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BOARD NOTICE 184 OF 2009 ‘SOUTH AFRICAN COUNCIL FOR THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION. THE CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT terms fhe requrements of secon 27() of he Archtactal Profession Ac 2000 (Aa 4 of 2000) he le sat oun he Scheer tame Seton 361) of sas Ae, SCHEDULE bn te rs, uniss contrary te corte, ny expression or wor! o which a mering has nen ssioned in the Archie Prteslon Act, 2000 (Act 4 f 2000) stl bear he some resign ‘archectralpratca™ means the business of register person conducted win the ceca potato a a le propeerep, partner, company, dese compaction ender thar uit person ard wr tha werd ‘mete’ ute on Be ou in hose os sha bose Ae some meni ‘complaint’ means ary Infomation or stegaton reparang Improve conduct by 2 parson registred interns of the Ack wich comes fo theatetlon of he eit othe Counc ‘mamber of losly alledprofesion’ meas po-sonrsinarecin ems ofthe ‘Acie Prfeson Ae No 4 2000. Enginooring Protec Act No 4 of 2000. \Lardicape Architect Proesin At no 45 of 2000, Projet anc Constucton MaragementPoesslons Act No 48 of 2000, ‘arity Surveying Proesion Ae No of 2000. Panning Prfessons Act No.6 of 202; Property Valuers Profession At No A of 2000 “prndal’ are the ele practboer, members, pater, sharaalders anor abet jie persons hang cone fhe prac; ‘ragitered principal are Be shrehalcrs i a race whe ae repsteed parsons nts ott At: ‘roglstored professional” means «person repsered inc ofthe clare of oessloais ‘elored on secton 18 te Act ‘regatrad peraon’ ears peronregitredin ve ol ecalapes of pofeeseals and eanaeats rato ton sacton 18! he Act “the Ret moars te Nace Profession ct, 200 (Act 44 of 200) an any meres thereto, ‘tne Counc? mean he Sou Azan Counc for the Achtecua! Proteson a8 ‘corti in ho Arica Profession At No #4 of 200; “ype of practi’ mens the category wen ha regltred principal inthe practice can race acheter, “Thispreale a frm slovak forms part of ase es. [Regiterd person ae subject the cnc suseron ofthe Counell The rues ly dom standards of professions! conduct end proce which mut be comple wih. Fer o comity wuld investigation when col ret deiner bathe Ite a oven ebigaon wer he nse hatin cargo potessonl wa, rege arene expect te et wih ue sil, conoetency ad inary. ni cova, the Counel ‘mostvesigate any cipal of wnaccepable profesional conduc as st out hase Rules. tra gtr prt it breach fay proven a any nse pubonod ine fe At eich canst improper or urpetessonl cond in the caying on his pteson 2s 3 natu erean pate pace, the Counel shat proceed Jnky agate replete rnapals oe practice RULE UNPROFESSIONAL conpUCT. 11 Aregistre perso sat en fm “LA consut wien fale sero he standard equa of person reson tame one At 1.12 _condut which wou tthe opinion ofthe Counel be detinanit o be ctor, dnt, andr personae of te atest potesion 1.12 cont which weld tend i bing the architectural ofeston to dren. 12 Aoi partn shal tly the Count witout ay hfe bacames ete my dlquafeaton as conompaot mn sacten 163) a te Ae. FULE2 TEGHNICAL COMPETENCE AND PROFESSIONAL WORK 21 Aegletared parson sol ot ndertsko acheckrl wot wc ie denies fr he ‘atopy of esraton in which hale regia in toms of ston 18 ofthe Act ‘din secordance win th reiatenclegre in ooe 22 Where work Is aries ot by registered cand, on bohall of © rapatred ‘rofesslonal, such registered professional sabe rexpenetve fr enone tht the eson cong te werk is competent oper the tsk an necessary, spponialy redo andis adequate, 23 A persen rogaine calor feat mie eronm wen he eager for hich nie i rogistaed under he econ, cnt! endo ental supervision ofa registered proessional eed Jo pavom sich work ard who must assume respantty fo any au wor paromed bythe cance. 24 A repatred parson shal ready angage n cnt pols evelopment tvs In order to ensure hat hele Keap Up fo ee wh development inte [racic of arctecure act hance and mira isha professional expertise snc cornpetoce ‘RULE? PROMOTION OF sERViCES, 31 A ragisered prson may ery promot Maher prsessonal sence in hl end ‘eapenabie menner 32 Crest for wor done cuing 2 pelod as = pincal et employer of erat sehtectural practice shoul make refrncs to such practice and be dlesly cece. 33. The name under wich an architctralpraction peat thoulé tbe meleaing, | capable of bang conuee wth hat of eater practice ‘34 Serves ofered shal be deseibed in 2 acl manne et lates ony the work te profesonldcines snd stegores oregon rprosortas ns practice 3 A tagteed pernon shat dere 19 ay potat clan any business intr, Ireuding ary Inrets Inthe business of wading f land or ausness of propery ‘Colones, property aucsoner, ele apart, bulking conectors,sibconrecrs, ppl in o othe bung indy, or a dos - and «bul practic, he ‘ecstence of wich ret nt dears, woul alg o may aly 0 alee double about hier tort and moat es an independent professional RULEA PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBN TIES ‘Armaletered person shal ony: 4:1 nderake to perom acter wo where the repetred parson has area out Ini te arf he appinment which mus tral cide He flowing 425 ne scope of he wer 412 the sorowsio be proves; 41.3 the alocan and aSen of repos; “414 fo payebeforne ware eaoes, themed ef eeating soproptat) ad the sagt) a which tw be payee 4415 thebuiget (tappleaie) or ote eat it a pret, wer or ‘sence, an he meted sd plato feta cats; 418 proven or tomieton of he aroun 4.17 delat te rte indenty oro an 418 proven for dopa entten, 42 nse ony ings, sectcatons o document in rspect of war patared by timiher oF by # paren in isber anpoy or by a member er ompcyee of the _aroactural practic f which hee isa marist, which bear Neher ram andor ragataton uber he rams ct Wher architectural practice; 43 sig or hers Lsety st haveg boon ised by hme ery bulang plsn osu of which holo or hser architectural practice he Bona Ste autor oF where sich tung plan or document has bean prepored under Nar dect supeisin {44 suitplens tote acl oro autor fr approval nes uch submission i dene ner cover fen archer complance cereale a proved fer the annie et ‘Aralatared person shal 445 pot reahe, eet or net, any commision rrtunsaten fe recammendng & arcu antacor oacntfr waren a bul ee 49 oot recs, drecty or Indiety any royly, gray, commission, or ober ‘remuneation on ary arse, fig, aon or roses used nf he puese of ‘he wok nreapet of which hale is employed, ress hele has rid riser fempayer or cent in wring, of such royalty. tity, commision or other remuneration 147 not pracce attr dng any peo nreapect of wich hiker region has oan suspancos 43 no neg esc any caicale in eonneton wth any baling projec on ubich hehe professional engage. ‘RULES ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE AND CARRYING ON OF A auINESS 851 Any retro principal who practons architec In any form shal wt 30 dye of the eatablanment of a busines frm the Coun! hereon wr, ging ul eta of 8a prac nae, adress om which be practice scone, ype of rectce ard nama openers, strates, recon o rember. {52 The Counc shall informed of ny charges inname. pe, ess composton of practice and is temineson, wn 30 dys fhe evant occurence, 53 The riod principle ofa pratee shal cay thr rgibatencaicats in @ Prominent place in he tice 54 A rogiered parson stl nc, except wih the porisen f the Counel and under fue candor 2 te Counell may retort, erie io any profesona!latonsnip 1 assocaton wth any person who Is net a regtered parson or a regard roesiona ofa cosey slid prteson. Permission wl nt be grata Ie pereon corcaras 531 le disqualified tom regstaon under any prevsens of the Ac or om mamibarchip of any doe aie pres; 532 te qufed to reitr under any category roid for under th al but as nat 155. Repotres pear) may not deere ta practice se sly pracng archtectre Unless efecive coral ints of mort shathoking, members rest or vethg power iin he hands of eran etre ines fe Ac 58 EFecive contol of wy mul-decipinary prolstionl fm, whieh sleo pracicos ‘arhtecur, shal be inthe hands of rgltered professionals and of regard professional of ossy aes protessions, 157 Every fee antattened ore pupace of cancucing an areata rates shal ude conous, cect are pron saperson fa regitered profesional. However te regitar ray ghe permasio fer auch ofce to be euperved en en Irioritent basis for such petos of tne 8 he repstar may, et hisher dren, ‘earning, rode st regard profesional sal be preset such oe fr stlest oe day por wookcuthgnomal fice hours and ate moo atendenco in preinnty played th oe. Perln may be rarted alo tne for 1 replacement o registered proesional wno Pas Je he pace or er me “employment of aa where a ffca han to be etblsned to provide serves fr roc 158 The Council may over tat an achectusl practes bo datoved Many pam, marie or sareoler whois nt registered peeon but eg fr regis, has en guy of any at which hac hathe Been aries perro, weld have ‘anette a reac of ny proven oho At or esa rue 58 The type of practice is determined bythe mos air eatagry of eistred person ‘2civly pacing nthe practice. The name Peteedora can be omed fom ho ‘radngrame of prac. The pron eal ie =p whi arm tab Inmore seri calagr than the rgitered principal the pace, ‘Thaltetheads fhe prot shal spay the folowing 510.1 Name ote arehectural practice enc type of pace 58.2 Thenamesct he principals nd te regsieson numbers 583 The calgary of ragtrason of fhe principal, using the prescbed seoreston Profesional Architect Drsuhtsperson(Paee Drag) Professional ArchiockralTecnsogt (PAH) Pfecsoral Senor AritectalTeetolagl PrSACAT) Profesional Architect (Prive) 504 Tho proessond desgnaion a quabicaion of at prncpate uno ae not regret wi th Counc; 595 Physical and posal stats, epone, fax and ems, CIPRO and VAT regeeaien numbers, spose, mts of registered protest may rot dsply the Coune' logan any copoate stone or eteheade, 268 copyeia ‘RULES INTERNATIONAL WORK 181 Aegitrs parton shal in conecon wih work sie th Borders of Souh Aes coor she andi sozardance wih he ol recognised andar ane eof profensionl conduc nthe cowry once: proved that where here ae ro offclaty recognised sae or ules of poesia condi! n such cou, tate dese sop 162 Replatred persons undaating work In a fori county which they ae not propaly rele, wheter el wok i ares of @ goverment fo goverren ‘g7comon’ a requronent et tnd ntton or @ project ton the pat sec, shal cleat th carci to ensure the proper nd ec understanding ‘5 ghen 1 ga, erwrcomen, oc, cum ana erage teers. In conor ot the association shold be deterninas by fe pares ale In accordance wit ‘rnatona! eb! sanarc an os tls an ows an must be commis wing ving ofeat to le 4.47, 63 Dlecpinary Procedurce Dldsinay precedes a set out In setons 28 10 53 ofthe Act and ln Be Rules for Disctnay Proceedings pubes uncer Boar Noe 4 of 208m Goverment Gszate no ‘REPEAL OF PREVIOUS RULES ‘The le pushed unr Boar Noe 28a 2004 ae haat apa

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