Answers Evidence

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Preliminary Examination

Fill in the blanks

1. the means sanctioned by the Rules of Court of ascertaining in a judicial

proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact ( Evidence)
2. the ultimate fact or the fact to be established ( factum probandum)
3. the which is directly addressed to the senses and consists of tangible
things exhibited in open court ( object evidence)
4. that evidence which indirectly proves a fact in issue through an
inference which the fact finder draws from the evidence established. (
Circumstantial evidence)
5. Is one that supplementary to that already given tending to strengthen
or confirm it. It is an additional evidence of a different character to
the same point.( corroborative evidence)
6. Those which are irrebutable upon the presentation of evidence.
(conclusive presumption)
7. bonus
8. An admission, verbal or written made by a party in the course of the
proceedings in the same case, does not require proof. The admission
may be contradicted only by showing that it was made through
palpable mistake or that no such admission was made.” ( judicial
9. Admissions by a party which are made out of court. ( extrajudicial
10. consists of writings or any material containing letters, words, numbers,
figures, symbols or other modes of written expressions offered as
proof of their contents , that which is furnished by written instruments,
inscriptions and documents of all kinds ( documentary evidence )
11. literally means the body or substance of the crime/the actual
commission by someone of the particular crime charged ( corpus
12. Burden of proof or quantum of proof required in criminal cases. ( proof
beyond reasonable doubt)
13. the burden of proof is generally on the plaintiff with respect to his
complaint, and on the defendant with respect to his counterclaim. The
quantum of proof required in civil cases. ( preponderance of evidence)
14. These are inferences of the existence or non-existence of a fact which
courts are permitted to draw from the proof of other facts.
( presumption)
15. Is the means, sanctioned by the Rules of Court of ascertaining in a
judicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. ( evidence)
16. It is the cognizance of certain facts which judges may properly take
and act upon without proof because they are supposed to be known to
them. It is based on considerations of expediency and convenience.
( judicial notice)
17. The rule that provides that when the subject of the inquiry is the
contents of the document, no evidence shall be admissible other than
the original document itself. (documentary evidence)
18. It refers to evidence other than the original instrument or document
itself. ( secondary evidence)
19. Those which are satisfactory if uncontradicted but may be contradicted
and overcome by other evidence. ( disputable presumption)
20. Trueo or False. Extrajudicial confession is sufficient ground for
conviction. ( false)

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