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Section 2:

This section measures the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English.
There are two types of questions in this section.

In the first type of question, there are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, there are four words
or phrases. You will choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Clicking on a
choice darkens the oval. After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be pre-
sented. '

The second type of question has four underlined words or phrases. You will choose the one underlined
word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. Clicking on an underlined word or
phrase will darken it. After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be presented.

1. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was 6. Anthropologists assert that many of the early
to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Native Americans who lived on the Plains
the woman who first
CD the first woman
did not engage in planting crops but to hunt,
O who the first woman
a the first and a woman a CD
living primarily on buffalo meat.
2. North Carolina is well known not only for
the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
7. The differential attractions of the sun and the
for the Cherokee settlements.
GD also moon have a direct effect k the rising and
@ and @ CD 0
O but also falling of the tides.
because of a
3. If biennials were planted this year, they 8. - both men and women have often
achieved their career ambitions by midlife,
will be likely to bloom next year. many people are afflicted by at least a
a 0 a temporary period of dissatisfaction and
4. The value of the dollar declines as the rate of
CD so
inflation raises.
a O A
a Who
5 . General Grant had General Lee him
9. With special enzymes that are &lrestriction
at Appomattox to sign the official surrender
of the Confederate forces.
enzymes, it is possible to split off segments of
@ to meet &
CD met DNA from the donor organism.
a meet a a
CD meeting

10. Because of the movement of a glacier, 17. Java Man, who lived before the first
GD Ice Age, is the first manlike animal.
the form of the Great Lakes was very slow. GD It is generally believed that
a a a a Generally believed it is
O Believed generally is
11. small of the embryonic That is generally believed
fluid is removed from a fetus, it will be
possible to determine whether the baby will 18. It is essential that the temperature is not
be born with birth defects. GD
a A elevated to a voint where the substance
GD That a C D
O Ifa formed may become unstable and
CD When it is a a
decompose into its constituent elements.
12. To generate income, magazine publishers a
must decide whether to increase the sub-
scription price or . 19. John Philip Sousa, who many people consider
@ CD
03 to sell advertising
the greatest composer of marches, wrote his
a if they should sell advertising a
O selling advertising
music during the era known as the Gay 90s.
C D sold advertising
13. Lf it receives enough rain at the proper time,
20. For the investor who money, silver
GD a or bonds are good options.
hay will grow quickly, as grass.
0 a GD has so little a
a has very little
14. Psychology Today & interesting, informative, a has so few
@ CD a has very few
and &ti easy to read.
a a 21. Although it can be derived from oil, coal, and
15. Before she died, Andrew Jackson's daughter, tar, kerosene is usually produced by refine it
GD 0 a
who lives in the family mansion, used to take
-- from petroleum.
a a a
tourists through her home. 22. Aeronomy & the study of the Earth's upper
GD a a
16. If it more humid in the desert of the atmosphere, which includes their
Southwest, the hot temperatures would be a
unbearable. composition, temperature, density, and
D be
chemical reactions.
O was
23. The purpose Ilf the United Nations,
a were GD
broad speaking, & to maintain peace and
a a
security and to encouras respect for
human rights.

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