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Human Trafficking

Slavery of the 21st Century

Modern slavery is the explicit restriction of an individual’s
rights and freedoms,
and this restriction currently affects women and girls at a
greater rate than men and boys. 

human trafficking is made up of three elements:

Human trafficking

Movement or recruitment by
Deception or coercion for
The purpose of exploitation
Modern slavery is the explicit restriction of an individual’s rights and freedoms, and
this restriction currently affects women and girls at a greater rate than men and boys. 

Women and girls comprise an

astonishing 71 percent of the estimated
40.3 million people living in modern
slavery, and the problem may be
getting worse. The deep roots of gender
discrimination and the pandemic’s
disproportionate social and economic
harm on women is increasing their
vulnerability and exploitation. Their
risk of modern slavery is inextricably
Education curriculums for the future generation
How to teach innovation/creativity

Not For Sale began by providing vital direct resources to trafficked people. We quickly realised that to create a world without slavery, we need change at a
grassroots level – we need to stop trafficking long before it happens. 
We work with local experts to understand the causes of slavery. We investigate local economies to discover where we might break the cycle. We partner with
local entrepreneurs to create projects that provide education, empowerment, income.
Our mission is to create long-term, sustainable, scalable solutions that offer dignity, hope and a positive future.
In the wake of forced labor abuse revelations in global supply chains,
companies are increasingly expected by consumers, investors, media, and
governments to maintain transparent and responsible supply chains.
Goods are sourced and produced far from where they are bought, successively changing hands
along complex and opaque global supply chains. The outsourcing of production often creates
an environment in which there is little insight into the conditions under which people labor.
Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation as they work away from their support
systems, in foreign countries where they don’t speak the language, and often cut-off from society.
Over the years, poor working conditions and instances of forced labor have been well
documented by human rights organizations and the media. As public awareness and legal
obligations grow, companies can no longer ignore the issue.

Without effective policies and practices to prevent and mitigate risks, companies may
unknowingly continue to be linked to forced labor, trafficking, or other severe labor abuses
through their direct and indirect suppliers.

KnowTheChain can help with the first steps.

Companies and investors can be a powerful force in changing the conditions under which people
labor in their global supply chains. At KnowTheChain, we are committed to helping companies
make an impact in their fight to eradicate forced labor.

Recognizing that forced labor impacts a variety of industries and corporate supply chains around
the world is an important first step. Our benchmarks aim to give companies a sense of how they
are performing on this issue compared to their competitors and to highlight good practices.

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