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A Cost Optimal Resolution for Sub-Saharan

Africa powered by 100% Renewables for Year
2030 Assumptions

Conference Paper · June 2016


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4 authors:

Maulidi Barasa Dmitrii Bogdanov

Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta University of Technology


Ayobami Solomon Oyewo Christian Breyer

Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta University of Technology


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

100 Percent Renewables in Sub-Saharan Africa View project

100 Percent Renewables in Sub-Saharan Africa View project

All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Christian Breyer
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 23 September 2016
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

A Cost Optimal Resolution for Sub-Saharan Africa powered by 100% Renewables for
Year 2030 Assumptions

Maulidi Barasa, Dmitrii Bogdanov, Ayobami Solomon Oyewo, and Christian Breyer
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland

This paper determines a least cost electricity solution for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The power system discussed in this
study is hourly resolved and based on 100% Renewable Energy (RE) technologies. Sub-Saharan Africa was subdivided
into 16 sub-regions. Four different scenarios were considered according to the setup in high voltage direct current (HVDC)
transmission grid. One integrated scenario that considers water desalination and industrial gas production were also
analysed. This study uncovers that RE is sufficient to cover 866.4 TWh estimated electricity demand for 2030 and
additional electricity needed to fulfil 319 million m3 of water desalination and 268 TWhLHV of synthetic natural gas demand.
Existing hydro dams can be used as virtual batteries for solar PV and wind electricity storage, diminishing the role of
storage technologies. The results for total levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) decreases from 57.8 €/MWh for a highly
decentralized to 54.7 €/MWh for a more centralized grid scenario. For the integrated scenario, including water desalination
and synthetic natural gas demand, the levelised cost of gas and the levelised cost of water are 113.7 €/MWhLHV and 1.39
€/m3, respectively. A reduction of 6% in total cost and 19% in electricity generation was realized as a result of integrating
desalination and power-to-gas sectors into the system.

100% Renewable Energy, Sub-Saharan Africa, hourly resolution, energy system model, grid integration, sector integration,

1. Motivation spent annually on inefficient and often dangerous

alternatives such as kerosene lamps, candles, flashlight, or
The need for revolution in the energy sector globally is other fossil-fueled powered stopgap technologies, in 2012
vital, in view of tackling the problems of global warming, almost 16 TWh amount of electricity demand was served
pollution, climatic changes, and energy security. The usage by backup generators for service and industrial activities in
and further dependence on fossil fuel in pursuit of energy SSA (IEA, 2014b; BNEF, 2016). The current energy
generation will engender increase of greenhouse gas challenge in Africa requires a rapid increase in energy
emissions and more extreme climate impacts, the energy supply (growth and development of energy) for the
sector accounts for roughly two-third of all anthropogenic continent due to growing population, unprecedented
greenhouse gas emissions, there is imminent need for a economic progress and need for reliable modern energy
paradigm shift from the conventional to renewable energy access is expected to require at least double energy supply
resources which will be consistent, clean and cost effective by 2030 and might even triple for electricity (IRENA,
(Greenpeace, 2015; IPCC, 2014; Jacobson and Delucchi, 2015). Africa’s electricity generation varies significantly
2011). Investment in sustainable energy infrastructure is the between African countries, North Africa (more than 99%
crucial link between economic growth, development, and electricity access) dominates the continent in terms of
climatic action. Renewable electricity generation will electricity generation from regional perspective (KPMG,
ensure the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in 2015), while Sub-Saharan Africa is starved for electricity,
electricity generation and to meet climatic targets. only seven countries, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon,
Renewable energy optimization solution will reduce the Ghana, Namibia, Senegal and South Africa have electricity
dependency on fossil fuel as predominant energy sources in access rates exceeding 50%. The average consumption in
the power system and address socio-economic development Sub-Saharan Africa (except South Africa) is only about 150
needs and vulnerability to environmental change kWh/capita (Castellano et al., 2015). Electricity demand in
(UNFCCC, 2015; CLIMATEACTION, 2015). Africa was 385 TWh and 621 TWh in 2000 and 2012,
The Sub-Saharan Africa region continues to face respectively, and estimated to increase to about 1,258 TWh
significant energy crises; despite the unique potential of and 1,869 TWh by 2030 and 2040, respectively. The Sub-
energy sources in the region, severe energy shortage is yet Saharan African demand will be about 812 TWh and 1,297
to be conquered and access to electricity eludes millions of TWh by 2030 and 2040, respectively (IEA, 2014b).
people in the region (IEA, 2014b). Billions of dollars are According to Greenpeace (2015), by 2050 95% of the
electricity produced in Africa will come from renewable
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

energy sources, whereas wind, solar photovoltaics (PV), 2.4 billion projected increase in global population between
concentrating solar thermal power (CSP), and geothermal 2015 and 2050 and even more for the following decades
energy will contribute 80% to the total electricity (UN, 2015). Most developing countries and Africa need to
generation. Already by 2020 the share of renewable plan a secure and sustainable means of meeting the current
electricity production will be 31% and 65% by 2030, the energy shortage problem and future energy demand, due to
installed capacity of renewables will reach about 380 GW the fast growing and projected increase. In particular the
in 2030 and 1,390 GW by 2050. lack of access to affordable electricity in the Sub-Saharan
Africa region requires a massive expansion of access to
A brief summary of various studies on the trend of
electricity (IRENA, 2015; Castellano, 2015). Over 620
renewable energy share in African energy systems is
million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are without access to
presented in Table 1. Greenpeace (2015) reveals the
electricity and nearly 730 million rely on the traditional use
possibility of achieving 100% renewable energy in Africa
of solid biomass for cooking (IEA, 2014b). Sub-Saharan
by 2050 and WWF (2015) affirms this possibility. The 2030
Africa has a huge untapped renewable energy resources
renewable energy map for Africa by IRENA (2015) reports
potential, widely spread across the region which could
that the renewable share in the generation mix in the power
provide affordable, sufficient and secure supplies of energy
sector can grow by 50% while the new energy policies
for the continent need.
scenario of the IEA (2014b) for 2040 reveals that
hydropower account for 26% of electricity generation and Therefore, investments in the energy system in Sub-
other renewable will reach 12 GW (15%). Energy demand Saharan Africa with a focus on increasing energy
keeps growing as population increases in the world (Asif accessibility and affordability, will improve the quality of
and Muneer, 2007). Africa is expected to contribute more life, life expectancy and economic growth (UN, 2015;
than half of the global population growth between now and IRENA, 2013).
2050, i.e. 1.3 billion people will be added in Africa of the
Table 1: Studies on trends of renewable energy shares in the African energy system

Reference Scope Findings

The energy revolution scenario 2015 reveals a progressive share of

renewables in African energy system till year 2050: 31%, 65% and
Greenpeace (2015) Global 100% by 2020, 2030 and 2050, respectively, in electricity generation.
Increase in installed capacity from 380 GW (2030) to 1,390 GW

Reduction of about 310 Mt of CO2eq emission by 2030 with 50%

IRENA ( 2015) Africa share of RE in the power sector. Solar capacity could reach 90 GW,
hydropower and wind 100 GW each.

Electricity generation according to the 2040 new policies scenario is

Sub-Saharan 1,540 TWh; hydro accounts for 26% of the total generation and other
IEA (2014b)
Africa renewable which includes solar, wind, bioenergy, geothermal and
CSP will reach 12GW (15%) by 2040

Transition to 100% RE in Uganda requires, adoption of on- and off-

WWF (2015) Uganda grid solar energy and increasing use of other RE. With a target of
60% RE system in 2030 and close to 100% by 2050.

Africa’s energy sector is vital to its development, therefore utilization of renewables in renewable energy rich regions
effective energy planning, optimal design, wise utilization (such as Northeast Asia), by utilizing high voltage direct
of all available renewable energy (RE) resources and current grids (HVDC) for interconnections within the
maximum synergy between various resources and different regions (Bogdanov and Breyer, 2016).
regions (regional electricity networking due to disperse
Access to modern energy services can be secured by RE,
energy resource) of Africa will positively impact on energy
especially solar PV (IEA, 2014). Globally, solar PV
systems of the continent (IRENA, 2015). In view of
installations have shown high growth rates and one of the
designing and optimizing a renewable based energy system
fastest growing renewable technology with continuous
several research have been carried out aiming at increasing
decreasing generation cost (Nygaard et al., 2014b; Breyer
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

and Gerlach, 2013). PV in Africa has transcended the on linear optimization of energy system parameters under
government-donor niche to a commercial based market applied constraints and is composed of a set of RE
development (Hansen et al., 2014). Solar PV technology generation and storage technologies, as well as water
currently plays a dominant role in the off-grid market, 4 desalination and synthetic natural gas (SNG) generation
million solar products were sold globally in the last half of sectors, which operates as flexible demand. A fully
2015, and Sub-Saharan Africa sale accounts for 2.2 million integrated scenario that considers furthermore heat and
(54.3%) (GOGLA and Lightning Africa, 2016). PV will mobility demand have to be modeled, to understand the
play a crucial role towards a 100% renewable energy whole energy system. However, the heat and mobility
system in Africa and requires the adoption of on- and off- sectors were not considered in this study. As the applied
grid solar energy and increasing use of other RE (WWF, energy system model has already been described in
2015). Mini-grids and other off-grid technologies account Bogdanov and Breyer (2016), the following sections do not
for 26 TWh and 12 TWh power generation, respectively, in include a detailed description of the model, its input data,
Sub-Saharan Africa in the new policies scenario 2040, solar and the applied technologies. However, it presents a
PV contributes 37% and 47% of the technology mix comprehensive definition of all additional information that
(IRENA, 2015). Solar home systems and mini-grids has been assumed for the model in the present study.
provide technically feasible and economical solutions to Further technical and financial assumptions can be found in
energy challenges, where the cost of grid extension is not the Supplementary Material in the appendix of this paper.
economical (Niez, 2010). In Africa, solar has the largest RE
resource potential and the high quality resource is widely 2.1. Model Overview
available and thefor the PV and CSP technical power could The energy system model used in this study was developed
be as high as 6,567 TWh and 4,719 TWh, respectively. The with a perfect foresight of RE power generation and power
rapid cost reduction for PV, has led to increasing annual demand. The use of multi-node approach allows for the
capacity additions and enhancing off-grid access (IRENA, description of any desired configuration. The main study
2012). The Sub-Saharan Africa energy sector is vital to its constraint for the optimization is to guarantee that for every
development, therefore effective energy planning, optimal hour of the year the total electric generation within a sub-
design, and wise utilization of the untapped, abundant region covers the local demand from all considered sectors
renewable energy resources across Sub-Saharan Africa will and enables a precise system description including synergy
positively impact on energy systems of the region. effects of different system components for the power
The idea of a super grid has recently attracted more system balance.
attention by Gobitec and the Northeast Asian Super Grid The outcome for the system optimization is the
initiative, influenced by EU-MENA Desertec (Mano et al., minimization of the total annual energy system cost,
2014; Dii, 2012). The super grid approach enables calculated as the sum of the annual costs of installed
connections within a region or continent to attain synergy capacities of the different technologies, costs of energy
effects by the harnessing of RE resources and help to realize generation and generation ramping. The model also
a 100% RE electricity supply system which can set the path includes distributed generation and self-consumption of
for a 100% RE supply (Bogdanov and Breyer, 2016). The residential, commercial, and industrial electricity
main focus of this paper is to design an optimal energy consumers (prosumers) by installing respective capacities
system in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is cost efficient and of rooftop PV systems and batteries. For these prosumers
competitive, a 100% RE-based system via optimal design the target function is the minimal cost of consumed energy
and wise utilization of all available RE resources and calculated as the sum of self-generation, annual cost, and
supportive storage and grid technologies. cost of electricity consumed from the grid, less benefits
from selling excess energy. The model flow diagram that
2. Methodology
has all the considered input data, system models and model
In this study, the power system model was developed based output data is presented in Figure 1.
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 1. Model framework diagram for the study scenarios.

2.2. Input data statistics (IEA, 2015) and natural gas consumption
projections for the year 2030 were calculated considering
Additional information to Bogdanov and Breyer (2016) industrial annual growth projections based on the World
about geothermal data, water desalination and industrial gas Energy Outlook (IEA, 2014b).
demand are defined in this section. The geothermal
potential is evaluated based on available information on the 2.3. Applied Technologies
surface heat flow rate (IASPEI, 2015; AAPG, 2015) and
The technologies applied in the cost optimization for Sub-
surface ambient temperature for the year 2005 globally. For
Saharan Africa can be classified into four main categories:
areas where surface heat flow data are not available, an
conversion of RE resources into electricity, energy storage,
extrapolation of existing heat flow data was performed.
energy sector bridging (for definition, see later), and
Based on that, temperature levels and available heat at the
electricity transmission. The technologies for converting
middle depth point of each 1 km thick plate, between depths
RE resources into electricity applied in the model are
of 1 km and 10 km (Chamorro et al., 2014a, 2014b;
ground-mounted (optimally tilted and single-axis north-
Huenges, 2012) globally with 0.45˚x0.45˚ spatial
south oriented horizontal continuous tracking) and rooftop
resolution, are derived.
solar PV systems, concentrating solar thermal power
Water desalination demand is projected based on water (CSP), wind onshore turbines, hydro power (run-of-river
consumption levels and future water stress (Luck et al., and dams), biomass plants (solid biomass and biogas),
2015). Water stress occurs when the water demand exceeds waste-to-energy power plants and geothermal power plants.
renewable water availability during a given period. It is The energy storage technologies used in this study are
assumed that water stress, greater than 50% shall be battery storage, pumped hydro storage (PHS), adiabatic
covered by seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination. compressed air energy storage (A-CAES), thermal energy
Transportation costs are also taken into account, as storage (TES) and power-to-gas (PtG) technology. PtG
described by Caldera et al. (2016). The energy consumption includes synthetic natural gas (SNG) synthesis
of horizontal and vertical pumping are 0.04 kWh/ technologies: water electrolysis, methanation, CO2
(m3∙h∙100km) and 0.36 kWh/ (m3∙h∙100m), respectively scrubbing from air, gas storage, and both combined and
(Caldera et al., 2016). open cycle gas turbines (CCGT, OCGT). SNG synthesis
process technologies have to be operated in
Present industrial gas consumption is based on natural gas
synchronization because of hydrogen and CO2 storage
demand data from the International Energy Agency
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

absence. Additionally, there is a 48-hour biogas buffer option for the electricity sector. The second bridging
storage, and a part of the biogas can be upgraded to technology is seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO)
biomethane and injected into the gas storage. desalination, which couples the water sector to the
electricity sector. The technologies are represented on two
The energy sector bridging technologies give more
levels: power distribution and transmission within the sub-
flexibility to the entire energy system, thus reducing the
regions are assumed to be based on standard alternating
overall cost. One bridging technology available in the
current (AC) grids which are not part of the model and
model is PtG technology for the case that the produced gas
inter-regional transmission grids modeled by applying high
is consumed in the industrial sector and not as a storage
voltage direct current (HVDC) technology.

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the energy system model for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Power losses in the HVDC grids consist of two main Mali, Mauritania and Western Sahara), West-South
elements: length dependent electricity losses of the power (Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo),
lines and losses in the converter stations at the West-North (Niger and Chad), South-Nigeria (South
interconnection with the AC grid. An energy system Nigeria), North-Nigeria (North Nigeria), Sudan-Eritrea
mainly based on RE and in particular intermittent solar (Sudan and Eritrea), Ethiopia (Ethiopia), Somalia (Djibouti
PV and wind power requires different types of flexibility and Somalia), Kenya-Uganda (Kenya and Uganda),
for an overall balanced and cost optimized energy mix. Tanzania (Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania), Central (Central
The four broad categories are generation management African Republic, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao
(e.g. hydro dams or biomass plants), demand side Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of the Congo
management (e.g. PtG, SWRO desalination), storage of [Kinshasa], Republic of the Congo [Brazzaville] and
energy at one location and energy shifted in time (e.g. Gabon), South-West (Angola, Namibia and Botswana),
batteries), and transmission grids connecting different South Africa (the Republic of South Africa and Lesotho),
areas and energy shifted to the site (e.g. HVDC South-East (Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and
transmission). The full model block diagram is presented Swaziland) and Indian Ocean (Comoros Islands, Mauritius,
in Figure 2. Mayotte, Madagascar and Seychelles).
In this paper four scenarios for energy system development
3. Scenario assumptions
options are discussed:
3.1. Regions subdivision and grid structure
1. Regional-wide, which assumes that the sub-
This study considered 51 countries that are merged or regions operate independently (with no HVDC
subdivided into 16 sub-regions of the Sub-Saharan Africa grid interconnections), and the electricity
super regional network based on area, population, and demand has to be covered by the respective
national grid connections. The 16 interconnected sub- region’s supply;
regions include: West-West (Senegal, Gambia, Cape Verde
2. Country-wide energy system, which assumes
Islands, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia,
that the sub-regions are interconnected via
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

HVDC lines but within the borders of nations; applicable to nuclear energy (Carvalho and Sauer, 2009).
The financial assumptions for capital expenditures
3. Area-wide energy system, which assumes that
(CAPEX), operational expenditures (OPEX) and lifetimes
all sub-regions are interconnected via HVDC
of all components are provided in the Supplementary
Material (in Table I). CAPEX and OPEX are quantified
4. Integrated scenario, which takes into account estimates by weighting the hourly LCOE per technology
additional demand sectors (SWRO desalination (generation, transmission, and storage) balanced with
and industrial gas demand) to the area-wide hourly demand for 2030. Weighted average cost of capital
energy system scenario. In this scenario, RE (WACC) is set at 7% for all scenarios, but for residential
sources combined with PtG technology are used PV self-consumption, WACC is set to 4%, due to lower
not only for electricity generation and storage financial return requirements. The technical assumptions of
options within the system but also as energy power to energy ratios for storage technologies, efficiency
sector bridging technologies to cover water numbers for generation and storage technologies, and
desalination and industrial gas demand, power losses in HVDC power lines and converters are
increasing the flexibility of the system. provided in the Supplementary Material (Tables II, III, and
IV, respectively). The electricity prices for residential,
commercial, and industrial consumers in most of the Sub-
Saharan Africa countries for the year 2030 are obtained
from Gerlach et al. (2014b) and aggregated based on the
populations weighted estimates as presented in the
Appendix (in Table V). Prosumers will use PV to supply a
portion of their electricity needs. Thus, prosumers will cut
the slice of electricity demand and get remunerated for any
surplus generation, which does not top their annual
consumption. The operation cost for prosumers depend on
market conditions for the year 2030 and covers the cost of
new rooftop PV systems and batteries. Excess generation,
which cannot be self-consumed by the solar PV prosumers,
is assumed to be fed into the grid for a transfer selling price
of 2 €cents/kWh.

3.3. Feed-in for solar and wind energy

The feed-in profiles for solar CSP, PV optimally tilted and
single-axis tracking, and wind energy were calculated
Fig. 3. Sub-Saharan African sub-regions and HVDC according to Bogdanov and Breyer (2016). The aggregated
transmission lines configuration. profiles of solar PV generation (optimally tilted and single-
axis tracking), wind energy power generation, and CSP
The Sub-Saharan African regions’ subdivision and grid solar field, normalized to the maximum capacity averaged
configuration are presented in Figure 3. Existing HVDC for Sub-Saharan Africa are presented in Figure 4. The
interconnections of Sub-Saharan African regions are shown computed average full load hours (FLH) for optimally
by dashed lines. The structure of the HVDC grid for the tilted, single-axis tracking PV systems, wind power plants,
scenarios (solid lines) is based on the existing configuration and CSP are provided in the Supplementary Material (Table
of Sub-Saharan Africa Power Pools. VI). The feed-in values for hydro power are computed
based on the monthly resolved precipitation data for the
3.2. Financial and technical assumptions year 2005 as a normalized sum of precipitation in the
The model optimization is undertaken based on cost regions. Such an estimate leads to a good approximation of
assumptions derived from technological status for the year the annual generation of hydro power plants.
2030 and the overnight building approach, which is also
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 4. Aggregated feed-in profiles for PV optimally tilted (top left), PV single-axis tracking (top right), 3 MW 150 m
hub height wind turbine (bottom left) and CSP solar field (bottom right).

3.4. Biomass and geothermal heat potentials same weighed average formula as for solar and wind feed-
in explained in Bogdanov and Breyer (2016), except for the
Biomass and waste resource potentials are mainly taken fact that areas with geothermal LCOE exceeding 100
from DBFZ (2009) and classified as described in Bogdanov €/MWh are excluded.
and Breyer (2016). Costs for biomass are calculated using
data from the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2012) and 3.5. Upper and lower limitations on installed
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2011). capacities
For solid wastes a 100 €/ton gate fee for incineration is
assumed. Calculated solid biomass, biogas, solid waste, and Lower limits are taken from Farfan and Breyer (2016) and
geothermal heat potentials are provided in the upper limits were estimated based on Bogdanov and Breyer
Supplementary Material (Table VII). Prices for biomass (2016). Lower limits on already installed capacities in Sub-
fuels are provided in the Supplementary Material (Table Saharan Africa are provided in the Supplementary Material
VIII), and price differences between countries are (Table IX) and all upper limits of installable capacities are
explained by various waste and residue component shares. summarized in Supplementary Material (Table X). For all
Heating values are based on lower heating values (LHV). other technologies, upper limits are not specified. However,
Regional geothermal heat potentials are calculated based on for biomass residues, biogas, and waste-to-energy plants it
spatial data for available heat, temperature, and geothermal is assumed, due to energy efficiency reasons, that the
plants for depths of 1 km to 10 km. For each 0.45˚x0.45˚ available and specified amount of the fuel is used during
area and depth, geothermal LCOE is calculated and optimal the year, except for solid biomass which can be used up to
well depth is determined. It is assumed that only 25% of the full resource potential.
available heat will be used as an upper resource limit. The
total available heat in the region is calculated using the
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

3.6. Load and the peak load are reduced by 11.2% and 5.2%,
The synthetic load data are generated based on hourly load
data on a national level and takes into account local Industrial gas demand values (expressed as gas demand
phenomena such as gross domestic product, population, excluding electricity generation and residential sectors) and
temperature, and power plant structure. Figure 5 represents desalinated water demand for Sub-Saharan Africa sub-
the area-aggregated demand of all sub-regions in Sub- regions are presented in the Supplementary Material (Table
Saharan Africa. Electricity demand increase by the year XI), gas demand values are based on the (IEA, 2015).
2030 is estimated using IEA data (IEA, 2014b) and local Desalination demand numbers are based on water stress and
data. Solar PV self-consumption prosumers have a water consumption projections obtained from (Caldera et
significant impact on the extra load on the energy system as al., 2016).
illustrated in Figure 5 (right). The total electricity demand

Fig. 5. Aggregated load curve (left) and system load curve with prosumers influence (right) for the year 2030.

4. Results Table 2 displays the financial results for all four analyzed
scenarios. The role of HVDC transmission is important in
To describe the cost structure of the different scenarios, a achieving the least cost solution for Sub-Saharan Africa for
set of central parameters are computed according to the the year 2030. It can be observed that the installation of
methodology described in Bogdanov and Breyer (2016). HVDC transmission lines leads to a significant reduction of
electricity cost of the entire system; a comparison of the
4.1. Key findings on the optimized energy system
region-wide and area-wide scenario shows a 5.4% and
structure and costs
5.8% decrease in LCOE and the annual expenses for the
The section summarizes the findings from the optimized system, respectively. The same conclusion can be drawn
cost modeling approach for 100% RE in Sub-Saharan regarding grid utilization which shows a reduction in
Africa. The cost minimized electric power system installed capacities by 5.3% and in total electricity
configurations are derived for all scenarios, the given generated by 2.1%. Grid utilization results in a considerable
constraints and characterized by optimized installed reduction of storage utilization (Table 3), whereas the cost
capacities of RE electricity generation, storage and of transmission is relatively small in comparison to the
transmission for every modeled technology, leading to decrease in the primary generation and storage costs.
respective hourly electricity generation, storage charging Storage costs decrease more significantly than curtailment
and discharging, electricity export, import, and curtailment. costs in the case of broader grid utilization, leading to a
The average financial results for the study scenarios are reduction of 18.8% in the area-wide scenario compared to
expressed as levelised cost of electricity (LCOE), levelised the region-wide scenarios, respectively; however, the
cost of electricity for primary generation (LCOE primary), impact of excess energy on total cost is rather low.
levelised cost of curtailment (LCOC), levelised cost of
The integration of water desalination and industrial gas
storage (LCOS), levelised cost of transmission (LCOT),
sectors results in a further reduction in LCOE by 23.4%
total annualized cost, total capital expenditures, total
compared to the area-wide open trade scenario. The cost
renewables capacity and total primary generation, as
reduction benefits are a result of a massive reduction cost
presented in Table 2.
of storages, and a minor decrease in the cost of curtailment.
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Storage cost reduces by 48.3% since industrial gas and generated PV electricity for commercial and industrial
desalination sectors decrease the need for long-term storage prosumers.
utilization, giving additional flexibility to the system. The
Despite the fact that an upper limit 50% higher than the
utilization of low-cost wind and solar electricity results to
current capacity was considered for hydro dams and hydro
increased system flexibility as can be seen in Table 3, this
RoR plants, the total hydropower plants’ installed capacity
results to an 8.7% decrease in primary electricity generation
practically did not change considering all the studied
cost. A comparison of the area-wide and area integrated
scenarios. It is not necessary to utilize all the available
scenario emphasizes the increased flexibility in the system
hydro power capacities considering PV and wind seemed to
by an additional PtG capacity of 47.0 GW ; this occurs
be more cost competitive options for Sub-Saharan Africa.
despite the availability of low cost biogas, since the biogas
resource potential cannot cover the full gas demand in the As seen results for the area-wide scenario, the
energy system as tabled in the Supplementary Material interconnection of sub-regions in Sub-Saharan Africa has
(Tables VII and XI). The numeric values for LCOE considerable impacts on storage capacities. Gas storage
components in all sub-regions and scenarios are dominates the proportions for storage capacities in all the
summarized in the Supplementary Material (Table XIV). scenarios followed by A-CEAS. However, when the
storage throughputs are considered, there is a complete shift
Regarding the RE installed capacities, all the RE
of dominance to battery storage which is utilized especially
technologies present a reduction of total installed capacity
during the night hours, in the absence of solar PV. The gas
with an increase of grid utilization (Table 3); in all the
storage has a moderately low throughput of 45.9 TWh
scenario, solar PV technologies have the largest overall
compared to batteries storage with the highest throughput
share compared to alternative technologies. The share of
of 77.5 TWh. Besides gas, batteries, other storage solutions
PV dominates as a result of interconnectivity reaching
utilized include, PHS which has the least throughput of 0.83
55.5%, as the share of wind drops to 30.8%. The rest of the
TWh considering it is only utilized in the South African
RE technologies take the remaining, with hydro, biomass
sub-region and A-CAES which is still surpassed by
and geothermal taking a slight share that ranges from 4.7%
batteries and gas storage of 10.5 TWh. The storage
to 6.6%, 4.5% to 7.2%, and 1.0% to 1.3%, respectively. The
capacities of batteries, PHS, A-CAES, PtG and gas turbines
share for hydro and geothermal show some minor changes
decrease as a result of interconnection and integration of
as a result of interconnection and integration of gas and
gas and desalination sectors. However, gas storage
desalination sectors. Hydro dams also act a virtual storage
increases from 18.9 TWh to 24.3 TWh as a consequence of
to the system and provide required flexibility to the system.
the integration of gas and desalination sectors. PtG
Interconnection and integration have considerable impacts
electrolysers have a rather low installed capacity in the
on storage capacities.
area-wide and area-wide scenario, since PtG is not needed
The cost of most RE technologies has declined and much for seasonal storage. Hydro dams have a key role as
additional expected technical advances would result in virtual batteries for solar and wind long-term balancing,
further cost reductions. PV self-consumption overview is reducing interregional electricity trade, electricity
given in the Supplementary Material (Table XII). Self- transmission costs and reducing the seasonal storage
generation plays a crucial role in Sub-Saharan Africa owing contribution of PtG. The total LCOE decline from the
to high electricity prices throughout in the region and low region-wide to the integrated scenario by 18.8% as results
self-consumption LCOE. Self-consumption covers 84.7% of geographic integration and sector coupling.
of residential prosumers’ demand, 88.0%, and 89.4% of

Table 2: Financial results for the four scenarios applied in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Scenario Total LCOE LCOC LCOS LCOT Total Total RE Generated
LCOE primary ann. CAPEX capacities electricity
[€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [b€] [b€] [GW] [TWh]
Region- 58 38 2 18 0 50 429 404 981
Country- 58 38 2 18 0 50 428 403 980
Area-wide 55 36 2 15 2 47 416 382 960

Integrated 47 34 2 9 2 62 563 544 1327

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Table 3: Overview on installed RE technologies and storage capacities for the four scenarios.
RE Technology Units Region-wide Country-wide Area-wide Integrated
PV self-consumption [GW] 61.3 61.3 61.3 61.3
PV optimally tilted [GW] 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
PV single-axis tracking [GW] 134.6 133.9 111.5 239.1
PV total [GW] 197.3 196.7 174.2 301.9
CSP [GW] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wind energy [GW] 125.9 126.1 138.7 167.6
Biogas power plants [GW] 4.5 4.2 1.6 1.3
Biomass power plants [GW] 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
MSW incinerator [GW] 23.1 23.2 21.5 21.5
Geothermal energy [GW] 5.1 4.9 4.6 5.4
Hydro Run-of-River [GW] 5.2 5.2 4.7 5.4
Hydro dams [GW] 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4
Battery PV self-consumption [GWh] 72.2 72.2 72.2 72.2
Battery total [GWh] 262.6 268.6 240.3 218.4
PHS [GWh] 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
A-CAES [GWh] 623.2 579.7 432.5 335.0
Gas storage [GWhth] 25,754 25,948 18,936 24,304
PtG electrolyzers [GWel] 9.1 9.1 6.5 53.9
CCGT [GW] 16.9 16.7 13.6 9.8
OCGT [GW] 13.2 13.0 10.3 15.3
Steam Turbine [GW] 30.1 29.7 23.9 25.1

An overview of the electricity generation curves for the existence of storage and HVDC transmission lines enables
area-wide scenario can be seen in Figure 6. All 8760 hours storing electricity or that sub-regions with best RE
of the year are sorted according to the net hourly supply resources to export electricity to the ones with a shortage in
(generation minus load), which is represented by the black RE resources.
line. A higher electricity generation than demand can be
If a sub-region analysis is considered, as presented in
observed for 4400 hours of the year, which is used for
Figure 7, noticeable differences can be observed between
charging storage. This is caused by a high electricity
the scenarios, especially between the area-wide and the
generation from inflexible energy sources, due to high
integrated scenarios. More demand in the case of a RE-
shares of solar PV and wind energy in Sub-Saharan Africa
based energy system can change the entire system structure
energy mix and a higher solar irradiation and wind speed in
because of shifting optimal cost structure parameters and
the region during these hours of the year. As a consequence,
areas being confronted with their upper resource limits. For
flexible electricity generation options (such as hydro dams,
region-wide and area-wide scenarios, the share of PV
biomass, and biogas) and discharge of storage plants are
dominates in almost all the sub-regions considered; apart
needed. The inflexible electricity generation reduces
from Kenya-Uganda, Somalia-Djibouti, and West-North
significantly in comparison to the decrease in electricity
where wind energy plays a key role due to favorable wind
demand for the remaining hours of the year, thus increasing
resources. Wind plays a key role in the integrated scenario,
the need for flexible electricity generation, energy storage
in which an additional electricity demand for additional
discharge and grid utilization. The storage plants are
water desalination and SNG production was included,
deployed for about 4400 hours of the year in charging mode
especially the sub-regions that have excellent wind
and about 4200 hours in discharging mode. Electricity
conditions and, therefore, low cost wind energy.
curtailment is significant for about 1000 hours in the year
and not applied during almost the entire period since the
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

4.2. Main findings on the optimized energy system The total installed capacities reduce as a result of HVDC
transmission grid interconnection as seen in Figure 7 and
structure in a sub-region analysis
Table 3. This decrease occurs mainly because of a reduction
The region-wide scenario neglects the broad cost saving in capacity by 17.2% for PV single-axis in Sub-Saharan
opportunities available as a result of HVDC Africa, which is seen when region-wide to area-
interconnection. The integration of water desalination and
industrial gas sectors to the power system increases the
electricity demand but also the energy system flexibility.

Fig. 6. Electricity generation duration curves for the area-wide open trade scenario for Sub-Saharan Africa.
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 7. Installed capacities of RE generation (left) and storages (right) for region-wide (top), area-wide (center) integrated
(bottom) scenarios.

wide scenarios are compared; with an exception of North- and full load cycles per year are summarized in the
Nigeria and West-North that showed an increase in total RE Supplementary Material (Table XIII). The generation
installed capacities by 9.9% and 898%, respectively. The capacities of storage technologies decrease with the
significant reduction in PV shares is countered by an geographic integration by applying an HVDC transmission
increase in wind capacities by 10.2% for a mainly in the lines. State-of-charge profiles for the area-wide scenario for
West-North sub-region which shows a 20-fold increase battery, PHS, A-CAES and gas storages and hydro dams
from 0.49 GW to 10.4 GW. This results highlight the role are provided in the Supplementary Material (Fig. 4 and Fig.
played by wind as more sectors are integrated into the 5). The state-of-charge diagrams show the system
system. The structure of HVDC power lines and utilized RE optimized operation mode of the different storage
resources strongly influences the total storage capacity technologies: mainly daily (battery, PHS), mainly weekly
needed. In this context, the already installed hydro dams are (A-CAES) and mainly seasonal (gas, hydro dams).
an important RE source that can act as virtual batteries for Additionally, the absolute and percentage hourly grid
long-term storage and seasonal balancing. The regional capacity profiles in the integrated scenario for the different
capacities also vary between sub- regions. Data of storage times of a day and days of a year are as presented in the
systems’ discharge capacities, annual energy throughput, supplementary Figure 6).

4.3. Electricity import/export The results in supplemental Table XIV summarizes the
import/export shares in all regions and scenarios. The share
In the case of the region-wide open trade scenario, all sub- of export is defined as the ratio of net exported electricity
regions of Sub-Saharan Africa need to match their demand to the generated primary electricity of a sub-region and the
using only their RE resources. Nonetheless, in the case of share of import is defined as the ratio of imported electricity
the country-wide and area-wide open trade scenarios, a to the electricity demand. The area average is composed of
division of sub-regions into net exporters and net importers sub-regions’ values weighted by the electricity demand.
with interregional electricity flows can be observed. An West-North emerges as the major net exporter in Sub-
annual import and export diagram for area-wide open trade Saharan Africa, located in the Sahara Desert, the region
is presented in Figure 8. Differences in generation and depicts a surprisingly favorable wind and solar generation
demand are mainly due to export and import, but in a minor with a low electricity demand. West-North exports 36 TWh
quantity also due to storage losses, and for the area-wide of electricity to South-Nigeria the major net importer in
integrated scenario due to energy consumption for SNG Sub-Saharan Africa, with a higher population. The rest of
production. Figure 8 also gives a good overview of regions’ the net importing regions include Tanzania, West-West,
RE resources; net exporters are sub-regions with the best Congo, and South-East.
renewable resources and net importers are sub-regions with
moderate ones.
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

diagram in Figure 9, summarizes the integrated scenario

and is comprised of the primary RE resource generators, the
energy storage technologies, HVDC transmission grids, the
total demand for each sector and system losses. The
potentially usable heat and ultimate system losses includes
the difference between the primary power generation and
final electricity demand. Both are comprised of curtailed
electricity; the heat produced by biomass, biogas, and
waste-to-energy power plants; the heat of transforming
power-to-hydrogen in the electrolyzers, hydrogen-to-
methane in methanation and methane-to-power in the gas
turbines; and the efficiency losses in A-CAES, PHS, battery
storage, as well as by the HVDC transmission grid. At the
same time the end use comprises of the electricity, gas, and
desalination sectors. Additional sectors in the integrated
scenario cause additional capacity for generation from
renewables, mainly wind energy and solar PV. An
overview of the power transmission lines, their key
Fig. 8. Annual generation and demand diagram for the parameters, and the percentage of grid utilization can be
area-wide open trade scenario. found in the Supplementary Material (Table XV and Fig.
The remaining sub-regions are classified as balancing sub- 6). The energy flow for the region-wide and area-wide
regions since electricity is both imported and exported in scenarios are presented in the Supplementary Material (Fig.
the long term (hourly) and in the long term (annually). 7 and 8).
Hourly resolved profiles for a regional generation in
importer sub-region (South-Nigeria), balancing sub-region
5. Discussion
(South Africa), and exporting region (West-North) are
presented in the Supplementary Material (Fig. 1, 2 and 3, 5.1 Cost implications for large-scale HVDC
respectively). For the integrated scenario a drastically interconnections
increased electricity demand for the desalination and SNG From the presented results for Sub-Saharan Africa, it can
producing sectors changes the picture dramatically; SNG be confirmed that different grid configurations as witnessed
producing regions tend to increase the intra-regional in the different scenarios will lead to several cost
electricity generation to fulfill the growing demand. ramifications. Appropriate approaches for institutional,
The Sankey flow diagram reveals more about the energy technical, and economic design and implementation are
flows, all the way from generation to end use and the crucial to carrying out grid expansion programmes in Sub-
efficiency of each energy conversion. The Sankey flow Saharan Africa.
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 9. Energy flow of the system for the integrated scenario.

The electricity consumption in most Sub-Saharan countries based system and this reduces the total system cost. A
is low due to a variety of reasons amidst a poorly developed comparison of the region-wide to country-wide scenarios,
grid infrastructure (World Bank, 2008). Thus, for the region shows negligible difference regarding cost since only
to engage in a large-scale energy projects, it calls for Nigeria (with an enormous population) was subdivided. A
additional investment in HVDC power lines to facilitate slight drop in the total levelized cost of electricity from 57.8
cross-border transmission. The majority of Sub-Saharan €/MWh to 57.7 €/MWh is noticeable. The same argument
countries have recurrent power shortages, almost 40% of is feasible when the annualized cost is also compared. The
the grid was built or refurbished decades ago, and it is annualized cost shows a slight decrease from 50.3 b€/a to
estimated that 18 bUSD is required for the renovation of the 50.2 b€/a. However, when each the country-wide or the
existing grid (Szabo et al., 2013). In an effort to tackle the region-wide scenario are compared to area-scenarios, a
inefficiencies associated with the Sub-Saharan Africa sizeable reduction in LCOE by 5.5% from about 57.8
power supply, joining national markets can provide the €/MWh to 54.6 €/MWh and annualized cost from around
economy of scale to overcome this. Regional power pools 50.2 b€/a to 47.3 b€/a. In parallel, the capex requirements
need to be established to promote cross-border trade in are also reduced in a similar comparison by 3.0% from
electricity and incentivize capacity investment. HVDC 429.7 b€ to from 416.8 b€, which is less as the annualized
interconnectors that could enhance renewable electricity cost, since the biomass fuel cost remain stable. Additional
trade between power pools with diverse energy mixes costs of HVDC transmission lines (23.1 b€ annual cost for
(Rosnes, 2012). There are discussions about the area-wide scenario) are compensated by a substantial
interconnection across the continent and facilitating the decrease in generation and storage capacities enabled by
creation of a Pan African power market (Hammons and lower losses and costs of energy transmission compared to
Naidoo, 2010). The power market will comprise a energy storage, access to low-cost electricity generation in
consolidation of regional power pools namely, Southern other regions and finally a more efficient use of energy
African power pool (SAPP), West African Power Pool system components.
(WAPP), Central African Power Pool (PEAC) and the East
Transmission and distribution (T&D) investments are key
African Power Pool (EAPP). This study has however
for any developing power grid system, particularly for
subdivided the power pools further and highlights 16 sub-
systems that are expanding to meet universal access goals
regions as discussed in Section 3.1. The linkage of these
(Bazilian et al., 2011). Eberhard and Shkaratan (2012),
sub-regions via HVDC transmission lines can address the
estimates about 37% of the investment cost is used for new
challenges of intermittency in RE technologies. The
transmission and distribution networks. Unfortunately, the
installation of HVDC transmission lines between sub-
use of HVDC transmission lines interconnections may have
regions leads to a significant cutback of overall cost,
limited impact in improving electricity access especially in
storage sizes, and RE installed capacities in the 100% RE-
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

rural localities in Sub-Saharan Africa because of the overall energy supply by 2050 (WWF, 2015). This means
complexity of rural settlement (geographical constraints), that 75% of Ugandans will not rely on grid connectivity for
poorly developed, and cost of extending grid infrastructure. the provision of energy. Off-grid based RE solutions like
Sub-Saharan Africa has generally lagged behind other mini-grids, and in particular solar home systems (SHS)
regions of the world in terms of infrastructure and power provide a least cost solution for realizing the full
sector investment and performance (Eberhard and electrification for the rural people in Sub-Saharan Africa
Shkaratan, 2012). (Cader et al., 2016a; Bertheau et al., 2014 Breyer et al.,
2011; Breyer et al., 2012; WWF, 2015). PV-based mini-
5.2 Role of off-grid PV grids can be established for initial electrification but also
for upgrading existing and costly off-grid diesel-grids
The traditional approaches to electrify Sub-Saharan Africa
(Cader et al., 2016b). Furthermore, SHS can act as an
by grid extensions have not contributed to the eradication
interim solution until a grid is planned and constructed or
of rural poverty (Szabo et al., 2013). Over the years, the
economic power makes the establishment of mini-grids
substantial subsidies provided by the region’s utilities leave
feasible, since the is no financial drawback for the operators
millions of African households in the dark because a too
due to the very low amortization periods of SHS of 6 to 18
limited number of households are connected to the grid
months (Breyer et al., 2012; 2011)
(World Bank, 2008). This means that much more
investment would be required to achieve full electrification
5.3 Relevance of PV prosumers
in Sub-Saharan Africa through grid extension options.
Based on the World Bank (2006) a total of 280 bUSD is PV self-consumption influences the energy sector in an
required for 200 million new connections to provide interesting way. To measure the impacts of PV prosumers,
electricity to 100% electrification by 2030. Off-grid region-wide, country-wide, and area-wide open trade
renewable energy technologies systems, especially solar scenarios are also calculated without PV self-consumption
PV based technologies (solar home system and mini-grid) and the total demand is assumed to be covered by a more
provides technically feasible and economical solutions to centralized system. A comparison of self-consumption-
energy challenges, where the cost of grid extension is not scenarios to base scenarios shows the following additions
economical (Niez, 2010; Breyer et al., 2011). Furthermore, in the annualized costs; 48.6 b€ compared to 50.3 b€ for
the choice of technologies for rural electrification should region-wide scenarios (+3.4%), 48.5 b€ compared to 50.2
consider the economic viability, geographical potential, and b€ for country-wide scenarios (+3.4%), 45.6 b€ compared
compatibility of (renewable) technology options, spatial to 47.3 b€ for area-wide scenarios (+3.6%). PV self-
and techno-economic analysis helps in identifying least consumption induces additional costs because of a different
cost electrification option for remote areas (Szabo et al., target function of prosumers. However, prosumers reach
2011; Szabo et al., 2013). Access to modern energy services their minimum annual electricity cost. The LCOE for PV
can be enhanced by RE, especially solar PV. Access to self-consumption then must be lower than the grid
clean and reliable energy constitutes an important electricity selling price, but can be higher than the total
prerequisite for fundamental determinants of human system LCOE. The cost of PV installations is projected to
development, contributing, among other things, to drop because of technological innovation, product
economic activity, income generation, poverty alleviation, optimization, economies of scale, among other reasons.
health, education, and gender equality. Due to their This trend will prompt a further cut of LCOE for PV self-
decentralized nature, solar PV can play an important role in consumption. PV self-consumption can also reduce the
fostering rural electrification (IPCC, 2011). stress on local distribution and transmission grids in
particular in combination with batteries, as also
The solar PV technologies predominantly dominate the off-
documented by a reduction in the Sub-Saharan African
grid market, a recent market research conducted in the last
peak-load by 5.2%. Due to the high electricity prices in
half of 2015, on sales of pico-PV and solar home systems
most of the Sub-Saharan African countries, the value of the
reveals that about 4 million products have been sold
savings brought about by PV self-consumption expands
globally, and Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for about 2.2
and improves the return on investment (Rickerson et al.,
million (54.3%) (Lightning Africa, 2016). Mini-grid and
2014), which is further accelerated by broadly use of diesel
off-grid technology account for 26 TWh and 12 TWh
generation even used occasionally as a substitute for base
power generation respectively in Sub-Saharan Africa in the
load power plants. So, the prolonged or avoided distribution
new policies scenario 2040, solar PV contributes 37% and
and transmission capacity may result in a fast growing base
47% of the technology mix (IEA, 2014b). Mini-grids and
of PV prosumers which could set up a component of
off-grid PV capacity are predicted to reach 100 GW,
competition to monopoly utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa. A
representing about 5% of total capacity by 2030 (2% by
comparison between self-consumption and base scenarios
2050), which would be a significant increase from current
also depicts additional battery storage demand because of
trends (IEA, 2014a). For instance, in Uganda, on-grid
PV prosumers. Electricity generation from prosumers
electricity will become an increasingly important supplier
causes some positive and negative distortion in the system
of energy, though will still account for less than 25% of the
demand profile (Fig. 5), i.e. the system reacts by installing
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

more flexibility granting capacities, such as low-cost RE or desalination sector. This results are reaffirmed by
further storage capacities, which increase the system costs Castellano et al. (2015), who determine that significantly
as well. However, due to some slight inflexibility caused increasing regional integration could save more than 40
constrained PV use mainly during the daytime, impact of bUSD in capital spending, and save the African consumer
prosumers is constrained to a reduction of daytime peaks as nearly 10 bUSD per year by 2040, as the levelized cost of
opposed to night peaks. Thus, the most expensive peak energy falls from 70 USD/MWh to 64 USD/MWh.
hours throughout the year are substantially reduced by However, the cost impacts of the surplus of energy on the
5.2% by PV self-consumption, which exhibits a substantial total cost are minimal.
economic value. The electricity consumption in the
centralized system is higher from the morning hours till the 5.5 Overall relevance of solar PV
evenings compared to a system with PV prosumers
Solar PV technologies emerge as the dominant
influence. For the region-wide scenario, a comparable low-
technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa for the year 2030.
cost increase due to the decentralized generation can be
IRENA (2012) estimates that Sub-Saharan Africa has a
explained by the fact that additional disturbance cost in the
technical potential of 9261 TWh for both CSP and PV with
system (provoked by prosumers) is compensated by access
around plus or minus 50% certainty. This demonstrates that
to low-cost residential electricity (for residential consumers
single-handedly, solar technology is sufficient enough to
WACC is assumed to be 4%). Finally, PV self-consumption
power about 10 times the electricity demand for Sub-
is of particular benefit in region-wide and country-wide
Saharan Africa (866 TWh) based on our estimates. As seen
scenarios, particularly in areas with zero impact on
in the area-wide scenario, PV technologies generate 364.9
rooftops. PV use for local electricity generation reduces the
TWh (38%). Castellano et al. (2015) conclude that higher
need to develop long-distance transmission to transmit
levels of integration would result in larger regional gas
remote RE sources to load centers. Some countries may
options being favored over some of the smaller in-country
have to carry out PV self-consumptions as a policy measure
solar and wind additions, leading to an increase in carbon
for the creation of local value chains and less supply risk
emissions. However, the results of this study show that
due to higher electricity imports.
solar PV still dominates with the integration of gas and
desalination sectors for the 100% RE case. As seen in the
5.4 Demand for Desalination and Industrial Gas
area-wide integrated scenario, PV technologies generate
The integration of water desalination and industrial gas 635.6 TWh (47.8%). The high share of PV can be explained
sectors results in additional electricity generation that with the fact that PV is the least cost RE technology in most
covers projected natural gas demand and renewable water of the Sub-Saharan Africa and decreasing cost of battery
demand by SNG generation and SWRO desalination, storage further pushes this trend. The large and desert
respectively. In parallel with supplying demand, such an countries, with the top five Chad, Democratic Republic of
integration gives the additional system flexibility, the Congo [Kinshasa], Mali, Niger and Sudan holding
especially for seasonal fluctuation compensation. The about 40 percent of the solar PV potential capacity
availability of RE in Sub-Saharan Africa is sufficient to (Castellano et al., 2015). However, winds prevail in Kenya-
cover additional electricity demand for producing 268 Uganda, Somalia-Djibouti, and West-North because of the
TWhLHV of SNG and 320 million m3 of renewable water. excellent wind resources. Solar PV is followed by wind
The cost of renewable water seems to be quite affordable at onshore which generates 138.7 TWh (36.3%). The rest of
1.4 €/m3. Adding 357 TWhel for gas synthesis and SWRO the RE technologies (including hydro, geothermal and
desalination induces an additional installation of RE biomass) take up the remaining 18.1% of the energy supply.
generation capacities of 128 GW of PV and about 48 GW Based on Breyer and Gerlach (2013) and Vartiainen et al.
of wind energy. As well, former long-term gas storage is (2015), solar PV LCOE are projected to decline by further
partly substituted by short-term battery storage. Additional 30-40% from 2020 to 2040 as a consequence of progressive
benefits as a results of integration of water desalination and efforts to reduce materials use, improved efficiency and to
industrial gas sectors includes an 8.4 TWhel (-17.2%) the development of the manufacturing processes. It is also
reduction of efficiency losses of storages turbines; a 15.6 expected that the end results of a steady decline in PV cost
b€ increase in annual system cost; 357 TWh increase in the will be the further dominance of PV technologies in the
electricity demand and a 10.6 TWh increase in curtailed market beyond the year 2030 (Castellano et al., 2015;
electricity. Despite the extra cost for the generation, Breyer et al., 2016). These revelations are in line with
transmission, integrating water desalination and gas sectors Greenpeace (2015) advanced energy [r]evolution scenario,
the combined benefits as a result of integration results in a which projects that the hydro power generation capacity
37.2% reduction in LCOS; likewise, the total LCOE will be outstripped by solar energy after the year 2020 and
decreases by 7.7 €/MWh (-14.2%). This decrease in total that hydro power will have a smaller proportion of 41 GW
LCOE can be confirmed by the substantial reduction of (11%) compared to solar energy at 177 GW (47%) by 2030.
37.1% in the cost of storages due to the more flexibility All the three wind energy dominated sub-regions are net-
provided to the system by industrial gas synthesis and the exporters. Compared to the net-importers like South-
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Nigeria, the net-exporters have a more favorable renewable as issues over the biodiversity impacts of large-scale
resource mix. Cross-border energy supply often also hydropower developments. Most refurbishment projects
provides greatly enhanced diversification of energy source, focus on the electro-mechanical equipment, but can involve
a key component of energy security (Hammons and repairs or redesigns of intakes, penstocks, and tail races. For
Naidoo, 2010). This results shows that the gains from large hydropower plants, economic lifetimes are at least 40
electricity trade differ between sub-regions depending on years, with 80 years lifetimes as upper limit meanwhile for
resource availability and the resource mix. However, small-scale hydropower plants, the typical lifetime can be
electricity trade in Sub-Saharan Africa requires significant 40 years or less. In this case refurbishment of hydro projects
cooperation and coordination among countries. Hence, fall into two categories namely life extension and upgrades
achieving optimal power trade will require a range of (IRENA, 2012). The costs of life extension and upgrades
important political, legal, and economic commitments for old hydro plants are have estimated that life extensions
Eberhard and Shkaratan (2012). As the penetration levels cost around 60% of electro-mechanical costs and upgrades
for variable renewables connected to the grid rises, it also anywhere up to 90% depending on their extent (IRENA,
becomes important to consider the impact on grid stability 2012). Considering, hydropower has a particular cost
and reliability. Africa needs a strategic approach to improve advantage compared to other renewable sources that have
its economy based on energy security-development linkage not yet been amortized, an additional 500 €/kW capex
policies. However, diversification of renewable resources, should be considered for old hydropower plants (>50
spreading their location over different climate zones and years). Considering solar PV and wind energy are cheaper
grid interconnections with neighboring countries can all alternatives compared to hydro power, it may be not
play an important role in ensuring grid stability and energy necessary to build large hydro dams to utilize all the
security (IRENA, 2012). In order to facilitate electricity available capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa.
trade exporting and importing sub-regions, the national
Further review of the energy mix, shows contradictions of
utilities will need to engage into long-term bilateral
the results of this research to the IEA (2014b) Africa
contracts for the sourcing and consumption of electrical
Energy Outlook, which reports that the total renewable
share will grow to 44% of Sub-Saharan Africa, being in
contradiction to the findings of this research that 100% RE
5.6 Large-scale hydropower in Sub-Saharan Africa
are already low cost for 2030 financial assumption.
The Grand Inga project on the Congo River envisages the According to IEA's findings, the power generation capacity
installation of 40 GW of hydro generating capacity, which in 2040 will include a dominating hydro power capacity
would make it the largest hydro facility in the world mainly based on large-scale hydro power generation
(IRENA, 2015). IRENA, (2015), estimates that around providing a 26% supply share. IEA (2014b) projects that
92% of technically feasible potential has not yet been the coal demand in Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to grow
developed. Given that large hydro projects often have for power generation and coal-to-liquid production.
outputs far more than the country’s electricity demand, it is However, the immense societal and environmental burden
necessary to develop these as regional projects. The of coal consists of the impacts of lethal chemicals and
construction and successful operation of the major hydro heavy metals emissions that cause severe health problems
dams in Sub-Saharan Africa usually requires cross-border and respective high health costs aside from mortality
co-operation between countries that may be suffering from related to air pollutants discharged through coal
political instability and even civil disorder. In such combustion that is nevertheless not captured. Epstein et al.
circumstances, achieving the necessary water access (2011) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2015)
agreements across national boundaries may prove have already pointed out that these high cost represent
challenging. However, it can be assumed that the creation subsidies which places coal electricity in a not competitive
of regional power pools will boost cross-border position to solar PV and wind energy due to its very high
transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. The expansion of societal cost. The most direct risks and hazards presented
hydropower capacity is expected to further progress by by coal sludge, coal slurry, and coal waste impoundments;
reaching 93 GW in 2040, with several major projects (such the total contributions of nitrogen deposition to
as Inga III and the Grand Renaissance Dam) coming online eutrophication of fresh and coastal sea water and the
incrementally over the projection period (IEA, 2014b). extensive appraisal of impacts owing to an increasingly
unstable climate (Monks et al., 2009).
In this respect, the water footprint, and human
displacements as results of for large-scale hydro electricity This study considers the hourly system balance between,
generation, the social costs have to be taken into account, generation, demand, grid transmission, charging and
since many parts of Africa are already experiencing water discharging storage units. The storage units get charged
shortage with about one-third of Africa's productive area when power generation surpasses demand, thus PV use
already classified as dry-land. Thus, stakeholders have to results to reliance in battery storage, notably during night
consider the impact of hydropower development on local hours. This makes solar PV a key attribute to a substantial
populations, their impacts on water use and rights, as well proportion of battery use. However, solar PV compliments
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

well with a wind power generation especially during night and adverse impacts on human health and living conditions
hours to cut down on battery reliance. Additional from the high concentrations of particulate matter and
generation from flexible biomass and hydro dam plants, carbon monoxide, among other pollutants (IPCC, 2012). In
backup discharge from large-scale storage, facilitates grid Sub-Saharan Africa, almost three quarters of those people
utilization and thus significantly reducing the storage using traditional biomass do not have access to energy
needs. In the integrated scenario, installed capacities for PV efficient cooking stoves. The result is wasteful fuel use and
and wind energy increase by 40.9% and 54.9% contrasted serious health effects from wood smoke, which along with
to the area-wide scenario, correspondingly, because of the coal smoke kills almost 2 million people a year (WWF,
higher demand for electricity, the low cost of PV and wind 2011b). In this context, non-combustion-based RE power
energy and enhanced system flexibility. Based on the generation technologies have the potential to reduce local
demand projections for 2030 by IRENA (2015), forecasts and regional air pollution significantly and lower associated
have a slight dissimilarity from our results. IRENA predicts health impacts compared to fossil-based energy production.
that the RE generation for entire Africa (including North Thus, an additional generation from other sources is
Africa) will surpass 1000 TWh attaining 50% of the total needed. The results show that wind energy and solar PV are
power generation. Around one-third of total power more cost competitive in Sub-Saharan Africa compared to
generation will come from hydro power plants with the biomass. A closer look at the area-wide scenario reveals
remainder coming from solar PV, CSP, wind energy, and that the LCOE for the solid biomass, waste-to-energy, and
geothermal. The results of this study clearly indicate that a biogas power plants are 60.6 €/MWh, 86.0 €/MWh and
much higher RE generation could be achieved mainly 78.2 €/MWh, respectively compared to solar PV and wind
driven by low cost solar PV and wind energy. energy LCOE which are 26.1 €/MWh and 36.1 €/MWh.
Solar PV and wind are more cost competitive in
5.7 Sustainable biomass use comparison to biomass when it comes to electricity
production. As a consequence, the biomass usage in the
The biomass resources available for electricity production
model is still low at 34.3% of the available sustainable
for all the study scenarios in consideration amounts to 355
resource potential with solid biomass, waste, and biogas
TWhth/a which is inadequate when compared to 866
producing 58.5 TWhth, about 4% of the total generation by
TWhth/a needed to cover the total electricity demand for
renewables. The synthetic natural gas and the heat
both the region-wide and area-wide or to 1224 TWhth/a
generated by the system as a by-product of biogas and
required for the integrated scenario. However, renewable
biomass CHP plants, waste-to-energy incinerators, gas
energy technologies could still play a vital role in cooking
turbines, electrolyzers and methanation units has the
and water heating. Globally, 100% renewable energy
potential to replace some biomass used for heat purposes.
would need bioenergy from an additional 250 million ha of
Based on IEA (2014b), the growth in gas use is insignificant
crops and tree plantations by 2050 plus 4.5 billion m3 of
and is focused on cooking and water heating in gas-rich
wood from multiple sources. However, the global or a
countries, mainly Nigeria, Mozambique, and Tanzania. As
regional electricity demand can be covered by an optimal
illustrated in the energy flow diagrams (Fig. 9,
renewable mix (IRENA, 2015; Castellano, 2015; WWF,
Supplementary Material Figs. 7 and 8), the usable heat
2015 Greenpeace, 2015; Bogdanov and Breyer, 2016). As
increases from 74 TWhth per annum for the area-wide
seen in the Greenpeace (2015) energy [r]evolution scenario,
scenario up to 106 TWhth for the region-wide scenario. The
renewables can provide 68% of Africa's total heat demand
higher efficiency as a results of interconnectivity plays a
in 2030 and 91% in 2050. The future models will include
key role in the low amount of heat generated in area-wide
additional demand sectors for heating, cooking, and
scenario. According to Greenpeace (2015) advanced
mobility. Further review of the energy mix shows a
energy [r]evolution scenario higher efficiency gains can be
complete contradiction to IEA (2014b) Africa Energy
achieved in the heating sector compared to the electricity
Outlook, which reports that bioenergy (biomass) use for
sector. About 1000 TWh can be saved as a result of the
cooking dominates the primary energy demand with 80%
introduction of high energy standards and highly efficient
of household consumption. Based on IEA (2014b), biomass
technologies, e.g. for industrial and commercial process
use will reach 5699 TWhth (40% of primary demand) and
heat, cooking and air conditioning. The waste heat from
continue to dictate the energy mix in 2030. The measure at
biomass and gas power plants is evenly distributed over the
which wood fuel is renewable energy depends on how
year. Cooling demand is mainly included in electricity
much is produced or consumed (IEA, 2014). Current
demand numbers and therefore does not generate an
biomass assessments and models do not take these land use
additional demand. For the integrated scenario the amount
efficiency measures into account (Batidzirai et al., 2012).
of usable heat is slightly smaller than for the area-wide
IRENA (2015), considers 70% of thermal energy demand
scenario, at 122 TWhth, due to increased efficiency in gas
comes from coal, oil, and natural gas. However, with a high
turbines, which covers the heat losses in methanation and
portion of residue use (30% is a mixture of biomass and
electrolysis. Synthetic fuels can also have an alternative use
waste products).
in mobility. Based on the Greenpeace (2015) advanced
Traditional biomass use, characterized by low efficiency energy [r]evolution scenario, the generation of synthetic
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

fuels will substitute fossil fuels in Africa by the end of growing demand for RE technologies. The price of
2050. Greenpeace (2015) estimates that 560 TWh will be emissions could influence electricity prices, so as to reduce
utilized for hydrogen generation and 790 TWh for synthetic fossil fuel consumption and to promote cleaner
liquid fuel generation intended for the transport sector. technologies with benefits on air quality and climate change
Fasihi et al. (2015, 2016) conclude that renewable (Garcia-Martos et al., 2013). Castellano et al. (2015)
electricity based synthetic fuels are a real option for conclude that, if Sub-Saharan Africa aggressively promotes
decarbonizing the energy system for the period of the year renewables, it could obtain a 27% reduction in CO2
2030 and beyond. The findings for the Sub-Saharan Africa emissions; this would result in a 35% higher installed
100% renewable resource-based energy system clearly capacity base and 31% higher capital spending, or an
show the potential of the region for RE generation and for additional 153 bUSD. Uncertain future value of CO2
a global climate change mitigation strategy. The results of emissions abatement will not affect the renewable energy
a fairly low LCOE for the year 2030 (in all the considered drive in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bazilian et al. (2012) foresees
scenarios) added to the already existing RE policies and a decrease, in relative terms, of carbon-intensive resources
low carbon development plans can boost the development in Africa in the coming two decades, even without an
of a renewable power system in Sub-Saharan Africa in the explicit focus on climate change mitigation. In addition to
coming decades. reducing GHG emissions, renewable energy technologies
can also offer benefits with respect to air pollution and
5.8 Competitiveness of 100% RE health compared to fossil fuels. These include nuclear melt-
down risk, nuclear terrorism risk, unsolved nuclear waste
Renewable energy technologies are cost competitive
disposal, remaining CO2 emissions of power plants with
compared to the high cost alternatives; for instance, the low
CCS technology, a diminishing conventional energy
carbon based energy systems and non-renewable options,
resource base, and high health cost due to heavy metal
such as nuclear energy, natural gas and coal carbon capture
emissions of coal-fired power plants. Nuclear energy
and storage (CCS) as highlighted by Agora Energiewende
produces both operational and decommissioning wastes.
(2014b). The LCOE of the alternatives are as follows
The radioactive waste possesses a threat to the environment
(Agora Energiewende, 2014): 112 €/MWh for new nuclear
and is unsafe for humans. The Chernobyl and Fukushima
(assumed for 2023 in the UK and Czech Republic), 112
nuclear melt-downs have shown the disastrous effects of
€/MWh for gas CCS (assumed for 2019 in the UK) and 126
nuclear radiation on humans. Nuclear energy also calls for
€/MWh for coal CCS (assumed for 2019 in the UK).
massive subsidies required for development and operation
However, a report published by the European Commission
and loan guarantees. Dittmar (2012) also emphasizes the
(2014b) concludes that CCS technology is not likely to be
mentioned limitations on nuclear fission, but also points out
commercially available before the year 2030. The findings
that the financial and human research and development
for Europe are assumed to be also valid for Sub-Saharan
resources spent for nuclear fusion are no help either for the
Africa in the mid-term. Research from climate change
energy problems in the world and even worse these
modeling, such as Griffin et al. (2014) conclude no CCS
resources are not available for research of pathways
and no nuclear energy would be too high in cost and
towards a low cost energy future.
therefore not possible, however in Luderer et al. (2014) and
its supplementary it is stated that the 2050 capex The findings for the Sub-Saharan Africa 100% renewable
assumptions for solar PV and wind energy in Griffin et al. resource-based energy system illustrate the capability of the
(2014) are 1200-1400 USD/kW and 1000 USD/kW, which region for RE generation and a global climate change
is fine for wind energy but fully wrong for solar PV since mitigation scheme. The results of a rather low LCOE for
we have already today capex which are 10-20% lower and the year 2030 (in all the considered scenarios) included to
the learning curve is continuing (Vartiainen et al., 2015; the existing RE policies, and low-carbon development
Fraunhofer ISE, 2015; Breyer and Gerlach, 2013). More programs can boost the development of a renewable power
realistic capex assumptions would be 300 – 400 €/kW in system in the Sub-Saharan Africa in the future years.
2050 according to Vartiainen et al. (2015). Such limited
solar PV industrial insights are a key reason why in many
energy scenarios a misleading conclusion is drawn, that 6. Conclusion
fossil-CCS and/or nuclear fission would be without any This research work establishes that a 100% renewable
alternative. The 100% renewable resource-based energy resources-based energy system is a technically and
system options for Sub-Saharan Africa presented in this economically practical solution for Sub-Saharan Africa. RE
work seem to be considerably lower in cost (about 48 - technologies can generate sufficient power to provide for
57%) than the other alternatives, which have still further all electricity demand in Sub-Saharan Africa for the year
disadvantages. Globally, the end use combustion of carbon 2030 at a low overall cost of 47-58 €/MWhel, and this
fuels is the principal source of potential emissions from the depends on the intensity of geographic integration and
production of reserves, accounting for about 90% of total energy sector coupling. The power required to cover PtG
estimated emissions, on average (Heede, 2016). Climate technology, and SWRO desalination demand can be
change mitigation is one of the key driving forces behind a
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

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Urban W., Lohmann H., Girod K., 2009. Abschlussbericht Plantations Bioenergy and Carbon Report 2011,
für das BMBF-Verbundprojekt Biogaseinspeisung. Gland, Switzerland. .
Fraunhofer UMSICHT.
[UN] – United Nations, 2015. Population Division. World rest_publications_news_and_reports/living_forests_re
Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. New York. port/. [WWF] – World Wildlife Fund, 2015. Energy report for
ndings_WPP_2015.pdf Uganda: A 100% renewable energy future by 2050.
[UNFCCC] – United Nations Framework Convention on Kampala.
Climate Change, 2015 Adoption of the Paris
Agreement – Proposal by the President. UNFCCC, rgy_report_for_uganda_2015_1.pdf
Paris. [WWF] – World Wildlife Fund, 2016. 100% Renewable energy by 2050. Gland, 2011.
Vartiainen E., Masson G., Breyer Ch., 2015. PV LCOE in energy/WWF_EnergyVisionReport.pdf
Europe 2015-2050. 31th EU PVSEC, Hamburg, World Bank, 2006. An investment framework for clean
September 14-18; 10.4229/31stEUPVSEC2015- energy and development - Progress Report; DC2006-
7DO.15.1. Available online at: 0012, Washington, D.C.
COE_in_Europe_2015-2050 ocumentation/21046509/DC2006-0012%28E%29-
[WEC] – World Energy Council, 2015. Energy Trilemma CleanEnergy.pdf.
Index: Benchmarking the sustainability of national World Bank 2008. Underpowered: The State of the Power
energy systems. London. Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Bank, June,
content/uploads/2015/11/20151030-Index-report- 2008. Washington, D.C.
[WWF] – World Wildlife Fund, 2011a. Chapter 1: Forests background-paper-6-power-sect-summary-en.pdf
for a living planet. WWF Living Forests Report,
Gland, Switzerland.
preprint to be published in the proceedings of the
32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Nomenclature Table

A-CAES adiabatic compressed air energy storage

Capex capital expenditures
CCGT combined cycle gas turbine
CCS carbon capture and storage
CHP combined heat and power
CSP concentrating solar thermal power
GDP gross domestic product
GT gas turbine
HVDC high voltage direct current
LCOC levelized cost of curtailment
LCOE levelized cost of electricity
LCOS levelized cost of storage
LCOT levelized cost of transmission
OCGT open cycle gas turbine
Opex operational expenditures
PHS pumped hydro storage
PtG power-to-gas
PV photovoltaic
RE renewable energy
RoR run-of-river
SNG synthetic natural gas
ST steam turbine
SWRO seawater reverse osmosis
TES thermal energy storage
WACC weighted average cost of capital

el electricity
fix fixed
th thermal
HHV base on higher heating value of fuel
LHV base on lower heating value of fuel
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Supplementary Material

Table I: Financial assumptions for energy system components. (Pleßmann et al., 2014; Komoto et al., 2009; Hoffmann,
2014; Agora Energiewende, 2015; Urban et al., 2009; European Commission, 2014a; Vartiainen et al., 2015; Caldera,
Capex Opex fix Opex var Lifetime
[€/kW] [€/(kW.a)] [€/(kWh)] [a]

PV optimally tilted 550 8 0 35

PV single-axis tracking 620 9 0 35

PV rooftop 813 12 0 35

Wind onshore 1000 20 0 25

CSP (solar field) 528 11 0 25

Geothermal 4860 87 0 30
Hydro run-of-river 2560 115.2 0.005 60

Hydro dam 1650 66 0.003 60

Water electrolysis 380 13 0.0012 30

Methanation 234 5 0.0015 30

CO2 scrubbing 356 14 0.0013 30

CCGT 775 19.4 0.001 30

OCGT 475 14.25 0.001 30

Steam turbine 600 12 0 30

Hot heat burner 100 2 0 30
Heating rod 20 0.4 0.001 30
Biomass CHP 2500 175 0.001 30

Biogas CHP 370 14.8 0.001 30

Waste incinerator 5240 235.8 0.007 20

Biogas digester 680 27.2 0 20

Biogas upgrade 250 20 0 20

Capex Opex fix Opex var Lifetime

[€/(m3∙a)] [€/(m3∙a)] [€/m3] [a]

Water desalination 2.23 0.09 0 30

Capex Opex fix Opex var Lifetime

[€/(kWh)] [€/(kWh.a)] [€/kWh] [a]

Battery 150 10 0.0002 10

PHS 70 11 0.0002 50

A-CAES 31 0.4 0.0012 40

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

TES 24 2 0 20
Gas storage 0.05 0.001 0 50

Capex Opex fix Opex var Lifetime

[€/(m3)] [€/(m3∙h∙a)] [€/m3] [a]

Water storage 65 1.3 0 30

Capex Opex fix Opex var Lifetime

[€/(kWNTC∙km)] [€/(kWNTC∙km∙a)] [€/kWhNTC] [a]

HVDC line on ground 0.612 0.0075 0 50

HVDC line submarine 0.992 0.0010 0 50

Capex Opex fix Opex var Lifetime

[€/(m3∙h∙km)] [€/(m3∙h∙km∙a)] [€/m3∙h∙km] [a]

Horizontal pumping and pipes 19.3 0.39 0 30

Vertical pumping and pipes 15.5 0.31 0 30

Table II: Efficiencies and energy to power ratio of storage technologies. Assumptions are mainly taken from Pleßmann et
al. (2014).

Efficiency Energy/Power Ratio Self-Discharge

[%] [h] [%/h]

Battery 90 6 0

TES 90 8 0.002

PHS 85 8 0

A-CAES 70 100 0.001

Gas storage 100 80*24 0

Table III: Efficiency assumptions for energy system components for the 2030 reference years. Assumptions are mainly
taken from Pleßmann et al. (2014), and from Hoffmann (2014).

ηel [%] ηth [%]

CSP (solar field) 51

Steam turbine 42
Hot heat burner 95
Heating rod 99
Water electrolysis 84

Methanation 77
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CO2 scrubbing 78



Geothermal 24

Biomass CHP 40 45

Biogas CHP 42 43

Waste incinerator 34

Biogas upgrade 98

Table IV: Efficiency assumptions for HVDC transmission (Dii, 2012).

Power losses

HVDC line 1.6%/1000 km

HVDC converter pair 1.4%

Table V: SSA end-user grid electricity costs for year 2030. Assumptions for most of the countries were taken from Gerlach
et al. (2014).

Electricity costs [€/MWh]

Residential Commercial Industrial

Total area 140 137 129

West-West 189 189 196

West-South 175 197 215

West-North 189 173 148

South Nigeria 46 81 117

North Nigeria 46 81 117

Sudan Eretria 177 138 81

Ethiopia 191 162 107

Somalia 198 168 117

Kenya Uganda 234 186 132

Tanzania 157 166 174

Central 166 177 183

Congo 73 123 164

South-West 116 99 80

South Africa 71 57 43

South-East 61 58 53

Indian Ocean 143 141 136

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Table VI: Average full load hours and LCOE for CSP, optimally tilted and single-axis tracking PV systems, and wind
power plants in Sub-Saharan Africa regions. Abbreviation: full load hour, FLH.

PV PV fixed PV single-
Electr. PV fixed CSP tilted axis Wind
Region single-
Pop. demand CSP tilted axis Wind LCOE LCOE LCOE LCOE
[mil. Pop] [TWh] FLH FLH FLH [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh]

Total area 1348 1813 2105 1713 2258 3239 56 29 25 33

West-West 87 23 1811 1615 2099 1484 65 31 27 71

West-South 121 56 2456 1870 2520 3540 48 27 23 30

West-North 43 4 1312 1469 1832 743 89 34 31 142

South Nigeria 127 72 1922 1697 2197 2064 61 30 26 51

North Nigeria 132 74 2259 1811 2363 3481 52 28 24 30

Sudan Eretria 55 26 2132 1771 2370 3190 55 28 24 33

Ethiopia 149 20 2133 1788 2442 4753 55 28 23 22

Somalia 20 2 2136 1735 2408 4004 55 29 24 26

Kenya Uganda 115 34 2165 1755 2409 2724 54 29 24 39

Tanzania 111 19 1660 1589 1992 1162 71 32 29 91

Central 52 24 1569 1554 1917 968 75 32 30 109

Congo 109 27 2330 1815 2413 2796 50 28 24 38

South-West 34 35 2487 1822 2456 3294 47 28 23 32

South Africa 51 301 2107 1730 2286 2658 56 29 25 40

South-East 106 131 2105 1713 2258 3239 56 29 25 33

Indian Ocean 36 17 1811 1615 2099 1484 65 31 27 71

Table VII: Regional biomass (DBFZ, 2009) and geothermal energy potentials.
Biomass potential [TWhLHV/a] Geothermal
Region Potentials
Solid waste Solid biomass Biogas sources

Total area 41.5 258.5 55.6 358.0

West-West 1.4 9.4 2.2 0.0

West-South 2.1 8.4 2.7 0.0

West-North 1.2 11.7 1.3 2.6

South Nigeria 3.2 32.0 3.8 72.5

North Nigeria 2.7 27.1 3.3 18.8

Sudan Eretria 1.1 12.8 4.8 0.0

Ethiopia 5.0 43.1 5.0 0.0

Somalia 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0

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Kenya Uganda 2.4 4.4 3.7 4.4

Tanzania 1.1 0.0 1.1 0.0

Central 1.7 9.3 2.2 252.1

Congo 3.7 31.3 3.3 6.3

South-West 1.6 8.4 1.1 1.3

South Africa 7.9 35.6 9.1 0.0

South-East 5.1 11.8 8.0 0.0

Indian Ocean 1.3 9.1 3.7 0.0

Table VIII: Regional biomass costs, calculated based on biomass sources mix in the region. Solid wastes cost are based
on assumption of 100 €/ton gate fee paid to the MSW incinerator.

Biomass costs [€/MWhth]

Solid waste Solid biomass Biogas sources

Total area -20.3 7.7 3.3

West-West -20.3 5.3 2.7

West-South -20.3 5.5 1.0

West-North -20.3 5.3 2.0

South Nigeria -20.3 10.5 0.6

North Nigeria -20.3 10.5 0.6

Sudan Eretria -20.3 5.3 6.0

Ethiopia -20.3 14.0 1.6

Somalia -20.3 9.7 3.4

Kenya Uganda -20.3 5.3 5.2

Tanzania -20.3 5.3 1.0

Central -20.3 5.3 4.1

Congo -20.3 15.9 1.9

South-West -20.3 5.3 1.3

South Africa -20.2 10.0 9.0

South-East -20.3 5.4 5.1

Indian Ocean -20.3 5.4 8.0

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Table IX: Lower limits of installed capacities in SSA regions. Data were taken from Farfan and Breyer (2016).

Region Installed capacity [MW]

Hydro Hydro
Solar PV Wind PHS
RoR dams

Total area 1424.9 805.3 5541.9 15749.2 1580.0

West-West 109.7 26.0 29.4 347.8 0.0

West-South 45.4 0.0 269.3 2009.7 0.0

West-North 4.7 0.0 0 0.0 0.0

South Nigeria 22.3 6.0 0 0.0 0.0

North Nigeria 23.3 6.2 434.6 1536.8 0.0

Sudan-Eretria 8.4 0.0 425.5 2722.2 0.0

Ethiopia 15.0 171.2 423.2 1464.4 0.0

Somalia Djibouti 2.9 0.0 0 0.0 0.0

Kenya-Uganda 44.8 19.3 176.9 1093.3 0.0

Tanzania 31.7 0.0 320.2 374.5 0.0

Central 13.4 0.0 445.1 629.9 0.0

Congo 3.8 0.0 1402.3 566.3 0.0

South-West 31.4 0.2 274.2 949.0 0.0

South Africa 1035.1 570.2 69 612.3 1580.0

South-East 25.8 0.3 1238.4 3420.3 0.0

Indian Ocean 7.3 6.0 33.8 22.7 0.0

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Table X: Upper limits on installable capacities in Sub-Saharan Africa regions in units of GWth for CSP and GWel for all
other technologies.

area Limits [GW]

Region [1000 km2] Solar Solar Hydro Hydro

Wind PHS
CSP PV RoR dams

Total area 25304.9 230137.9 115068.9 8591.8 8.3 23.6 2.4

West-West 2947.3 28919.8 14459.9 1079.7 0.0 0.5 0.0

West-South 1005.5 9049.7 4524.9 337.9 0.3 3.0 0.0

West-North 2207.8 19869.9 9935.0 741.8 0.0 0.0 0.0

South Nigeria 853.3 7679.5 3839.6 286.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

North Nigeria 938.5 8446.9 4223.4 315.3 0.7 2.3 0.0

Sudan-Eretria 2627.1 23644.2 11822.1 882.7 0.6 4.2 0.0

Ethiopia 1127.1 10144.2 5072.1 378.7 0.6 2.3 0.0

Somalia Djibouti 660.7 5945.9 2973.0 222.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Kenya-Uganda 818.7 7368.2 3684.1 275.1 0.3 1.6 0.0

Tanzania 999.3 8993.3 4496.6 335.7 0.5 0.6 0.0

Central 1737.1 15634.3 7817.2 583.7 0.7 0.9 0.0

Congo 2345.4 21108.7 10554.3 788.1 2.1 0.8 0.0

South-West 3114.1 28026.6 14013.3 1046.3 0.4 1.4 0.0

South Africa 1250.3 11252.4 5626.2 420.1 0.1 0.9 2.4

South-East 2080.6 18725.6 9362.8 699.1 1.9 5.1 0.0

Indian Ocean 592.1 5328.7 2664.4 198.9 0.1 0.0 0.0

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Table XI: Annual industrial gas (IEA, 2014; IEA, 2015) and water (Caldera et al., 2016) demand for year 2030.
Annual electricity Annual water Annual electricity
Annual gas
demand for gas desalination demand for water
Region demand
synthesis demand desalination

TWhth TWhel 106 m3 TWhel

Total area 354.8 197.1 319.1 2.2

West-West 7.8 5.5 0.0 0.0

West-South 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

West-North 100.0 54.4 0.0 0.0

South Nigeria 103.6 56.0 60.9 0.0

North Nigeria 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.3

Sudan-Eretria 0.0 0.0 23.9 0.0

Ethiopia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1

Somalia Djibouti 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Kenya-Uganda 32.7 17.4 0.0 0.0

Tanzania 41.8 23.3 0.0 0.0

Central 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Congo 28.1 15.3 233.1 0.0

South-West 40.2 23.3 0.0 1.8

South Africa 0.4 2.2 0.0 0.0

South-East 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Indian Ocean 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Table XII: Overview on prosumers electricity costs installed capacities and energy utilization for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Prosumers parameters Residential Commercial Industrial

Electricity price [€/kWh] 0.0963 0.0959 0.0930

PV LCOE [€/kWh] 0.0255 0.0341 0.0339

Self-consumption PV LCOE [€/kWh] 0.0302 0.0387 0.0380

Self-consumption PV and Battery LCOE [€/kWh] 0.0569 0.0625 0.0590

Self-consumption LCOE [€/kWh] 0.0566 0.0622 0.0588

Benefit [€/kWh] 0.0397 0.0337 0.0342

Installed capacities Residential Commercial Industrial

PV [GW] 23.5 13.8 24.0

Battery storage [GWh] 31.8 15.7 24.7

Generation Residential Commercial Industrial

PV [TWh] 40.2 23.6 41.3

Battery storage [TWh] 10.3 5.1 7.9

Excess [TWh] 5.0 2.3 3.5

Utilization Residential Commercial Industrial

Self-consumption of generated PV electricity [%] 84.7 88.0 89.4

Self-coverage market segment [%] 11.9 10.5 9.6

Self-coverage operators [%] 59.6 52.5 48.2

Table XIII: Overview on storage capacities, throughput, and full cycles per year for the four scenarios for Sub-Saharan
Region-wide Country-wide Area-wide Integrated

Battery SC [GWhel] 72 72 72 72

Battery system [GWhel] 190.4 196.4 168.1 146.2

PHS [GWhel] 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2

Storage capacities
A-CAES [GWhel] 623.2 579.7 432.5 335.0

Gas [GWhth] 25753.7 25947.9 18935.5 24303.7

Battery SC [TWhel] 322.9 322.9 322.9 322.9

Battery system [TWhel] 317.6 317.9 322.5 319.5

PHS [TWhel] 319.1 319.3 322.6 320.6

Throughput of storages
A-CAES [TWhel] 264.0 264.0 262.8 241.7

Gas [TWhth] 77.3 100.7 76.4 66.8

Battery SC [-] 190.4 196.4 168.1 146.2

Battery system [-] 72.2 72.2 72.2 72.2

Full cycles per year
PHS [-] 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
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A-CAES [-] 623.2 579.7 432.5 335.0

Gas [-] 25753.7 25947.9 18935.5 24303.7

Table XIV: Total LCOE components in all sub-regions.

Region-wide primary

[€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh]

Area average 37.5 2.0 18.2 0.0 57.7

West-West 35.5 1.4 19.8 0 56.7 0.0

West-South 42.3 1.2 22.2 0 65.7 0.0

West-North 32.6 2.4 13.4 0 48.4 0.0

South Nigeria 50.8 0.6 17.7 0 69.1 0.0

North Nigeria 41.7 0.7 18.8 0 61.2 0.0

Sudan-Eretria 26.1 2.6 9.7 0 38.4 0.0

Ethiopia 44.7 3.6 13.1 0 61.4 0.0

Somalia Djibouti 24.5 3 27.3 0 54.8 0.0

Kenya-Uganda 36.6 0.9 10.5 0 48.0 0.0

Tanzania 38.9 1.4 25.2 0 65.5 0.0

Central 50.3 0.9 12.4 0 63.6 0.0

Congo 25.8 0 10.7 0 36.5 0.0

South-West 39.1 1.3 13.8 0 54.2 0.0

South Africa 31.8 3.1 23.5 0 58.4 0.0

South-East 40.8 2.7 10.5 0 54.0 0.0

Indian Ocean 41.5 1.2 16.5 0 59.2 0.0

Country-wide primary
[€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh]

Area average 37.5 2.0 18.1 0.1 57.7

West-West 35.5 1.4 19.8 0.0 56.7 0.0

West-South 42.3 1.2 22.2 0.0 65.7 0.0

West-North 32.6 2.4 13.4 0.0 48.4 0.0

South Nigeria 50.6 0.2 18.1 0.3 69.2 0.0

North Nigeria 40.2 0.6 19.1 0.3 60.2 0.0

Sudan-Eretria 26.1 2.6 9.7 0.0 38.4 0.0

Ethiopia 44.7 3.6 13.1 0.0 61.4 0.0

Somalia Djibouti 24.5 3.0 27.3 0.0 54.8 0.0

Kenya-Uganda 36.6 0.9 10.5 0.0 48.0 0.0

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Tanzania 38.9 1.4 25.2 0.0 65.5 0.0

Central 50.3 0.9 12.4 0.0 63.6 0.0

Congo 25.8 0.0 10.7 0.0 36.5 0.0

South-West 39.1 1.3 13.8 0.0 54.2 0.0

South Africa 31.8 3.1 23.5 0.0 58.4 0.0

South-East 40.8 2.7 10.5 0.0 54 0.0

Indian Ocean 41.4 1.3 16.5 0.0 59.2 0.0

LCOE export (-)/

Area-wide primary import (+)

[€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [%]

Area average 36.4 1.7 14.8 1.7 54.6

West-West 35.4 1.4 16.4 0.9 54.1 -2.9

West-South 40.4 0.3 21.2 1.0 62.9 2.0

West-North 30.6 2.1 5.4 8.2 46.3 -80.3

South Nigeria 47.9 0.0 19.6 10.5 78.0 50.8

North Nigeria 38.2 0.5 18.7 0.9 58.3 -1.2

Sudan-Eretria 24.4 1.0 7.6 1.3 34.3 -1.9

Ethiopia 45.2 4.4 7.3 1.0 57.9 1.7

Somalia Djibouti 24.8 5.0 12.6 2.5 44.9 -3.9

Kenya-Uganda 35.3 0.5 8.4 1.3 45.5 -12.4

Tanzania 40.1 0.4 20.7 2.8 64.0 19.7

Central 50.6 0.1 10.4 1.1 62.2 -1.6

Congo 25.2 0.0 7.2 1.1 33.5 5.2

South-West 38.9 0.9 8.3 1.1 49.2 -3.2

South Africa 32 3.0 20.9 0.6 56.5 -0.4

South-East 42.2 1.7 5.2 1.4 50.5 0.8

Indian Ocean 38.9 1.6 15.7 0.9 57.1 -0.2

LCOE export (-)/

Integrated scenario primary import (+)

[€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [€/MWh] [%]

Area average 34.4 1.5 9.3 1.7 46.9

West-West 35.9 1.6 14.7 0.9 53.1 -4.3

West-South 38.4 0.7 18.1 0.7 57.9 2.2

West-North 30.5 3.1 4.0 7.7 45.3 -84.7

South Nigeria 37.4 0.3 0.2 7.1 45.0 45.1

North Nigeria 31 0.8 7.7 0.3 39.8 -1.6

Sudan-Eretria 24.7 1.0 7.6 1.2 34.5 -0.3

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Ethiopia 45.9 4.4 7.2 0.9 58.4 1.5

Somalia Djibouti 24.8 5.8 10.6 2.2 43.4 -3.6

Kenya-Uganda 35.5 1.1 8.0 1.6 46.2 -15.6

Tanzania 31.4 0.7 4.4 1.7 38.2 13.7

Central 40.2 0.3 3.7 0.9 45.1 5.7

Congo 27.2 0.1 4.6 1.1 33.0 -1.0

South-West 35.6 0.9 2.8 0.4 39.7 -2.0

South Africa 31.9 2.4 16.9 0.5 51.7 -1.1

South-East 42.3 1.5 4.8 1.4 50.0 1.4

Indian Ocean 38.7 1.9 15.1 1.0 56.7 -0.2

Table XV: Overview on electricity transmission lines parameters for the area-wide open trade scenario.
Region 1 Region 2 Length Capacity Utilisation
[km] [GW] [%]

1 West West West South 2581.50 0.35 77

2 West South South Nigeria 451.37 1.08 55

3 West North North Nigeria 990.68 4.63 90

4 West North Sudan Eritrea 2125.10 0.68 69

5 West North Central 1101.80 0.43 75

6 South Nigeria North Nigeria 580.07 1.03 71

7 South Nigeria Central 1244.90 0.21 84

8 Sudan Eritrea Ethiopia 1149.30 0.32 60

9 Ethiopia Somalia Djibouti 1166.40 0.09 60

10 Ethiopia Kenya Uganda 1357.50 0.17 67

11 Kenya Uganda Tanzania 789.55 0.74 73

12 Kenya Uganda Congo 2805.60 0.26 85

13 Tanzania South East 2058.10 0.39 78

14 Central Congo 1152.90 0.31 67

15 Congo South West 591.38 0.59 68

16 South West South Africa 3237.90 0.00 45

17 South West South East 2418.10 0.27 82

18 South Africa South East 1077.30 3.32 69

19 South East Indian Ocean 2351.70 0.26 71

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Fig. 1. Hourly generation profile for South-Nigeria example for an importing region.

Fig. 2. Hourly generation profile for South Africa, example for a balancing region.
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 3. Hourly generation profile for West North, example for an exporting region.
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 4. Aggregated state-of-charge for the storages in the integrated scenario: battery (top left), PHS (top right), A-CAES
(bottom left) and gas storage (bottom right).

Fig. 5. State-of-charge for hydro dams in the integrated scenario.

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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 6. Grid capacity profiles, absolute (left) percentage (right) for the integrated scenario.

Fig. 7. Energy flow of the system for the region-wide open trade scenarios.
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32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, June 20 – 24, 2016, Munich, Germany

Fig. 8. Energy flow of the system for the area-wide open trade scenarios.

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