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Counter –off the Counters!

Reasonable & sound apportionment of Total Fuel Oil Consumption on heating for each grade based on
cargo and ambient temperature and daily Fuel oil consumption provided by clients
No altering of Daily Consumption and Temperature already reported to charterers
Further split up of Individual Fuel Oil apportionments into justifiable Raised and Maintained fractions
Providing reviewed heating log to client after close scrutiny and analysis to enable billing to charterer
for heat up costs
Support Ship owners for any counter received from charterer or any other claim or dispute
Heating Log Preparation is done by professional team consisting of mariners, fuel analyst, chief
engineers and heated voyage specialists.


Provide effortless system for Ship owners to review and prepare Cargo Heating Log in a consistent and
logical way by apportionment (split-up) of Total Fuel consumption into that of individual grade and further
split up into MLT (Maintained at Loaded Temperature), Raise (Heat-up) and MALT (Maintained Above
Loaded Temperature)

Validity of Fuel Oil Consumption for cargo heating when billing the same to charterers based on sound
logic and principles that can be explained
Fuel Oil Consumption figures apportionment reasonable apportioned
Time and effort in complex process of apportionment saved
Support from Blue Water in case of any dispute or claim

How Kindly refer to the flow chart below for understanding how this system works

1. Combined Log consists of Daily FO Consumption and Ambient & Cargo Temperature
2. Split up Log consist of Daily FO Cons apportioned to individual grades and further into FO Cons for
Maintained Temp and Heat up.
3. Finalized Log is sent in format used by Client to be given to charterers while billing

Blue Water Trade Winds Private Limited

An ISO 9001: 2008 Company
4 Siddarth Enclave GMS Road Ballupur Dehradun – 248001 Uttarakhand INDIA
Tel: +91-135-2723301, 6453882 email: Website:

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