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BUS 3302 - AY2022-T2 25 November - 1 December Written Assignment Unit 3

Conduct a “focus group” about a specific topic of interest to you (e.g., mass transit in your
geographical area). This means that you simultaneously interview at least three (but less
than a dozen) persons about the topic, and spend at least 15 minutes. Describe who you got
to participate (e.g., describe each person by gender, age, economic activity). In what ways
would this small sample not be representative of the local population? List the questions
you asked and summarize the sample’s responses. What did you learn about the topic?
What additional information do you now know that you would need to get on this topic?
Your assignment should be two pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New

It is normal practice to conduct focus groups in order to better understand societal concerns. To
gather data, the technique attempts to gather information from an intentionally chosen group of
people rather than a statistically representative sample of the greater population.
What I'm writing about is this: To see whether children have access to social media. Participants
Students, ages 21 and above, were invited to participate in the study. A 19-year-old college
student was the second participant. A 29-year-old working-class lady is the third participant. A
26-year-old working-class male was the last contestant.
There were four people in this focus group, and their ages ranged from 18 to 30. The interview
was conducted at a shopping center.
When asked questions in groups, the participants answered each one on a personal level since
they had unique and varied social media experiences.
In the end, these questions were utilized to find out how social media affects young people's lives
and how easy it is for them to access it. Young people's lives would be considerably different if
they didn't have access to social media, according to the participants of the study.

Questions I posed to them included:

What is your first impression of social networking sites? What was the date that you first started
using social media, if you responded yes? What sparked your interest in creating a social media
account? , What influenced your choice, friends, ads, or your own personal popularity? Which
social media platforms are popular among the tweens and teens in your social circle? How much
easier or more difficult was it for you to make your selection because of the internet and mobile
phones? How much of an influence do you think social media has on today's youth? Do you
know what you're talking about? , Do you utilize social media sites on a daily basis?, 8. Why do
you have so many social media accounts?, 9. , When it comes to utilizing social media, what are
the positives and disadvantages?
Summary of Responses: All four young people questioned said they use social media and have
many accounts, some of which date back to when they were 11 years old. Social media has also
made it simpler for individuals to mingle and integrate into new social situations and events, they
all agreed. Their peers and the entertainment industry pushed them to join social media.
An additional participant admitted to having been the victim of cyberbullying on a social media
platform at some point in their lives. It was also discovered that today's youngsters are hooked to
social media because of developments in technology for smart phones and easy access to the
Using social media to connect with friends, promote a business or service, showcase a skill, etc.
has both advantages and disadvantages, as I discovered. Addiction to social media may have a
negative impact on a young person's daily life and distract their focus from more important
Things, in my view, need to be regulated a little more. They are now able to easily and
affordably obtain social media information because to the rise of the internet. According to a
number of these youngsters, the use of social media has helped them acquire new skills and
enhance their knowledge of chess, cooking and self-defense.
Some of these young people's stories have aroused my curiosity in studying more about the
positive effects of social media on young people.
Because the sample size was so small, the group was not typical of the total number of young
people who use social media in the United States. Finally, it would have been interesting to hear
from and compare the viewpoints and experiences of a different age group of seniors about the
use of social media.

Tobias O.N, Kerrie W, C, Derrick, N, (2018). The use of focus group discussion methodology:
Insights from two decades of application in conservation. British Ecological society. Retrieved
July 6, 2021, from

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