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IM3063 - CC02

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Time 12 am, 80'

Format: Multiple Choice
File format: <2021-12-19_IM3063_1952609_Lê Thị Ngọc Diễm>  

Content: 5 questions
Q1 2 points 20' Attribute control chart (p, np, c chart) 
Q2 2 points 15' Attribute control chart (p, np, c chart) 
Q3 2 points 15' Process capability
Q4 2 points 20' Single and double sampling plan
Q5 2 points 10' Case study (Benchmarking, QMS)

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Mục QM (Ng TQL) Ko cần quan tâm mục này

10/31/2021 C7 + Giải Q17,18 (quiz 4)
10/7/2021 Presentation (1)

Mục QM (EX_Ng TQL) Lí thuyết

10/27/2021 C5, C6 + quiz 3
11/3/2021 TA2: Review 4
11/10/2021 TA3: Presentation (2) + quiz 4
11/17/2021 TA4: Review 5, ISO

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Q1 HA2: Attribute control chart

Q2 HA3: Attribute control chart
Q3 Process capability (quiz 4)
Q4 HA4: Double sampling plan for a
Q5 Benchmarking, QMS
Bài tập
Affinity diagram (KJ method), Benchmarking
Q19,20 + Q1,2 (HA 2)
Không có
Q3 (HA 2), Q1,2 (HA 3), Q1,2 (HA 4)

p chart (Q1,2), np chart (Q3)

c chart (Q1,2)
Q17, 18, 19, 20
Xem record 27/10/2021

Mục "EX (Attribute CC)" là bt thêm thui, ko có đ.án

Rảnh thì ngồi tự giải thêm nha!!!
n= 160
p0 = 0.025

a. Compute control limits for the p chart.

UCL = 0.062
CL = 0.025
LCL = -0.012 0

b. Assume that the process is actually operating at Muy (p) = 0.018, find the probability that any 1 point plot wou
Muy (p) = 0.045

Beta = P {nLCL < D < nUCL I 0.018} nLCL nUCL

P {0 < D < 11.67 I 0.018} 0 9.92
P {D < 11 I 0.018}

Poisson: 0.937 7.2

(lamda = np = mean)

c. With the same assumption in b., what is the probability that 5 consecutive points would fall within the control l
(Beta)^5 = 0.740

p chart
n= 100
m= 22
D= 52

a. Determine the average number of nonconforming items in one lot and the average fraction of nonconforming i
np = 2.364
p= 0.024

b. Determine the control limits to monitor this process?

UCL = 0.069
CL = 0.024
LCL = -0.022 0

c. What is the approximate probability of a Type II error if the mean number of nonconforming items per lot shift
Process shift = np = 3.5
p= 0.035
Beta = P {nLCL < D < nUCL I 3.5} nLCL nUCL
P {0 < D < 6.921 I 3.5} 0 6.921
P {D < 6 I 3.5}

d. If a positive LCL is desired, what should be the lot size?

LCL > 0
n> 371.77 ~ 372

np chart
n= 200 sample size
m= 25
D= 75 no. of noncomforming units

p= 0.015 % of no. of noncomforming units = Fraction nonconforming

a. Determine the trial control limits for an np chart.

CL = np = 3 = np
UCL = 8.16 9 = np + 3* SQRT(np*(1-p))
LCL = -2.16 0 = np - 3* SQRT(np*(1-p))

b. Assume that all points fall within the control limits. What is the estimate of the process average fraction nonco
Muy (p) = p= 0.015

c. If this Muy (p) remains unchanged…

What is the probability that the 26th lot will contain exactly 7 nonconforming units?
P (1) = P (D=7 I 0.015)
0.02 = BINOM.DIST(7, n, Muy(p), FALSE)

What it will contains 7 or more nonconforming units?

P (2) = P(D > 7 I 0.015)
1 - P(D < 7 I 0.015)
1- P(D < 6 I 0.015)
0.03 = 1 - BINOM.DIST(6, n, Muy(p), TRUE)


at any 1 point plot would fall within the control limits (type II error)?

fall within the control limits?

tion of nonconforming items.

ming items per lot shifts to 3.5?

average fraction nonconforming Muy(p)
c chart
Control limit = + 3 sigma
Warning limit = + 2 sigma
c(0) = 5

a. Find the values of the warning limit and the control limit.
Control limit
CL = c = 5.00
UCL = 11.71 = c + (Control limit)*SQRT(c)
LCL = -1.71 0 = c - (Control limit)*SQRT(c)

Warning limit
CL = c 5.00
UWL = 9.47 = c + (Warning limit)*SQRT(c)
LWL = 0.53 0 = c - (Warning limit)*SQRT(c)

b. If the process suddenly shifts to a mean value of 4…

c= 6

What is the probability that a point will fall above the control limit?
p (1) = P (x > UCL I 4)
P (x > 5.17 I 4)
P (x > 6 I 4)
1 - P (x < 5 I 4)
0.0201 = 1 - POISSON.DIST(5, c, TRUE)

What is the probability that two points in a row will fall between the warning and the control limits?
p (2) = P (UWL < x < UCL I 4)
P (3.95 < x < 5.17 I 4)
P (4 < x < 5 I 4)

p(3) = p(2)^2 = 0.0083

c. What is the combined probability of detection of the shift in b. within the first two units inspected after the shift
Hint: The shift can be detected if: (The first unit is above UCL)
1 2 2 UCL or (The first unit is between
1 1, 2 or (The first unit is below U

p= p(1) + p(1)*p(2) + p(3) + p(1)*[1 - p(1) - p(2)]

p(1) + p(1)*p(2) + p(3) + p(1) - p(1)*p(1) - p(1)*p(2)
2p(1) - p(1)^2 + p(3)

c chart
c(0) = 5

a. Find the 3-sigma Control limits for the process that produce the product.
Control limit
UCL = 11.71
CL = c = 5
LCL = -1.71 0

b. Determine the probability of a Type I error.

Beta = P (LCL < x < UCL I 3)

P (0 < x < 8 I 3)

Alpha = 1 - beta = 0.005453092

c. If the process average shifts to 4.5…

What is the probability of detecting the shift on the first sample
taken after the shift occurs?
c= 6
beta = P(0 < x < 8 I 4.5)

p = 1 - beta = 0.0201

d. In c. what is the probability of detecting the shift within the first 3 units inspected after the shift
beta^3 = 0.94
p = 1-beta^3 = 0.06
ntrol limits?

ts inspected after the shift occurs?

he first unit is above UCL)
(The first unit is between UWL - UCL, The second unit is above UCL or between UWL – UCL)
(The first unit is below UWL, The second unit is above UCL)
The process is stable (in control)
x-2bar= CL= 12 the mean
Sigma = 0.1 standard deviation

Specifications (customer)
LSL = 11.77
USL = 12.23
Mid-point specifications= Nominal value= (LSL + USL)/2 12 = CL = 12
=> Use Cp to evaluate process capability

a) Cp = 0.77 < 1 = (USL - LSL)/ (6*sigma)

b) CPU = 0.77 < 1 = (USL - x-2bar)/ (3*sigma)

c) CPL = 0.77 < 1 = ((x-2bar)-LSL)/ (3*sigma)

d) Cpk = 0.77 < 1 = Min(CPU,CPL)

e) Evaluate process capability

Cp = 0.77 < 1
=> Process is not capable
The ABC company does not meet requirements of the XYZ company.

The process is stable (in control)
x-2bar= CL= 12 the mean
Sigma = 0.1 standard deviation

Specifications (customer)
Mid-point specifications= Nominal value= 11.95 > <  CL = 12
Tolerance = +/-  0.3
LSL = -11.65 11.65
USL = 12.25
=> Use Cpk to evaluate process capability

a) Cp = 1.00 < 1 = (USL - LSL)/ (6*sigma)

b) CPU = 0.83 < 1 = (USL - x-2bar)/ (3*sigma)

c) CPL = 1.17 < 1 = ((x-2bar)-LSL)/ (3*sigma)

d) Cpk = 0.83 < 1 = Min(CPU,CPL)

e) Evaluate process capability
Cpk = 0.83 < 1
=> Process is not capable
The ABC company does not meet requirements of the XYZ company.

x-bar and R charts
n= 5
m= 20
x-2bar= CL= 16
R-bar = 7
USL = 21
LSL = 13

6 sigma, Cp, Cpk ?

d2 = 2.326 dò bảng n = 5
Sigma = 3.01 = R-bar/d2
6 sigma = 18.06

Cp = 0.44 < 1 = (USL - LSL)/ (6*sigma)

CPU = 0.55 < 1 = (USL - x-2bar)/ (3*sigma)
CPL = 0.33 < 1 = ((x-2bar)-LSL)/ (3*sigma)
Cpk = 0.33 < 1 = Min(CPU,CPL)

Nominal value of specification = 17 > <  CL = 16

=> Use Cpk to evaluate process capability
Cpk = 0.33 < 1
=> Process is not capable

Process spread = 6
Sigma = 3
x-2bar= CL= 505
USL = 510
LSL = 490

Cp = 1.11 < 1 = (USL - LSL)/ (6*sigma)

CPU = 0.56 < 1 = (USL - x-2bar)/ (3*sigma)
CPL = 1.67 < 1 = ((x-2bar)-LSL)/ (3*sigma)
Cpk = 0.56 < 1 = Min(CPU,CPL)

Mid-point specifications= Nominal value= (LSL + USL)/2 500 > <  CL = 16

Cpk = 0.56 < 1
=> Process is not capable

Cpk = 1 => New mean = ?

CPU ≥ 1 USL - x-2bar = 5
=> x-2bar ≤ 18-3 5
=> x-2bar ≤ 15 3
CPL ≥ 1 x-2bar - LSL = 5
=> x-2bar ≤ 5+ 490
=> x-2bar ≤ 13 4426000%

=> x-2bar = [13;15]

Cpk = 1 => New SD (sigma) = ?

CPU ≥ 1 3 sigma = USL - x-2bar
=> sigma ≤ 0.67

CPL ≥ 1 3 sigma = x-2bar - LSL

=> sigma ≤ 2

=> sigma ≤ 0.67

Double sampling plan for attribute
N= 1500
n1 = 80
c1 = 1
n2 = 80
c2 = 4
p= 0.05

a. Determine the probability of lot acceptance.

Pa(I) = P (d1 < c1)
P (d1 < 2)
0.0861 = BINOM.DIST(c1, n1, p, TRUE)

Case 1: d1 = 3
Pa(II)-1 = P (d1 = 3, d2 < 1)
P (d1 = 3)*P(d2 < 1)

Case 2: d1 = 4
Pa(II)-2 = P (d1 = 4, d2=0)
P (d1 = 4)*P(d2 = 0)

Pa (II) = Pa (II)-1 + Pa (II)-2


Pa = Pa(I) + Pa(II)

b. Determine the average sample number if complete inspection is applied on the second sample.
P1 = P(d1 < c1) + P(d1 > c2)
P(d1 < 2) + P(d1 > 4)
P(d1 < 2) + 1- P(d1 < 4)

ASN = 123.43

c. Determine the Average Outgoing Quality and Average Total Inspection if rectifying inspection is used.
AOQ = 0.00498
ATI = 1351
Double sampling plan for attribute
N= 1500
n1 = 80
c1 = 1
n2 = 80
c2 = 4
p= 0.05

a. Determine the probability of lot acceptance.

Pa(I) = P(d1 < c1 =2)

Case 1: d1 = 3
Pa(II)-1 = P(d1 = 3)*P(d2 < 3)

Case 2: d1 = 4
Pa(II)-2 = P(d1 = 4)*P(d2 < 2)

Case 3: d1 = 5
Pa(II)-3 = P(d1 = 5)*P(d2 < 1)

Case 4: d1 = 6
Pa(II)-4 = P(d1 = 6) *P(d2 = 0)

Pa(II) = 0.2357

Pa = Pa(I) + Pa(II)

b. Determine the average sample number if complete inspection is applied on the second sample.
P1 = P(d1 < 2) + P(d1 > 6)
P(d1 < 2) + 1- P(d1 < 6)

ASN = 133

c. Determine the average outgoing quality and average total inspection if rectifying inspection is used.
AOQ = 0.015
ATI = 1062

d. If a rejection number r1 = 5 is introduced for the first sample & the lot sentencing rules for the first 1
sample of the above double sampling plan are revised as follows:
- The lot will be accepted on the first sample if d1 ≤ c1
- The lot will be rejected on the first sample if d1 > r1
How about the probability of lot acceptance?
r1 = 5
Pa (II) = 0.2219
Pa = 0.30795
e inspection is applied on the second sample.

age Total Inspection if rectifying inspection is used.


e inspection is applied on the second sample.

ge total inspection if rectifying inspection is used.

rst sample & the lot sentencing rules for the first 1
d as follows:
Này là đề trong file word "Exercise" thui, ko cần quan tâm
Q12 Small electrical assemblies are produced in lots of size 144.
The table below shows the number of defective assemblies in 24 lots that were sampled, each at th

Lot number No. defectives

1 3
2 2
3 0
4 1
5 3
6 4
7 5
8 2
9 1
10 3
11 3
12 0
13 8
14 5
15 0
16 1
17 2
18 4
19 2
20 0
21 6
22 3
23 1
24 0

Q13 Thirst-Quench Inc. has been in business for over 50 years.

The engineer is to record data, evaluate those data, and implement strategy to keep quality at a m
The plant operates 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and produces 25,000 bottles of Thirst-Quench eac
Problems that have risen in the past include partially filled bottles, crooked labels, upside-down lab
Samples of size 150 are taken each hour. Create appropriate charts.

Subgroup No. No. Inspected n No. Nonconforming np

1 150 6
2 150 3
3 150 9
4 150 7
5 150 9
6 150 2
7 150 3
8 150 5
9 150 6
10 150 8
11 150 9
12 150 7
13 150 7
14 150 2
15 150 5
16 150 7
17 150 4
18 150 3
19 150 9
20 150 8
21 150 8
22 150 6
23 150 2
24 150 9
25 150 7
26 150 3
27 150 4
28 150 6
29 150 5
30 150 4
Total 4500 173

Q14 A manufacturer of lightbulbs is keeping track of the number of nonconforming bulbs (the number t
Create the centerline and control limits for a number nonconforming chart.
Assume assignable causes and revise the chart.

n np
1 300 10
2 300 8
3 300 9
4 300 12
5 300 10
6 300 11
7 300 9
8 300 10
9 300 12
10 300 11
11 300 31
12 300 32
13 300 10
14 300 8
15 300 12
16 300 10
17 300 11
18 300 9
19 300 10
20 300 8

Q15 The Par Fore G&f Company is a producer of plastic divot fixers.
They produce the fixers In bags of 30.
They sample these tools in a sample size of 1.
The nonconformities range from overall size to individual flaws in the production of the plastic too
These tools are inspected four times daily.
Create a chart with the following data. Assume assignable causes and revise the chart.

Count of
Serial Number
1 JG100 7
2 JG101 3
3 JG102 5
4 JG103 4
5 JG104 6
6 J0105 6
7 JG106 17
8 JG107 7
9 JG108 2
10 JG109 0
11 JG110 3
12 JG111 4
13 JG112 2
14 JG113 0
15 JG114 21
16 JG115 3
17 JG116 2
18 JG117 7
19 JG118 5
20 JG119 9
Total 113

Q16 The following table shows data on defects in electronic organizers manufactured by COSCO.
Develop an appropriate control chart to determine whether this process seems to be stable over ti

Organizer Number of
number defects
1 4
2 1
3 6
4 0
5 3
6 7
7 0
8 4
9 3
10 1
11 4
12 7
13 5
14 4
15 2
16 5
17 0
18 4
19 5
20 1
21 0
22 6
23 2
24 7
25 11
26 2
27 1
28 4
ần quan tâm
of size 144.
e assemblies in 24 lots that were sampled, each at the end of a 30-minute period, to control the process.

a. Develop a p chart for this process. Does the process appear to be in control?
b. Develop an np chart for the process and contrast it with the p chart you developed in part (a).

r 50 years.
data, and implement strategy to keep quality at a maximum.
k, and produces 25,000 bottles of Thirst-Quench each day.
rtially filled bottles, crooked labels, upside-down labels, and no labels.
e appropriate charts.

Proportion Nonconforming p

f the number of nonconforming bulbs (the number that don’t light).

umber nonconforming chart.
stic divot fixers.

individual flaws in the production of the plastic tool.

assignable causes and revise the chart.


Wrong mold used

Not enough time in mold

ectronic organizers manufactured by COSCO.

mine whether this process seems to be stable over time.

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