Wet in A Sentence - Wet Example Sentences

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Wet Wetting Wets

Wet in a sentence | wet example sentences

1. He was wet and cold.

2. It was warm and wet.

3. He felt his eyes wet.

4. He was wet all over.

5. She wet her dry lips.

6. But it does feel wet.

7. The man wet his lips.

8. She was wet all over. x

9. She was cold and wet.

10. I was wet and ready. x

11. It was wet with vomit.

12. Slice it using a wet.

13. I sat on the wet grass.

14. I almost wet my pants.

15. And my eyes became wet.

16. Chapter 11 — The Wet.

17. Yes, wet was the oor.

18. His hair was stil wet.

19. He stroked her wet hair.

20. You must be wet through.

21. Cover with a wet towel.

22. It was wet to the touch.

23. Wet the edges and press.

24. It was a dark, wet night.

25. My shirt is wringing wet.

26. He stared at the wet road.

27. It was the wet season, Mr.

28. And, after holding a wet.

29. It was wet and a bit wild.

30. Her eyes were red and wet.

31. I woke up with wet cheeks.

32. Sweat kept our bodies wet.

33. His mouth was warm and wet.

34. Sand clung to her wet feet.

35. He wet his throat with wine.

36. My face was wet with sweat.

37. My face was wet with tears.

38. I roughly wiped my wet eyes.

39. His eyes are wet with tears.

40. She’s shaken o the wet.

41. Mist wreathed from the wet.

42. Everything was cold and wet.

43. Floy slid on the wet shingle.

44. This wet is very unpleasant.

45. It was gusty, bleak, and wet.

46. It had a few wet spots on it.

47. In the wet it turns to slush.

48. Wednesday dawned dull and wet.

49. And that his mittens are wet.

50. The plant ships tons of wet.

51. Your clothes are still wet.

52. Her blond hair was still wet.

53. Mowing when the grass is wet.

54. She was naked, wet and soapy.

55. I couldn't see if he was wet.

56. Her eyes grew wet with tears.

57. Her eyes were wet with tears.

58. It is also slippery when wet.

59. Replace wet clothing with dry.

60. Her lungs were wet with urine. x

61. His hands were still wet and.

62. The road was wet from the rain. x

63. Her pillow was wet with tears.

64. The Bolg came out of the wet.

65. It was a wet sound, squishing.

66. A trail of wet tickle on her.

67. Her face still wet with tears.

68. But that involved getting wet.

69. They were still wet and dirty.

70. She was wet with anticipation.

71. The people sat in wet clothes.

72. But we're thoroughly wet now.

73. Dogs wet mops in their kennels.

74. She saw that his eyes were wet.

75. His shirt became wet with tears.

76. Tears in silence wet both our.

77. His cheeks were wet with tears.

78. Her cheeks were wet with tears.

79. It smells so wet, doesn't it?

80. He held a wet towel to his face.

81. A wet sounds as the man sti ens.

82. They will remain sticky and wet.

83. He felt wet and sticky all over.

84. Wet and sticky wasn't really a.

85. You are wet, and you look weary.

86. I like the smell of wet pavement.

87. PASTY when wet & hard when dried.

88. Troi unconsciously wet her lips.

89. The left side of his face is wet.

90. Congo were still wet in his heart.

91. It was a limp strand of wet kelp.
92. He could feel her tears wet his. x

93. Better yet, give a wet handshake.

94. The pillow was wet from her tears.

95. Finally, he wet his lips and spoke.

96. He noticed that the wheel was wet.

97. But when it’s too heavy and wet.

98. I wrapped him in cool, wet covers.

99. My thighs were wet with my desire.

100. You’re like a wet, salty dog.

1. But in reality I’m wetting myself.

2. A single tear escaped, wetting her cheek.

3. SuperSeaweed also acts as a wetting agent.

4. Her tears owed like a river, wetting her blouse.

5. I had tears in my eyes and felt hers wetting my neck.

6. A little water spilled from her pail, wetting my foot.

7. She kissed the young man on his forehead, wetting him.

8. He was seated on the sill of the open window, wetting his.

9. Wetting her lips, she asked "How long have I been here?".

10. Lyra leant forward, the tip of her tongue wetting her lips.

11. Matthew later said he was wetting himself in the back room.

12. Soap will increase e ectiveness as a wetting agent, use Dr.

13. He stood and looked around, the rain wetting his bare head.

14. Nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting correlates with criminality.

15. Once this is done then it is a matter of wetting the backing down.

16. Lucas had reacted like an overeager puppy, minus the wetting himself.

17. The hounds were padding in circles, wetting bricks, hooves, and boots.

18. She kissed the young man on his forehead, wetting him with her tears.

19. The boy shook uncontrollably, blood everywhere, wetting Thomas’s hands. x

20. Wetting his lips, he chuckled and started to say, You don't mean—.
21. She ignored the mess she was making and focused on wetting all of her hair. x

22. It brandished vicious fangs and whipped its shing rod with pant wetting.

23. The bed wetting increased, so that the washing machine was constantly at work.

24. The tears poured down my face, wetting the counter as they dripped o my chin.

25. I didn’t mean anything by it, I just… She faltered, tears wetting her cheeks.

26. As it was they only thought of how to cross it without wetting themselves in its water.

27. My daddy’s going to kill me! she wailed again, sweat wetting the roots of her hair.

28. I just… The tears that have been gathering in his eyes spill over, wetting his cheeks.

29. I thought ’twas merely Metaphor, said I, wetting Belinda’s red and curly Hair with Tears.

30. Finally, she pulled it out of his pants and looked down at it, wetting her lips with her tongue.

31. Aspen shook her head slowly from side to side, gently wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue.

32. This he managed by stretching his neck out, wetting Lucy’s knuckles with his nose in the process.

33. Dare he risk inviting them and asking Mister Tom's permission? After all, he was still wetting his bed.

34. I think the only thing that’s next, I said, wetting my lips, is for you to tell us how you feel.

35. To his horror and shame, a few weeks after his arrival at the orphanage, he started wetting the bed again.

36. I’m—I’m ne, she responded and looked away trying to hide the tears that were now wetting her eyes.

37. Connor gulped in fear, wetting his parched lips with his slimy tongue, his ery cherry eyebrows arched in panic.

38. Cool body by wetting underclothing with TEPID water (cold water would push the core temperature up) and fanning.

39. She felt he was searching her soul, as he gazed down upon her trembling lips, wetting his own as if in anticipation.

40. He gently took both my hands into his, raised them to his lips, and kissed my ngers, his tears wetting my knuckles.

41. They plunged into the edge, wetting themselves from head to foot, which seemed to release the adults from their lethargy.

42. I went through to the wash room and got a annel, wetting it with cold water under the tap, then I mopped his sweaty brow.

43. It dropped away at once, but he wiped furiously with his thumb at the residue he could feel wetting his cheek like an entrail tear.

44. Wetting his lips, Brokin tried again and this time the shrill, high-pitched shriek of an injured weasel rang out across the clearing.

45. Forgive—forgive me, he murmured; and he began to sob like a child, kissing her face and hands, and wetting them with his tears.

46. To give himself time to catch more words from Bella’s grace, he used the pretext of unstoppering a water gourd and wetting his throat.

47. He had never had a magical duel before with anyone who had not been practically wetting themselves laughing at his lack of magical abilities.

48. This made Dorothy so very angry that she picked up the bucket of water that stood near and dashed it over the Witch, wetting her from head to foot.

49. I’ll want to train most of them on weapons closer to whatever tools they’re used to using, Karyl said after wetting his throat with a sip.
50. Tears were wetting the skin of my hand still caressing her face and I watched something ercely passionate give birth in the stormy depths of her eyes.
51. I lay still a while: the night-wind swept over the hill and over me, and died moaning in the distance; the rain fell fast, wetting me afresh to the skin. x

52. He stumbled and fell, stinging and wetting his hands in the evening dew that was now falling, but, laughing, he straightened himself and ran into the

53. However, putting the focus on your child rst means that you will not lose track of your child’s comfort level as your try to help your child stop wetting
the bed.

54. When Nekhludo had nished, the General took a book o the table, and, wetting his nger, quickly turned over the pages and found the statute
relating to marriage.

55. Druscilla strok’d my Thighs, whilst Evelina made fair to fondle my Breasts, now tweaking my Nipples with her delicate Fingers, now wetting ’em with her
warm, slick Tongue.

56. This is often a case of why did this have to happen to me? Children may feel that it is unfair that they have a problem with wetting the bed when others
seem to have no.

57. He was not very skilful yet, and as he scrubbed the water ran down over the stock of the brush, over his hand and down his uplifted arm, wetting the
turned-up sleeves of his shirt.

58. I just wanted to hurl - he really is the grossest bastard in the whole world and Kate is gonna be sooo rid of him and that is when Toto really started
wetting himself and told me.

59. Children using this approach learn to stop wetting the bed through a combination of urine retention training, urine alarm system, self-correction, rapid
waking training, positive 41.

60. When Nekhludo had nished he took a book from the table, and frequently wetting the ngers with which he turned the leaves, he lighted on the
chapter treating of marriage and perused it.

61. The policeman raised the drooping head, and tried to pour a little water down the mouth; but the prisoner could not swallow it, and it ran down his
beard, wetting his jacket and his coarse, dirty linen shirt.

62. These, in countermeasure, began to wet the fat enchantress with their magical instruments; and in seconds everybody was wetting everybody while we
were scattered in the lounge seeing amazed the Dantesque scene.

63. The princess, seeing them, breathed quickly, and immediately began to cry and then immediately began to laugh and with a vigorous step Levin had not
expected, ran up to him, and hugging his head, kissed him, wetting.

64. What the boy Salah Ad-Deen saw, and what he still remembers until now, was that the magician’s disgusting and stinking sweat was owing all over his
face, wetting his chin, and then falling to the ground drop by drop.

65. Finally, parent history and medical history will be taken, as some medical problems cause bedwetting, as do genetics (children with two parents who
were bed wetters as children have a more than 76% chance of having a problem with wetting the bed.

66. He even did more, he snatched His Excellency's hand and held it to his eyes, wetting it with his tears, so that Yulian Mastakovitch was obliged to draw it
hastily away, and waving it in the air, said, Come, my dear fellow, come! I see you have a good heart.

67. But beshrew me, he cried, clapping hand to his forehead, tomorrow will be a new day and, thousand thunders, I know of a marchand de capotes,
Monsieur Poyntz, from whom I can have for a livre as snug a cloak of the French fashion as ever kept a lady from wetting.

68. They were eloquent in their distress; but they presently discovered that the re had eaten so far up under the great log it had been built against (where it
curved upward and separated itself from the ground), that a handbreadth or so of it had escaped wetting; so they patiently wrought until, with shreds
and bark gathered from the under sides of sheltered logs, they coaxed the re to burn again.

69. There it was, the fatal window, huge as the one in the bedroom below and the one in the library below that, yawning wide open above its murderous low
sill, with the rain ying in on every fresh gust of wind and wetting the oor and the cushions of the sofa and even, as she could see, those sheets of
notepaper o the writing-table that had own in her face when she came in and were now lying scattered at her feet.

1. She wets them up under the kitchen faucet.

2. She turns to the kitchen sink and wets up more paper towels.

3. She takes one of the yellow cloths and wets it up with soap and water.

4. To begin with mull Sand and tempered water, this wets the sand surface , then.

5. She wets it in the sink and brings it over and kneels to place it on his forehead.

6. Stacey wets her lips before entering and hands him an unusually thick report at 3:03.

7. Ask your child if he or she dreams that she is urinating on the nights when he or she wets the bed.

8. It hurts at rst, but she soon nds that as the water wets her throat it begins to get easier to swallow.

9. Then she wets toilet tissue and cleans up the cut, which is no more than half a centimetre in length but it hurts like hell.

10. Suzy almost wets herself when she sees the policemen at the front gate, watching the interchange between the policeman and the medic Suzy tries to
calm herself.

11. Jock does as he is told, pulling a wad of kitchen roll from the holder on the wall by the microwave, which he too wets under the tap so that he can clean
himself up.

12. If your child thinks that he or she is the last 6-year-old (or 8-year-old or 16-year-old) that still wets the bed, your child may conclude that there is
something wrong with them.

13. What a Wonder is that malleable Organ! It licks, it tastes, it wets, it smooths, it slicks; it causes Nipples and Pricks to stand at attention, and sucks the
Savour out of Capons and Cocks.

14. Then she takes a towel, wets it with the stu , and rubs his whole back for half an hour till it's quite red and swollen, and what's left in the bottle she gives
him to drink with a special prayer; but not quite all, for on such occasions she leaves some for herself, and drinks it herself.

15. O the walls in sorts of animal suspicions, hang tameable tricks and tears, visors of haughty expressions, made happy with drinks and beers; and pairing
with a pinking shears, the pieces o his customers, a butcher-barber-cut-o -ears, wets his comb and precedes yes, to style yet another outpatient from
The Home.

16. She wets her lips and angles her head so that her mouth is a breath away from his, and I’m a mess of quivering frigging nerves in the corner because she
just stays like that and her eyes x on his mouth, and his xes on hers and I think, Shit, this room is going to blow, then I think, Shit, this is Dani and

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Synonyms for wet
moisture (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/moisture) wet (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/wet) x

besotted (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/besotted) blotto (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/blotto)

cockeyed (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/cockeyed) crocked (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/crocked)

fuddled (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/fuddled) loaded (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/loaded)

pissed (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/pissed) pixilated (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/pixilated)

plastered (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/plastered) slopped (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/slopped)

sloshed (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/sloshed) smashed (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/smashed)

soaked (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/soaked) soused (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/soused)

sozzled (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/sozzled) sti (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/sti )

tight (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/tight) lactating (https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/lactating)

Similar expressions

Wet de nitions
1. Wetness caused by water

2. Make one's bed or clothes wet by urinating

3. Cause to become wet

4. Very drunk

5. Consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor

6. Covered or soaked with a liquid such as water

7. Producing or secreting milk

8. Supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages

9. Containing moisture or volatile components

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