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1.4 Conduct a simple proposal of action research and follow the template

Action Research Proposal

Proposed Title

Which is Which? Revealing the Senior High school Students’ Track Choice: A
Convergent Parallel Approach

Area of Study (Field of Specialization)

The area of specialization of this action research is in lined with Education. It is an

area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their success,
and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also their community. In
addition, education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others and
prepares people for life experiences.

Background of the Study (What have you read that has had an impact on your
thinking about the topic?)

“Put your future in good hands-your own.”


If you want to have a fulfilling job, we must choose the career you love so that you
will never feel to work every single day of your life. We should take a career path that
fits our personality. Choosing is much the same as picking your Senior High School
(SHS) track because it defines your reactions, actions, values, likes, and dislikes.
One of the essential points for any student is deciding what profession to choose.
However, uncertainty is unavoidable, as well as career decisions entailing an
unexpected outcome. The Misfit of choosing a career may result in unemployment
and underemployment. Professional life and future achievement are a result of the
appropriate choice of career among students (Moneva & Malbas, 2019)

In Ghana, careful, thoughtful, effective, and efficient planning is essential in every

endeavor in the world, including one's career. Thus, for students to succeed in
choosing a job, it behooves them to plan it carefully. It is because of the career one

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wants to affect their whole life, including one's income, the standard of living, social
status and contact, emotional health, and feelings of self-worth. It would also affect
one's use of time, general satisfaction with life, and spiritual well-being. As a result,
the planning should be done by following the career planning process carefully.
Students do plan their careers by consulting all relevant persons, including the
counselor. They do also explore the various careers and choose schools and
courses or program that can help them to reach their career goal (Amoah et al.,

In the Philippines, the Department of Education has started to implement the new K-
12 Curriculum, which is a major reform in the Curriculum for all schools nationwide.
This reform includes decongesting and enhancing the basic education curriculum for
learners to master necessary competencies, lengthening the cycle of basic
education to cover kindergarten through year 12. By extending the basic education,
that is, adding kindergarten and two years in high school, the program ensures that
graduates earn the necessary skills and reach the legal age for employment to
qualify entrance into the world of work if they desire or need to do so. On the other
hand, graduates who opt to go to tertiary education are deemed better prepared for
college study (Garwal, 2015).

The newest addition and one of the main highlights of the K-12 Curriculum are the
Career Pathways, more known as Tracks. It offers opportunities for specialization in
Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports, and Arts fields. The students
may choose based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of the
career track would determine the content of the subjects. The student will take in
Senior High School in preparation for his/her career.

Many students find it challenging to choose what track or strand to take at in senior
high school level. Choosing a course is a hard decision to make. Your future
depends on it, and the choice you made would determine what life you would have in
the future. The first step in your life as an independent person is the first step to your
success. You should be careful in choosing a course because when you have
started on it, there is no way to get back. You can shift to another course, but many
things would be wasted: your effort, money, and time. So, from the start, you should
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pick the right one, and you should make up your mind that this is the track for you,
and this would lead you to success.

From the previous studies, most of the researches focuses on bivariate analysis.
Thus, the researcher felt that it is deemed necessary to undertake a mixed-method
study that may point out the track preferences of Grade 10 students to help them
choose the right choice in selecting a track. One of the identified reasons for job and
skills mismatch and underemployment is the lack of career information (Edwards &
Quinter, 2011). It also serves as a guidepost to determine such factors affecting their
career choice. In addition to this, helping the students become aware of the
importance of choosing the right career may lessen the number of students who are
possibly shifting courses and eventually minimize the risk of dropping from the
school. Furthermore, this would strengthen the career guidance and counseling
services of the school since it may help the students to make good career choices
and prevent them from falling into the unemployment and job mismatch traps. This
study may be of great help to the senior high school students that would lead them in
their proper choice of tracks. The purpose of the study was to identify factors that
influence students’ choices. For this persistence, the current study employed mixed-
method research to understand students’ preferences.
Statement of the Problem/ Purpose of the Study (as far as you are aware of,
what is the gap of knowledge in your research interest based on
readings/existing literatures? Why does this research need to be conducted?

This mixed-methods study addresses the experiences of senior high school

students with regards to their track choice. A convergent mixed method design is
used, a type of design in which different but complementary data was collected on
the same topic. In this study, a survey questionnaire on factors influencing students'
track choice was used to the theory of Career Development Theory. Concurrent with
this data collection, qualitative in-depth interviews and focus group discussion
explored the experiences of students in a phenomenological approach was used to
discover the lived experiences of the senior high school students' track choice in the
Division of Davao de Oro. At this stage in the research, the student's track choice as
the central phenomenon was generally defined that choosing the perfect career is
one of the most important and crucial decisions a person must make. It can be one
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of the measures of whether an individual will be successful in the future or not. It is at
this stage when the teenager needs guidance in the proper selection of their desired
Objectives of the Study (What does the study hope to achieve? Give at least

This study was conducted to describe the factors influencing students’ track choice
among senior high school. It describes the level of factors influencing students' track
choice among senior high school students. It explores and understands the
experiences of the Senior High School in choosing their track and to explain the
factors that influence the choice of high school track among students.

Research Locale and Respondents (Where will the study be conducted? Who
will be the target respondents?)

In the quantitative strand, the respondents of this research study were senior
high school students from Atty. Orlando S. Rimando National High School,
Binuangan, Maco, Compostela Valley Province. Probability sampling, specifically
two-staged cluster sampling, is used to identify the sample of the study. Probability
sampling is a type of sampling procedure wherein the probability or likelihood of the
inclusion of each element of the population can be specified. More specifically,
each element of the population must have an equal and independent chance of
being involved in the sample (Williamson and Johanson, 2018). Cluster sampling is
used when it is either impossible or impractical to compile an exhaustive list of the
elements composing the target population (Babbie, 2008). Cluster sampling is a
popular method in conducting researches wherein the population is divided into
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Figure 3. Map of the Philippines and Research Locale

different clusters. A cluster is a group of elements that are made up of

individual units that represent mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets
(Giri and Biswas, 2019). It is two-staged cluster sampling since a sample
of elements from each selected cluster or division chose randomly.
Literature Review: (What literature do you intend to review and why?)

Decision Making and Interest

Ferry (2006) further asserts that adolescent occupational choice is influenced by

many factors, including the context, personal aptitudes, and educational attainment.
He also contends that whether college-bound or work – bound, meeting the
challenge of this developmental milestone is critical in adolescents' lives. Students all
over the world are usually faced with the task of career decision making. The choice
of careers, subjects, and courses of study in schools and of subsequent paths to
follow are always difficult problems facing prospective undergraduates. Often,
choosing the right subject combination leading to the right professional can make the
difference between enjoying and detecting the career in the future. Dedicating
oneself to career choices that are unattainable leads to frustration. Everyone
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undertaking the process is influenced by many factors, including the context in which
they live, their aptitudes, and educational attainment. (Bandura, et al., 2001)

Decision-making, negative thinking, and career difficulties indicate the

undecidedness of a student. For students to make a better decision, one can
consider the interest and intellectual ability; interest in the subject, relationship with
peers, members of the family and teachers, and by assessment and research in the
internet and other sources before making the decision. Many students need career
counseling to choose the correct career path as a clinical researcher or clinical
practitioner. The approach to supporting student willingness is a potential influence
(Moneva & Malbas, 2019). The purpose of the National Career Assessment Exam
(NCAE) is to help students determine which courses they should study in college
and what sort of career they are best suited for. Like many standardized tests, the
NCAE measures students' general academic knowledge. However, the NCAE also
tests vocational aptitude, occupational preferences, and entrepreneurial skills (Ross,

Depping and Freund (2011) affirmed that in choosing a program, a student decides
typically on his own because no one will benefit from the decision otherthan the
student himself. Acquiring a college degree can be an essential factor in improving
your life for many reasons. It can propel your educational career to new heights.
Moreover, Nyamwange (2019) mentioned that student decision making and interest
are significant in determining track choice decisions for an individual's career. Career
choice has lately become a very complicated science, considering that numerous
factors influence the decision. Yet, choosing the right career is important in ensuring
that individuals lead rewarding lives, are motivated at their jobs, and can achieve
remarkable productivity, thus setting the stage for organizational success and
sustainability. Given the importance of making the right career choice, individuals
must be aware of the factors that influence such weighty decisions and do so from
the point of knowledge.

Shumba and Naong (2012) said the factors shaping career preference and ambitions
were discussed in 133 South African university students. The learner can self-
identify his/her preferred career choice. The teachers are also among the most
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influential factors in the selection of career and student aspirations. The study also
finds that career choices are decided long before the learners come to universities.
Very few students change their study program since these learners knew what they
intended to study after completing their Grade 12.

Also, the study of Obinnu and Ebunu (2013) attempts to examine factors affecting
career choice in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State. Based on a
sample size of 60 secondary school students, the authors find that situational
factors, environmental factors, and educational factors affect students' career
choices positively. Personality factors and economic factors did not affect career

Peer Influence

Anuada (2017) posited that out of 80 respondents, 55 (68.75%) agreed that their
classmates influenced them in choosing their strand. And 25 (31.25%) disagreed, 54
(67.5%) agreed that their close friends were the ones who influenced them to choose
their strand, and 26 (32.5%) disagreed, 55 (68.75%) agreed that their special friends
influenced them to choose their strand, and 25 (31.25%) disagreed.

Also, the results are interpreted as moderate as Peer Influence. Still, friends may
influence an individual choice of career. Own interest may be affected. Classmates
played an essential role in the formation of a student's achievement in their related
beliefs and values. Even, classmates do not always correspond with the peer group
of leisure-time, friends are affected by peers because one wants to be with them in
fulfilling dreams or a certain career (Frenzel, Goets, Pekrun & Watt, 2010).

It was also added by Witko et al. (2011) that as a result of an overloaded Curriculum,
overworked teachers. They do not have time to advise students and parents to
spend a relatively lesser time with their children. It leaves the students in the hands
of their fellow peers to offer the necessary guidance.

Also, verified by the survey that students' friends and family are a major influence on
career choices. Of the 51% that admitted being influenced by people close to them,
17% said family members influenced them, while their friends had influenced 34 %.
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Consideration of the Institution

Ming (2010) stated that a college or university location could be a major factor for
potential students' decision to apply and enroll. Some students are maybe looking for
a school close to their hometown or place of work for convenience and accessibility.
It is therefore concluded that location, academic program, college reputation,
educational facilities, cost, availability of financial aid, employment opportunities,
advertising are institutional factors that influence students' college choice decisions.

Also, Briones (2019) mentioned that one of the factors that might affect one's choice
is the school quality standards followed by well-qualified professors, school
atmosphere, infrastructure, and teaching /learning facilities. Another important
influencing factor is the availability of financial aid provided by the institution. They
would give a more favorable choice to a college with a possibility for a scholarship.
Ismail's (2009), on the study of the mediating effects of information on college
choice, indicated that students are satisfied with college choice based on their
information satisfaction concerning financial factors (external influences), which
include financial aids and affordable fees.

Future Job Opportunities

Schools have always played a vital role in ensuring that students have the skills
needed for the job or career they have chosen. The key function of education is to
adequately prepare students for life after schooling preparation for the world of work
is a necessary and vital part of that equation. As our society and economy continue
to evolve, it may be time to rethink how public education aids students in choosing
career and education pathways. Additionally, due to the present economic and social
changes our government is dealing with, we must think more deeply about the future
of those students who will enter the workforce immediately after high school
(Connelly, 2013).

Also, career choice is a complex decision for students since it determines the kind of
profession that they intend to pursue in life. Students should make career choices
while in secondary school, so they will be able to face the problem of matching their
career choices with their abilities and school performance (Edwards & Quinter,
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Further, Balana (2013), in her research, pointed out that one of the most and major
necessary steps is landing an appropriate job is having a planned course
choice/career path in pursuing a degree. A student must plan first on what course to
take as he goes on or continue his study before entering the tertiary level. There are
many things to consider before an individual concludes what path to take. Foremost
is what future he wants to get for himself. His Special skills and stock knowledge
gained during their secondary level of education.

Further, economic factors, which include students, also consider the employability
and availability of jobs in the future. Employability, i.e., the realistic feasibility of being
employed in a stable job, then becomes an important factor in career decision-
making. Coming from a collective culture, immigrant parents and children seek
careers that will support the whole family. Moreover, it is found that Asian American
men and women tend to be more interested in technical fields, the physical sciences,
and non-enterprising business positions over artistic, social, or socially interactive
business careers. (Pascual, 2014)

In addition, some students grow up knowing what they want to do in life. These are
the students who will go the extra mile to reach their dream job. However, students
often settle on a different path due to many factors they can't control. Students will
research their chosen career paths and explore everything about it. The salary and
benefits of that job do not play a role in this decision. In a research study, the factor
"match with interest" rated over job characteristics, major attributes, and
psychological and social benefits in importance when students choose a major
(Beggs et al., 2008). Students will seek out schools that are well known for that
major or trade. Most students today are more concerned with the amount of money
they can earn. However, there are a few students who pursue their dreams
(Mcglynn, 2007).

Senior High School Program

With the end view of the full implementation of SHS in SY 2016-2017, the DepEd
shall ensure that all Grade 10 completers, including those who are outside the formal
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education system, are enrolled in the SHS. Furthermore, the DepEd, through the
SHS CGP, shall assist SHS entrants in making informed decisions regarding their
choice of track and promote awareness in the importance of choosing a track that
suits their skills and interests that matches the available resources and needs of the
society. Before you choose your senior high strand or career track, the results of
your pre-admission screening of the senior high school you intend to enroll at, as
well as your NCAE, should both be favorable. For instance, anybody can choose to
enroll in the Humanities, and Social Sciences (HUMMS), Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM), and General Academic strands (GAS) along with the various
strands under the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) tracks regardless of the
results of the NCAE. But to qualify for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) strand, a student needs to have a final grade of 85 percent in
both Science and Mathematics as well as a percentile rank of 86 and above in the
STEM subtest of the NCAE. Should you choose to pursue the arts and design and
sports tracks, you need to score a percentile rank of 51 and above in your
corresponding NCAE subtests as well as pass the skills test that will be administered
by the school that you wish to enroll in (DepEd Order No. 41, s.2015)

Theoretical Framework (What tentative theory/ies will you use in analyzing

your material? Why this/these theories?

The research was presented from Donald Super's point of view (1967) on career
self-concept theory, which stresses that the self-concept of the person plays a
central role in their career choice. Super claims that it is during adolescence that
individuals first construct a career self-concept. Super talks of the crystallization
phase when the adolescents develop ideas that fit with their current global self-
concept. For Super, time perspective has always been central to career
development. Following Super's career choice claim, the theory focuses on how
these ideas will influence the track choice of the incoming SHS Students.

In addition, Super (1990) said that indecisiveness is a period in the developmental

process when interests have not been fully crystallized. Individuals lead to
discrimination between two or more choices of two or more occupational objectives
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when uncertainty about the future occurs. It is also noted that as individuals become
more aware of the developing character of the career process itself, they are more
willing to make changes and to alter or redefine a decision.

Another theory is the Career Development Theory. According to David Tiedman

(1961) said that this theory is the career development of decision making and self-
development approach to career is responsible for one’s own behavior because
each one has the capacity for choosing a career. He referred to the evolving stage of
self-in-situation from the earliest awareness of self to the point at which an individual
becomes capable of evaluating experiences, anticipating, and imagining future
goals. This theory states that when choosing a strand or career is consider the
following: Decision-Making and Interest, Peer Influence, Consideration about the
Institution, and Future Job Opportunities. For obvious reasons, this theory has
something to do with choosing one’s career or track and the researcher’s study has
something to do with the preferred tracks of students that they need to know that
they are interested in. Choose what they really want and motivate them. They need
to assess themselves to know what their major is and explore their options and think
about their field of interests.

Proposed Methods/Procedures (This answers the question: How will you

conduct the study?)

This study utilized the mixed methods design in a research study, specifically
convergent approach wherein a researcher or team of researchers combines
elements of qualitative and quantitative approaches, viewpoints, data collection,
analysis, and inference techniques for breadth and depth of understanding and
corroboration of the study (Creswell, 2012; Schoonenboom & Johnson, 2017). It is
considered a common approach with some researchers as they believed that mixed
methods research design is an excellent way to gain a deeper understanding of
issues and experiences (Williamson & Johanson, 2018). If a researcher wanted to
build on the strength of both quantitative and qualitative data, mixed methods
research design is good to use (Creswell, 2012). That approach is interested in a
pragmatic combination of qualitative and quantitative research as it offers an end to
paradigm wars of earlier times (Flick, 2018). They added that its overall goal of
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combining quantitative and qualitative research components is to expand and
strengthen a study's conclusion and therefore contribute to the published and
existing literature.

Notably, the utilization of the convergent approach in this study is a design that
consists of two separate phases. Yet, qualitative and quantitative data were collected
in parallel, analyzed distinctly, and then merged (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011).
Accordingly, Schoonenboom and Johnson (2017) stated that a convergent design
performed independently where the quantitative and the qualitative strands of the
research. The results are brought together in the overall interpretation. This study
used a mixed-method design, precisely a convergent approach. It aimed to collect,
analyze, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative data to provide a better
understanding of the research problem, which is the factors influencing the senior
high school students' tract choice. Survey questionnaire was used to test the factors
that influence students’ track choice. Concurrent with the data, qualitative in-depth
interviews and focus group discussion explored the experiences of the senior high
school students in choosing their track in the senior high school program. The
reason for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data was to organize the
strengths of both forms of research to corroborate results. In this way, collecting the
qualitative and quantitative data provided the researcher and the audience a rich and
clear understanding of the research problem.

Figure 2. Convergent Mixed Methods Design

Notably, this design 's strength is that it combines the advantages of qualitative data
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and quantitative data. In which is generalizability for the quantitative phase and
specific information about the context and setting in the qualitative phase. It allows
the researcher to collect information that uses both the best quantitative and
qualitative data collection features (Creswell, 2012)
This study's quantitative dimension used a descriptive Analysis Style. The concise
method of study is used by most researchers in the education and social sciences.
Descriptive analysis, as opposed to exploratory, is descriptive. It ensures that a
concise survey collects quantifiable knowledge that can be analyzed by data
collection to objectively speculate about the target audience. The result of this type
of research directs for policy formation and recommendations. Giri and Biswas
(2019) emphasized that the main idea of using descriptive research is to describe
better opinion, attitude, or behavior held by a group of people on a given subject.
Relative to this, the study conducted to determine the level of factors influencing the
senior high school students' track choice in the Division of Davao de Oro.
Meanwhile, on the qualitative strand, a phenomenological approach was utilized.
This design was deemed to draw appropriate for this investigation wherein the
standpoints of the learners in choosing their track preference in Senior High School.
This phenomenological study focused on digging out on the experience of the
participants on the track choice of Senior High School students in the Division of
Davao Oro. According to Wertz (2005), the phenomenological approach allows
researchers to dig out sensitive insights and human explanations of situations. In this
study, I concentrated on finding the central meaning or essence of the experience of
the participants. The focal point of phenomenological research is on the description
of the common experience of the participants. To Creswell (2007), the main aim of
phenomenology is to "reduce individual experiences with a phenomenon to a
description of the universal essence." I immersed in their own experience to explain
the phenomenon and gave light to the realities they were in. This study, therefore,
would result in describing the experiences of senior high school students in their
track preferences.

Place of the Study

The research was conducted at Atty. Orlando S. Rimando National High School,
Arellano St. Tagum City
Binuangan, Maco, Davao de Oro, and the largest public high school in Maco North
District, Davao de Oro. The school is home to 110 junior high schools and 40 senior
high school teachers and non-teaching staff serving a student population of 3,702.

Quantitative Strand
Sample Size
There were 355 senior high school students in Atty. Orlando S. Rimando National
High School as of the year 2020. Out of this number, a total of 186 senior high
school students were the respondents of this study based on the suggested number
of sample size by Sue and Ritter (2007) on studies with a 95% confidence level and
an accepted margin of error of 5% which is at least 186. This study was conducted in
the second semester of the school year 2019-2020.
Sampling Technique
Random Sampling was utilized in identifying the respondents of this study with the
margin of error of .5 and 95 confidence level using the Raosoft Calculator application
in determining the sample size. Out of 355 Senior High School Students of Atty.
Orlando S. Rimando National High School, 186 respondents were identified. These
respondents were asked to answer the adapted questionnaire of Factors Influence
Senior High School Track Choice.

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On the gist. Write your reflection by completing the following statements.

I realized that

Assist SHS entrants in making informed decisions regarding their choice of track and
promote awareness in the importance of choosing a track that suits their skills and
interests that matches the available resources and needs of the society.

I believe it is essential to
Arellano St. Tagum City
It is also noted that as individuals become more aware of the developing character of
the career process itself, they are more willing to make changes and to alter or
redefine a decision. A decision that they made with their own piece of work and not
through the influence of their friends or peers.

From now on, I am determined to

To identify or examine the interests of the students on where track of choice may
they went through or what track they may choose as the best suited to their choice
and wanted to attain. It is very crucial to let the students choose of the track with
their own decision and we guide and assist them through their development and

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