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Applying for Masters in Computer Science

I have always believed that what one does with passion and dedication helps him or her to achieve greater
heights and the same has always been true with me. It is thezeal that I carry for learning helped me get to
a position that I am in today, and I certainly believe that it will definitely help me in the future as well. I
have always been known for my curiosity and willingness to learn new things.
As I grew, I was able to identify my interest in the technology domain, and I was more than sure to purse
my graduation in the field of field of Computer Science. My wit, flare for technology helped me graduate
with a gold medal. I consider it a honor and hold it dear to my heart.
In particular, I started building my expertise in Programming and Algorithms. To further enhance my
areas of strength in programming, I chose to submit a voluntary project on “Automation of Project
Submission”, that was later used by the entire college to facilitate project submissions. I had an
opportunity to get selected as an Intern from among 120 students to work with a Start-Up that was
creating a Business Network Platform, a competitive product to LinkedIn. This project helped to gain real
world programming experience and helped expand my skillsets to AngularJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB.
I was very delighted to bag opportunities with multiple MNCs such as Infosys Pvt. Ltd, Accenture,
Deloitte and ADP which was not the usual norm in my college. I made an informed decision to join ADP
to get on-board on ADP’s next generation project named “Lifion”. The reason that I chose to join Lifion
was reforming and re-looking the Human Capital Management space to make it exciting to suit the needs
of the millennial world. During my stint with Lifion, I have built my foundation in the domains of Talent
and Core HR. My understanding of the domain and my competency in the technology have made an
invaluable resource in the organization. I have been recognized with many laurels and client
appreciations. My work helped my climb the ladder to become a Senior Application Developer quickly in
less than a year and a half for consistently exceeding expectations.
I believe in having an opinion and perspective about anything and be vocal about it, be it right or wrong.
This nature helped me question and challenge the fundamentals in many scenarios and come up with a
different and better solutions at my workplace. My critical thinking and my assertiveness to propose a
solution have always been welcomed and encouraged. This way I had an experiential learning that helped
me be the professional I am today.
Learning is never ending. I would want to further build the depth in my technical stack that would help
me in solving bigger and complex problems. I have also witnessed my seniors and colleagues at
workplace display mastery in their technical skills. One of the reasons they quote is the learning and
experience that they gathered from doing their Masters. This inspired me further to purse my Masters in
Computer Science and be ahead of the current myself and others.
Oregon State University has its presence in huge companies like Google, IBM and it would be a
privilege for me to be part of the alumni network and be part of the big companies eventually. I came
across the courses you offer and ongoing research in Computer Science. Having adequate practical
knowledge and work experience in this field, I strongly believe graduate studies at Oregon State
University with its world class infrastructure and facilities is the right place to further gain deeper
understandings that helps design, architect and execute software solutions in a much more better and
efficient way. I believe Masters in Computer Science at Oregon State University would help me in my
quest for learning. I am aware of the kind of dedication, perseverance and resolve that a Masters degree
calls for and am certainly up for it. Therefore, I look for a flourishing and fruitful association with
Oregon State University.


Sudha Snigdha Kosuri

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