Accenture Placement Paper Question Bank 36968

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Pam say, "Tes very smal, Just think” What bre the ages of three wis? ‘Ans: 8, 6,2 2, My rack contains 8 Red colour ties, 13 vite colbur tas 10 Blue colour ties, § Pink colour ts, 4 grean colour tes I alecviety gone and | want at last two tes of same colour then how many tes should take out tom my 12? Ans :6 tes, 3. Two trains leaving from two station $0 miles aay from each ather with costant speed of 6 miles per nour, aparoacnes towards each other on lent sacks, lenght of gen Wan le 3/6 file wien they meet How much time they need to gass each other tata? ANS : 10 sec. ( not sure) “4. man wolks ast and turns right and then from there to his left and then degrees to his ghe"In whieh direction eld he go ‘Ans, North west 5. Aman shows his friend @ woman siting in a park ang says that she the daughter of my ‘randmethers only on. What ste relation between the two ‘Ans. Daughter 6. waters continuously poured fram a reservoir toa lacalty atte steady rate of 10,000 ters per nour. Wen delvesy exceeds demand the excess water is stored ino tank. (fhe demane for 8 consecutive thret-hour periods fz 10000,t0000,#5000,25000,40000,15000,60000 and 535000 Tees respectvaly, what wil be the minimum capacry required of the water tank (in 400 tes) to meet tne demand? 7. 15 tomatoes are worth 8 orangos,S oranges are worth 4 apples, 7 apples are worth 3 Pineapples and 7 pineapoes cost rs203,then ha aporox price of each tomate Ane.16 ‘8-me radu of the cele is reduced from Sem to em then the Me change of area '9.1Wo workers ean type to pages In two minuets then how many persons can type 28 pages 20, Xs min of (n+56-n} then what the min of X60 <1? Ane 55 ‘Accenture programming Questions 4, what isthe output ofthe program “ore maint) trains es) print 9657.0); etch, 5 TA. orade ste best 118. Core cure ye error Message fy 5. Goes nto ite top ‘ans: B- core dump (Garbage value) 2. hats the output of te program void main ‘ fork: Prins Heto Wore): etch, , J) A. ato Wort 118. Hello World Helle Worte Wye krror Message 17D. None of hese 3. What isthe output ofthe program “ord maint) « ire m3; ‘Accenture-Placoment Papar-Question-Bank-36968 Unlock the complete placement preparation Buy Now Placement Preparation Unimied access fo uninterrupted ‘compleie access Propare for companies tests &intorviows itp placement sreshersworl.comiplacement-papers/Accenture/Placement-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 208 sra0i2014 Accenture-Placomant-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 ieee 2s82 pane sbe\ne) FeSekaa esses 64) Jens > Brot hd ed 9 etch, y 4. public void state main(Stona Taras) String stanew Stingt"est" String 2=new Stangt"es It Inst==s2) System outprintin“Both are equar); Beotean bi=new Booleentruc") Beolean b2=new Boolean alse ieol-ecual(e2)) System cut printin*some message"); > x7 v5: Whats the value of y '5.the rao between the rads and height of # cone is 34, What ie the curved surface area of the cone? aise m2 2) 12p ma 3) Same 4) Data inadequate 5) None of hese 6. A man stands on the tp of a pola and makes an angle of 6° onthe surface ofa ground. He ides 20 m aown and mais an angle of Soeat he same pont, If takes 10 eaconds to reach ine ground from here, ond hs speed Shexmine 2) 5 eminr 5) to umn 2) aiemine 5) 10.80 krvhe 7.1he eampound interest for fest and Second years 200 and 220 on 2 certain amount. Find the sum 8. Marked price of a commodity is 35% above the cost pice. fhe gives 2 lscount of 15%, hw much he gins the dea 19.5 mangoes + 4 oranges = 7 mangoes + 1 orange. Find the rate of mango te orange 10. Length of retongle i increased by 50% an Breadth Is decreased by 25% what i the dtterence in the a 114. eX postion ina cassis 13th fom Mest ana 7h fom lst, and BLA trom the fst ana {in rom lst in passed candidates liste then how many candies Failed in the exam 12, Two successive discounts of 20% and 15% Is equal ta net dscount of 13, & two cit number is & tines tos sum of dats. when 9 is ade to the number, the gts wil gat reverse. Then what is that number? sans: 12 14. when do you say tht a digraph ita eye A and ony ite fret sears Goes not hove back arcs '8)3 sioraoh is accle an only fits st search dass rot have back vericas (it and ony iis fst search does ot have same atoumber Dene af these 415.4 function’ that accepts 2 ponte to a character as argument and returns a ponte to an fray of neger canbe declared 2s Aint (ratehare)) hme elehar") 1 hne(raychar*) 1) Dene a the Above Sinewse vars main itp placement sreshersworl.comiplacement-papers/Accenture/Placement-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 Accenture-Placomant-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 inp) =9ic 9) 5 dunat sprinted? 117 n now many ways can 2 lock be opened If tat lnck nas three agit number lek it iythe ws digs 3 Iland sum of he fist two sisi ess than or equal to the Inst dit. numbers are fom 0-9 1. A person sold an tem at a profit of 12% IF Ne sold it at a lass of 12% then he would gat Re-6/-Tes. What is the cost price? 9. (94 (3/4215 (2/34/59) * (2 (4/3-215 C5/3¥6/5))) (Numbers ciferent) 20, Ava age of X number of adults in a class ks 30yrs, If 12 new ads wth avg age of 32 Jelnes wth thom then the avg age increases by one Find X? ‘Recenture “2030 Questions Asha iste value of *seconc_ pt ine anes int "second tr, ssecond_ptr = 20; ptr vale = 4; ‘stot = Bvate second_p = fests (ay30 1 (6) frst oer (0) None of the above 2. What isthe output ofthe program void main) < Ine 25 aay ete os82; prints) Worn retested « weeks > Print hd 8 Sf) geten( > A432 422 3. Output of the fllowing program is mang) itp placement sreshersworl.comiplacement-papers/Accenture/Placement-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 sra0i2014 Accenture-Placomant-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 44 Find the approximate value ofthe following equation. 6.23% of 258.43 ~ 7 + 3.11% of 127, Das D2 24 38 a6 510 5. A train overtakes 2 persons walking at 3 km/hr and 5 ke respectively in the same Gracion and compltaly passes them In 8 seconds and 10 seconds respectively. Find he speed Shas wen 213 kyr 5) to myer 8) to kyne 5) None 9 these 6. The ratio between the radius and height of @cone Is 3:4. What isthe curved surface area of the cone? isp m2 2) ap ma 5) 9pm 3) ate inadequate 5) None of tess 7. tn a business ® and Q invested amounts inthe rato 3:4, whereas the raio between Srnonts invested by Pond & nae 6:7, I Rs 106501,50 was ther po, haw much amount cd Grecave? Dyas a0572 2) as 30425 53) as 35500.50, 4) Rs 34629 5) None of hese 18. uncon a that accepts a pointer to character ae argument ang returns @ ponte to an Bray of integer can be declare as Aint (ratehare) Bhnt “atehar") 1 Shntiraychar*) () DB)wene a the Above 9. identity the corract argument forthe function call Mush) In ANSE C: Aistdout Bistan Ostdore Dpall tne above 410, which of the Following wll define a type NODE that isa node ina Linked Ist? A)struc noge {NODErnat nt x) ;type dt struct node NODE; Bytypede struct NODE (stuct NODE “next ), Chtypedet struct NODE {NODE "new: x}. Dheybeder struct (NODE *nextsntx;)NODE, Inputs) dopant infoetoost) wferort) 0. study the code void show) rmaing) e Shows > oid show (char 8) “ Print sbsos); Wat wil mppen if is compiled & run on an ANSI C Compiler? ‘Ait wll compile & nothing wil be printed when Ris executed Bt wl compe but not tine (the compiler wil generate an eror Dythe compiler wil generate a maring 12, ater 10 years A willbe evi the age of 8 before 10 years.and now if te ciffarance Is 9 oats between them then what isthe age of 8 ater 10 ysare ans 49 13, Races and games ~~~ 2 questions from this chepter like (A beats B by 10 meters and 8 beats Cby 15 metres the A beats C By) 114, 1n tne year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .n 1994 men are increased by 2006 women are increased by vaio of boys and women (this type of question out some whet ‘cule mean ietakes too much ime to sabe), 415. The equivalent compound ratio of §:6::7:10::6:5 (question ofthis type this f nt exact question. 6. Work can be done by 8 men and £0 women in 25 days, the same work can be done by 10 ‘aren ane'5 women ,m how mony days? ehldeen and 3 men (sim to ths) 17, One Cannot Take the address of a lt Feld itp placement sreshersworl.comiplacement-papers/Accenture/Placement-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 sra0i2014 Accenture-Placomant-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 bit fees cannot be arrayed Fede are machine Dependant (iaicralde cannot be dedared as static Wich ofthe Following Statements are ue wer S-Fels 118. what i he function of eX) defined in math.h do? ‘Able returns the value rounded down to the next lower intener B)traturns the value rounded up to the hext higher integer Ehthe Newt Higher Vs D)the net lower value 19, A shopkeeper Inbels the price of article 15% above the cost ple, If he allow RS 51,20, “@scaunt onan ale of RS 1024, fd his prof percent 2) 10% 2) 8% 5) 12% 3) 9% 5) 9.25% 20.¥ihich of the folowing numbers ae completely disibie by 11? ‘3205682 8 marie agen i. 36584 2yontya 2) ons Sy one 2 onvD 5) Aare aisle ‘Accenture 2011 question papers void main har si{}="aboe"; ener s2{10); har s3{]= "ef; iret reer) strep streat(s3,ctrepy(s2,st)streats3,"abe)}; prints: 5 Wnt willbe the output? 2. Look at the Code! maint) © ine af) 42.2.3>45 forieeiediies) < rine *9) 3 53. Which Statement is/are True wit the abave code? Tewecites Suecesflly & Prints the contents of te array Ii.Gves te Eroruvslve Required IIL the address of se aray should not be changed IV None of the Above, ‘Ajonly 1 BJOnW I Ct 8 DV 4. study the code inclu ora maing > nat is piste? 5. Which ofthe folowing are vais include” formats? Ajsinehige and ticle tte.N] Bheinelie (fein) and sincide ()einelue e.n] and #include “leh” D)inluge and #inhude eh” 6. Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days the same work can be done by 10 Saran ana S women in How many days 2 chlgrenand'3 ren (sia to this) 7..0ne man or two women or tree boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women ahd one boy together can Tninsh the sare work In-=—oyas itp placement sreshersworl.comiplacement-papers/Accenture/Placement-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 sra0i2014 Accenture-Placomant-Paper-Question-Bank-36968 8. (998-1) (998-2) (998-3)777. (998-0) when n> 1000 ans is 200 {9.stuoy the Following Pins: 2'One Cannot Take the address of» Bit Fld bt eles cannot be aerayes {.Bi-Flelds are machine Dependant G-relde cannot be declared ae state Wich of the Following Statements are tue wer SiR 10. what i the function of ea(x)cefined in math.n do? Avie retumns the value rounded dawn to the next wer integer Byt returns tre value rounded upto the next higher Integer (the Next Higher Vatue D)the nent lower value Lathe ratio between the radius ang helght of a cone i 3:4, What isthe curve surface area of 2) 15p ma 2) ap ma 5) 9pm 3) ate inadequate 5) None of tess 412. A man stands on the top of a pole and makes an angle of 60° onthe surface of ground He sides 20'm don and makes an angle of 30%t the some point, If he fakes 30 seconds to Feach the ground frm hers, fd is speed 2) 6 kemne 2)5 emir 5) 1o uma 2) Bxemmne 5) 10.80 krvne 13, Which of the fotowing values of satisfies the n-equaty n2-24n + 143 < 0? geen 2)na 13 Siren

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