PhTop Introduction

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Good evening everyone, I am Alden.

Now our team has many new

members. Some new members often ask me questions about phtop.
Many people ask the same question, which consumes a lot of our team's
time. Now I am here to give a unified reply. I hope you read my answer

Some people in our team are very irresponsible to their new members.
After inviting members to join, they will no longer be responsible for the
members. They did not tell the new members about the phtop platform,
nor did they tell them about the promotional activities. As a result, many
new members did not understand phtop and missed the latest
promotions. This has caused a very large loss, which is extremely

I collected some questions that people often ask me. Now I will answer
uniformly. I hope you read them carefully. If you have established your
own group, you can also forward my information to your group. This will
help your members and your team.

First of all, the most common question is, why do you need to purchase
a VIP to complete the task, and does the platform rely on VIP
membership fees to make money?

Many people mistakenly believe that the platform needs to purchase

VIPs to receive tasks. The platform is using VIP membership fees to
make money. In fact, this is a completely wrong idea. First of all, the
phtop platform requires you to purchase a VIP membership, which
makes you more responsible. Phtop and Tiktok video bloggers signed a
cooperative promotion agreement. If a large number of members receive
the task but do not complete it, the video blogger will not be able to get
promotional traffic. This violates the provisions of the contract, and
Guangtong platform will face the risk of default, which will cause great
losses to Guangtong platform. So after receiving the task, be sure to
complete it.

I believe this is easy to understand. If phtop does not require a VIP

system or any deposit, you can join in to complete the task. You can
imagine what will happen. A large number of people receive a large
number of tasks. Everyone wants to do whatever they want. Do it if you
want to do it, don't do it if you don't want to do it. This will cause great
instability and will also bring great losses to phtop. Therefore, it must be
supervised to make the platform stable and long-term operation.
Therefore, it is very correct and necessary for the phtop platform to set
the VIP threshold.
Only after purchasing a VIP member, you will persist in completing daily
tasks more responsibly, and the cost of purchasing VIP will be
recovered within 35 days, so phtop does not rely on VIP fees to make
money at all. This is equivalent to a deposit contract, which is in line
with Economic Sharing Law.

Where does the platform's revenue come from and how to make a profit

You can find the answer to this question in phtop's company profile.
PHTOP has signed a long-term cooperative relationship with the four
major platforms (TikTok/Facebook/Amazon/Youtube). For a long time in
the future, PHTOP will provide browsing, like and promotion services for
merchants and bloggers. The PHTOP platform acts as a bridge between
merchants, bloggers and users, charging merchants and bloggers for
promotion, and then paying commissions to PHTOP member users. The
PHTOP platform is equivalent to an information intermediary.
Commissions are drawn from it to get income, and sponsors are
charged sponsorship fees to maintain PHTOP's profitability.

This is like a real estate agency. Many owners have vacant houses that
need to be rented out. They will hand over the house to the real estate
agency. A large number of people who need to rent a house will rent a
house through a real estate agency. After the transaction is completed,
the real estate agency will charge a certain fee as its own service fee.
The same is true for phtop. Phtop maintains profitability by withdrawing
intermediate commissions. In addition, phtop also charges a
sponsorship fee provided by the merchant/Tiktok.

Is the platform a pyramid?

I believe that many people in the team do not understand the pyramid.
Let me talk about it briefly. Internationally, it is generally believed that
the marketing model of invitation level and above is a pyramid model.
The pyramid will have more than 10, 20 or even unlimited subordinates.
The main feature of the pyramid is that there is no substantial product.
The pyramid mainly relies on absorbing the income of lower-level
members to make profits.

On the phtop platform, there are only two levels of invitation rewards
and daily task commission rewards. This is very different from the
pyramid. Secondly, invitation rewards are only part of the marketing
strategy. This is a marketing model that exists throughout the industry.
When a company starts to develop rapidly, when it starts to promote its
own business, when it expands its user base, it needs to issue coupons
or give commissions to the introducer (intermediary). For example: Evan
invites Angelos to join. Evan is equivalent to an introducer (similar to a
real estate agency). After Angelos purchases the VIP (complete the
transaction), Evan will definitely get a part of the commission as his
service fee. You can think about it, this marketing model can be seen
everywhere in our daily lives. It is a marketing model that exists in all
business entities and all industries in the whole society.

The PhTop platform has established a long-term cooperative

relationship with Tiktok, Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon, which proves
that these four platforms recognize the professionalism and security of
the PhTop platform. Phtop has signed a long-term contract with Tiktok,
and now has a long-term stable business and owns its own substantive
products. All projects on the PHTOP platform are developed based on
the legal framework of Internet business. This is absolutely legal in the
Philippines, so phtop is not a pyramid.

I just said that phtop has level 2 invitations and daily task commission
rewards, but there are still many members who are not clear about
invitation rewards and daily task commission rewards. Now I tell you, if
you help your family and friends get their stable jobs on phtop, what
kind of wealth and achievements you and them can get

Phtop has 2 levels of rewards. If Joko invites Evan to join, Evan will
invite Aneglos to join. Joko's main downline is Evan, and Joko's second
downline is Angelos. Angelos will become Evan's main downline.

When Joko's first-level downline Evan purchases a VIP, Joko will receive
an invitation reward of *8%* (VIP purchase cost). For example: Evan
purchases VIP8, then Joko will receive an invitation reward of
700,000*8%=56000php, which will directly reach Allen's PHTOP account.

When Joko's first-level downline Evan completes daily tasks, Joko will
get 6% commission income from John's task commission every day.
Joko must be higher than or equal to Evan's VIP level to receive daily
commission rewards. If joko's VIP level is lower than Evan, then joko will
not be able to get the daily task commission reward.

For example: joko is VIP8 and Evan is also VIP8. After Evan completes
the task, Evan's daily income is 20000php, Joko's daily commission
reward for daily tasks is 20000*6%=1200php, the monthly commission
reward is 1200*30=36000php, the commission reward income obtained
in 1 year is: 1200*365 =438000php. If joko is VIP6 and Evan is VIP8, then
joko will not be able to get Evan's daily task commission reward.

When Angelos, the second-level downline of joko, buys VIP, joko will
receive a 2% invitation reward (VIP purchase cost). For example, if
Angelos purchases VIP8, then joko will receive an invitation reward of
700,000*2%=14000php, which will go directly to joko’s PHTOP account.

When Angelos, Joko's second-level downline, completes daily tasks,

Joko will receive 3% of the commission income from Angelos's task
commission every day. Joko must be higher than or equal to Angelos'
VIP level to receive daily commission rewards. If joko's VIP level is lower
than Angelos, then joko will not be able to get the daily task commission

For example: joko is VIP8, Angelos is also VIP8. After Angelos

completes the task, Angelos’ daily income is 20000php, joko’s daily task
commission reward is 20000*3%=600php, monthly commission reward
is 600*30=18000php, and the commission reward income obtained
within 1 year is: 600*365= 219000php. If joko is VIP6 and Angelos is
VIP8, then joko will not be able to get Angelos’s daily task commission
Send this link to your friends or family, and fill in your invitation code
when registering to join your team

Based on the current development of the epidemic, I think the epidemic

will continue for a long time, and the number of unemployed will
continue to rise. It will be more difficult to find a stable job in the future.
And because of the impact of Super Typhoon Odette, people in many
areas need to rebuild their homes, and everyone needs help. Need to
increase their income.

A person’s success is not success. We need to help more people

resolve financial pressures and improve their lives. After your friends
and family join, they will recover the cost in a short time and get more
income on phtop. Here is a big loving family. Everyone helps each other
to get through the epidemic together.

We are all victims of this epidemic. Because of this, we need a stable job
and income. Only in this way can we overcome the difficulties of this
epidemic. Now that you have a stable income, you can help your friends
in need. Let us help each other to realize our goals and dreams.

Will the platform shut down? Is it a scam

At the end of 2019, China's first outbreak of an epidemic, followed by a

global outbreak, so far, COVID-19 is still very serious. From this
perspective, the epidemic will last longer. During this period, many
enterprises and companies closed down and the economy suffered a
serious decline. More and more people are unemployed, and some even
lost their lives. This caused huge economic losses to the Philippines.

During the outbreak of the epidemic, countless people stayed at home

and had nothing to do. When they were entertaining, they would pass
the time through short videos. People shoot wonderful and funny short
videos at home and share their lives. This has caused the short video
industry to generate a huge amount of traffic during the COVID-19
period, and has become a new round of global Internet applications.

Many merchants and companies see the huge traffic and commercial
value caused by short videos, and they want to increase exposure and
visibility through short videos to obtain greater brand value and
commercial value.

The four major Internet platforms (Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Amazon)

can provide users with very precise video advertisements and product
displays. The four major Internet platforms occupy an absolute leading
position in the short video industry. The development of TikTok is
particularly rapid, and it is now the number one software download in
the short video industry in the Philippines.
On January 8, 2020, under this market economy trend, the PhTop
platform was formally established. The PHTOP platform, as a bridge for
business, enterprises and the four major Internet cooperation, relies on
the rapid development of the short video industry to grow rapidly, and
quickly develops into the largest economic sharing platform in the

Since February 2020, TikTok has been the most downloaded app in
Southeast Asia (Source: App Annie, February 2021), creating a large
user base, a highly engaged community, and diverse content and
audiences. The number of users of the app in Southeast Asia has grown
significantly. In the Philippines, 2 out of 5 users are parents, and 1 out of
2 users is a purchase decision maker (Source: Global Network Index).

Especially young people who like to show themselves on TikTok now,

they are eager to get attention, and are more willing to share and show
themselves, which intensifies the development of TikTok. This is one of
the reasons why TikTok is so popular in the Philippines. At the same
time, users have also promoted the rapid growth of various content
topics, with the fastest growth being finance and currency and

TikTok also took up a lot of people's fragmented time. We always spend

a lot of time watching videos on TikTok. Like those Internet celebrity
video bloggers, we also shoot videos to record our lives and some
interesting things, and share them with our friends and family. I believe
that with the development of the mobile Internet, Tik Tok will grow into
the world's largest short video application.

In March 2021, PhTop and Tiktok signed a long-term exclusive

cooperation agreement, which clarified market goals and directions,
obtained designated traffic promotion, and was committed to increasing
the visibility of video bloggers, as well as increasing TikTok’s brand
value and public influence . Phtop will also develop rapidly in the
Philippines, and will grow into the Philippines' largest economic sharing
platform in the future.

After learning about the creation history and development direction of

phtop, do you still think that phtop will be closed? Now I can tell you
responsibly that the Internet short video industry is the trend of future
development. The phtop platform has cooperated with the world's four
well-known Internet companies, established long-term cooperative
relations, and signed long-term strategic cooperation contracts. As an
information intermediary, the PHTOP platform has always maintained a
healthy cash flow and profitability. With the popularization of the
Internet, the traffic of the short video industry will increase in the future.
Relying on the popularity of TikTok and the popularity of the short video
industry, the PHTOP platform will always exist.
The PhTop platform uses information technology and the Internet era to
integrate network promotion, online marketing, offline infrastructure
construction, financial investment and other projects. It uses Internet
data to reconstruct its business and rewrite the future based on market
flows. Its development trend is bound to be unstoppable, and it is bound
to be at the forefront of the Internet industry! So you don't have to worry
about the closure of the PHtop platform.

Why does phtop launch these promotions

I believe that many members of this group have their own companies or
enterprises, and many of them are senior managers of the company. You
will find that when a company develops rapidly, it often launches many
preferential activities, one is to expand the market scale, and the other is
to give back to users. It's like opening a supermarket. When everything
starts from scratch, some promotional activities are often done. After he
had a stable customer, he stopped doing promotional activities.
Because its influence is already great, people will recognize it, believe in
it, and then automatically join.

This is true for any platform or company. When it is strong enough or

monopolistic, it does not need to do any promotional activities. For
example, Gcash, Gcash has done a lot of promotional activities as soon
as it entered the Philippine market. For example, you can get a 50php
cash reward by registering an account, and there will be various
discounts when using gcash to pay bills, which will help gcash quickly
seize the Philippine market. Now, gcash is the largest electronic
payment platform in the Philippines market. Now gcash's cash
promotion has been cancelled, because gcash no longer needs
promotion activities to expand the market, because it has an absolute
monopoly in the electronic payment market in the Philippines.

Now the phtop platform is in a period of rapid development, so the

phtop platform will launch promotional offers to expand the market. I
hope that at this time everyone can seize the promotional opportunities,
work hard to increase their income, and rapidly develop and expand
their team. You can not only help you Friends or family members get
more income, which will also help you get more wealth on phtop.

Similarly, if phtop develops to be large enough, when phtop's influence

is large enough, when phtop monopolizes the sharing economy market
in the Philippines. I believe that phtop will not hold promotional
activities anymore. Until then, if you want to join phtop, the threshold
will only be higher and you will pay more. So when phtop has
promotional activities, please seize the opportunity and don't hesitate
anymore. The more hesitated, this will only make you miss more.

Each of us is working hard, for the sake of our family and ourselves, we
are all working hard to develop in the social environment, hoping to live
a better life or realize our dreams, and phtop is also developing rapidly. I
believe that no one, no company or enterprise will stand still, all people
and business complexes are looking for the best development direction.
The same is true for phtop, phtop is now in a period of rapid
development, so it has launched promotional activities to expand the
market and seek market share. If you have friends or family members
who want to work and earn income at phtop, now is the best time to join

As the person in charge of the team, as your senior agent, I will be

responsible for all members, and I will try to help everyone. I am very
grateful to everyone who joins my team. Because it is a very happy thing
to help everyone, I think when you become a senior agent and have a
team like me, you will understand the meaning of this job.

I also hope that everyone is responsible to your team members, tell

them all the information about phtop and all the promotional activities,
and guide them patiently. Help them increase more income and gain
more wealth on phtop. I believe that everyone has their own goals and
dreams. I think phtop is your chance to achieve your goals and dreams.

Recently, due to the influence of the super typhoon "Odette", power

outages and no signals have occurred in many places. Many members
of our team were unable to complete the task. For this, I will personally
provide compensation. If you are unable to complete the task on
December 17-18, I will reimburse you for the lost task commission
during the 2 days.

Currently, my team has about 810 people. Regarding this subsidy, I

expect to pay an additional 200,000 PHP. As the leader of the team, as
everyone's senior agent, this is what I must do, and it is also my

I also hope that every leader of my team is responsible to your

subordinates. I am not asking you to compensate them for their mission
losses, because all losses are borne by me. But be sure to tell them all
the information about phtop, help them understand phtop, and tell them
the latest promotions, so as not to miss the promotion and cause
losses. Help them from their perspective, not from the perspective of
your own interests. When thinking about the problem, please also think
about the problem from a higher perspective. I believe that as long as
our team helps each other and works together, we can all achieve our
goals and dreams on phtop.

I believe that today’s answer should be able to answer many members’

questions. If you also want to have more development on phtop, I hope
you can read and understand this information carefully. This is a great
help to everyone. I am very happy to be able to work with everyone,
which is an honor for me. I hope that in the days to come, I can continue
to work hard with everyone to create our own wealth myth.

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