Extra Essay 10

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Bùi Thanh Ngọc Bích – Sư phạm Anh K42A

Some believe that people will purchase a product based on their

needs and advertising is not needed. To what extent do you agree or

Undoubtedly, purchasing items is an inextricably linked element of everyone's life.

Some individuals argue that advertisement serves no real purpose as necessity
motivates all purchases. From my perspective, I totally disagree with this view as
adverts provide numerous other advantages to producers.

On the one hand, there are various reasons why individuals buy based on their
needs. First, most people's hurried lifestyles hinder them from paying close
attention to commercials. Although there have been advancements in the
advertisements that most people are affected by based on today's way of life, it is
still noted that most people pay more attention to their everyday necessities.
Second, this consumer behavior leads to increased product output and quality as
well as decreased reliance on marketing to undercut vintages. For instance, Apple,
one of the world's top technology businesses, not only spends less on advertising
but also increases its consumers by investing in people's temperament; therefore,
commercials are given less regard.

Nevertheless, I am convinced that advertisements played an important part in our

society. To begin with, it plays a significant part in persuading consumers to
acquire the offered goods by creating the impression that life would be better and
more comfortable with it. For example, research has shown that even if a certain
product is extensively consumed, employing advertisements would encourage
more individuals to make the purchase, ensuring the business's success. Moreover,
advertisements are required to demonstrate the benefits of the product and explain
how it works. In addition, advertising fosters client loyalty and increases their faith
in the organization. This would limit competition from other producers that wanted
to make identical items. For example, Pepsi's engaging and consistent advertising
has made it the dominant soft drink brand, despite the fact that numerous other
firms are attempting to build a name for themselves in this market. As a result, it
increases the value and recognition of a brand.
In conclusion, although the usage of advertisements should be regulated to a
certain extent, I hold strong belief that commercials are the most significant
instrument for marketing a product.

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