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Proceedings of International Conference on Wavelet Transform and its Application (ICWTA)-IET, Alwar (2011), 235-242.

On Weakly Symmetric and Special Weakly Ricci Symmetric Special Para-

Sasakian Manifolds

D.Narain a , S.Yadav b , D.L.Suthar c and P.K.Dwivedi d

Department of Mathematics &Statistics, D.D.U.Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, INDIA

b ,c
Department of Mathematics,Alwar Institute of Engineering & Technology, M.I.A.North.Ext.,
Alwar-301030, INDIA,

Department of Mathematics, Institute of Engineering &Technology, M.I.A.North.Ext., Alwar-
301030, INDIA


The aim of the present paper is to study weakly symmetric and special weakly Ricci symmetric special
para-Sasakian manifolds and obtained some interesting results.

1. Introduction

The notions of weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric manifolds where introduced by
L.Tamassy and T.Q.Binh ([5][6]). A non-flat ( 2 n 1) –dimensional differentiable manifold
2n 1 2n 1
(M , g) ,n 2 is called pseudo symmetric if there exist a 1 –form on M such that

(1.1) X R (Y , Z , V ) 2 ( X ) R (Y , Z ) X (Y ) R ( X , Z )V ( Z ) R (Y , X )V (V ) R (Y , Z ) X g ( R (Y , Z )V , X ) A

2n 1 2n 1 2n 1
where X , Y , Z , V (M ) are vector fields and is a 1-form on M , A (M ) is the vector
field corresponding g through to the 1-form which is given by g ( X , A) (X )

Key words: SP-Sasakian manifold, weakly Riccisymmetric, pseudoRicci-symmetric, special weakly
Ricci symmetric, Einstein manifold.

( 2000 ) Mathematical Subject Classification: 53 C 10 ,53 C 25

2n 1
A non-flat (2n 1) -dimensional differentiable manifold (M , g) ,n 2 is called weakly symmetric
2n 1
([5][6]) if there exist a 1 –form , , and on M such that the condition

(1.2) X R (Y , Z , V ) ( X ) R (Y , Z ) X (Y ) R ( X , Z )V ( Z ) R (Y , X )V (V ) R (Y , Z ) X g ( R (Y , Z )V , X ) P

2n 1
holds for all vector fields X , Y , Z , V (M ).

2n 1 1
A weakly symmetric manifold (M ,g) is pseudo symmetric if 2
and P A , locally
symmetric if 0 and P 0 .A weakly symmetric manifold is said to be proper if at least
one of the –form , , and is not zero or P 0

2n 1
A non-flat (2n 1) –dimensional differentiable manifold (M , g) ,n 2 is called weakly Ricci
2n 1
symmetric ([5][6]) if there exist a 1 –form , and on M such that the condition

(1.3) X S (Y , Z ) ( X ) S (Y , Z ) (Y ) S ( X , Z ) ( Z ) S ( X ,Y )

2n 1
holds for all vector fields X , Y , Z , V (M ) .If then M 2 n 1
is called pseudo Ricci symmetric
[9] .If is weakly symmetric ,then from(1.1),we have[6]

(1.4) X S ( Z ,V ) ( X ) S ( Z ,V ) ( R ( X , Z )V ) ( Z ) R ( X ,V ) (V ) S ( X , Z ) g ( R ( X ,V ) Z )

L.Tamassy and T.Q.Binh studied weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric Einstein and
Sasakian manifolds where as in [10] the authors studied weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci
symmetric in k-contact manifolds and LP-Sasakian manifolds respectively.The notion of special
weakly Ricci symmetric manifold was introduced and studied by H.Singh and Q.Khan [3]

An n -dimensional Riemannian manifold is called a special weakly Ricci symmetric ( S WR S ) -manifold


(1.5) X S (Y , Z ) 2 ( X ) S (Y , Z ) (Y ) S ( X , Z ) ( Z ) S ( X ,Y )

where is a 1-form defined as

(1.6) (X ) g(X , ) , where is the associated vector field

2. Preliminaries

A differentiable manifold of dimension (2n 1) is called an almost para-contact manifold if it admits an

almost para-contact structure ( , , ) consisting of a (1,1) –tensor field , a vector field and 1 –form

which satisfying
(2.1) (i) X X (X ) (ii)  0

( ) 1
(2.2) (i) (ii)  0 (iii) rank ( ) 2n

for all X TM

Let be the Riemannian metric satisfying

(2.3) g( X , Y ) g ( X ,Y ) ( X ) (Y )

or equivalently

(2.4) (i) g ( X ,Y ) g(X , Y ) (ii) g(X , ) (X )

2n 1
For all X ,Y TM . Then M becomes an almost an almost para-contact Riemannian manifold
equipped with the almost para contact Riemannian structure ( , , ,g) [4]

If we define

(2.5) ( X ,Y ) g( X ,Y )

then in addition to the above equations, we have

(2.6) (i) ( X ,Y ) (Y , X ) (ii) ( X, Y) ( X ,Y )

An almost para-contact Riemannian manifold is called para-Sasakian manifold [7] if satisfies

(2.7) X (Y ) g ( X ,Y ) (Y ) X 2 ( X ) (Y ) , X ,Y TM

where is the Levi-Civita connection of the Riemannian metric.

From the above equation it follows that

(2.8) (i) X
X (ii) X (Y ) g(X , Y ) Y (X )

A para-Sasakian manifold is called a special para-Sasakian manifold (briefly an SP-Sasakian manifold)

[1] if admits a 1 -form satisfying

(2.9) X (Y ) g ( X ,Y ) ( X ) (Y )

For SP-Sasakian manifolds, we have [7]

( X ,Y ) g ( X ,Y ) ( X ) (Y )

Further on P-Sasakian manifold, the curvature tensor R , the Ricci tensor S satisfy ([2][4])

(2.11) R ( X ,Y ) ( X )Y (Y ) X

(2.12) R ( , X )Y (Y ) X g ( X ,Y )
(2.13) R( , X ) X (X )

(2.14) ( R ( X , Y )U ) g ( X , U ) (Y ) g (Y , U ) ( X )

(2.15) S ( X ,Y ) 2 ng ( X , Y )

(2.16) S( X , Y) S ( X ,Y ) 2 n ( X ) (Y )

(2.17) S(X , ) 2n ( X )

3. Weakly symmetric special Para-Sasakian manifold

Theorem1.In a weakly symmetric special para-Sasakian manifolds the sum of 1-form , and is
zero for all vector fields.

Proof. Assume that M 2 n 1 is a weekly symmetric special para-Sasakian manifold Taking covariant
differentiation of the Ricci tensor S with respect to X , we have

(3.1) X S ( Z ,V ) X
S ( Z ,V ) S(
Z ,V ) S (Z ,

Substituting V in (3.1) and using (2.8-i) (2.9) and (2.17), we get

(3.2) X S (Z , ) 0

By virtue of (1.4) replacing V with and using (2.1) (2.11) (2.12) and (2.17), we obtained

(3.3) X S (Z , ) 2n ( X ) (Z ) ( X )Z (Z ) X 2 n ( Z )( X ) 2n ( ) g ( X , Z ) g ( X , Z )P( ) P ( X ) (Z )

By virtue of (3.2) and (3.3), we get

0 2n ( X ) (Z ) ( X )Z (Z ) X 2 n ( Z )( X ) 2n ( ) g ( X , Z ) g ( X , Z )P( ) P( X ) (Z )

Substituting X Z in above equation and using (2.2-i, ii) (2.17), we have

(3.4) ( ) ( ) ( ) , ( 2n 0)

Equation (3.4) will show that 0 holds for all vector fields on M 2 n 1

Theorem2.In a weakly Ricci symmetric special para-sasakian manifold M 2 n 1 , the sum of 1 –form , ,

and is zero everywhere

Proof. Suppose that is a weekly Ricci symmetric special para-sasakian manifolds.

Putting Z in (1.3) and using (2.17), we get

(3.5) X S (V , ) 2 n ( X ) (Y ) 2 n (Y ) ( X ) ( )S ( X ,Y )

In view of (3.2) (3.5), we obtained

(3.6) 0 2 n ( X ) (Y ) 2 n (Y ) ( X ) ( ) S ( X ,Y )

Taking X Y in (3.6), we get

2n ( ) ( ) ( ) 0

This gives ( 2n 0)

(3.7) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 ,

Now putting X in (3.6) and using (2.2-i) (2.17), we get

(3.8) 0 2 n (Y ) ( ) ( ) 2 n (Y )

Using (3.7) in (3.8), we have

(3.9) (Y ) ( ) (Y )

Similarly Y in (3.6), we get

(3.10) (X ) (X ) ( )

Since S ( ,X ) 0 then from (1.3), we obtained

(3.11) (X ) (X ) ( ) ( )

This gives by virtue of (3.7)

(3.12) (X ) (X ) ( )

By replacing Y with in (3.9) and by summation of the equation (3.9) (3.10) (3.11), we get

(X ) (X ) (X ) (X ) ( ) ( ) ( )

In view of (3.7) it follows that

(X ) (X ) (X ) 0

2n 1
for all X , which implies 0 on M

Thus prove is complete

Theorem3.In a special weakly Ricci symmetric special para-Sasakian manifold M 2 n 1

admits cyclic
Ricci tensor then 1 –form must vanishes

Proof. Taking cyclic sum of (1.5), we have

(3.12) X S (Y , Z ) Y S (Z , X ) Z S ( X ,Y ) 4 ( X ) S (Y , Z ) (Y ) S ( Z , X ) ( Z ) S ( X ,Y )
2n 1
we suppose that M admits a cyclic Ricci tensor. Therefore (3.12) reduces to

(3.13) ( X ) S (Y , Z ) (Y ) S ( Z , X ) ( Z ) S ( X ,Y ) 0

Putting Z in (3.13) and using (1.6) (2.16), we get

(3.14) 2 n ( X ) (Y ) 2 n ( X ) (Y ) ( )S ( X ,Y )

Again putting Y in (3.14) and using (2.2-i) (2.17), we get

(3.15) (X ) 2n ( ) ( X )

Taking X in (3.15) and using (1.6) (2.2-i), we obtained

(3.16) ( ) 0

In view of (3.15) (3.16), we have (X ) 0, X

Thus prove is complete

Theorem4.A special weakly Ricci symmetric special para-Sasakian manifold M 2 n 1

cannot be an
Einstein manifold if the 1 -form 0.

Proof. For an Einstein manifold, X S (Y , Z ) 0 and S ( X , Z ) kg (Y , Z ) then from (1.5), we have

(3.17) 2 ( X ) g (Y , Z ) (Y ) g ( X , Z ) ( Z ) g (Y , X ) 0

Substituting Z in (3.17) and using (1.6) (2.4-ii), we get

(3.18) 2 ( X ) (Y ) (Y ) ( X ) ( ) g ( X ,Y ) 0

Again substituting X in (3.18) gives

(3.19) (Y ) 3 ( ) (Y )

Putting Y in (3.19) and using (1.6) (2.4-ii), we have

(3.20) ( ) 0

By virtue of (3.19) (3.20), we get (Y ) 0 , Y , Thus prove is complete

Theorem5. A special weakly Ricci symmetric special para-Sasakian manifold M 2 n 1

is an Einstein

Proof. Substituting Z in (1.5) and using (1.6) (2.17) we obtained

(3.21) X S (Y , ) 4 n ( X ) (Y ) 2 n (Y ) ( X ) ( ) S ( X ,Y )

In view of equation (3.2)(3.21),we get

0 4 n ( X ) (Y ) 2 n (Y ) ( X ) ( ) S ( X ,Y )

Taking Y in (3.22) and using (1.6) (2.2-i) (2.17), we get

0 4n ( X ) 4n ( ) ( X )

Substituting Y in (3.23), we get

(3.24) 0 8n ( )

This give ( ) 0 using this fact in (3.23), we get

(3, 25) (X ) 0

Therefore by virtue of (1.5) and (3.25), we get X S (Y , Z ) 0 .Thus proof is complete.


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