Solutions Packet Answer Keys

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re Tale "Baten [ye 5 comlenC.~ |2Ceopume pow 4, tonic J) |P. Since they are made up oon, B omer | 5 "Te par in dsaves noe relation ‘The arth dsoves omethog, ‘hey ae polar molecules. “Talla you tow wach solvent is ‘lesaived inthe soluton T BonieE- [2 Sama mos goa feat ine roam A fener nvg te crating yas se yao te 5. sunine B (he salen to ouch ne ot the solne. Expands the slvet ito allow pote oom fre so ‘he something seems dapper Inside clvet 1 Weng 2. Dimweisiong, 8 5. Hydrogen bop: Ba | 5. Capa sein | 6. Cohesion Cc “The brelng wp ofa one noel by a pol solvent [Armolecle hat bs 8 pose and semen, “The arate force betwee wo ‘mols of the sme eben ‘Tae ateactve force cased by Por Roeser? NN. cocking ot ‘sat £ Sobiein water [P- tonic compouds Acemnnethe Diane in witer oe WN VP eshbein water Seg rs eave ‘What allows plans daw water up om their rot, Caused by he cbeson of water Vins — hea Draw war moles, ng abel eet poe dng cre Th Crushing . ae oc Gedy powdered a cle sia rok a egal, ean pamlaed spe = Wy Tar eerie Osco IL ete eo cafofine Potdisium | Bromine Ocatkn «38% rain) LE_aiocen mir eee ene a emer tS pprcauiarce ence orygen (Warm water OLS be eclenteed inate ic im a aw Coole ic moreno: he GES? eee water tension Cemhension \ Wn property ogee Sn * lows hem be prema ao ow do plas gt Meryadeent from hoot upto thi es? Compre skh capillary Gen Solutions Notes \ somtons (both. colule é soon wyatt of. us nq dey popriona eh pri] penae of ht farce hei ofthe lg + Brernscece TAPIA escape of gas From a Wuyi/ tet of temperature ov subi Bi + As temperature jncreass the solubility of d@abin iquid_teCreASES) + ‘Astra incense sly ofagehQ in iq (NC 2Ge S ‘Heat of solution eit o = Salted oh price mound hy ne preg : ei fae mn eS pCrsmy) ziee = products Example I: According to the graph : : , which substance maintains Solubilities as @ Fiction of Temperature Imost constant solubility over the aa eect 3 CI Aflac $ | ‘Example 2: Which substance 8| i decreases in solubility with 5 | So ee 3 ; Ce, (So $ = L MPS | 3 Example: Whatisthe solubility of Bag PERE] | Nach KCIO; 60°C? (GO Kalo, HEPC" (0°, qe x 3 | o) Ae £e,(50), TF 506 CaCh in 100 g H20 is prepared @ 10. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 at T0°C. Ist soliton saturated, Temperature (°C) Credo pean ((0°5 oD) os vake (109 Example: supestrated solution at 10°C cons 40 {KCI }NOOg 1:0. At what temperature was he ‘solution saturated before being cooled to 10°C? 40°C sey elie! i0 i ‘Name: Correctly Readin Graph 1 erpretin Sole {0cCe0 3 1. Based on the graph, veral, what happens othe solu of oid sole shen Imperature increases? ecieaseS 2 sunt ho ithape fe iy of rae vi ‘temperature increases? HOPC 3, Xia enpenne i jlo BOUIN snes ult elntacy 2 . DD? 5, ston emperors wi BH grams of NCI dle in 10g of HO? RO"T 6. neat temperate vil 58 prams Of NH dso in 100g of 0? Graph 2—KNOs Solid Solute QO 4 1. tte temperature of the ‘ial ‘what the maximam smount of KNOs that can dissolve (in 10 g of #20)? 2. Based onthe graph overall, ‘what happens fo the solbility of pi soles ‘then temperate increases? BTEC s pacon ve goph vit ‘Would you predict the solubility of KNO3 to be at 1207 Soi some mt 20 oseae Ree NO; Tewerre dee Graph 3~ All Solutes are Solids [ceases Ban te pst ‘hat eppen othe sli of sold shes when temperature increases? Dz 2. At 10°C which solute has the Highest bil CVO vy 5, ar tore which ote has the Twos slubigg? Graph 4—Solutes A and B are Solids. Solute C is a Gas (S€5'1. Based onthe graph, overall, what happens fo the solubility of sold solutes when temperature increases? decreases, poset onite graph, overall, what ‘happens tothe solubility of gaseous solutes when temperature increases? ZO_Coas. nena temperate will 60 gems ‘OFA dissolve in 100 g of HO? 2 10. 4 4, At what temperature will 40 grams Of C dissolvwin 100 g of H.07 . a5 Bae Solty gram of anhydeous skis ito pot ance graven utr aie ‘All Soutes are Sols Soles A and Bae Solids Solite Cis Gas Fenpentan (5° Ce. peta tempers wl 30 gms of B dove ia 100g of 0? (00. ‘issolye (jy T00 g of H.0)2 What is the maximum amount of B? ‘What isthe maximum amount of C? 7. Based on the graph what would You predict tho solubility of B to be at 110°? Graph S~ Oz Gas Solubility in Water secvea S51. Based onthe graph, overall, what iappens to the solubility of gaseous solutes when ‘temperature increases? 2, 1 Ca. twat temperate wl 020 gram of oxygen dsclven 100g of HO? e Cs, vat tenpete vl ans rompmdolein 00 paleo? Solubility, g/100 ml water 6, If the temperature ofthe solution is 90 °C what isthe maximum amount of A that can 3040 ET 10 20 20. 84 A. tetera ofthe slton is 50°C wha she maxim amount of oye Tat en dsso¥ (in 100 g of #0)? = a9 5. Ifthe temperatare ofthe solution is 10°C what isthe maximum amount of oxygen that can disso¥¥6 (in 100 g of 0)? Graph 6 ~ CO: Gas Solubility in Water (COg SOLUBILITY IN WATER decireas-€S%. Based on as ibe onph, over, whathappens | a3 / tothe solbiiy of pau sole wen temperature inereases? r a _ Ga feb mpealicvatarfemrat | Be BU carbon dioxide dissolve in 100 ort ; +P te GO astine S| e x mapa vil ae | ‘carbon dioxide dissolve in 100 g ° 2 en one rag to fe cee caine Ola rae i inv 5°C at ein no xen Gioxide thatan dissolve (in 100 g of H20)? __-¢ X39, ttt temperature ofthe solution is 19°C what i the maximum amount of earbon okie that efpiaslve (in 100g of 120)? 0 © ie, nasi ontte graph what woud you pred te sbiiy of sathon nde to be aes Suggest a reason why solubilt increases for sold salutes. Siege : cit sels ep: | 0d picts) Definition of Solubility: the maximum amount ofa substance that wil dissolve in a solvent ata specific temperature) ‘According to solubility, solutions can be either: ‘unsaturated — a solution that is able to dissolve more solute (not enough) saturated ~a solution that cannot dissolve any more solute (just enough) = supersaturated a solution that contains more solute than can be dissolved (too much!) This ean only be done when a solution is heated and then cooled (and more solute is dissolved then should be). ‘Table 1. Solubility of Solutes asa Function of Temperature (ing slute/100.H:0) X_ Temperature (°C) ‘Solute in grams per 100.g of a0 Ee 10 (ie, 3: 33 ae / 30 a 30 32 pie 70 a 30 73 res Yy some 7 yuu Oo So 390 PMD wD 90 es Key Questigns So 1. What information is provided by the data in Table 1? "WRCreOSeS 2. Whats the relationship between tempersture and solubility for this sohte? eee ke 5 lo easns sole? wo, 12) AlsS01U_5, what will happen to tis solute when 12g is aed to 100 of water at 202? Wnsatura ted 4, what type of solution is obtained when 12g of this soe is added to 10g of water a 20°C fansararted, saturated or spersateed)? I s, o ~ 5. At20°C, what i the maximum amount of this solute that ean be dissolved in 100.g of water? i solution is obtained when the maximum amount ofa solute dissolved inwater (anette Saturated, o)jupersaturated)? won't dvssols. 120°, 50.9 ofthis solute is added to 100. of water, What will happen to the extra soit? ale od #4 Sokal on) WiKype of solution is obtained under the conditions in Question #7 (unsaturated, Hsin iy dishing) ae in 10g. ar) i fed tcl SOCan alo gore oma doled inte lSBeE AUC, ‘what isthe maximum amount of this solute that can be dissolved in 100.¢ of water? — What type of solution is obtained under the conditions in Question #9 (unsaturated, Satratedr@rsapersaturatedy? 1. Rock candy is made by dissolving large amounts of sugar in water at very high tate or Sst >) BR Sigrenedicbed sige ot Cab ea Procedures: 1. Obtain 2.00 grams ofrock salt and 2.00 grams of table sl. 2. Fille beaker % fll with water and heat over a Bunsen burner for about 3 minutes. 3. Pour approximately 100m ofthe waem water into the and 3 beakers. 4 As close as possible to the same instant, poor the 2.00g of ock salt into one ofthe beakers containing warm water and poor the 2.00 g of able sat into the other beaker containing warm water. 5. Str or swirl the water in cach beaker. Record ths time, in seconds, required forthe complete dissolving of salt in each beaker. Record times in date table. Salt to dissolve Rock salt (2.00g) Table salt (2.00g) ston Fable alt More Surface AER _ why do you think tis happened? Cokie temp. suche ist the three factors that influence dissolving rae. dlsuived qui bet Year? 300 mLvis plenty (lice oo (p : Period [Names of Lab Partners ae Solutions Unit {4 Solubility Lab Objective: To determine what affect the doling rate of sear. Background: A solute isthe substance that i dsolved. The solvent ithe substance that des the doling Therefore, «solute dissolves ina solvent. Sugar and salt will dole in water to make a homogeneous solution. But what affects the rate at which a solute wil solve ina solvent? This att explores 4 commen factors which affect the dissolving rate of solid ina liquid Determine which wl dissolve fester: 2. Stirring sugar erstal into water vs. nt sting sugar crystals Into water 2. Granular sugar crystals dissolved in waters cubed sugar dissolved in water 3. Granular sugar dssolved in room temperature water vs. granular sugar dissolved in hot water 4 Amount of solvent (water) 100 ml vs 50 mL of water both at room temperature Matera pero Pee esters P he one sug eb lance Cseccle) (eigh) Granule susar i Pr ee Steno Procedure and Data Tables: Follow ALL of your teacher's dlections regarding safety and proper techniques Port 1. Measure 2 grams of granular sugar ina container 2. Measure another 2 rams of granular sugor ina second container seca ‘4 Pour 300 mL of room temperature water ito each bese. 5. Hove astiring rod and stopwatch eadytemember, you will only be string the suger in container 8 {5 Simultaneously pour the sugarin each Lonainr, stor the stop watch, and begin stirring the contents of container 8 7. Note the time atthe point when allof the sugriful solved In each beaker and record this inyour data chart. (Stop string after about 4 minutes) Daa Tae Part "Fine w dasa finwtasy ‘Container A~ Sugar that isn't stirred in water “9 daye™ ‘Container B= Sugar thats stirred in water i Period _Names of Lab Partners: Poet 8 4. Take the mass of the sugar cube and recor Set the sugar cube aide. 2. Ima smallcontaner, mass out the same amount of granular sugar that equals the mas ofthe sue cube. Label emptycontiners =D 4 Pour 100 mL of room temperature water into each of the beakrs. [5 Have the stopwatch and string rods ready {5 Simutaneously pour the lose sugar into container Cand the suger cube into container, start the stop watch, and begin sting. 7. Both containers of water and sugar shouldbe sired the some woy ond ot the some rate 8. Note the time wien the sugar i fly cssolvedin each beaker and record ths in our data chart. (Stop stiring afer about minutes) ‘Data Table Part 8 ‘Container C—loose sugar in wate, sired Container D= sugar cube in water, stirred Time to dsselve (minutes) pate "Measure 2 rams of ranula sugar in smal conti. w 2. Meare another roms of ran seria sparate smal cotane 4 Be sure to use heat resistant materi suchas hot hands or pot holders when handing the hot wate. 5. Add 100 ml of room temperature water to beaker € 5 Add 100 mt of hot water to beaker F L_Bocord-thetempecatune [gyaurdatachart— {5 Simukaneously ad the granular sugar to each beaker start the stop watch, and bein sting 9. Both beakers of water and sugar shouldbe stirred the same wey and a the same rate 40, Note the time when the sugar uly cesoived in each Beaker and record this in your data chat (Stop string ‘after about 4 minutes ) we Sea AE Tie fu, [ BeakerE foam temperature water= Beaker FEHoywater~ °C Pare 1. Measure 2 grams of granular sugar in small container 2 Measure another 2 grams of granular sugar in 2 separate small container Ailabstnamstycontsinars Gand “Add 100 ml of room temperature water to container 5. Add 50 mL of room temperature water to container Ht 6 Simultaneously add the granular sugar to each beaker, start the stopwatch, and begla string 7. Both booker of water ond sugar shouldbe sired the same woy ond ot the some rate 4. Note the time when the sugars ful cisoled in each beaker and record thn your data chart (Stop tiring ater about 4 minutes) a dschee (aaaae ‘Container G~ 100 ml room temperature water ‘Container H=50 mi. room temperature water Period __ Names of Lab Partners: i CConcusion Questions 1. Inwhat situations does sugar dssohe at ater rate? Lst which oe was faster for each ofthe experiments oh increasing Suilace arta, heahly Solvent male “Sp [ven + a ee placdintot water rt When pacedinkecoldwaterr lec neabe D (rereage, 3. Why would you expect a packet of sugar to disoive more quickly in your hot tea eather han a gs of iced te8? heetny Specds up dissnlry 5 wen ence: Meare anal oon EGE RTA 6. What general statement can you make regarding the disobing rate ofa substance ad the amount of surface Eve belle HE Here iS moe Suche 24 7. Which assolved faster the sugar that was lft alone inthe beaker of water or the sugar that Gertie Denker of water? 4. hat gee stonert ony make epng te sling taste hat sted woppsedto Seg tae? ivcirs opedls up He dissolviry «ance lrergr ne nda negrncntnnm ete 10. What general statement can you make regarding the dissolving rte ofa substance with more sont 2 pando seas ath sok? More Solvert dissolves Solute move guikl es) thosHRSohS Increae_ solubility the— ieee 12. the stint gra water Gal chang ovs ema copy OR sine wes Form CA = oes < a SC ) en twelniw easy unis any aya jo sun sh TW = wore e axe o1 sorem inoue ow] uonnjos po 0 1W/G0r Bund fa spews poe sospun gave as sunoweuand ew BURREDTTEUD UIGRVOS Zposn ag ueo sinjos wonN Moy 01} 9 op meu UoRyOS eae oF ML HM LEY MOLY am IAA MON, Hole ‘ofeW '08W "ostn 23 © (vo 2uoteHod epuejerau evo jxaunou e ue iow e supequoo Ayensn) papueg suo) au pue aa oe vwonnjos3, STTIDE STS: Aeron PP saA = sejoduon + sejoduony Zagem fee sha 04 sg) ou ool 5a VS ,qtH pated neg UuaN e Ut poryossp axnos jo wunow a4 Jo aunseaw e FTOREAUSSUGS Tien pp oom ape) mn mona co uy vorsodues a5, v8 aI (aunsn us Sune pooh ‘sug sues aN 8 SEBLE Uso NYS OATHS SINS (srs Age aay von) susan nsyp/nou ecu aduny 0 Aga ssouegns SRIOOBLS RIOTS rey nak aun serrumpi mmree iy ect aee ma PORES. aaRRIOFRTOAMDS Nau od, am ate 2 nqe> 5} BU 8M 03 ) tunpos uayyt :aydwer: paveine> 5] ada ay Boba epy dio unpos veya :orduieg wlog Burzayhy = a3

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