. if this apparent visible sign, such as
such as lands, buildings, and roads, the existence of a door and
If made on the wall of the neighbor, windows, continues to remain and
4) it is a right which is being a positive subsist, unless, at the time the
enjoyed over another's property, or easement, the 10-year prescriptive ownership of the two estates is
jura in re aliena,504 hence: (i) period commences from the divided:
it is impossible to have an time of the opening of the window. (i) the contrary should be provided
easement over one's own property; in the title of conveyance of either of
(ii) Easement by apparent them, or
if there is a merger in the same sign or legal presumption: (1) (ii)the sign aforesaid should be
person of the ownership of the Situation applicable: Article 624 removed before the execution of the
applies in situations wherein two or deed.
estate forbade, by an instrument more estates were previously
acknowledged before a notary owned by a singular owner, or even Requisites for application of Article
public, the owner of the servient a single estate but with two or 624: (i) there exists an apparent
estate, from executing an act
sign of servitude between two showing the origin of an easement the rights necessary for its use are
estates; which cannot be acquired by considered granted.
(ii) at the time of the establishment prescription may be cured by a
of such sign, the ownership of the deed of recognition by the owner The owner of the dominant estate
two estates resides in one person; of the servient estate or by a final shall have the right to make any
(iii) the sign of the easement judgment. works on the servient estate if the
established by the owner of both same be necessary for the
estates, because the article will Rights and Obligations:  (a) Effect use and preservation of the
not apply when the easement is on owner of servient estate: An servitude,342 subject to the
established by a person different easement gives the holder of the following
from the owner, easement an incorporeal interest limitations:
(iv) that the ownership over the two on the property but grants no title
estates is later on divided, either by thereto. Hence, the owner of (1) the work must be necessary for
alienation or partition; and the servient estate retains the the use and
(v) that at the time of division of ownership of the portion on which preservation of the servitude;
ownership, nothing is stated in the the easement is established, and
document of alienation or partition may use the same in such a (2) the work is done at the expense
contrary to the easement nor is the manner as not to affect the exercise of the owner of the dominant estate;
sign of the easement removed of the easement.
before the execution of the (3) the work can be done
document. without altering the servitude or
However, he may not exercise rendering it more burdensome;
the easement removed before the some of his property rights for the
execution of the benefit (4) the owner of the servient estate
document. Under Article 624 the of the person who was granted the is first notified of the intended
existence of the apparent sign easement of right of way; hence, he work; and
has for all legal purposes the same may not enclose his property, nor (5) the time and manner of making
character and effect as a title of obstruct or hinder the free passage the work should be the most
acquisition of the easement. over the servient estate. convenient to the owner of the
servient estate or it is
Proof of easement: The absence Rights of owner done in such a manner that it
of a document or proof of dominant estate:  Upon the causes the least inconvenience to
establishment of an easement, all the owner of the servient estate.
inconvenience to the owner of the (4) expiration of term;
c) Limitations upon rights of servient estate. Any violation of 5) fulfillment of condition;
owner of dominant estate: the above constitutes impairment of (6) renunciation;
the easement. (7) redemption - it is the release
(1) it can only exercise rights of the servient estate from the
necessary Modes of Extinguishment of servitude upon agreement of the
for the use of the easement; Easement: owners of both and upon payment
by the owner of the servient
(2) it cannot use the easement 1) Merger - because estate of the corresponding
except for the benefit of the casement is a right enjoyed over consideration to the owner of the
immovable originally contemplated; another's property; hence, if there dominant estate;
is a merger in the same person of (8) annulment or rescission of title
(3) it cannot exercise the easement the ownership of the dominant constituting
in any other manner than that and servient estates, the easement the easement
previously is extinguished; (9) termination of the right of the
established; grantor;
(2) non-use - for easement to be 10)
(4) it cannot construct anything on it extinguished under this mode, it is abandonment of the servient estate;
which is not necessary that the non-use must and
necessary for the use and have lasted for a period of 10 years; 11) eminent domain.
preservation of the easement; if the
casement is discontinuous, the 10- Legal or Compulsory Easement: (A)
(5) it cannot alter or make the year period is computed from Easement of drainage of
easement more burdensome; the day on which the easement was Waters:
(6) it must notify the servient estate not used, and if the easement (a) When easement exists: When,
owner of its intention to make is continuous, in which case the use based on the physical
necessary works on the servient of the easement does not condition of two estates, waters
estate; and depend upon the acts of man, the descend naturally and without
10-year period is counted from the intervention of man from a
(7) it should choose the most the day on which an act contrary to higher estate (the dominant estate)
convenient time and manner to the easement took place; to a lower estate (the servient
build said works so as to cause the estate).
least 3) impossibility of use;
b) Obligation of lower (C) Easement of Aqueduct: though the flow of the water may
estate: To receive the waters which a) When easement exists: If a not be continuous, or its use
naturally and without the person wishes to use upon his depends upon the needs of the
intervention of man flow from the estate any water of which he can dominant estate, or upon a
higher estates, as well as the dispose, he shall have schedule
stones or earth which they carry the right to make it flow through of alternate days or hours
with them. intervening estates.

(c) Obligations of Requisites: Hence, an easement of aqueduct

higher estate: The owner of the (1) that he who wants to establish may be acquired either by title or by
higher estate may not construct the easement of prescription.357 (D)
works which will increase the aqueduct must be able to prove that Compulsory Easement of Right of
burden or increase the natural he can dispose of the water; Way: (a) Requisites: (1) that
flow. (2) he must also prove that it is the dominant estate is surrounded
sufficient for the use for which it by other immovables and has
Easement for public use: The is intended; no adequate outlet to a public
banks of rivers and (3) the proposed right of way is the highway (Art. 649, par. 1); (2)
streams and the shores of the seas most convenient and the least there must be payment of proper
and lakes throughout their onerous to third persons affected; indemnity (Art. 649, par. 1); (3)
entire length and within a zone of and that the isolation was not due to
three meters in urban areas, 20 acts of the proprietor of the
meters in agricultural areas and 40 4) he must dominant estate (Art. 649, par. 4);
meters in forest areas, along indemnify the owners of the servient and (4) that the right of way
their margins, are subject to the estates (intervening estates), claimed is at the point least
easement of public use in the as well as the owners of the lower prejudicial to the servient estate;
interest of recreation, navigation, estates upon which the waters and
floatage, fishing, and salvage.532 may filter or descend. insofar as consistent with this rule,
But no person shall be allowed to where the distance from the
stay in this zone longer than Nature of easement: The easement dominant estate to a public highway
what is necessary for recreation, of may be the shortest
navigation, floatage, fishing, or aqueduct shall be considered as
salvage or to build structures of any continuous and apparent, even Requirement of isolation: An
owner cannot, by his own act, Who may claim right of way: It is the little air, and a view overlooking the
isolate his property from a public owner, or any person who adjoining estate, i.e., the
highway and then claim an by virtue of a real right may cultivate servient estate,
easement of way through an or use any immovable
adjacent surrounded by other immovables has two components. The
estate. pertaining to other persons, easement of light or
who is entitled to demand a right of jus luminum has the purpose of
way through the neighboring admitting light and a little air, as
estates, in the case of small windows, not
(C) Requirement of inadequacy of more than 30 square centimeters,
outlet to public highway: The While a usufructuary is entitled to at the height of the ceiling joists or
convenience of the dominant estate demand a right of immediately under the ceiling. On
has never been the gauge for the way pursuant to Article 649, a mere the other hand, the easement of
grant of compulsory right of lessee does not enjoy the view or servid
way. The true standard for the grant same right. With respect to the umbre prospectus has the principal
of the legal right is latter, his action is against the purpose of affording view, as
adequacy.® Hence, when there is lessor who is bound to maintain him in the case of full or regular
already an existing adequate in the enjoyment of the windows overlooking the adjoining
outlet from the dominant estate to a property. estate. As held by jurisprudence,
public highway, even if the the easement of light and view
said outlet, for one reason or is intrinsically intertwined with the
another, be inconvenient, the need f) Effect of opening adequate outlet: easement of the servient
to open up another servitude is The opening of estate not to build higher or altius
entirely unjustified an adequate outlet to a highway non tollendi. These two
can extinguish only legal or necessarily go together "because
compulsory easements, not an casement of light and view
d) At point voluntary easements.5 (E) requires that the owner of the
least prejudicial: The least prejudice Easement servient estate shall not build to a
criterion must prevail over of Light and View: (a) Concept: It is height that will obstruct the window.
the shortest distance criterion. an easement whereby the
Least prejudice is about the dominant estate enjoys the right to Two kinds of
suftering of the servient estate, not have free access to light, a windows: (1) regular or full or direct
of the dominant estate. * (e) view windows - those
openings which are made on a wall the case of Article 624, the owner of or tenements ("the servient estate")
parallel or almost parallel to the servient estate cannot where its egress may be
the line that divides the estates, in build thereon at less than a distance easiest;
such a way that the neighboring of three meters, not two
tenement can be seen without meters, from the property line. (iii) the conduit for the drainage
putting out or turning the head; or must be established in
(2) restricted, or oblique or side d) Distance requirement in such manner as to cause the least
view windows - those openings oblique views: with respect to the damage to the servient estate;
in a wall which form an angle to the side or oblique views upon or
boundary line, and therefore towards such conterminous iv) proper indemnity must be paid to
of necessity requires in order to see property, the law requires that the the owner of the
the neighboring tenement to distance be 60 centimeters. servient estate.
thrust the head out of the opening (G) Intermediate Distances for
and look to the right or left. F) Easement of Drainage of Planting: (a)
Buildings: (a) Concept: The Required distances: (1) that
Observation of certain distances in easement of drainage of buildings is required by local ordinances; (2) in
direct views: (1) General the right to divert or empty the default thereof, two meters from the
rule - when a window or any similar rainwaters from one's own roof or dividing line of the estate in
opening affords a direct shed to the neighbor's estate, either case of tall trees and at least 50
view of an adjoining land, the drop by drop or through conduits. centimeters in case of shrubs or
distance between the wall in which small (b) Right to cut
such opening is made and the b) Requisites: An easement of branches: If the branches of any
border of the adjoining land should drainage may be tree should extend over a
be at least two meters; demanded subject to compliance neighboring estate, the owner of the
with the following requisites; latter does not have the right to cut
2) Exception - in a situation wherein (i) the yard or court of a house must the branches extending on his
an be surrounded by other property.
easement is established or houses ("the dominant estate") and
recognized by title or prescription, it is not possible to give an c) Right to cut roots: with respect to
affording the dominant estate the outlet through the house itself to the the roots of a
right to have a direct view rain collected therefrom; (ii) neighboring tree which penetrated
overlooking the adjoining property, the outlet to the water must be at into the land of another, the
i.e., the servient estate, as in the point of the contiguous lands
owner of the latter may himself cut impose any servitude on his
off the roots found within his property even without the consent
property. of
the usufructuary.c) If co-owned
H) Easement of Lateral Subjacent property: Unanimous consent
Support: (a) of all co-owners is required in order
Concept: The right of lateral and to constitute a voluntary
subjacent support is the right to easement upon the same.
have land supported by the
adjoining land or the soil
Support is lateral when the
supported and the supporting lands
are divided by a vertical plane.
Support is subjacent when the
supported land is above and the
supporting land is beneath it.

b) Obligation of servient estate: The

law prohibits any excavation
upon one's land if the same will
deprive any adjacent land or
building of sufficient lateral or
subjacent support.

Voluntary Easement: (a) Concept: A

voluntary easement may
only be constituted upon the will of
the owner of the servient
estate. (b) If property held in
usufruct: The naked owner may

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