Tell Sentence Example: Meanings Synonyms

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Tell sentence example

 tell

Meanings Synonyms Sentences

Then there will be no one to tell tales.

294  124
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Boys, what did I tell you?
 87
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"We cannot tell," they answered.
 105
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I love to tell you about God.
 21
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I tell her she must go.
73  35
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Why didn't you tell me?
 32
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But then, if Tessa didn't marry him, why didn't Dulce tell him about the baby?
76  50
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Why did you tell Howard about the books?
 21
 
Tell him to come later.
20  2
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It might be a good idea to tell Len or Howard about it.
 16
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The picture-book will tell you all about many strange and wild animals.
27  12
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I would gladly tell all that I know about it, and never paint "No Admittance" on my gate.
 11
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But now I want to tell you how glad I am that you are so happy and enjoying your home so
very much.
 4
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Now I am going to tell you a secret.
 10
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Could you, in such a case, tell surely of any company of civilized men which belonged to the
most respected class?
19  9
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I'll tell you some things about myself.
 4
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You will not tell him?
33  25
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That's why I didn't tell you.
 9
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Please tell the brave sailors, who have charge of the HELEN KELLER, that little Helen who
stays at home will often think of them with loving thoughts.
12  5
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At last James Hogg said, "It's of no use; all we can do is to go home and tell the master that
we have lost his whole flock."
 14
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Please tell me something that you know about God.
 2
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He cannot imagine how very, very happy he will be when he can tell us his thoughts, and we
can tell him how we have loved him so long.
 2
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Did you tell him how it makes you feel?
15  11
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"And mama can't tell whether my face is dirty or not!" added the other childish voice,
 10
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"Wait, and I will tell you," said the caliph; and he smiled again.
8  4
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Before the end of the first year I read "Wilhelm Tell" with the greatest delight.
17  13
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I cannot tell exactly when I began Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare"; but I know that I read
them at first with a child's understanding and a child's wonder.
 8
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Nevertheless, I must tell you that we are alive,--that we reached home safely, and that we
speak of you daily, and enjoy your interesting letters very much.
 1
 
The two distinguished authors were very gentle and kind, and I could not tell which of them I
loved best.
5  1
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We think of you so, so often! and our hearts go out to you in tenderest sympathy; and you
know better than this poor letter can tell you how happy we always are to have you with us!
 2
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I know you will be amused when I tell you that I am deeply interested in politics.
 2
 
If I should attempt to tell how I have desired to spend my life in years past, it would probably
surprise those of my readers who are somewhat acquainted with its actual history; it would
certainly astonish those who know nothing about it.
7  3
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How tell the little countess!
 1
 
If it is true that Monsieur Denisov has made you a proposal, tell him he is a fool, that's all!
 2
 
Tell me everything--the whole truth.
 0
 
She wanted to tell him how much she missed him - how much she wished he was there, but
he might jump in the truck and travel dangerous highways.
10  7
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I want you to tell me the truth.
3  0
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Just tell us what to do.
 0
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But even if I had a robot that knew everything, I couldn't really say, "Tell me every custom
they have here" and be fully informed.
 10
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I will tell you a little story about Plymouth.
5  2
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Tell Mildred she must be kind to them for my sake.
3  0
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It is a very pretty story, and I will tell it to you some time.
 0
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How you would have enjoyed hearing him tell about Venice!
 1
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She seems to like to tell all she knows.
 1
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For no system of marks in a lexicon can tell one how to pronounce a word.
 0
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Please give my love to your good Greek friends, and tell them that I shall come to Athens
some day.
5  2
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Let us write her a letter at once, and she'll come here and all will be explained, or else, my
dear boy, let me tell you it's quite likely you'll have to suffer for it.
 2
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No, I didn't tell Allen where you were.
 0
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Tell me how it happened.
 0
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It was hard to tell.
 0
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You let your mother tell me.
2  0
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It was hard to tell whether the sarcasm had gone over his head or he simply wasn't amused.
 0
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It was hard to tell whether he was trying to impress his sister or shock her.
2  0
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Wanna tell me what you're thinking, boss?
 0
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I can never tell you how much pleasure they have given us.
 0
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Tell me something that Father Nature does.
3  1
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Please tell your little pupil many things when you have much time.
 1
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I wonder if you would like to have me tell you a pretty dream which I had a long time ago
when I was a very little child?
3  1
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First of all, dear friend, tell me how you are.
 1
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To tell them that she felt ashamed for herself and for them would be to betray her agitation,
while to decline their offers to dress her would prolong their banter and insistence.
 0
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You have done up your hair in this new way for the visitors, and before the visitors I tell you
that in future you are never to dare to change your way of dress without my consent.
2  0
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I will, I will, only tell me!
 0
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Do you want me to go and tell him? said the countess smiling.
3  1
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No, I will do it myself, only tell me what to say.
 0
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I can't tell you how much I have lived through since then.
 1
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"Well, dear heart," said he, "I wanted to tell you about it yesterday and I have come to do so
 0
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There isn't much to tell.
 1
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The idea of talking to her again was unsettling enough, but to tell her something like this?
5  4
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I'll tell you on the way.
 0
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You better not tell either of them just yet.
1  0
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Tell me the truth.
 0
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She would tell him what she thought of him and demand that he let the twins go with her.
 0
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Just tell me everything you know.
 0
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"But tell me," said Dorothy, "how did such a brave Champion happen to let the bears eat him?
 2
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It is a sad story, but if you will try to restrain your tears I will tell you about it.
6  5
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Tell father, please, to write to me.
 2
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And Jesus, who is His Son, but is nearer to Him than all of us His other Children, came into the
world on purpose to tell us all about our Father's Love.
 1
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I shall want you to tell me all about everything, and not forget the Donkey.
 1
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But I cannot see you and talk to you, so I will write and tell you all that I can think of.
 1
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I must tell thee about how the day passed at Oak Knoll.
 1
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You must tell Mr. Howells when you see him, that we are living in his house....
 1
 
Do tell me what you think about Dr. Bell's suggestion.
1  0
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When I see that she is eager to tell me something, but is hampered because she does not
know the words, I supply them and the necessary idioms, and we get along finely.
 0
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Tell her there are a few bitter drops in every one's cup, and the only way is to take the bitter
patiently, and the sweet thankfully.
 2
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No, I tell you.
 0
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Tell them to give me a seat, for God's sake!
 2
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"No, on my true word of honor," said Natasha, crossing herself, "I won't tell anyone!" and she
ran off at once to Sonya.
1  0
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"Why did I tell her that 'Je vous aime'?" he kept repeating to himself.
 1
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I tell you I am madly, madly, in love with you!
 0
 
There's nothing much to tell.
0  0
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I'm not all that secretive, but you were the one who kept telling me that if he wanted you to
know, he'd tell you.
 0
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On the other hand, Katie had flatly refused to provide some information because she said Alex
wouldn't want her to tell.
0  0
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Just because it upsets me doesn't mean I don't want to know - or that you shouldn't tell me.
 0
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She would have bet her eyeteeth that Connie wouldn't tell Allen where she was.
 0
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It was difficult to believe that Connie would tell Allen, knowing his weakness for alcohol, but
how else would he have known?
0  0
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It was hard to tell, but there were no trees ahead, so it must be the clearing.
 0
 
Didn't I tell you it was dangerous to be alone?
0  0
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You actually sought out my company - or did you have something earth-shattering to tell me?
 0
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If they could talk, what tales these hills could tell.
 0
 
Tell me the truth now, aren't you enjoying the ride?
0  0
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She hesitated a moment, wanting to tell him, but thinking she would be betraying Yancey if
she did so.
 0
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If Howard had not been able to find anything on Yancey, it was probably because there was
nothing to tell.
 0
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Did Connie tell Allen where to find me?
0  0
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If Connie didn't tell Allen where to find her, who did?
 0
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Most people will tell you anything you want to know.
0  0
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It would be best to contact Connie tomorrow and tell her not to send mail.
 0
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You didn't tell us it was her birthday.
 0
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I guess if he thought it was any of my business, he'd tell me.
 0
 
I'll tell Howard to get everything together and you can drop by to pick it up next week.
 0
 
Three men talking to each other on a sidewalk certainly wasn't enough to tell the police –
except Len.
0  0
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Did he actually tell his mother to get the cake, or had she decided on her own?
 0
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Oh sure, and if I started taking my clothes off, you'd tell me to stop, right?
 0
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You never pay any attention to anything I tell you to do, so what would be the point?
0  0
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And don't tell me you aren't playing house with him.
 0
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And if I did, I wouldn't tell the likes of you.
0  0
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I didn't tell you to send Allen.
 0
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Everyone had tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen.
0  0
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Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without
implicating Yancey.
 0
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Tell me, Yancey, her voice broke with emotion.
 0
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Howard said the police wouldn't tell him anything about you.
0  0
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I can tell by the way he looks at you.
 0
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Yeah, and you're the only one he shares them with - and you won't tell.
0  0
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I can't imagine why he didn't tell us his friend was a pretty girl.
 0
 
She couldn't see his facial expression in the dark, so it was hard to tell if he was teasing her
or not.
 0
 
Was she merely a female to hold for the evening - or was this what he had been trying to tell
her for so long?
0 0
  

That's what I've been wanting to tell you.

 0
 
What do you think I've been going through lately... wanting to tell you, wanting to hold you in
my arms - not knowing if you felt the way I did.
 0
 
Only time would tell.
0  0
 
I'm beginning to wonder if you're too polite to tell me to shove off.
 0
 
And now you're trying to tell me that I don't fit into them either.
0  0
 
The way she had it figured, the hospital in Bartlesville would tell her there were no openings.
 0
 
I'll find out, anyway, but you could save us both some time if you tell me now.
 0
 
"Hard to tell," Bordeaux mused, still watching the retreating troop.
 0
 
From this angle, it's hard to tell you from the mules.
 0
 
Now that they were all together, it would be a good time to tell them.
0  0
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I don't know how to tell you without just blurting it out.
 0
 
Why didn't you tell me that the first day?
0  0
 
And don't tell me nothing else occurred to you.
 0
 
I was going to tell you when we got to Ashley.
 0
 
"Well, let's just say he was willing to tell me what lay in store for me," she answered flippantly.
 0
 
How could she tell him without being insulting?
 0
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It's hard to tell exactly what happened, because the storm covered any tracks.
0  0
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He didn't have to tell her twice.
 0
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I could tell it was shod.
0  0
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Apparently he wasn't going to tell her he had killed the Indian to get his horse back.
 0
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She wanted to tell him how much he was like her father.
 0
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He did tell the girl he had a ranch in Texas.
 0
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For a moment she was tempted to tell Darcie.
 0
 
He didn't tell you?
0  0
 
I thought... of all people, he'd tell you his plans.
 0
 
Did you tell him how you feel?
0  0
 
Why didn't you tell me instead of trying to trick me?
0 0
  

Obviously. Now tell me why.

 0
 
Why didn't you tell me everything from the beginning?
0  0
 
Are you trying to tell me he hasn't even noticed all that?
 0
 
Did you call me to get my opinion or to tell me you're going to take the job?
0  0
 
I can tell by the color in your cheeks.
 0
 
Was he trying to tell her she was acting like a fool?
0  0
 
So, can you still tell me you're not romantically interested in him?
 0
 
It was in her mind to tell Claudette to take a long walk off a short pier, but a cool voice
interrupted them at that moment.
 0
 
How many times do I have to tell you?
0  0
 
Tell him to let her up.
 0
 
The best thing to do was to calmly tell him she would rather not go.
 0
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From now on she would tell him to keep his hands to himself.
0  0
 
Could a man tell when he was her first?
0  0
 
You tried to tell me, but I was too arrogant to believe it could happen to me.
 0
 
He doesn't know - and I'm not going to tell him.
 0
 
But don't you think you should tell Russ?
 0
 
If you'd just tell him about the baby...
0  0
 
If you wanted to marry me, why did you tell me you only wanted to spend a few nights with
0  0
 
I wanted you to tell me that wasn't your sole reason for wanting to get married.
 0
 
I thought maybe that was what you were trying to tell me that day at the hay field.
 0
 
But tell me something.
 0
 
I could tell you saw the ranch the same way I did.
0  0
 
"Oh, I forgot to tell you," he said.
0  0
 
"You didn't tell me," Betsy said, hands on her hips, and out of ear shot of the others.
 0
 
I've got to tell you, Ben.
 0
 
The children are so innocent they will believe anything I tell them.
 0
 
Next, you'll tell me you've forgotten how to do dishes too.
0  0
 
I could tell you stories!
 0
 
Tell him how sorry I am, and tell him you weren't hurting me.
 0
 
Would you tell anyone?
 0
 
I was using the bathroom after Betsy and heard her tell Martha she'd slept like winter bear.
0  0
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I didn't consider who to tell.
0  0
 
I could tell Quinn wanted to change the subject.
 0
 
I can tell you already; you won't.
 0
 
You're the person who suggested this; tell me what to do.
 0
 
I could tell Betsy felt embarrassed by her enthusiasm.
0  0
 
Howie continued, as animated as a kindergartener at show and tell.
 0
 
I could easily tell from his breathing patterns sleep was illusive.
 0
 
I have to tell you, it was really weird.
 0
 
Martha handed her the phone and I could tell by the look that quickly appeared on her face, it
was not good news.
 0
 
Tell me you didn't sleep with him!
0  0
 
To tell the truth, I did it because I was pissed off at him over my losing Annie.
0  0
 
Please tell me Quinn doesn't know.
 0
 
Tell me you'll come down Friday!
 0
 
Even if Brockville proved to be all he described, what would that tell us?
0  0
 
Recognizing the town would be a step in the right direction but it wouldn't tell you the scene
you saw actually happened, back in 1932.
0  0
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He added nervously, "Tell me you haven't told anyone!"
 0
 
I'll tell you what's going on; he read about this place in a book, maybe a long time ago, and
now he's dreaming about it.
 0
 
"Tell us where you were," Betsy begged, hardly able to contain herself as she turned on her
tape recorder.
 0
 
Howie thought he recognized the Chicago skyline in the distance but it was too far away to
 0
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"Tell us what you want us to do," Betsy said.
0  0
 
Tell them what you can do.
0  0
 
Just don't tell us how you do it.
 0
 
Am I going to tell the world Lizzie Borden really did it?
 0
 
I know I'm pigheaded but I can't tell you how much I appreciate how you all embrace this with
only my word.
0  0
 
Tell me you won't spy on our past!
0  0
 
He insisted I tell him where I was setting my units so he always knew approximately where he
was going.
 0
 
Howie continued to tell all of us exactly what we did, relating our deeds and writings with
absolute perfection.
 0
 
"We have to tell them," he said, pointing to the tape recorder Betsy had retrieved from the
 0
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"We have to tell them," I said.
0  0
 
Howie offered little and without seeing his facial reaction, I couldn't tell how he stood.
0  0
 
I'll tell you; it's been years and millions of bucks.
 0
 
Look, tell me what to do.
 0
 
I may have to tell somebody something.
 0
 
Tell Brennan he has carte blanch to give us everything within reason we might need.
0  0  
Did you tell him about us?
 0
 
Who should I tell him called?
0  0
 
Don't tell him I said so but you have to stop working him so hard.
0  0
 
Oh, and tell him I swear not to look at what other girl's he's been calling... cross my heart, like
 0
 
You're going to tell us Howie isn't a virgin anymore, aren't you?
 0
 
We can always tell each other later if it's to our advantage to do so, but we can't just 'forget'
once we know it.
 0
 
The way you tell it, it sounds nearly impossible for us to catch him if he learns everything we
can and might do.
0  0
 
I'd tell her real story, as much as she'd allow, while still maintaining her absolute privacy.
0  0
 
The voice is scrambled but you can tell the sex.
 0
 
I won't, if you mind daddy and tell me the truth.
 0
 
Now tell me where the calls come from.
 0
 
I can tell you're a smart girl, Brenda.
0  0
 
Tell me what makes their calls different from other tips.
 0
 
If I tell you, will you let me go?
 0
 
If you tell me every little thing you know or even suspect, I'll just drive away and let you walk
down the lane to one of those farm houses we passed.
 0
 
Please tell me, Brenda.
0  0
 
Howie, I can't tell you what to do; only give you advice and try to look at the options logically.
0  0
 
I tell her everything, except the biggest thing in my life.
 0
 
I'll never tell her that.
 0
 
I tell Julie the nightmares must be from my past; ghosts trying to get out.
 0
 
I don't mean to pry, Howie, but can you tell me why she's estranged from her family and what
are the complications she mentions?
0  0
 
I was going to tell you about Molly.
0  0
 
I could tell from Brennan's voice he was agitated.
 0
 
"If a voice cries out in pain in the night," I tell them, "it's only that the love of my life needs
her medication readjusted.
 0
 
I'll tell you; it's horrible!
 0
 
I don't mean to tell you anything.
0  0
 
What could I tell him?
 0
 
"Tell me anything you can," she said.
 0
 
On the record, tell the public this; you've been led to believe the psychic tipster is a woman of
an age able to collect social security.
 0
 
I'll tell you if it's on or off the record.
 0
 
While not as thin as her mother, you could tell she would inherit her mother's height.
0  0
 
Please; tell me what happened!
 0
 
Could you tell how badly he was hurt?
 0
 
"Tell me why you called?" he asked instead of answering.
 0
 
I don't know what to tell you.
0  0
 
We could tell by his reaction the news wasn't good.
0  0
 
She soft-peddled her answers, knowing to tell the truth would only upset him further.
 0
 
Please. Let me tell you my way.
 0
 
Tell me what's troubling you.
0  0
 
Please don't tell her!
 0
 
But don't tell him!
 0
 
Okay, tell me Julie.
 0
 
Then tell me, Julie; what was it like?
0  0
 
"Just tell me what to do," she begged.
0  0
 
I'll tell him if you won't.
 0
 
You could tell Howie I came to you for advice; that I just suspected and didn't know what to
do, not that I've known all along!
 0
 
Julie, tell me you didn't!
 0
 
Molly will find out, someone, this monster that's killing all these people; he'll find someone and
force them tell.
0  0
 
I'd planned to ask Quinn and Martha to come in so I could tell them what I'd learned but the
more I considered it, I decided a phone call was sufficient.
0  0
 
No. I won't tell him anything I'm not comfortable with you hearing.
 0
 
Anything you can tell me about that?
 0
 
I get a lot of phone calls from people snooping for more information but I tell them I print
everything I know.
 0
 
I was dialing my wife to tell her when Martha and Quinn came in the office, pushing a baby
carriage with Claire smiling beneath her blankets.
0  0
 
Martha could tell by the look on my face that something was wrong.
0  0
 
I could tell by her terse response Molly was nearby.
 0
 
Drink up, Ben and I'll tell you.
 0
 
We tried to tell her that's just nonsense.
 0
 
I'm just wondering if we should tell them, for their own protection.
0  0
 
With luck, he'll tell us if it's our man or some local hoods trashing Julie's place.
0  0
 
Unfortunately I couldn't tell them about the break in at Julie's place without it adversely
impacting our anonymity.
 0
 
"Please don't tell me it's the same area where the attempted abduction took place," I said as I
rolled back in my desk chair.
 0
 
Most were just hints, you know, like 'I know something and I'll tell you for a price.'
 0
 
Did she tell Mildred what she'd done?
0  0
 
Now that Molly had confessed more knowledge than any of us suspected, I felt obligated to
tell Martha the full story before she learned it from overheard conversation or from Molly
 0
 
I had little doubt Quinn would tell Howie, disrupting his tenuous relationship with Julie.
0  0
 
Why wouldn't you tell Quinn and me?
 0
 
No, it's not over but it will be if you tell Quinn.
 0
 
Are you asking me not to tell my husband?
 0
 
Why did you tell me?
 0
 
All you need to do is tell me where you do your fishing and who's in the boat.
0  0
 
I'll tell the world at this end I'm off on a ten day fishing trip and can't be contacted.
 0
 
'Cause if you are, I have to tell you, I don't buy that shit.
 0
 
Look, just tell the gathering how painful it is to have missed all those good times by not
remembering this lovely woman everyone says is such a saint.
 0
 
I slowly opened one eye with the firm intent to tell him to get lost.
 0
 
You want to tell me about it?
0  0
 
What did you tell him?
 0
 
I've got to tell you, this guy wasn't looking to rip of a TV and the family silver.
 0
 
What does that tell you?
 0
 
You didn't tell the detective what you suspected about the man who tried to kill you?
0  0
 
"We'll tell Howie and the others as soon as the funeral is over," I said.
0  0
 
I begged her to tell me, but she just bawled and said it was good that I became a priest so I
could ask for forgiveness.
 0
 
I kept after her to tell me and that pissed off Ronnie to all hell and he demanded Julie and me
to get out.
 0
 
What will I tell him?
 0
 
"I have to tell him everything!" she said on the verge of panic.
0  0
 
When I do talk to him, I'll tell him to call you.
0  0
 
She agreed it was Julie's place to tell Howie about the letter she sent and how it impacted the
rest of us.
 0
 
Tell your dog you've got a lot of explaining to do.
 0
 
Tell me you're not this psychic guy that's got everyone chasing after ghosts 'cause I have to
tell you I'm from Missouri and you've got to show me.
 0
 
Now some really big names tell me to back off but it's my hen house where all you fox are
 0
 
First off, I don't have the words to tell you how grateful I am for what you and your guys did
for us.
 0
 
I could tell from Julie's voice, she was either crying of close to it.
0  0
 
Tell him to get you a ticket and let him do his thing alone.
0  0
 
If he did it... killed my sister, maybe he'll tell you what I did.
 0
 
Earlier, my wife had taken care of all the logistics of our travels while I locked up the house
and called Jackson to tell him we would be out of town for a couple of days, retrieving Howie
from California.
 0
 
"What are you going to tell him?" she asked.
 0
 
You could lie and tell him Humphries said it wasn't really his fault and his mother was just
upset at losing a daughter.
 0
 
I haven't done anything illegal and it's his opinion I have no legal responsibility to tell them
anything I know about you people.
0  0
 
She'd summoned Quinn home from California to tell us, unknowingly bringing him to his
 0
 
I couldn't tell if the look he gave me was incredulity or concern but he grabbed my arm and
led me outside where a suited man who must have topped six foot five was walking toward us.
 0
 
He can tell you what you the facts.
 0
 
Tell me there's a camera out there!
 0
 
"Let me tell you in detail," I said.
0  0
 
I'm sorry if I seem in awe but might you tell me how you came to so genius a conclusion?
 0
 
I could tell by the look on his face, he'd had no such thought.
 0
 
Tell me where you have them!
 0
 
Only time will tell.
0  0
 
No one wants to die, and his body will tell you what it needs from you.
0  0
 
I have to tell you about Jonny.
 0
 
And if you tell anyone I can do that, you'll be in big trouble.
 0
 
Or tell him to go to hell and never come back to Miami.
 0
 
I'm sorry, Dusty, but I had to do it and I can't tell you why.
0  0
 
"So, if you could tell me either way," she continued.
 0
 
"Tell us where the kid is or-- " Dusty didn't let him finish.
 0
 
Tell me about your healing ability.
 0
 
She said to tell you not to worry, you'll adjust, okay?
 0
 
Tell me about yours, Jenn said with a smile.
 0
 
White hair, really big like Talon, these eyes that were darker than night, and when he talked,
you could tell he didn't have a soul.
0  0
 
"But you don't have to tell him I said that," she said quickly.
0  0
 
"I can't tell if you want to kill me or sleep with me," she said with a laugh.
 0
 
"Sofi, what can you tell me about this weekend?" he asked.
 0
 
She said she'd tell you that in person if you hadn't already taken her Traveler.
 0
 
I'll tell Dusty that we're keeping you.
0  0
 
Just tell him the gateway can't be closed.
0  0
 
She cracked the door to squeeze her hand in the space as well as to tell the other driver not
to worry about the car.
 0
 
Tell me what happened, Jonny.
 0
 
"Tell him whose cookies you'll make first, sis," Jonny said testily.
 0
 
I can't even tell if he likes me half the time.
 0
 
You have sixty seconds to tell me what happened, Darian.
 0
 
"Tell no one of this," he said.
0  0
 
He almost chortled at the ridiculous thought, wishing someone was there with him to tell.
 0
 
I put my hand on them and I wait for their body to tell me what's wrong.
 0
 
I started asking around, but no one would tell me, so I-- " "Jonny!" he barked.
 0
 
I'll tell you everything when you get here.
0  0
 
Tell him I got a new tattoo.
0  0
 
Why didn't she tell me?
 0
 
Why did she tell you first?
 0
 
Darian tell you to come get me?
 0
 
While it was hard to tell his height when he was seated, he looked to be Sean's size, well over
six feet tall.
0  0
 
She'd always been grateful to him for accepting her and her gift, but he'd always refused to
tell her what exactly he was and how he seemed to be able to read her mind sometimes.
0  0
 
"You can't tell my father I brought you this," she told him.
0  0
 
Anyway, she wanted me to tell you to trust your instincts.
 0
 
Tell everyone I said hello and I'm being held hostage by one of the Others.
 0
 
Sofi said to tell you 'I told you so.'
 0
 
He couldn't tell the time in the windowless room, but he gauged it to be after midnight.
 0
 
She clamped her mouth shut, unwilling to tell him the sight and scent of blood was already
making her want to vomit.
0  0
 
Don't you ever second-guess what I tell you.
 0
 
"Did you tell him you can do this?" he asked, perplexed.
 0
 
She just had to convince her father to tell her what that was.
 0
 
She couldn't tell if he were doing it on purpose or simply had no control.
0  0
 
"Jonny, hon, let me tell you one thing," she said and approached close enough she was
certain no one else could overhear her.
0  0
 
Imagine what I could tell him about you.
 0
 
Yully rose and dressed herself, preparing herself mentally to tell Jule she had to leave him.
 0
 
Damian will tell them to go to hell.
 0
 
"Tell me she didn't know," Dusty said and sat forward.
 0
 
It might mean nothing, but I wanted to tell you.
 0
 
If you find Xander, you must tell me where he is.
0  0
 
Something you wanna tell me?
 0
 
"I can't tell if they have faith we'll figure this out, or if they're secretly hoping we don't,"
Damian admitted.
 0
 
Just don't tell Damian or Dusty.
 0
 
She thought one might be Jule, but the energies faded in and out too quickly to tell.
 0
 
Tell Dusty not to blow everything up, and leave the vamp alone, Damian said.
0  0
 
"I knew I could trust him to tell me when he needed to," Damian replied.
 0
 
She didn't tell you.
 0
 
"Who didn't tell me what?" she demanded, approaching him and glaring up at him.
 0
 
She'd never tell you that!
0  0
 
She doesn't tell people what to do.
 0
 
You wanna tell me why I'm here?
 0
 
Laney, tell Dustin what's going on.
 0
 
"Doc, I…" She couldn't bring herself to tell him about the visions.
 0
 
Can you tell me what other symptoms I might have?
0  0
 
"Tell me about them," he ordered.
 0
 
Wow. Why didn't you tell him?
 0
 
In fact, why didn't you tell me?
 0
 
When someone gives me some more definitive info on her, I'll tell you.
 0
 
Tell me where I am, why I'm here, and what's wrong with me.
0  0
 
"Who can tell me what's going on?" she demanded.
 0
 
You all kidnapped me, drugged me, dragged me to Arizona—if I'm really in Arizona—and you
won't tell me why or what's wrong with me!
 0
 
You can tell me what you see, if you need to talk about it.
 0
 
One day, I'll tell you.
 0
 
Transforming. Can't you tell?
0  0
 
Tell me, love, just how powerful are you?
 0
 
Tell me about it.
 0
 
After this is over, I'll tell you about the Guardian recruitment stats.
 0
 
"Tell me when you're ready for us," Dusty said.
0  0
 
I had to wait until you found your Oracle to tell you.
 0
 
I can't tell you, but you must be on the lookout for him.
 0
 
Will you tell your team captains I may visit them?
 0
 
"I'll tell them not to kill you on sight, if that's what you're asking," Damian continued.
 0
 
"Hey, there's something I need to tell you guys," Damian said grimly.
 0
 
She couldn't tell if he was human or beast.
 0
 
And don't tell me a divine spirit of sorts.
0  0
 
You can tell me who the traitors are.
0  0
 
You didn't tell me Claire was coming this way, Dusty.
0  0
 
Han says she's progressing pretty quickly, though since none of us know how to train her, it's
hard to tell.
0  0
 
She wanted to tell him about Claire, but she was afraid to.
 0
 
You have to tell him, sweetheart.
 0
 
You know how hard it was for her to tell you that? his closest friend snapped.
 0
 
"Tell him we identified his Europe issue," Damian said and picked himself up, grateful for
Dusty's presence.
 0
 
Despite his reserve, he could tell Dusty liked her.
 0
 
I totally have to tell Lon.
 0
 
"Will you tell me why you betrayed him before I kill you?" he asked with calmness at odds
with the storm in his breast.
0  0
 
I swear, I'll tell you all and disappear.
0  0
 
Who else can you tell about your husband beheading five vamps?
0  0
 
"Tell me, Seer, what do you See?" he rasped in the inhuman voice.
 0
 
"I shouldn't have to tell you to tell me everything," Jule said, blocking her path with his arm.
 0
 
His tone was enough to tell her he'd show no mercy.
 0
 
An unread text message blinked on the screen. 4got 2 tell you.
 0
 
Man up and tell me in person.
 0
 
She wasn't able to tell what time it was in Hell.
0  0
 
Interesting. What did he tell you?
0  0
 
Tell me what you want or just leave me alone!
0  0
 
The ones where you tell me you're mine.
 0
 
He didn't tell her to stop.
 0
 
Then why did you tell me what you did?
 0
 
That is what people think of when I tell them about the chain of events.
 0
 
"I was waiting in the portal room with her when Darkyn came to tell me I wasn't leaving,"
Wynn said with mild amusement.
 0
 
Will you tell me if you need something to help her?
 0
 
She met his gaze, uncertain what to tell him.
0  0
 
Before she could tell him she'd changed her mind, sharp pain penetrated her neck.
0  0
 
She couldn't tell, except that the tension in the room was increasing.
0  0
 
She couldn't tell, but she doubted it.
0  0
 
And if I tell Darkyn you've got a solution?
 0
 
She'd never before been able to tell when someone lied to her or when they were
manipulating her.
 0
 
I won't tell you how fascinating I find kitchen appliances.
 0
 
Then again, would he tell her, if she did?
 0
 
"Then why not tell me that?" she asked.
 0
 
But you wouldn't tell me what we're looking for—what he told you was in here.
 0
 
And I'm not going to tell.
0  0
 
Tell me what's so important that we have to get all cold and wet, and...
0  0
 
Besides, I promised him I wouldn't tell.
0  0
 
You better not tell anyone we even came in here.
 0
 
He went to the sink and began attacking the pile of dirty dishes as he pondered how they
would tell the young girl her world was about to flip upside down.
0  0  
I can't sit here and tell you how things will work out with your mother.
 0
 
That's up to other people, not us, but I can tell you we'll miss you terribly and we'd love to
have you stay a part of our family.
 0
 
Fred could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.
 0
 
I'll tell you what I did to be punished, but it doesn't change anything.
 0
 
To tell the truth, I was kind of blitzed most of the time back then—booze, not the bad stuff—
but now I'm all clean.
 0
 
I just hope there isn't something truly important she's trying to tell us but is too afraid to say.
 0
 
Please trust us and tell us.
0  0
 
I promised not to tell.
0  0
 
I can't tell you to break or keep promises, but I can sense you want to talk about this problem.
0  0
 
And they promised to someone else hope-to-die they wouldn't tell.
 0
 
Tell me you didn't find a dead guy, Martha.
 0
 
But I'm not supposed to tell... .
 0
 
There are some things important enough that you're forced to tell someone, regardless of
what might happen you.
 0
 
It was as if she was being forced to divulge what she wanted to tell but had promised not to.
 0
 
I tried to tell you what I did was really bad.
 0
 
Tell us everything, Dean said.
0  0
 
Only he wouldn't tell me what we were looking for, like it was going to be a joke and it would
scare me.
0  0
 
How could you tell it was a man?
0  0
 
Caleb made me promise not to tell.
 0
 
Why did you tell us now, Martha?
 0
 
That's why Caleb wouldn't tell.
 0
 
Tell me exactly where this mine is located, and just where the skeleton is.
 0
 
He could tell from her muffled voice she was crying.
 0
 
God, don't tell him!
 0
 
Perhaps we should prod him to tell us.
0  0
 
Dean was no expert, but he could tell his guest was a first-class photographer.
 0
 
Then she added, Don't tell them where we're going!
 0
 
He didn't tell her he'd heard Joseph himself call the Jeep rental dealer earlier.
 0
 
And because some little snot-nose has a vivid imagination, or thinks it's fun to tell whoppers,
I'm supposed to go traipsing off in some god-forsaken mine on the taxpayer's expense on a
treasure hunt?
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Just trying to get you mellow enough to tell me why you've got a bug up your behind.
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Just tell the truth, Randy.
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Tell me you're not dropping out of school!
0  0
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Tell the world to slow down, David.
0  0
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Call your son and tell him you love him.
0  0
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Then he added, Tell him I don't need a moustache.
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She swore to us she didn't tell a soul, Cynthia said.
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Let's hear your reasoning—then I'll tell you mine.
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Tell me that, Dean continued, picking up a large bone and looking at it closely.
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And tell me this: how do you conveniently come up with a full skeleton in little Ouray,
Colorado over a forty-eight-hour weekend?
0  0
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I keep trying to tell myself that her not telephoning is a good sign.
0  0
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"Don't tell me about it," she said.
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Dean could tell his stepfather's curiosity was at a peak.
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Just tell me what happened and I'll decide what I shouldn't hear.
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"Tell me about the phone call," Dean asked, but saw immediately he'd pushed too far.
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I only wish she'd call so we could tell her.
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How much time do you suppose we're spending on a case where as far as we can tell no one
is in harm's way whatsoever?
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He could lie and tell them he was a police officer or sheriff and maybe squeeze some tidbit of
information about recently released mom Patsy, but surely Fitzgerald would find out and tank
his election ambitions, if those aspirations weren't already six feet under.
 0
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The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current
and historial usage. They do not represent the opinions of

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