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MPLE PAPER - I (SO) Time : 3hrs, M.M.:70 General Instructions (@ Allquestions are compulsory. (@ Marks foreach question are indicated against it GW Question number 1 108 are very short answer questions carrying ome mark ‘each, Answer these in one word or about one sentence. Gv) Question number 9 to 18 are short answer questions carrying twe marks each, Answer these in about 30 words. (©) Question number 19 10 27 are also short answer questions carrying three ‘marks each. Answer them in about 40 words. (vi) Question number 28 to 30 are long answer questions carrying Five marks each, Answer them in about 70 words (vi) Use log tables, if necessary, Use of calculator is not allowed. 1, The following sot of quantum numbers is not possible. Explain, why 7 n=2,1=3,m=-3,m=+4 ‘Name a species which is isoelectronic with the following ion 1 N’ For an isolated system AU = 0, what will be AS ? Explain the structure of CO, in terms of resonance ‘What ate the concitons under which gases deviate from ideality Justify thatthe following reaction i redox reaction 1.0) +F,@) SUF @) + HOF @ 7. Writethe TUPAC name of following 1 cH,=CH-cecH 8, Whatis the oxidation site of KinKKO, 1 3 4 5 6 ur 10, IL 2, 14, 15, 16. 1, 18 Wesite balanced equation for reaction between. 1x2=2 (2) Na,0, and water (©) Cametal with HCL oR Describe the hybridisation in case of PCI,, Why are the axial bonds longer as compared to equatorial bonds ” 2 (@) Use molecular orbital theory to explain why Be, molecule 1 does notexist. (©) Explain the formation of o and 7 bonds in CH, with he 1 help of diagrara, Mention the hybrid state of two catbon ators. Coleulate the mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6 A. 2 (= 6.26% 10735) Predict the products of electrolysis of an aqueous solution of AgNO, 2 swith silver electrodes. Write reaction that occurs at each electrode. ‘Write all the reactions involved in the preparation of sodium carbonate 2 from sodium chloride in Solvay Process Complete the following equations 2 (@) Al+ NaOH +103 ©) Bo, 44A—*58 A polluted water sample has been found to have 15 ppm CHC, in it. (a) Express this value in percent by mass. (b) Determine the molality of chloroform in the water sample. 2 An alkene ‘A’ on ozonolysis gives a mixture of ethanal and. 2 pentan-3-one, Write the structure and TUPAC name of A. ‘Whats the basie principle involved in the following process (a) Partition chromatography 1 (b) Distillation under reduced pressure 1 (a) Explain why Be and Mg do not give colour to the flame whereas 1 other alkaline earth metals do. (®) Why alkali and alkaline earth metals cannot be prepared by 1 chemical reduction methods ? us. 19. (a) Calculate the concentration of nitric acid in moles per litre ina sample which has adensity 141 gmL and the mass percent of HNO, initbeing 69%, (b) How many atoms are presentin 48 of C7 20. (a) Whatare degenerate orbitals ? Give example. (b). Show that the circumference of the Bobr’s orbit for Hatom is an integral multiple of de Broglie’s wavelength associated with the electron revolving around the orbit, oR (@) Mention the difference between electromagnetic wave theory and. Planck's quantum theory. (&) How many electrons can have quantum number values n= 4,2, 2L. (a) Write the general outer electronic configuration of block elements, (b)_ Predict the formula of a compound formed between silicon and oxygen. (©) Nhas higher ionisation enthalpy than O and why? 22. (@_ Calculate the total pressure in a mixture of 8 g O, and 4 ¢ H, confined in a vessel of volume 1 dm? at 27°C. (R= 0.083 bar dim K" mot"). (©) In terms of Charle's law explain why -273.15° Cis the lowest possible temperature, 23. (a) The species H,O and NH, can act both Bronsted acids and Bronsted Bases. For each give the corresponding conjugate acid and conjugate base. (b) What will be the pH of 0.002 M HCI? 24. (a) Write the expression for Kp forthe following reaction CH, (g)+H,0 @) = CO(g) +3H,(@) (b) How will the values of Kp and composition of equilibrium mixture be alfectedby @)inereasing the pressure (i) using acatalyst 9 25. 26. 27. 28 (@) OutofNH,,H,O and HF which would youexpecttohavehighest 1 snagnitude of hydrogen bonding and why ? (©) Waite chemical equations to justify that agent as well as areducing agent can actasanoxidising 2 Give reasons 3 (@) Why COisa poisonous gas? (b) ‘Lead(1¥) chloride ishighly unstable towardsheat (©) Boric acidisnot protic acid “Explain the following terms. 3 (a) Ozone bole () BOD (©) Green chemistry (a) Derive the relationship between Cp and Cy for an ideal gas. 3 (6). Given N, (g) + 3H, () > 2NH, (g) AH = -92.4 ki/mol. ‘What isthe standard enthalpy of formation of NH, gas ? (©) The equilibrium constant fora reaction is 10, What will be sign of AG ? ‘Will this reaction be spontancous ? OR (@) Compare the thermodynamic stabilities of NO and NO, fromthe following data Eyeto,9N0u) 8 -s0K mor! 14 kT mol? NO(E}+ 10 -¥NO,(e) 4,01 (b)_Writethe Born Haber Cycle forthe formation of CaCl, (8). 2 (©) For the reaction at 298 K:2A+B-+C AH = 400 kJ mol" and AS = 0.2 KTK~ molt Determine the temperatures at which the reaction would be spontancous. 120 29. (a) Give the reactions invelvediin the estimation of N and Cl by Lassiagene’s test 2 (©). Explainthe following with examples 3 © Hleewopkiles @)Nucleophiles (Inductive fest OR (9) Explain why: @ (CH),C* is more stable than CH,CH, and CH, stable cation, Gi) Onadding AgNO, to CCL, solution, white precipitate of AgCl is not obtained, (i). Nitric acid is added to sodium extract before adding AgNO, s the Least some a ©) Whantecnnsptencenienestenetlovingpisat Ay i Gi) S 2 \. é H ‘> pv D 30. (@) How will you convert @ Benzene o acetophenone i) Benzene to p-nitrophenone (i) Bthanoic acid to methane (®) Write TUPAC name of the product obiained by addition reaction of HBr to hex-I-ene in the presence of a peroxide. 1 (©) Hydrogen atoms of ethyne are acidic in nature, why ? 1 121 oR (a) Complete the following reactions: o sso, . 1 (fuming) (i) Ca, +0 > 1 Git) CH, = CH, +H,0+0 8B 1 ©) _-NO, group attached to benzene is meta directing but -OH group is oxtho and paradirecting, Explain why ? 2 ‘The value of f= 3 is not possible form =3. Permissible values of fis Oton 1. Nav or F or Ne 1 AS = 4ve e.g. mixing of two gases separated by a partition at constant tempera- te, 1 1 Low temperature and high pressure. 1 ‘The reaction involvs oxidation of fluorine (P, to F')in HOF and reduction of fluorine (F,) to F-in HF , 1 Bat-I-en-3-yne 1 KG) 1 (a) Na,0, + H,O> 1,0, + 2NaOH 1 (b) Ca+ 2HCI CaCl, +H, 1 OR sp'd nybridisation. The axial bonds are longer because axial bond pais suffer ‘more repulsion as compared to equatorial bond pars cl cl po a cl 122 10. (@) Be, cls, 0*1s', 2862s and B.O.= 44 (4-4) =0 Since B. O. is zer0, molecule does not exist Bae, and, are sp*hybridised = SS Cyande, are sp*hy AL act 5s oxtor - £626%10 mx3x10" m=6,138x10" kg 12, Products of electrolysis Avanode : Ag impure) —> Ag* + (oxidation) Atcathode: Ag* (ag) +e" Ag (Reduction) 13, HO +NH, + CO, + (NH)),CO, (NH),CO, + CO, + 1,0 > 2NELHCO, NHHCO, + NaCl > NaHCO, + NKCL 2NaHCO, + Na,CO, + H,0 + CO, 14, (@) 2A + 2NaOH + 6H,O > 2Na[AKOH),] + 3H, © HR0,—25 Ro, —451,018,0, 15. (9) % by mass = PP 100 = 15x10 25x10" m ° 1 16, A (lkene) 22H, CHO+CH,CH,CCH,CH, Rs 17, 18 19, 20. ne, _~ cH, cH, 3 -Bahylpentan-2-ene (A): CH, CH=C (@) Partition chromatography is based on continuous differential partitioning of components of a mixture between the stationary and mobile phases. 1 (©) Distillation under reduced pressure involves distillation at temperature lower than the normal boiling point ofthe ligid by reducing pressure on thesurfaceof liquid. (@) Be and Moti having high onisationenthalpy. 1 (b) Alkali metals and alkali earth metals are good reducing agents and have high -ve E?,,,., values, therefore they can not be reduced by chemical methods 1 W, 1000 © re Density of solution M,(HNO,) 4+ 14-4 48-=63 g/mol ‘Mass of I mL solution = 1.41 g 69 ‘Mass of HNO, = W, = x1.41=0.97 = Wa= to g v mL. = 227 5<1900=154 mol L? 2 6 (©) No. of C atoms = #84 4 1 iw (@) The omits ofa subsbel having same eneray are called degenerate orbitals ©.8.2p,,2p,, 2p, are degenerate orbitals (b) According to Bolu, the orbital angular:nomentum is quantized. 124 oR (@) According to cletromagnetic wave theory, energy is emitted in form of elee- trical and magnetic waves in continuous manner whereas Plank suggested ‘enecgy cannot be emitted orabsorbed continuously but in the form of small packets called quanta (©) Maximum No.of electrons in n Butonly half ofthem have m,=+¥% =2x4 No.of electrons with = 21. (a) _fPblock clements configuration (n— 246 (n= Id ns ©) io, (©) Itiscasier to remove one electron from 2p* configuration of O than from. ‘extra stable half filled 2p? configuration of N. 1 m= Hare 16, 1 22. (a) nO, ng = My, + hy, 0.2542 = 2.25 V=ldm'=1 300 K 28a asxoonaea00 (b) Volume of gas becomes zero at -273.15°C, therefore the lowest possible. ‘omnes 271 r 23, (a) Species Conjugate base — Conjugate acid as 26. 27. 28. ©) @ © @ ) ©) pH=-log[H']/mol L* 1 log (2x10) =-C3 + 0.3010) =2.7 kp- Po 1 Pan, Paso @ _ Kpisnotaffectedby increasing the pressure butthe forward 1 reaction is favoured. Kpisnotaffected by acatalyst and the equilibriums composition 1 also remains the same. HP hs highest magnitude of hydrogen bonding because Fis the most 1 electronegative atomn, 10, as oxidising agent 2Fe™* (aq) + 2H (ag) + H,0,(aq) > 2Fe” (aq) + 21,0 Reducing action of HO, @ © © @ © © @ HOCI+H,0, > H,0"+ Cl +0, CO bonds with haemoglobin and reduces its ability to bind with, oxygen, 1 Ph{LV) states unstable de toi inert pair effect 1 Boric acid, B(OH), accept GH from water and H* is vealeased by water molecule. 1 Orone hole - Depletion of ezone layer present over the south pole, 1 BOD- The amount of oxygen required by the bacteria to break 1 down the organic matter in a certain volume of a sample of water is called Biochemical Oxygen Demand Eutrophication - The process in which nutrient enriched water. 1 bodies support a dense plant population which kills animal life due to less availability of oxy en is called Eutrophication, Ateonstant volume y= CAT =AU Ateconstant pressure p= C,AT = AH For 1 mol ofan ideal gas: AH = AV + A(PV) AH =AV+ART) 126 HH = AU +RAT CAT=C,AT = RAT G-Gy=R 2 (b) 4, (NH, Aut 2. 1 2 2 (©) AG=-2.303 RT log K, When Ke=10, AG =~ve. The reaction willbe spontaneous. 2 OR (@) NO is an endothermic compound whereas NO, is an exothermic compound, i, AH? (NO)>A,H®(NO,) Hence, NO is ess stable than NO,, &) Cas) + Chey HP scact is) Laie [ , cag) 20) AH [airre | aAcgtt® carwg) + 2C1(@) AN® =A, + AH? +AH,% +2407 - (©) Atequilibrium, AG=AH-TaS=O0 1-AH 4s T 400 kJ mol" 0.2K mol" 000K “Above this temperature TAS > AETand therefore, reaction will be 2 spontaneous. 29. (a) NatC +N NacN Na+Cl— NaCl GCN" + Fe 5 [Fe(CN), J 3[Fe(CN),] +4Fe "9 Fe,[Fe(CN), ] AGNO, (ag) + NaCl (ag) > AgCl+ NaNO, (ag) (white ppt) (©) @ _lectcophile takes away an electron pair e.g, NO, i) Nucleophile accepts an lectron paire.g, O1- 1 GH Inductive Effect : The polarisation of a sigma bond due 1 to the polarisation of adjacent sigma bondis called inductive effect. OR (@) @ (CH,,C* is stable duc to hyperconjugation but CH, lacks hyperconjugation stability. 1 @® In CCI, the C-Cl bonds are covalent which do not furnish Ch in solution. 1 (ii) Cone, FINO, is added to the sodium extract o decompose cyanide or sulphide of sodium if present, 1 NaS +1 3 Na +18 NaCN +H’ > Nat +NCN (6). G) Position isomers 1 (Gi) Geometrical isomers 1 0 0. @ @ @) + CH,COCT _anhyt_ AIC or cH, cn, Pe c¢ HNO, anhyd. AICI, — w CH ret A. 7 rot OQ S No, (CH,COOH + NaQH + CH,COON: C0 ‘CH, i) CH + Nal COONa Fog CH, (©) CH,CH,CH,CH,CHECH, + HBr > CH,CH,CH,CH,CH,CH,Br 1 |-Bromohexane 128 (©) The Hattachedto sp hybrid carbon becomes acidic due to high electrone- gativity of (sp hybridised).C 1 OR 50K » Que J fuming) Benzene sulphonic acid) () CaC, + 2H,0 > CaOFD, + C, © CH=CH, +1,0+0 —KM0O. cH, cH, bod oH OH SN + + @ -—( J-——-f J ¥ ‘The electron density decreases on o- and p- positions as axesult the electrophile attacks on position. on “ou on gan on SSA 86 ‘The electron density increases on o- and p- positions, therefore electrophile attacks on o- and p- positions. 129

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