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+ Iman-e-Muffasal: “I believe in Ala, in his angel in his books, inhi messengers, gy day and in the fact that everyting good or bad is decided by Aah the almighty an nye after death.” 5 Tauheed (Unity & Oneness of Allah) A the heart of slam lis bei in God The core ofthe Isamic creed is Bering wines phrase, La ilhaa lh, “Ther isn tre Lord deserving worship Bu God” The ex this, called tawhi is the axis round which whol lam revolves. Moreover ofthe two testimonies by which person becomes 2 Musi In rabe, the wore An te ee Gl a a ode ley see Gi speak unt us or why i ota ivaclus sign shown to "So ad the pape ph them word of similar impor." (2:18) * tony On) te the ‘The argument is nothing new; people inthe past and present have rated the some objecting According to Islam, the correct way of finding God is through the preserved teachings of Prophets. God says in the Holy Quran thet the correct path to belie isto reflect upon His which point to Him:".Indeed, We have made all the signs manifest unto people wh endowed with inner certainty.” (2:118).. Anyone wio sees the natural world in all its wonder with open eyes and an open hear wiles the unmistakable sigs of the Creator.'say: Goal ver the earth and beholé how [wondrous He has created {man} inthe fist instance: and thus, to, will God bring into being your secang life —for, very, God has power to wll anything,” (20:29). God's handiwork is also present within the indlvidual"And on earth there are signs fo God's existence, visible} to all who are endowed with inner certainty, just as [there are signs threo] within your own selves: can you not, then see?" (51:20-21), God's Existence does not require proof by scientific, mathematical, or philosophical arguments, ‘Simply said, mere common sense bears witness to God's existence. From a ship one learns of the ship-bulder, from the universe one learns ofits Creator. God's existence is also known by answers to prayers, miracles of Prophets and the teaching in all revealed scriptures, The Holy (Quran asks: "Can there be any doubt about God, the Creator ofthe heavens and the earth?” (14:20) God), then his patents make him 2 Jew, a Christian...” (Muslim). There are four bra ‘Tauheed ie. Rububiyah, Uloohiyyah, Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat and Hakmiyah. ey 4) ‘Tauheed Ar-Rububiyah/God is the Only Lord Y Specifically contains the following eanings: First, God isthe sole Lord ‘of the physical I re of i-th a tei a % OSHBari Page 202 a ———— Zaz, IGCSE & O LEVEL ISLAMIYAT NOTES — RE AMIVAT NOTES conservation and cor ance. Say: "Who i it that sustains you (in life) from the sky and from ‘the earth? Or who {st that has power over heating and sight? And who is it that brings out the living fom the dead and the dead from the living? And who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?” They will soon say, "(Alah)"..* (10:3), TawheedarRububiyah makes it clear thatthe grestestscemtst can't even create a house fly “Those on whom, besides Allah, ye cal, cannot create (even) a fh, if they all met together for the purpose! And ifthe fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fy.” (22:73) Allah alone controls the Universe. : “Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; i Firmly established on the throne (of authority); He has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law)! Each one runs (its ‘Course) for a term appointed...” (13:2). Tawheed Al-Ulooiyyah/God alone is entitled to Worship ‘Worship in Islam consists of every act, belie, statement, or sentiment of the heart which God approves and loves; everything that brings a person closer to His Creator. It includes ‘external’ worship like the daily ritual prayers, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage as well as ‘internal’ worship such as faith in the sh articles of faith, reverence, adoration, love, gratitude, and reliance."Nor call on any, other than Allab- Such will neither profit thee nor hurt thee...” (10:106). The Islamic motto is that the primary message preached by the Prophet (PBUH)s was surrender {0 God's will and His worship:" Not an apostle did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but |; therefore worship and serve Me..." (21:25). He has no partners or associates in worship. Worship, in its comprehensive sense and in all its aspects, is for Him alone."And your Allah is One Allah. There is no god but Him, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” (2:163). Shirk ts regarded as unpardonable sin: “Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else...” (4:48) ‘The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Shirk is the greatest of al sins” ‘Tawheed Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat/ God is known by HIS Attributes Names of God indicate His majestic beauty and perfection. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Allah has ‘inety-nine Names, Le., one hundred minus one, and whoever supplicates with them, will enter Paradise” (Bukhari, Muslim).God is The Almighty (Al-Gawee), The One Incomparable (Al-‘Ahad), The Acceptor of Repentance (At-Tawwaab), The Compassionate (Ar-Reheem), The Ever-iving (Atay), The All-Sustaining (Al-Gayyum), The AllKnowing (Al’Aleem), The All-Hearing (As- Samee'), The All-Seeing al-Baseer), The Pardoner (al’Afuw), The Helper (al-Naseer), The Haler of the Sick (al-Shaafee).Muslims begin in the Name of God and remind themselves oo Compassion and Mercy every time they eat, drink, write a letter, or perfor Importance ay ‘Tawheed Hakymiyyah/ Lawsiver me tr ‘This concept was mentioned jn tor, The Only Lawgiver. This concept ini It means Allah is the only Legislator, t nH : ave no protector other than Him; Sa ras (18-26) God isthe only Ruler ofthe affairs of men the Supreme Lavi, and He distinguishes right from wrong. His Is the commang 4 the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command, ji + (7:5) Nothing happens on Judgement Day without the Master of the Day of Judgement: "The Master of the the command is for none but Allah: "the commang Quran: person whatsoever. ‘the Absolute Judge, the Legislator, “He created the sun, the moon, an not His to create and to govern? permission of Allah because Allah is the Day of Judgment” (1:4).Prophet Yusuf sai is for none but Allah..” (12:40). ‘These four branches are mentioned in Surah Fatiha. The verse, “Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds” (1:2) is talking about TauheedArRububiyyah. The verse “The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful” (1:3) refers to TauheedAsmaWaSifat.The verse, “The Master of the Day of Judgment” (1:4) refers to TauheedHakymiyyah, The verse, “You (Alone) we worship, {and You (Alone) we ask for help” (1:5) refers to TauheedUloohiyyah, Shirk s associating partners with Allah It is the greatest ofall sin. + "If you join others in worship with Allah, then surely all your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers." (39:65) ‘© "Verity, Allah forgives not that partners be set up with Him [in worship] but He forgives other than that to whom He pleases; and whoever sets up partners with Allah (in worship], he has indeed invented an enormous wrong” (Qur'an 4:48) ‘+ "Whoever died while supplicating another deity besides Allah, will enter the Fire.” (Bukhari) ‘© "Whoever meets Allah, without associating partners with Him, will enter Paradise; and whoever meets Him as one who associated anything with Him, will enter the Fire. (Muslim) References Itis righteousness to believe in Allah and the last day and the angels and the book and the messengers...” (2:177) + "Praise be to Allah the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.”(1:2) 9 ‘+ “No Son has he begotten, nor has he a partner in his dominion...” (25:2) ey - Sr ‘+ “Say he is Allah the one and only; Allah the external, the absolute; he reece) Fis he begotten. And there is none like unto him.” (112:1-4) Y * “Allah! There is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, wo ©S.H.Bari Page 204 ) IGCSE & 0 LEVEL ISLAMIYAT NOTES: is responsible forthe distribution of ag and rainfall: Whoever i an enemy Mis angels and apostles, to Gabriel and Michael Lol Allah iS 89 enemy to those yang Faith” (2:98). sree! will blow the trumpet onthe day of judgement: “The Trumpet yar ° he, Sounded, when all that are in the heavens and on earth will swoon, except such asi, m Mt) by Ala (to exempt)...” (3568) race isthe ang of death*Say: the Angel of peat Be,

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