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Time was when consumers looked only at the price in deciding to buy. Not anymore.
Buying patterns the world over have changed with the advent of more competition,
inventions and innovations in products and services. Consumers now check for quality,
and only later the price. Value for money is how marketing men analyze the demand of
today’s buyers. A buyer may not be conscious of his discerning taste. He has gotten so
used to it that he does it by rote. An executive would mechanically pick out a newspaper
from a pile because of its tested breadth of news coverage, opinion and entertainment.
A housewife would replenish the medicine cabinet with what she’s sure are effective
pills. A teenager would study what cellphone model to pester the parents to buy, then
wait for a sale to drag them to the store. Even the laundrywoman knows from
experience what detergent to use to satisfy the amo. Businessmen keep pace with
buying trends by researching what consumers want. Many have set up customer
relations departments not just to handle complaints but more to gather information on

Home appliance and car makers even have employees calling clients to check their
satisfaction with products or after-sales services. Since we, buyers, are No. 1 in the
minds of sellers, we must be aware of our rights as consumers.

In observing Consumer Welfare Month, let’s review those eight rights:

The right to basic needs.
We need guarantees to survival, that is, adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care,
sanitation, education. To ensure quality at affordable prices, don’t be taken in by the
bandwagon of brands. High prices do not always mean high quality. Look for
alternatives and make sure that a wide assortment of supplies and choices are always
available, especially during calamities.

(2) The right to safety. We must be protected from goods and services that pose
dangers to life and limbs. Manufacturers must test their products for safety and give out
complete information about parts or ingredients. That way, we can avoid those with
mixtures to which we’re sensitive.

(3) The right to information. We need protection against dishonest or misleading labels
and ads. Manufacturers must give us pertinent data on their products’ limitations and
precautions. We must read up on an item before buying it. And take note of the fine
print in sales contracts, service warranties and credit terms.

(4) The right to choose. To ensure value for money, stores must offer a wide array of
products in various brands, models, sizes, shapes and colors - with different prices and
uses. We must specify what we want. No need to rush into a store just because there’s a
sale. It pays to canvass prices before purchasing.

(5) The right to representation. We can reasonably demand that lawmakers and
bureaucrats express our interests in crafting government policies. Let’s spare time to
join public hearings and consumer groups.
(6) The right to redress. We must be recompensed for unsatisfactory goods, shoddy
services or misrepresentation. Manufacturers must repair, replace or refund money for
defective goods brought back to them within a reasonable period of time. The
Consumer Act prohibits the old no return-no exchange rule on most products. There are
few exemptions, like books. When complaining about a product or service, show
pertinent documents like receipts, contracts, job orders, returned checks. Look for the
manager, if necessary; most complaints are fixed at that level. If not satisfied, write a
formal complaint to the right government agency. Depending on the product, service or
nature of the complaint, these are handled by the Departments of Trade and Industry,
Health, Agriculture, or Interior and Local Government, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, or
Securities & Exchange Commission.

(7) The right to consumer education. Businesses, government and consumer groups
must inform us of new policies, laws and developments affecting our purchasing power.
We, in turn, must keep abreast of trends by reading newspapers and attending
community meetings.

(8) The right to a healthy environment. It’s not enough for manufacturers to provide us
with good products at lowest possible prices. They must also keep our surroundings
clean as they make and distribute products. Government must enforce environment and
sanitation laws on factories, stores and shops that pollute the air, water and
communities with smoke, litter or noise. We can also prod them to reduce and recycle
their waste.

All rights have accompanying responsibilities. To effectively assert our eight consumers’
rights, we must take on five duties:

* Critical awareness. Don’t buy on impulse or panic. Let’s be alert to the point of
questioning ourselves and sellers about the use, price and quality of goods and services.

* Action. The only way to get a fair deal is to assert ourselves and act on it. Passive
consumers are an exploited lot.

* Social concern. Awareness of our rights should translate to concern for the needs of
other citizens, particularly the poor and powerless, in our own locales and in other parts
of the country and the world.

* Environmental awareness. Not only manufacturers and the government, but we too
must ensure the cleanliness and conservation of our surroundings. We must ourselves
reduce and recycle the waste resulting from our consumption. And that goes for
habitual litterbugs.

* Solidarity. To better assert our interests as consumers, we must band together and
find time to expand our influence and education.
Consumer Rights & Responsibilities
Taken from the pamphlet printed and distributed by National Consumer Affairs
Council (NCAC)


: which guarantee survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, education and
You may look forward to:
the availability of basic and prime commodities to consumers at affordable prices and of
good quality.


The right to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of services
that are hazardous to health and life.
You may look forward to:
 Manufacturers of consumer products to undertake extensive safety and
performance testing before selling their products in the market.
 Labels which contain the proper information as regards the product, its use and
how to operate it, if the need arises, and also precautions or warning signs.


The right to be protected against fraudulent/dishonest or misleading
advertising/labelling/promotion and the right to be given the facts and information
needed to make an informed choice.
You may look forward to:
Complete information about the product to be purchased, including its use,
ingredients/chemical contents, precautions, if any, limitations and expiry date.


The right to choose products at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory
You may look forward to:
A wide array of goods and services which are offered in the market with diverse brands,
sizes, shapes and colors with differences in the price, quality and use.


The right to express consumer interests in the making and execution of government
You may look forward to:
Legislators would propose laws that would ensure that consumers have the chance to
live a better life by getting the best value for their hard-earned peso.


The right to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory
You may look forward to:
Manufacturers/storeowners would replace defective goods pursuant to the provision
"No Return, No Exchange" provided in the DTI's Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Republic Act 7349, otherwise known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines.


The right to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be an informed consumer.
You may look forward to:
 The three sectors of society: business, government and consumer would embark
on an information campaign through tri-media on consumer related issues.
 A series of seminars, conferences, fora, training, and public hearings for the
welfare of the consumers.
 Consumer education being integrated in the school curriculum from elementary
to secondary levels as mandated by R.A. 7394 also known as the Consumer Act
of the Philippines.
 The Consumer Empowerment Seminar organized bu the NCAC


The right to live and work in an environment which is neither threatening nor
dangerous, and which permits a life of dignity and well-being.
You may look forward to:
 The government exerting an iron hand regarding the alarming increase in the
degradation of the environment, especially forests, dying wildlife, depleted land
fill space and environmental contamination to prevent further damage.
 Constant monitoring of our seas, coral reefs, forest, and waste disposal practices
of factories to check if there is a violation of the laws on environmental
The responsibility to be more alert and questioning about the use and the price and
quality of goods and services we use.
The responsibility to assert ourselves and act to ensure that we get a fair deal.
Remember that as long as we remain passive consumers, we will continue to be
The responsibility to be aware of the impact of our consumption on other citizens,
especially the poor, exploited, disadvantaged or powerless groups, whether in the local,
national or international community.
The responsibility to understand the environmental consequences of our consumption.
We should recognize our individual and social responsibility to conserve natural
resources and protect the earth for future generations.
The responsibility to organize together as consumers to develop the strength and
influence to promote and protect our interests.


1. The Right to Basic Needs
 Prioritize your needs.
 Look for quality, not quantity.
 Be quality conscious, not brand conscious.
 Avoid panic-buying
 In times of crises or calamity, be vigilant in ensuring that basic
commodities are available in the market.
 Keep in mind that the most expensive products in the market may not
necessarily be the best in quality.
 Be vigilant in ensuring your access to a wide assortment of
competitively-priced goods or services.
 Ensure also that in times of crises, the prices of commodities do not
increase exorbitantly.
2. The Right to Safety
 If you have sensitivity to a certain ingredient, it would be wise to read
all labels and product circulars before using a certain product.
 If you have any doubts about a product's effectiveness, ask for a
professional consultant or person who knows how the product works.
 Keep certain products out of reach of young children. Watch out for
special warnings on the label such as, "NOT SUITED FOR CHILDREN
 Before purchase, especially in cases where only large containers are
available, ask for a sampler or tester of the product.
 Be on guard regaring hazardous products. Scan newspapers regularly
for news on this topic.
 If no one can answer your questions satisfactorily, try to contact the
manufacturer and give the details needed in determining the product
easily, such as code/lot/batch numbers and date of purchase for easy
product identification.
 If you have doubts about the safety or proper performance of a
product, return to the store with your official receipt. Make sure to
write down all your questions and concerns.
3. Right to Information
 Before purchase, read the label carefully to determine its use, content
(chemical ingredients), number of pieces, proper handling, etc.
 Before signing waivers, warranties or guarantees, credit items or
service contracts, it is important to read and understand all provisions
in the document, especially the fine print.
 Read newspapers, buying guides, magazines before purchasing a
product. Consult with friends who have purchased a similar product.
 If you have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to write the company
for information.
 Know the name and address of the manufacturer/distributor in case
the need arises.
 Contact the manufacturer and/or distributor directly which will be in
the best position to give you detailed information.
4. The Right to Choose
 Specify what you really want or need. The biggest size may be
cheaper, but it may not cater to your individual needs.
 Canvass for prices of similar products before purchase.
 Read manuals or instructions carefully to thoroughly compare one
product from another.
 Use the available product testers
 Be wary of special offers like BUY 1 TAKE 1. Compare them to the
regularly priced items to be sure you're not actually paying for the said
free item.

 Get in touch with store owner/manufacturer to inquire more about
the product.
 If it's regarding a service, write the manager of the company and give
helpful suggestions to improve their service.
5. Right to Representation
 Read newspapers, bulletin boards in provate and government offices,
especially in your locality for announcements of public hearings.
 Take time to attend public hearings or even meetings conducted in
your area regarding consumer issues.
 Be aware of how consumer laws and regulations are being
implemented in your locality.
 Write your Barangay Chairman, especially if the issue concerns your
locality. He will be in a position to recommend your proposal to the
National Consumer Affairs Council (NCAC) or to the concerned
government agency.
 Participate in a consumer group because there is strength in numbers;
your collective appeal will be heard and heeded better.
 Write the Executive Director of the NCAC and submit your written
position on issues of national importance, so that consumers, through
NCAC, can express their concerns and recommendations to policy
 Coordinate with a legitimate and accredited consumer organization
such as NACI in your area.
6. Right to Redress
 If you bought a defective product, return to the store where you
bought the item and look for the Consumer Welfare Desk.
 Request a replacement, refund or rapair of the product.
 If they management does not act on your complaint, contact the
ConsumerNet Secretariat at BTRCP Office 2nd Flr Trade and Industry
Building, 361 Sen. Gil. Puyat Ave., Makati.
 Keep documents such as official receipts and complaint letters for
 Attend the mediation conference.
 If your complaint is still not acted upon, report it to the NCAC.
 If mediation fails, arbitration follows. The process is similar to that of a
regular court hearing. You will be duly informed of the development of
your case.
 On the first day of the hearing, the Consumer Arbitration Officer (CAO)
shall talk to the parties. If no settlement is reached, a formal hearing
will be conducted. The CAO shall resolve the complaint after formal
hearing. The decision of the CAO is final and executory unless
appealed within 15 days from receipt of such order.
7. Right to Consumer Education
 Scan newspapers, magazines and other pertinent literature for articles
which may educate consumers on how to get the best value for their
 Involve yourself in public hearings or meetings conducted in your area
regarding cunsumer issues.
 Participate in seminars, conferences and fora conducted by the NCAC,
other government agencies, consumer groups and business/industry
sector regarding facts about consumer products, new concepts and
development, etc.
 Write a letter to consumer columnists to share your opinions and
 Inquire about consumer education activities in schools.
 Inform government officials in writing on issues or legislation you think
will affect you greatly as a consumer.
8. Right to a Healthy Environment
 Do your share to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE waste products.
 Be aware of the kind and extent of pollution occurring in your area.
 Write local officials and consumer organizations regarding illegal
activity, such as illegal logging, dynamite fishing, etc. being committed
in your area.
 Organize an earth-friendly group in your area. Ensure that the
surroundings are clean and the air and water are safe from pollution.
Encourage proper waste disposal, segregation and recycling.
 Get in touch with the nearest office of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR) in your area.
responsibilities . Jarius Bondoc () - October 27, 2001 - 12:00am

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