TA Jurnal World Conference - Muhammad Abu D. A. 41116320061 3

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World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana

,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

Research of the Impact of Using Carbide Waste

as Cement Subtitution on Density and Compressive Strength
of Concrete
Muhammad Abu Dhohir Ashodik and Agung Sumarno
Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana Univeristy
Jakarta, Indonesia
Research Center for Biomaterials, Indonesia Institute of Science
Jakarta, Indonesia
41116320061@student.mercubuana.ac.id, agung.sumarno@lipi.go.id


The current increase in infrastructure development has made the use of concrete building materials to increase as
well. However, the increasing use of concrete will also reduce the available natural resources because the raw
material for making concrete is a material from limited natural resources. Therefore, another alternative raw material
is needed in making concrete. On this occasion the author will conduct research on carbide waste which is used as a
cement substitution as an alternative in making concrete and how much influence the carbide waste used as a cement
substitution is on the density and compressive strength of concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the
effect of carbide waste which is used as an alternative material in the manufacture of concrete and to find out how
many substitution of carbide waste in cement for making concrete. The method to be carried out in this research is
an experimental method, namely by conducting a trial mix which was carried out in the Civil Engineering
Laboratory of Mercu Buana University, Bekasi. From the results of the study, it is known that the density of
substitution concrete for carbide waste is 9% decreased at the age of 28 days by 0.91% from the age of 14 days. The
percentage of carbide waste is 12%, it increases at the age of 28 days by 0.71% from the age of 14 days. Concrete
density values decreased at a percentage of 6% and 9% at the age of 28 days, but at a percentage of 12% the density
of concrete actually increased at the age of 28 days. While the results of the concrete compressive strength test, it is
known that the percentage of 0% carbide waste has a concrete compressive strength of 30.91 MPa. The 9%
percentage of carbide waste has a concrete compressive strength of 21.57 MPa at the age of 28 days, this value has
decreased by 0.6% compared to the age of 14 days. The percentage of carbide waste is 12%, there is an increase in
the age of 28 days by 1.8% from the age of 14 days, so that the compressive strength of the concrete changes to
14.46 MPa.

Carbide Waste, Density, Compressive Strength

1. Introduction
The development of technology and science is currently very fast, including technological advances in the world of
construction in the field of structures, in particular the development of the use of concrete. Concrete is a composite
building material in construction made from a combination of aggregate and cement binder. Today's concrete is
made using Portland cement, a coarse and fine aggregate of rock, sand and water. Mixing chemicals are added to the
concrete mixture to control the characteristic properties of the concrete and are used especially when placing
concrete with extreme environments, such as high or low temperatures, windy conditions, etc. (Gromicko &
Shepard, 2012).

The use of concrete as a construction material began to increase after reinforced concrete was developed in the 19th
century. As the use of concrete has become more widespread, construction techniques and variations of concrete
continue to evolve. Apart from reinforced concrete, there are more than twenty variations of concrete such as
prestressed concrete, precast concrete, light-weight concrete, ready mix concrete, polymer concrete. and others.
Concrete and its various existing variations are now used in almost all types of construction from simple houses,

World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana
,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

multi-storey buildings, flyovers, bridges, water towers, airfields, retaining walls, tunnels, dams, canals, piles, railway
bearings, breakwaters , even in the restoration of the temple as a structural strengthening (van Romondt, 2009, pp.

The current increase in infrastructure development has made the use of concrete building materials to increase as
well. However, increasing the use of concrete will also reduce the available natural resources because the raw
materials for making concrete are materials from limited natural resources. Therefore, another alternative raw
material is needed in making concrete. Civil engineering experts are trying to develop it by utilizing various types of
raw materials, one of which is the use of carbide waste. Carbide waste is the residue from the reaction of carbide to
water which produces acitheline gas (C2H2) which is then burned to produce the heat needed in the welding

From the many previous studies, it can be concluded that the use of carbide waste as a substitute for material and
added with other substances in the manufacture of concrete will affect the compressive strength of concrete.
However, this study carried out tests on lightweight concrete and high strength concrete, so the results of the test for
the addition of carbide waste to normal concrete were not known.

Therefore, this research will be a new experiment because there is no previous research that discusses the use of
carbide waste as an alternative material in making normal concrete and how much it affects the density and
compressive strength of concrete.

From the details above, the author will make a study entitled "Research of the Impact of Using Carbide Waste as
Cement Subtitution on Density and Compressive Strength of Concrete".

2. Research Methodology
The method used in this research is an experimental method. The experimental method is a research procedure
carried out to reveal the causal relationship of two or more variables, by controlling for the influence of other
variables (Zulnaidi, 2007: 17). The research was conducted by conducting an experiment to obtain data that
connected the variables under investigation.

This study aims to determine how much influence the carbide waste as a material substitution on the density and
compressive strength of concrete with research processes and procedures that refer to the SNI (Indonesian National
Standard) and previous journals by related research.

In the initial process, material preparation is carried out, then aggregate testing is carried out to determine the quality
of the aggregate to be used. Aggregate testing includes material density testing, material absorption testing, material
sludge content testing, material volume weight testing, and aggregate sieve analysis. Then do a mix design, after the
composition of the mixture is obtained then a concrete mix trial is carried out by testing the initial slump flow. If the
test results match the specifications, the concrete mixture is poured into the sample molds. The test specimen is
printed using a cylindrical mold with dimensions of Ø10 cm and a height of 20 cm.

In making concrete samples using Portland cement type I (Tiga Roda Cement), fine aggregate, coarse aggregate,
clean water, and carbide waste.

Table 1. Concrete Mix Design

Limbah Bahan Campuran (kg/m3)
Karbit (%) Limbah Karbit Semen Kerikil Pasir Air
0 0 512 904 654 205
6 30,72 481,28 904 654 205
9 46,08 465,92 904 654 205
12 61,44 450,56 904 654 205

World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana
,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

The method used in this research includes several main activities, namely: a) Examining the properties of the
constituent material of concrete; b) Making a concrete mix design; c) Workability (Slump Test); d)
Testing changes in concrete density at the age of 14 and 28 days; e) Testing the compressive strength of
concrete at the age of 14 and 28 days; and f) data analysis and discussion of research results.

3. Result And Analysis

The results and discussion contain the following descriptions:

3.1. Workability (Slump Test)

The research test results have several codes as follows:
1. MD 1, namely the concrete specimen with 0% substitution of carbide waste.
2. MD 2, namely concrete specimens with 6% carbide waste substitution.
3. MD 3, namely concrete specimens with 9% substitution of carbide waste.
4. MD 4, namely concrete specimens with 12% carbide waste substitution.

Table 2. Slump Test Results

Mix Nilai Slump Nilai Slump
Design (cm) (cm)
MD 1 12 ± 2 10 Normal
MD 2 12 ± 2 10 Normal
MD 3 12 ± 2 11 Normal
MD 4 12 ± 2 11 Normal

3.2. Results of Testing for Change in Density of Concrete

The results of the density test for each sample after immersion in water are as follows:

Table 3. Density Change of Concrete Samples (kg/m3)

No Initial Density Final Density
Sample Days 3
. (kg/m ) (kg/m3)
1 MD 1 14 2269,04 2258,88
2 MD 2 14 2263,96 2258,88
3 MD 3 14 2238,58 2228,43
4 MD 4 14 2157,36 2147,21
5 MD 1 28 2263,96 2258,88
6 MD 2 28 2243,65 2228,43
7 MD 3 28 2223,35 2208,12
8 MD 4 28 2167,51 2162,44

Average Density Graph of Carbide Waste

Substitution Concrete
2280 2269.04
2260 2243.65 2238.58
2240 2228.43 2228.432223.35
2220 2208.12

2180 2167.51
2157.36 2162.44
2160 2147.21
Carbide Waste Subtitution

Initial Density Final Density

World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana
,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

Figure 1. Average Density Change Graph of Concrete Samples (kg/m3)

(Source: Research Data, 2020)

From the graph of the average density of carbide waste substituted concrete above, it is known that the percentage of
6% carbide waste has decreased at the age of 28 days by 1.35% from the age of 14 days. The percentage of carbide
waste 9% decreased at the age of 28 days by 0.91% from the age of 14 days. The percentage of carbide waste is
12%, it increases at the age of 28 days by 0.71% from the age of 14 days. Concrete density values decreased at a
percentage of 6% and 9% at the age of 28 days, but at a percentage of 12% the density of concrete actually increased
at the age of 28 days. It can also be seen that the more the use of carbide waste as a substitute, the more it will
decrease the density of the concrete.

Table 4. Density Change of Concrete Samples (kg)

No Initial Density Final Density
Sample Days
. (kg) (kg)
1 MD 1 14 4,47 4,45
2 MD 2 14 4,46 4,45
3 MD 3 14 4,41 4,39
4 MD 4 14 4,25 4,23
5 MD 1 28 4,46 4,45
Average Density Graph of Carbide Waste4,39
6 MD 2 28 4,42
7 MD 3 28 4,38 4,35
8 MD 4
28 4,27 4,26
4.5 4.47
4.45 4.464.45 4.464.45
4.45 4.42 4.41
4.4 4.39 4.39 4.38

4.3 4.274.26

4.25 4.23



Carbide Waste Subtitution

Initial Density Final Density

World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana
,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

Figure 2. Average Density Change Graph of Concrete Samples (kg)

(Source: Research Data, 2020)

From the graph of the average density of carbide waste substituted concrete above, it is known that the percentage of
6% carbide waste has decreased at the age of 28 days by 1.35% from the age of 14 days. The percentage of carbide
waste 9% decreased at the age of 28 days by 0.91% from the age of 14 days. The percentage of carbide waste is
12%, it increases at the age of 28 days by 0.71% from the age of 14 days. Concrete density values decreased at a
percentage of 6% and 9% at the age of 28 days, but at a percentage of 12% the density of concrete actually increased
at the age of 28 days. It is also known that the more substitution of carbide waste, the lower the density of the

3.3. Concrete Compressive Strength Test Results

The results of the concrete compressive strength test after immersion in water are as follows:

World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana
,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

Average Compressive Strength Graph

of Carbide Waste Subtitution Concrete
31.26 30.91
30 27.78
21.7 21.57

14.2 14.46


Carbide Waste Subtitution

Figure 3. Average Compressive Strength Graph of Carbide Waste Substitution Concrete

(Source: Research Data, 2020)

From the graph of the average compressive strength of the carbide waste substitution concrete above, it is known
that the percentage of 0% carbide waste has a concrete compressive strength of 30.91 MPa. Then the percentage of
6% carbide waste has increased at the age of 28 days by 8.47% from the age of 14 days, so that the compressive
strength of the concrete changes to 27.78 MPa. The 9% percentage of carbide waste has a concrete compressive
strength of 21.57 MPa at the age of 28 days, this value has decreased by 0.6% compared to the age of 14 days. The
percentage of carbide waste has increased at the age of 28 days by 1.8% from the age of 14 days, so that the
compressive strength of the concrete changes to 14.46 MPa. The value of the compressive strength of concrete has
decreased gradually from a percentage of 0% to 12%.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research on carbide waste as a substitute for cement in concrete, it can be concluded as
a The use of too much carbide waste in concrete can result in a decrease in the binding process of each concrete
constituent material, so that the compressive strength of the concrete decreases.
b The use of carbide waste as a cement substitution of 30.72 kg / m3 at a percentage of 6% can maintain the
compressive strength value of concrete with a concrete quality of 25 MPa, while at a percentage of 9% using carbide
waste is 46.08 kg / m3 and a percentage of 12% using carbide waste of 61.44 kg / m3, the compressive strength of
the concrete has decreased and does not reach the value of the compressive strength of concrete with a quality of 25

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World Conference on Civil Engineering – Mercu Buana
,Jakarta, February 27, 2021

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